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Splendid fnll weatlitr. A liitle snow Priday, Oct. 21, 1887. W. E. Walker is at Muuising, L. 3. Geo. Ü8ÍU8, of Detroit, was in the city Monday. The funeral of Sarah Day was heHl Satunia. A. H. Pond, of Chicago, was in the city over Sunday. The supervisors have voted to build a barn on tlie jail lot. Leroy C. infant son of James and Elltn Oook, died Friday last. Chas. S. Greenman was re-elected county drain commissioner, Mouday. Monday evening next Roland Reed will appear in "Humbug" at th Grand The Ann Arbeiter Verein will celébrate their 21st anniversary next 'W'tduesday. A city paper has dubed tho publisber of The Physician and Surgeon, Dr. Keating. Ex-sheriff V allace's new hall in Saline, will be dedicated to-uight by a grand ball. Ex-Senator Bruce lectures iu university hall to-raorrow evening on the ''Race Poblem." Dr. Allen's new residence was damaged bv üre Haturday rnorning to the amount of $550. E. S. Crawford, of the East Sagiuaw Telegram, aud PhilStimson, of Sagiuaw, ' spent Sunday ia the city. In anolher column will be fouud a chango of ad for the Duluth, South Shore & Atluntic ra iway. Mrs. 1'. L. Tuttle and nephew, Hammond Tuttle, returned to their home in Geneva, N. Y., Moüday night. The young lads who frequent the postoffice and indulge in foul language, should be made an example of. Deputy game and fish oommissioner IrauH is on the lookout for those persons spearing fish iu W bitmore Lake. Wm. Merkle's horse, aged 37 years, passed in lii checks the last of the week. He was truiy an old veteran. The amount of fine money received by treasurer Belser, from Jan. 1, 1887, to Sept. 30 of the same year, was $84.41. Ann Arbor was well represented at the base ball game in Detroit, Monday, between the Detroit and St .Louis clubs Fred Ilueon and Jas. E. Sumuer, base ball enthusiasts, drove dowu to Detroii .Monday to seo the Detroit and Brown socks. Mrs. Kate McCormiclt, of Sinolairviüe N. Y., has purchased a lot of E. H. Scott on Ann street, and will build a residence in the spring. Jno. La Ene. of Saline, who bas bought stock in this vioinity for the past week shipped a car load of cattle and sheep to Detroit, yesterday. Jno. Meyers, of the Seqond ward. has had anothèr inoroaae in bis fatnily, mak jngaix boy iu all. He evidently be lieves iu that multiplying business. W. F. Schlanderer has removed hi bottling fforks to the corner of Wash ington and Foarth streets, in the build,JDg formerly occupied by Oesterliiig. É. Helber, of Saline, is the owner of a 81,(550 stallion which he brought from Illinois last week . It is the Cleveland Bay breed, and weighs 1,650 pounds. Mrs. Fred Wood hasreturnedto Pjtts burg, Pu. The Chronicle made its appearance Saturday. Mayor Smith arrived home Tuesday from his western trip. Jdo. Watzfee has removed bis residence to 43 South Mai M street. They are at work on the T. A. A & N M. K. R. shops at Owosso. D B. Greene has been appointod guardián of Joseph Biokford, of Ypsilauti. Spencer Sweet is building a new house adjoining bis residence on Felch etreet llenry Richards sella hard and soft wood, and takes orders for coal. See ad The sum of $23,981 is required to run thu Lnnsing schools, including interest, etc. Hon. J. D. Cory, of Manohester, exstate senator, was in the city, Wedntsday. Mra. Jennie Prioe, of New York, is visiting her graudmother, Mrs. Tomlinson. Miss Alice Lovejoy, of Detroit, spent Sundav with her sister, Mrs. A. G. Kellogg. Tuesday was the last day for hearing claims in the estáte of Matthew Clarken, deceased. Judge Stacy, of Teoumseh, was in the city Wedne8day on business in the probate court. Tillic, the seven year old daughter of Chnstian Gaus, died Saturday, of a throat difficulty. Juo. Beahan's houe, destroyed by fire Monday, was insured in the Continental for $1,000. Miss Katz will keep books for llenry Richards, who has opened a wood yard on Detroit street. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Simons, of New York, are the guests of Mrs. Harria, of East Catharine street. Kerosene oil hus taken a tumble in this city the past week, and water white is selling for 10 cents. Mrs. Jennie Whitmg, of Union City, tías been visiting frieuds and relativos in the city the past week. Miss Ella Meuth, who lias beeD visiting friends in Detroit for the past three weeks, has returned home. It was 16 below freezing Tuesday light, and ice on spring water fornied % of an inch in thickness. Halstead Douglass, an old Ann Arborite, audbrotherot Mrs. L.C. Ticknor, visited friends here last week. Potatoes are being marketed in large quantities in this city, and are selling 'or 80 ets. by tbe bushei from wagons. A wind-mill, three miles out on the Ypsilanti roai!, was blown over in Sunday niglit's gale. Three times and out. The