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The steamer Great Eastern has been Lold at auction for $105, (XM. Joseph Chauiberlain, fish conimissioner, sails for America üctober 29. A schemo is on foot to hoid n Catholic congress in London nextsummer. The death is announced of Jules De I.essepi, brother oL Count Ferdinand De Lessejjs. The town of Kctali, ín Buuharea, Central Asia, has been destroyed by lire and balf of its inhabitants burned to death. i'rince Vietor Napoleon has issued a manifestó demanding an appeal to tho ; eople, and assertinp; that the Napoleons alone can gíve Frailee a strongdoir.ocralie governinent. The Englisb home rulo unión resolved to continue the holding of meetings in lroland not withstanding the a:rest of Wilfred Blunt, and to send another deputation to that country. Kxcavntions in Jerusalemon the round belonging to the Kussian go verninent have resulted in the discovery of remains of the Micient town wall and tho position of the gates of the town during the lifetime of the ISaviour, through which tho Saviour passed to Golgotha. Grand Duke Sergius, president of the Pak-stino society, invites subscriptions to a fund for the purpose of preserving these relies. It is annouuced that Jacob iSharp's lawyers will carry hls case up to ttie supremo court of the United States, if the court of appeals decides against hini. Tho main ground for carring the case to the suprema court vrill be that the constitution of the United States has been violated in using Bharp's testiinony before tho senuto investigating committee against him when he was tried. An expres train was derailed by a defective switch uear Charleston, V. a., the other morning. No fatalities are reported, although a number of passengers are seriously injured. The company is doing all in their power to ciiiv for the injured, many of whoin are able to continue their jonrney. Those who are worst hurt are at St. Albans, but a few hundred yards from tho accident. About a rnonth ngo Mrs. Andrew I.etts, the wife of a farmer living about fourteen miles from Lathrop, Mc, saw her son kill two lighting snakes. On the lüth insttwins were born to her. The heads of both are ilat and retemblé a snake's. Tho moment are put together tliey commence to fight and lick out their tonguos in tho most disgusting manuur. At last accounts they wero alive and well. Rcpresentatives of holders of the con" solidated bonds of tue Kansas Tacülc railrond, will immediately enter suit agaiust Jay Gouid and Ilussell iage, as trustees of the Consolidated mortgage of that road. The removal of the del'cndants will be asked, also that they be compelled to account for tho trust, lt is allcged that Gould and Sage have swindlod the bondholders out of í6,OCÜ,üüü lt is thought that c;riminal proceedings will also bo begun agaiust Gould and Sage. Severo snow stornis are prevailing throughout Italy. In many places the crops have been 6eriousl3'iujured and cattle severely frost-bitten. A hurrieane visited Venice on the 20th inst., unroofing bousus and doing much damago. The storm was also lelt at l'isa, wüere several persons , wem drowned in the Lako of Como. The Dublin pólice have warned the Irish ïicws agents against oxposing papors or placards containing any referenco to meetings of Euppressed branches of tho uationnl league.


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Ann Arbor Democrat