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DAYLIGHT. jaAAj1 i' If a gentleman by FuS-f the name of Day -L7 vol mi teers tot hrow ÍH i, Y? the light of his ex.- „iii ■ ri f Pcr'cnce into the tSJRK 'larkened places i misery, so that - "" "ffy ' others may go and -í,a m_ do as lie has done andenjoy lite, may it not be reasonably called daylight? As for instnnce, take tlie case of Captain Sargent S. Day, Gloncwter, Mass., who writes April l(i, 1881: "üome time ago 1 was snfiering with rhêumatism. I used a small portion of 8t. Jacobs Oii and was cured at once. I liave used it forsprains and never once have known it ti Uil. I will never be without a bottle." Captain Day also received a circular letter, and In reply ander dateof July 1, 1887, lie says: "1 used the 011 as stated and was permanently cured of rheumatism by its ase." During the interveningsix years there bad been qo recurrence of the 'pain. Also a letter frorja Mr. 11. M. Converse, of the Warren (MaS9.) Tï lierntil, dated July .■...?-? 9, 1SS7, is foilows: W viíf "In response to tmtt J gh. i yours of June Tl, would say tbat in 18S0 niy wife had a % V&li' tfiBfKllV severe attack of vju, jjjgy'-'ft 3gl) shouldcr and arm. y&Y ao that she could &L&Z$M notraisc her hand to her head. A few 3&%;?' appliciitionfl of St, "" ' Jacobs Oil cured her permanentty, and she has had no return of it." Another case is that of Mr. R. B. Kyle, 'Power Ilill, Appomattox county. Va., who writes, November. 1880: Was aillictedfor severa! years with rbeumatism aml grew worse all the timo. Eminent physicians gave no relief; had spasms, and was not ezpecled to live ; was rtlbbed all over with St. Jacobs Oil. The rirst application relieved, the second removed the pain, conti nued use cured me ; no relapso in live years, and do as inuch werk as ever." These are proofs of the perfection of the remedy, and, taken in connection with the mirados performed in other casca, it has no cqual. There are more chestnnts in tiro fall llian at any other soason in the ycar. It is ihcu tourists return, telling the storles they havo uoal'd. - Neui Otieans Picuyutu. Don'l teil a woman that she's a second-haiui rib trorked over and turn to Genesis for your authority. It'snngallant, and besidos it's dangerous. - Merchanl Travelcr. Colorow not only parta liis hair in the niiddle, but he has an expression of femini ie iirratiess about tlie inouth that bodes no gooit to the v.hites. - Louisvite Couricr-Joiirnal. Hotel-keepers who want to make snro tbat tlie ncw lire-escape sliall not bo tiscil by guests to escape payins; their cills may be compcllcd to nail down the Windows. - Xtw York Tribune. A boanlhig-liou.-o proprietor announces that his pricea have touched bedrock. Persons who havo slept in his house assert tliat the beds conform to tlie pricos. - Xew Haven News. An oUl barber says that barbers die early by inhalinjc the poisonous breath of oostomers. We presume life iusuranco conj)anies refuse all risks on barbers in Kentucky. - St. Paul Globe. The Sandwich ishmdeis now wish tb be cntirely rid of King Kalakaua. All they hare got to do is to bny an unlim tod quantily of fusel oil and teil the king to enjoy himself. - Sochcster Vost. If any man thinka thcru a nioney in amateur ihcatrioal entertainment let hint borrow about $300 and take a benefit. He can strike his balance ifter the bilis are paid. - Xew Oríeans Picar yune. Pale nlmond and delicate ros) combined with dark green velvet are tbree colors whith are to be exceedingly fashionablo this winter in evening toilets oL varioui alegaut kind-. What a Chanco: A few -hort weeks go that young girl was the personi catión of health. vigor aud beauty. The