sidewalk on West Catharine at., n front of Mrs. Clancey's property is dilapidated, and should be repaired at oüce. Mrs. Col. Bent, of Chicago, is expected next week, to visit her mother, Mrs L'omliuson, who is soon to celébrate ber eightieth birthday. M. Crawford. while engaged in sweepng a ceilmg in a house on Detroit street, Mouday, feil from a staging and suffercd severe iüjuries. It is now unuafe to ptirchase property n this ( ounty without flrst obtaimng an abstract from the government down, as here ure ho many clouded titles. The A. A. A. Co , shipped a car load of eed cutters to Milwaukee, Tuesday, making the fourth consignment to the amo parties in the past four months. Nine to 0, ia the way the game Btood jetween the Manchester and Clinton ernus, the former club being the winners. The gamo wiis played Tuesday. Prof. Prescott, of the university. was a wituess for the prosoention iu the case of the people agaiust Dr Waite. of 3righton, charged with inunslaughter. C. R. Chaflee and wife of Saginaw 'ity, speut Sunday with the former's rotber-in-law, H. llawkins. Mr. C. is reiglit agent for the Michigan Central. Married at St. Thomas' Catholic church, Tuesday morninir, Mr. Geo. Jangsterfer and Miss Julia McCarthy, lotli of this city. Rev. Fr. Fierle ofQciated. Fred Schlanderer now bottles Hle and porter in addition to home-made jeer. Headquarters corner of Fourtn nd Washington streets. Look for the big No. 9. Patrick Gallegher, of Corrunna, who was robbed last week of 52 in cash, sevral kold trinkets and $1000 in notes and mortgages, formerly resided in the town hip of Dexter. m, Parker, for a number of years a esident of this city, died last Friday ifternoon, of cáncer of the liver, at the ge of 68 years. He leaves a wife, thre ons and a daughter. VV. V. Watts, the enterprisiug Svening News agent, received $25 Vlonday, from the Evening News comiany for iucreasing the hst of subsonbers lie most in the last two mouths. It is not necessary for the publislier of The Democbat to throw in a book, for he purpose of getting subsoribers. We ely solel.y on the merits of the paper, ïence our iucreasing circulation. W. E. Walker and party, who are in he nortbern part of the state on a huntng and pleasure expedition, report havuga big time. They will not return niich before the firet of üeoember. Rev. Fr. McManus, of Dexter, was preented witn a handsome gold watch Uonday evening by the members of 8t. Toseph's pansh. The watch was purchased of Wm. Arnold, of this city. Next Tuesday eveniug, Ann Arbor commandery, K. T., will receive an official visit from Right Eminent Grand Commander, Thos. H. Williamp, of Jackson. Visiting knights from tbe vicinity are also expected. It speaks pretty well for the place, when Detroit parties come here to pinchase urniture. l'his week Koch & Ilaller have illed a large order for a geutleman in ;he above city, who is refurnishing his bouse. Christian Frey, for the past two and a half years in the employ of J. F. Stabler, of Foster Station, died Thursday of typhoid fever and blood poisoning, aged 26 years. Ile had been in this country only live years. Apples in large quantities are shipped to this city from Saline, Dexter, Whitmore Lake, and other town around the county, and mauufaotured into jellies, etc, by Allmendinger & Snyder, who are running their manufactnry for all its wortb. Sohuh Ac Muehlig's hardware store, was entered by burglars at 3 o'clock Sunday morning. They stole three revolvers, blew open the safe, which contained $100 or more, but were frightened away by night wutohman Clark, minus the inoney. The ory comes np from t very part of the union for relief from tbe burdens of taxation. The reductiou of the war tariff is tbe flrst duty to which the demooratic mBjority in the house must Bddress ïtself with courage, intelligenoe and fldelity.- Lansing Journal, A Chrysanthemum exhibition will be held in the court house November 5, commencing at 10 a. m., ind remainiog in seasion dnring the afternoon in connection with tbe pomological sooiety, from to 2 until 5 p. n. All citiz.ens and espeoially ladies are cordidly invited to fittendThe patent man is again abroad in the laDd looking after the Thia time it is the patent corn-stalk binder and the gullible are getting swindled te the tune of $100 and $200 by Btrungers Their lnckless cusiomers are often per suaded to in vest heavily in oider to be uble to supply the demand in the immediute neigbborhood, giving m payment where the money is not at band, notei in a number of oases to the amonut o 8200. The binders prove to be worth leaB property .- Monroe Democrat. Thia has been a dull week for news . Joe Price and family have gone to Detroit to Uve. Prof. Butts, of ?he Orchard Lake Mili tary academy, was in the city over iáunday. St. Clair & Sons will furnish tlie seatfl and desks fur the new scliool houso in Northfield. To morrow afternoon an address wil be deliyered by Rev. W. W. Kamsey, at the laying of the comer stone of ,the new M. E. Church, in Detroit. 