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Chicago sicia.isti have numinuted Capt. Black for stiU.o's attorney. Apaches iu Ari.una are running ofi stock belonging to settlera and otherwise mnking them considerable trouble. Warner Miller's new pulp and paper nail at Corinth, N. Y., col apsedtbe other day, John Mal.ory was killed, and three other persons were buried nnder the debris. A battery of six boilers in the Lawrence iron works at Ironton, Ohio, exploded the ! otber morning. Four men were instantly killed and 20 others were terribly injured. ilrs. Amelia S. Quinton has been elected president of the Woman'a.National Indian association, in the stoad of Mrs. Mary i Lowe Dickinson, resigned on account ol ill healtli. Mrs. Jules Arnouxof NewCastle, Penn., , sets up the claim that she is a daughter ol I Jean Girard, youngest brother of Stephen (iirard, and asserts $750,000 is due her and Cve other lieirs by Girard college in Philadelphia. Henry Martin Jackson, cashier of the United States sub-treasury in New York, has fled to Canada. His account shows a deliciency of $10,000. Jackson is 3ti years old and uiarried. His aged fathor is sec rotary of the American Bib'e society. Furious winds did great damage to vessels on the lakes on the 23d and 24th of Uctober. The barge Oriental suuk near Port Dalhousie, and her crew of five men are supposed to have perished. The Zach Chandler went down on the 23d, but her crew was rescued, after a night of great peril. It is thought that the barges Dolphin and Morris are also lost. An attorney at Marblehead, Mass.. in. forma R. C. Clair of Millhall, Pa., that Thomas H. Henson of Marblehead, who died recently at that place, has left his property, said to be worth $18,000to Clair, out of gratitude to the latter for having saved his life during the civil war. Both were soldiers and Iienson, who was wounded at Hatchus Kun, Va., was assisted off the field by Clair. The state of Indiana has brought suit against Kentucky for the possession of Green Island, eituated in the Ohio river at the mouth of Green river, just above Kvansville, Ind. During low water mark the island is connected with the mainland of Indiana. Apache Indians are becoming very troublesome throughout New Mexico. The assitant manager of the Rocking Chair ranch, Texas, denies the story that any settlers on thetract have been threatened with eviction. General order No 2. issued from G. A. R. headquartei's announces the following additional staff appointnients: Inspectorgeneral, Ira M. Hedges, Haverstraw, N. Y. ; assistant adjutant-general, Robert Stratton, Minneapolis; senior aid-decamp, Resé R. Henderson, Minneapolis. The executive commiteee of the council of administration will consist of W. M. McClelland, Pittsburg, Pa. ; R. T. Wilson. Chicago-, Kred C. Deitz, Zanesvi.le, O.; George A. Newmao, Cedar Falls, Ia.; James H. Drake, St. Paul; J. S. ('Jarkson, DesMoines; George C. Ginty, Chippewa Falls, Wis. The pension committee wil' be composed of George S. Merrill, Lawrence, Mass. ; Louis Wagner. Philadelphia; Corporal James Tanner, Brooklyn; 8. Kountz, Toledo: John W, Buren, Sycamore, 111. The corner stone ot the monument in honor of Gen. Robert E. Lee to be erected in Richmond, Va., was laidón the 2Sth uit. Eugene Semple, Governor of Washington territory, in his annuai report to the secretnry of the interior estimates the population of the Territory at l43,ötS'J, an increaso of over 16,000 in the last two years, The taxable property of the Territory, exclusive of railroad property, is given at $50,0í3,800, an increase of nearly f200,000 during over last year. Labor is hardly equal to tïïé demand. The salmón fisheries yielded $'2,124.000 during the year. Col. C. B. Flood, one of the best known journalists in the country, died in Columbus, Ohio, a few days ago. Dr. Andrew Jackson Grant, a well known physician who died in Boston recently, claimed to be the illegitimate son of King Victor Emanuel and Archduchess Adelhird of Austria. His real name was Louis Contri, and when he grew to manhood he went to Sardinia and openly revolted agaiust the King, and was forced to flee th country. Sword Beaver, the bad Crow Indian, is very defiant, but it is tbought he will surrender without a battle. The great Í20,000,000 suit against the New York, Pennsylvania & Ohio railroad company, has been settled by the payment of sniall coat. The water famine that has prevailed throughout the two western tiers of Ohio counties and the adjoining territory of Indiana is growing serious. Cattle are actually suffering and bellowing for drink. Sonie wells are dry and in others the low water is breeding typhoid fever and kindred diseases. Mcliarigle, the Chicago boodier, is thought to be in Winnipeg. Rear Admiral J. W. A. Nicholson (retired) died in New York on the 29th uit. The brotherhood vf locomotivo engineers will meet in ftiebtnond. Va., next year. The state treasurer of Indiana has