blusa apon her cheeks ï'ivalled that of the rose; her step was light and buoyunt, her every movement was a revelation of pertect health. ct now í-ho is pallid and haggard, and her superabundant vitality has given E lace to a dullness and lassitude. Wbat as caused this ehange! i uuctional irreguiarities, which can be eured by Dr. Pierce's Favorito I'rescription," a remedy to which thousands of women to-day owe their lives. All druggists. Nature knew whnt she was ubout when she made women beardiess. Kheknow that not one in a thousand could keep her chin stil! long enough to be shaved. A perfect specitic- Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Soveral young Jadíes of Madison, Wis., organized a coruot band. It is to be hoped that they do notcoutomplato tra veling. "Fire-proof Paper May Bo Mado," says a scientiflc exchauge, "from a pulp, consistiiiR of ono part vegetable ubre, two parts asLetos, one-tenth part borax, and one-liftu alum." It is a pity that such acts as the one following cannot be written, printed or othorwise preserved upon some sort. of indestructible paper. "My wife suffered seven years and was bed ïidden, too," snid W. E. Huestii of l-.mporia, Kansas, "a number of physicians failed to heip her. Dr. l'i-rco's 'Golden Medical Diseovery' cnred hur." All druggists sell this remedy. Kverybody ought to keep it. It only needs a trial. A sharp-eyed travoíer reportsthat within a year the Mormon women have gen" eraliy disoarded their plain garb, and now appear as gaily attired as their gentile sisters. Lamar, Mo, Her resources wonderful. Two railroads, thieo more building. Best of soil, Spring Kivoi', good drainage, sciiools, churches, land selling at wonder. ully low prices, plenty coal, sandstone quarries. Building waterworks, court house and factories. Het there quick- every purchuse will jay four fold, as it did around kansas City. For particulars, terms, etc., W. Smalt, Jr., i.ansus City., Mo., or C. M. Uilier & Co., Lamar. Mo. The attractivo visiting dress is qL Gobelin blue Henrietta cloth, and this is worn with a jacket made oL fanoy stripe velvet. If aflllctcil with Bore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thompsou's Eye Water. D'-ii'.rylf-issell it. öc. 1 meralds are coming once more iuto fashionable favor, in spito ot' the fact that they are unbecoming to almost every ono. ■,. N 1 ."-;. r: lí i i Tir, Diily pi eparntion 't beef containing its ent.ire ï.utritious operties. It contains liloodmaking. h generating. invalualile for indigestión, dyspepia, uervom prostration. all forms of gonerul debihty: all enfcebled cor.'itions, whelher result of exhaustion. norvous prostration, overwork. or acute disensos: particularly if resultinr from pulmonary complaints. Hazard, Hazard & Co., I'rops., Meir York. Sold by druggists. The most noticeable feature in the new winter bonnets is the remo val of the trimming from the front to the i Pao's Árnica 0.1. The best salve in the world for Burns, Wounds nnd sores of all kinds. Boils, Fel ons. C'hilWains, Krozen i eet, Piles, Harber's Itch. iore fyes, Chapped Hands. Sore Throat Bcald Head, Pimples on the Face. and all skin diseases. For I.iver Complaint, Siek Headache, Constipation. use l'ase's Mandrnke Pilis. Above remedies sod by druggists or sent by mail for '5 cents by C. W. Snow & Co., Syraeuse, N. Y. Why cannot a man whose addresses are rejected by the lady of his choico have her arrested for contempt of courti "I WISH I could ïind Bomethlng that would cure galls and prevent the halr coming In white," Is an expression frequently heard. Veterlnary ;arlolialve ivill aluavsdoit, Bold by Druggists at 50 cents and Í1.0Ó. A Confiaential letter, Dstei Q'X. 1, 188T, Which We Publish by Permisión Under a later Letter, Dated Oot. 12, 1887. i Gont'emon: Komc monthg n?o I reoeived your letter of in ,ury. My d mghter been takiug your syrup for months, now u ing the ■evento bottle: h:is l.een on her lacfi bedrldden slx monta? wiihlivercousumption. ■ince using your remedy, lias Una two l large absce.