'Some Applioatious of Natural Law.' is the subject ot Prof. Spaulding's dis course Sunday morning, at the Students Cbristian association meeting. There ie to be a meeting in rooni A of the Main university building to nighi for tne purpose of taking steps towards reviving the gymnasium scheme. The Farmers and Mechanics bank wil] handle the oounty money for the next year, this bauk being the highest bidder - 5.30 per cent., the interest to be credited quarterly. The Suvings bank bid 5.03. Thos. D. Bailey, whohas lived in this city the greater part of his life, but for the past two years a resident of Owosso, has been in town for several daye, havïng been oalled here by the illness of his motber, who lives on the corner of First and lluron streets. The coming event of the season will ocour at the opera house, Monday evening, Uct. 31, on which occasion Roland Reed and his superb oompany will be eeen in "Humbug." Mr. Reed will introduce his popular piano reoitals, and his "Pocket Edition of Erminio," from the N. Y. Casino öucce . The Ladies' charitable union wishes to acknowlege the receipt of a large and valuable package from D. F. Schairer. Boys, and men's clothing are veTy much needed. Underwear, although much worn, can be made over for children If you have anything to sivo now ig the time it is needed Please send card to Mrs. John R. Miner, and packages will be ca lied for. The Ypsilantiau 6ays that "Mr. Greene was defeated for superintendent of the poor, for the purpose at securirg a aoard that would consent to place a arother-in-law of E. Duffy in charge of ;he county house." Now Mr. D. has only two brother-in-laws. One is 'stimated to be worth a clean half milhon, and the other can count his ihousands. So the statement of the Ypsilantian is too absurd for anythiug. A house in the third ward owned by Jno. Beahan, and occupied by Gil Snw, was partially destroyed by fire Monday orenoon. InBurance on the house $1.000. O. H. Millen's agency, which will cover the loss. Snow had no insurance on liis furniture which was mostly removed. Gil seems to be in bard luck, as it is only a few weeks ago that the arn he occupied as hvery was gutted y fire, and he sustained a loss of several ïundred dollars over and above insurance. President Cleveland did not go among ;he western people io discuss political questions or to enlighten them in regard ;o any mattere of public adminitration. u response to pressing invitations he went to see a portion of the great country, the pu'olio affairs of which he admiuisteri1 so acceptably to his fellow citizens and so creilitably to himself. His judicious avoidauce of every topic or act calculated to provoke political discussion is what grievis his partisan enemies. The tnthusisasm with which ie has been greeted everywhere by all he people shows how little the childish criticisms of his enemies need be regard ed. - Philadelphia Record. The Students' lecture association bas ut up its posters. The course of leoures offered cannot, on account of its vaiiety. but satisfy everyonc. It is noiced that the number of lectures on the regular conree has been redticed from ix to íive, with a corresponding reduoion in pnce of season tickets. The oard has made an extra effort to meet he Wiints of the lecture going public, ispecially the student public. The subects announced are not indicative of esecially heavy lectures, and this is unloubtedly a merit. Lectures that are nolined to give the hearer a relaxation of mental effort are more suitable to . Iuh ïard working community. - Chronicle. On Saturday last the University iluseum received u fino specimen of American beaver, (cantor canadensis). iresented by J. H. I.eaven worth, of Sagilaw City. It was tiken near Atlanta, lontmorency county, Mich , and on Monlay a pair oL logoocks were receiyed rom Munismg, J. B Dow, of this city, )eing the sender. These specimens are now in the hands of A. B. Covert, the axidermist. Mr. Covert bas arranged with Dr. Belknap, of Oregon, for a speoiuen of Black-tailed deer, and with Dr. ïamelton, ot Dakota, for specimens of he Prarie Fox. Arrangements are also emg made for speoimens from Arkansas and Colorado, such. as the mule deer. mountain sheep, elk, jaguar and tiger cat. The regenta of the university having appointed Dr. Henage Gibbes, of Westminster College, England, to the new chair of pathology, the Adrián Times reninds them that there ia a law o( the Jnited otates prohibiting the importaion of labor under contract. The pomt raised by t)e Times appears to be well laken, as tbe district attorney of New York bas just decided to institute