paid the semi-aunual interest ou the 200, 000 state loan and othnr sraall state debts, thusshowiuK that tLe state traasury is not baiikrupt. A rear-end collision of freight trains occurred on the ,llinois Central, near Dixon the other day, throwing the engine and 12 cars from the track andseriously injuring oue of the engineers. The xpiosion of a boiler in Holder's fire I riek works at Mineral Point, Ohio, rosulted in the death of four men, and serious injury to five others. A portion of the Californian press, in a torrent of abuse against Mexico, threntens to send 400,000 miiitia to that country to extermínate Mexican "cannibals," the niurderers of Lee Baldwin. The Mexican government desires that this band shall be captured and punished, as earnestly as the Californians. The soutbern forestry congress closed its Bession in Iiuntsville, Ala., a few days ago. In a letter received by the convention from JefF Davis the latter suggests that it would be bett.T to transfer the control of public lands to the state in which they be, that the forests may be preserved. J. E. !S ni i th, the ex press messenger who reoently killed two train robbers near El Paso, Texas, has been paid $2,000 by order of üov. Hoss as n reward. Smitli will probably get $2,0:1) more from the express company and $1,000 from the railroad company. Chicago pólice have discovered a plot to blow up the jail where the anarchists are confined. A man anti boy were seen lurking around the jail the other night. Seeing that they were observed, they started to run. The boy was caught, and found to havo a cavefully drawn plan oí the jail ou his person. The man escaped. Kvery precantion has been taken to ferret out the matter. The town of Cedarville, Ohio, was des rojed by fire the other day. Men excavating on the Mavsville & Rig Sandy railway in Kentucky, opposite Ripley, found a few days ago an earthen pot with eighty gold and twenty silver coins. The collection is worth about 8S00. The gold coins have a figure of ñsh on thera and the word Bolivar. Both gold and silver coins bear the date of 1530. Troops have been ordered to the Crow Indian Agency in Montana, to be in re ad i ness in case of an outbreak. It is rumoredthat the sentence of Fielden, one of the anarchists, will be commuted to imprisonment for life. A statue of Lief Erickson, the Icelandic diacoverer, was unveiled in Boston the other day. John Snyder of Millgrove, Ind., the man who walks because he can' t help it, af ter an incessant tramp night and day for three years, is dying. Antonio Infantes proposed to make a baloon excursión in St. Louis the other day. The baloon was brought. Infantes seated himself, the air-ship started up. ward quictly, and had attained a hight of 5U0 feet, when there was a sudden collapse and a second later the areonant plunged to the ground a mangled corpse. Jay Grould and family have goue t Europe. It is repoited that Gould has been receiving numerous threatening let terB from the anarchists, and that his trip abroad was uudortaken at this time is t avoid personal danger to himself. An explosión of gun powder occurrei in the St. Lawrence mine near Butle Montana, the other day. Two men wer blown iuto such small pieces that thei remains were placed iu a small box. A communication on the anarchists cas to President Cleveland at Washington was received at the Fretheit office in New York the other day from Holland. It i from the social democratie ieduration o Holland, and is to the effect that if the anarchists are hanged the president will be held prsonally responsible. Secretary Whitney is seriously ill. Regarding the agitation in üakota over the eonflicting claims of squatters and purchasers of railroad indemnity land Land Commissioner Sparks has written a letter saying that an actual settler on restored railroad lands who holds a deed from the railroad company, can secure a title from the governmeut under the pre emption or homestead laws. piovided he hasnot exhausted hi.i privileges thereuu der. Toledo postoffice oflicials claim to have discovered a systematio plot to rob the mails. Two remittanoos amountmg to $292 have lately been stolen. Representatives of the international peace association called upon President Cleveland the othor day to urgo tho United States to join England in n treaty to secure arbitration for the settiemen' of all disputes between nations. President Cleveland responded that he is in synv pathy with the movement, and asserted that the American people will gladly huii the accomplishmeut of the soeiuty ends. The Commissioner of Indian alïairs reports the continued progress of the Indians toward civilizatiou. The debt statement issuedNov. 1, shows: Total debt with interest, $1,675 076,715; less available cash items and cash in the treasury, It 283,692,701; docrease of debt dunng the month, $16.833, (U3; total casL in treasury, $4'j:,3SV-01.


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