-ses of the liver which has been I by using your syrup. nor lile has been s-ivecl, we all believe, from its use. " et slio is Id a vory feeble condition and no moJicine wuatever, except your syiup. I. my-elf think it the createst blood totii fcñown, and flrmly believe had we knowu oL ita yearearlier my d iu hter ; would to dav bo in sound lie ilth. íiave had bost medical skill, also tr.iyoled exI tensively for her good, but in all never ■ found its o in'. 1 have prescribed it to my patients and have in every caso liad the inoitdoaii-ed o oct. Very respectfolly, Dk. A. E. C immas, Ionia Micta. To Hibbard's Rhouinatie Syrup Co. Jacksou, Mich Centiemen: uur letter of the seventh itut. bofore me and in reply will say. If my former letter to you will do sutfering humanity any good it shou d be publisbed. It was tlirousrh a letter f rom resident of l'ontiac that tirt brought it to my daughter's notice, and my only regret is" tliat wo did not kuow üf it a year ago in -tand of the last six months. 1 sliaU stlU prescribe it to my patients, aa I think it tho most wonderful medicine known, ,r ever put befo re the pobli ■. Truly your reward will be great as suiFeriug humanity is biessed, an i as you become more thoroughly known. Very truly yours, 1)1!. A. i'. ClI.UWI.VN. The fnncy for wearing black stockings witii all colort'd costumes has in the case of children given vy to the tondency to m::tcn each coatume. A Sore Throat or ('ough, if sufïered to progre-s, oTten re-u'.ts in an incurable tbroat or lung trouble. "Brown's Bronchial Trochos" give instant relief. Offer 173FREE!- To M :u: ïiANT.i CKi.ï: An eleffant silver plated Water Pitcher, frosted and richly carved; height 18 inches. Addross at onca, K. V. T.wsii.:. & C ., 66 State street, Chicago. A physician savs a man is shorter during the day than at nght. Tnat is probably because his wife picks liis pockets in tho morning. Bronchitis is cured by rrequent small doses of Piso's Cure for Consumption. A Carlisle dog committed suicide by pushing his head under a gate and choking to death. Offer No. 17 ':■ FREE!-To Merclionts ünly: A tripleplateil Zilver Set ((5 knives, ii forks, (i tea spoons, 1 sugar spoon. 1 butter knife), in ined case. Address at once, E. W. Ta n ii.i. & Co.. 55 State Street, Chicago. Patent leather tips and foxinjs are stiU worn, nd will continuo to be during tho present sea on. Lace boots still hold the favor of young people. The New Woman Craze. If tbere is anything that will cnhance hor beatity, durability or smnrtness. the avertige woman goes t'or it for men have got to believo thut a nervous, broken-down j;irl is good for nothiug as a wiíe, if he is oblige 1 to hlio an lris:i girl and a doctor 1 uncts to his donitstic affairs. In view of that. marriages are not as coniü on in they used to be and dlvorre is popular. Tlio giils are no fools, and see it. To be a helpmeet or nothing. is the question. Tlie conso uenee is gymnastiek, walking, etc, and now they have got on to a JNerve I ood o illed Moxie, that makes a ffirl wint to get int tbe prize-ring. You talk hysterics oa girl now, and generally you are knocked out in one round. Generally speaking, a womin's praise of another wom m raeans about as mucli as "Yours faithfuLy ' doea at the end of a lettor. Catarrh CuredA clergyman, after years of suffering from that loathsomo diseaso, Catarrh, and vainlv trving every known remed3T, at last founóf a prese ript ion which conipletely cured and saved liim from death. Any Bufferer from thisdrcadful diseasesending a selfaddresscd stnmpedenvelope to Frof. J. A. Lawrence, 2í' Iiast NIntb Bt. New Y ork, will ïeceivo the recipe free of charge. Sealskin will be moro in demand than ever. iSUNO H ME STOCK FARM ' -- Peroheron Homej. r a Ik V Frenrh ('oafh llorncl. f BJS W Savaye& Faruum, Impor. f H l ter ad Breeders of Per d9BBH K9tuk cheron and I-'tcnch Coach SljSk KVHBQk llorscs.lslandlltmcstotlc .'.; . HI1b1 Farm, Grosse lsle, Wayno I Ví ■ County Mich. Wc offer T}-''fVRBvB very large itudofhorscs to t I 'ƒ'; B c'ecc Irom, we guarantee ' !' - H0 our stock, make prices reaV - Bv erms. VisitorsalwayawelV VjHHv come. Lnrge catalogue V VJB' irec. Adclress W f-' "ir SaTSito Frmua, a r DBIEOITMICH. Hommen, Faisrs ú úi If in want of Veterliiary Medicines, or if you want f'onr favorito recipe fllled by a conipeteut personb f you have a lameor Sick Horss or Other Animal, I Ctt'l at or writo to thn only drug store devoted tothe want of or other (UiD03tic animáis. DETROIT VKTEKINAK1 PÏIARMACt 27 Lnfayette ave.. letroit, Mich. Trazer AXLE BREASE Best ín the World. Mode only by the Frezer Lubrlcai)r Co. ftt CUlcagO, N. V. fc St. Louis. SoiU tvtnjuticrê WEAK NERVOUS PEOPLE ,_-c-,_ Atid ot-hers sufferlnff wiï",■Sn rheumatism. neuralgia, VL dMHHKjil PA ?tMJbB ne7 antl eihaiiettng chroni - BTflrrTTur ■l13B diwoses. prematuro declin i (JHBBKUvUJmBPoÍ yoiniti orold arepositlvel _j cured by Dr. Horne'sfaraous 30 BtKCTKO-MAC'NKTIC BELT. Ilioíindííín pvcry State fn the t' nion have beei"iirci" ELWSïKi'TIUClTT instantly ftlc. Patentedanú olii 10 vears. Wholo ffimily can wcar the same belt LIC srSPEN30K!ES fna with ml lelts. Aroict rthlertimltoUons. f.i-ectkk tbcssks for RUPTCfti. o ired in 'H(ï. Sand stamp tv [lamptilet. Jü.W.J.HORME.lHVEMTOR, 191 WABASH AV., CHICAGO JOSEPHCILLOTTSj STEEL PENS COLD MEDAL PARIS EXPOSIT10N-I878. THE MOST PERFECT oF PENS 3 ] tot Cstairh is the Mtf ■ Bent, Gastest to Use, and ChcapLbi. J Sold by drtiKfrists or spnt by mnil. I DOo. E. ï. Hazeltino, Warren, l'a. n F k I T O 15 years' oiporience : 4 ypnrs' Pfl I rN I oxRininer In Ü.S. Pntent Offlce I Hl Lll I U Scn.l u.nilrlorskijtflilorfreo opinión whetherpatent ra n besecared. NwiHok on patonts froo. RefíTriK-eHiOorütnifisldner of Pat cutüurany other otlicl! of thoU. 8. Patent Offlce. E. U. STOCKI.Nti, Attorney, 1 1-FSt;, Wasliiüuton, D. O. DAY NO MORE MONEY TO QUACKS! I will foml you lpagl iiuuk wltb Precrtr.tlon for all Ncrvuu, Uurools una Cumnion ■■■■■■■■■I A Som I nfitmQ nLLE8.Si?S WNur:crícs in tlie West. Perinar:it loe tlris; good puy. Outüt freo. STARK NURSKUII-t-.Louishna, Mo. HFIIMAU0 20yrs. rract Ico In Pensions U F R A 1 8 1 n X & Soldlrr Claims. SuccoM hllUIVISVomo f ees. Senil for nw laws. C. H. SITES & Co., Atly % Wa9hlnKton.D.q P TO ÍS8 A I)A"V. Samples worlh 1.5O V FREE. r.nifxnoi tuuter Vu ■ horse's fttt. Writt 10 V Braaiur .iaiilu Keinjlolder Co.. 'loUy, JWfl. AnAA'l iiOXJ'H. AemUWanted. w best snll i BI ilililirtic-li'sin lliewnrl.l. IsamplefVel. IjiliVU Aiklresi..i r i;l; Daruit.Mich. UmnU""IK VT.I,. WO a uroek and expon■ViIIKk -i i .i l ;ilu:il 1 .; tnüt): lui'l parttoWW Wlflnni.irsfrce. P.O.VI Iki ry.Augusta.Mc. PWFir I'-y rctlirnmall. Full DeHcriptlon ITlltb OutUnL. MO "Y & CO.. Clncinnati. & iftl il iBworthWWper tt. Pottít'8líyeSjTliffoith UULU iiiMi,imt 19 sold ut cents u box by doalers W.N. U. D.--5--44 Wlien writíngr to A1 ver tisera picase say you sa v the advertisoment in tliïs i'aper


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