proneedings against the trustees of Trinity hurch for having brought over an Engish divine to fill their pulpit. Probably his novel application of the law was not oontemplated by its framer-f, but it will serve to remind tbose who might otherwiBe viólate it provisions that such a statute is in existence and that tbere is a ïealthy public sentiment behind it demanding its thorough euforcement. - .aiisiiiir Journal. In thecircuitcourt the past week, Jno. Conners and Kdward VVebb, both of Deiroit, who were arrested for pocketpicking in Ypsilanti, were tried and conacted. They were defeuded by Jno. W. Uennett and O. B. Taylor. the youngest members of the bar, and notwithstand ng the odds were against them, they aandled tbe case well. W hen the names of Warren Barlow and Dan Westbrook, charged with the larceny of wheat, was called, they failed to put in an appearance, and their recognizance was declared forfeitcd. Jno. F. Raywalt who charged Jno. Davison with slandering tiim, and the case which bas been hanging fire for several yearn, has finally been disposed of, the plaintiff receiving a judgment for S100, wnich will in a measure, soothe his laoerated feeling. Jno. Fogaity and F. Stofïlet had aome trouble about a hog which broke into the conservatory of the former aud damaged several plante; Fogarty obtained a judgment in tlie justicecourt, and now again in the circuit court for $4.2.". Rev Mr. Hickey bas rosigned nis position as mernber of the board of education in Detroit, because some of the chemicals used in th,e school lahoratories are bought at Ann Arbor. The trnth is that the ohemicals to be obtained in Ann Arbor can be found in no other market west of New York. Detroit oheniists should brace up if they do not deBire to be eclipsed by a little country town. In oonversation with Mr. Ebsrbaoh, he tells ua that there is no truth in Mr. Hickey's assertion that his house buys chemicals of Detroit firms. On the contrary all of the large Detroit chemists buy their laboratory ohemioals of him. These Chemicals he either manufactures bimself oï imports diiectly from Enrope, England, Germany, and Pranoe furmshing Bome of the supplies. But the larger prqportion he manufactures him self iu bis laboratory here. And thio fact is becoming generally known and orders are beiug fllled for al parta of the country where soliool luboratonea are estabhshed. - Courier. Withing the past year this firm has filled 50 or more orders for chemioals and apparatus in a dozen different states. and territorios for pnblio and private ïustitutione. echoolc, oollsgsc, etc. Wheat 71-73. K. Kittredge, of the Kegiater, is iu Lansing. A. E. Hewott. of nckson, was in towq yeeterday. City band ooncert and dance at Beethoven hall this evening. Mrs. M. F. Quinan, of Petoskey, is visiting friends in the city. Jno. O. McOleery returned to his home in Jackson thin morning. Wrn. Wanzick and Miss Maggie O'Brien, were married yesterday. B. G. Corbin, a Dundee lawyer was in the city yesterday on legal business. David Harnman, of St. Johnsbury, Vermont, is visiting his brother Judge Harnman. D. P. "Wbttö was knocked down by his horse yesterday, and had his colar bone broken . C. M. Root left last evening for Moumoutb, 111., which place he will make hisfuture home. Chas. Edwards went over to Saline yeaterday, and put the scenry in tlie new opera house in running order. Postmaster Gillen, of Saline, was a witness in the contest of the will of Jas. Egan, yesterday, in the probate court. Prosecuting attorney Norris will reciive 8301) extra pay in addition to his salary for kcepmg down the criminal expenses of the oounty. Subsonbera who recive their Desioobat at the Postónico general delivery, when calling for mail, should ask for The Demockat ïf they wish to get their paper. The rooms vacated by W. F. Sohlanderer in the Qermania, are to be ocoupied by Wm. Frank, proprietor of the house who finds it necessary to enlarge his place. Chas. Gardner, while working on Prof. Lanley's new rt-sidence, feil from a scaffold, last Saturday, and was considerably shaken. He was out for the firet time yesterday since the accident. The equilazation committee reported yesterday on inoreaaing this city, 8585,000 and Ypsilanti, $100,000. The following towüs have been rednced. Anu Arbor, 5,000; Augusta, $20,000; Bridgewaier, 850,000; Dexter, $30,00u; Freedom, 30,000 ; I,ima, 867,000 ; Lodi, $20,000; Lyndon, 840,000; Manohester, $45,000; Northfield, $g,000; Pittsfleld.SGO.OOO; Salem $20,000 ; Saline 53,000 ; Superior, $20, 000 ; Sharon, $50,000 ; Scio, $40,000 ; Sylvan, $30,000; Webster, $'25,00() ; York, 0 ; Ypsilanti town, $55,00i ; Ypsilanti, second district, $5,000. The assessed valuation of this city last year was $4660,000. This ear, $5,245,1)00.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat