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City Locáis. Take Noticb. Voorhuis & Berry, State slreet Merhant Tuilors. Joseph Berry is aonowledged to be the Best Cutter in Ann Arbor. Exeoutes all orders with eatness, guarantees complete satisfaoïon in every case. We make ft Speoislty f Fine Business Professional and Dross uits. Prieces the Very Lowest for All lasses of work. Step in and leave your measure. The best aasortment of cloth ampies iu the city. House Fob Sale. Corner of Monroe and South Thayer treet. Inquire of Martin Seabolt, City jaundry. Sweet C'ider at Martin & C'o.'s, 26 Easl Vashington sheet. Loanino.- Moncy to loan on flrst-class leal Estato Mortgage at Current rates of nterest. Satisfactory arrangements made with capitalista desiring such inestnients. Every oonveyance and tranaction in abstracts of titles carefully extnined ns to legal effect. Z. P. King, Ann Arbor. Cali on Doty & Feiner, wbo havo ust reccivod one of the largest and nost complete stocks of Boots and ühoes for Fall trado, over brought to Ann Arbor. Sell cheap and the people will buy. Shell Oysters and Clama can be had at Schiappassee & Co's, No. 5 N. Main treet. Those desiriug anything made to order in the Furniture line, should cali on Joe Martin, No. 3ö Sonth Main treet. Only place in the city vvhere you can get fresh Bulk Oysters and Buttermilk at Martm & Co's. 26 East Washington street. Fob Sale.- Property in the 3d ward, with a frontage of 24 rods on side traok on Toledo A. A. & N. M. Ry. and 16 ods on Felch st. Inquire of or address lenry C. Waldron. Jno. Schneider, jr., will continue to carry on hie Hotel and Restaurant ia connection with bis Bottling Works. Heals only 25 cents at the Union, corner Washington and Second streets. Dairy and Creamery Butter and Buttermilk, also fresh Fish, Oysters and Poultry, at Martin and Co's., 26 East Washington street. Open Sundays 'rom 9 to 10 a. m. Telephone connection. E. V. Hangsterfeb, Caterer for Receptions, Weddings, Banqucts, etc, 28 Main street, Ana Arbor. To Rent.- No. 28 Thompson street. Is of brick and auitable for clubs. Address, C. H. Millen. Whiskey Barrels for sale by Jno Beahan, North Main street. Youman's Hats, at the Two Sams. Pine Apple Fruit Ice Cream the latest Flavor, made to order on sbort notioe. Only by E. V. BangbtsbfsB) Caterer. Jno. A. Robisoii, city scavenger, uses only tight barrels No. 81 Wall street, Fifth Ward. iherman's Hat, ut The TwoSams. Buy the Nobby Youmau Uut, at The Two Sams. Hcnd tho children to The Two Sanis for a beautiful aud inturestiu); curd. A good fnrm to oxchange for n houpo and lot in the oity. Inquire at this olfico Cías Qair Work doue nt Mr. Fitclx's. Tho New Baar prouiisos l.ow Pncee, nnd means to give purchasers time and room lo rnake careful purohases. Ladies' Hair Goods at Mr. Fitoh'8 Hair Etnnorium. ovor Frnnk Bury's, Wnshington ntreet. Mrs. Fitch has Ladies' Urirapes, Friz7.0?, Switches, etc., for salo, over Burg's grocory store, Washington strett. To Rent.- Iuquiro of Win. Burke. OlAIHYOYANT l'HÏSIOIAX. Dr. L. D. White is still in the Duffy blook, opposite the postoflico, where he has an extensivo business. Ho can be founcl in his otlico at all hours. Buy your Boer at the Central Bottling Work, corner Detroit and Catherine-sts. All Goods warranted to give fair wear and satiefaction, at Dotv & Feiner's Boot and Shoe House. Notice. I will be at the Rooms of the vvashtenaw Co. As:, and Hort. öooiety, in the basement of the oourt house, for the purpoee of Premiums, on Saturday, Nov. öth, Saturday Nov. 12th and Saturday, Noy. 19th, 1887. V. W . Tozeb, Treasurer. A New and Beautiful Stock of Bazar goode will be opened and for sale for the next Sixty Days, m the Maynard store, Ann street, uorth of Court House. ii'OB tíAIiE. Three hundred and fifty acres of land in the northern portion of Washtenaw county, to be sold for $13 per acre, altogether or in seperate páreles. For particulars addresa P. O. box 1035, Aun Arbor Michigan. Sxe Heb e ! I sharpen and repair Razore, Shears and Knives on short notice, at my barber shop, North Main street, one door from At ton Sohiappacasse's. Harbinoton E . Johnson . Toledo, Ann Arbor St Nortliern Michigan Kallway. Time table golnz lnto effect Sunday Oef. Oth 1887. Tralns run by Standard Time. QolDK North. I Going South. I STATIONS. 6. 4. 2. I B Pass Ex. Mal! Standard Tima. Pass Ex. Mail p. m. p. ii. a. m. L've.l Arr.l A. n P. M. p. M. 0 25 3 15 5 15 TOLEDO. 9 00 110 8 48 7 5i 4 05 6 02 Monroe Junct'n 8 10 12 81 7 81 8 05 4 12 6 10 Dundee 8 03 13 S i 7 40 8 35 1 85 6 ■■!■ MUan 7 4S 12 04 7 20 B05 4 58 7 00 Pittsfleld 7 28 1143 7 00 9 25 5 10 7 1ï AXN AKBOR 7 16 118; 8 50 9 50 5 3 7 83 Lelaods'a 880 1114 6 30 P.M 5 45 7 4 Wultmore Lake A. m. Il 00 616 5 52 7 53 Hamburg 10 L5 10 3 28 8 30 Howell 10 20 6 8t 7Í0 9 30 Durand U 80 4 86 7 46 9 55 Corunna 9 08 4 15 7 65 10 01 Owus8O 9 00 4 08 9 151U6 Itliaca 7 46 2 46 9 83,11.85 St. Louis 7 37 2 36 41 11 43 Alma 7 20 3 20 10 30 12 80 Ut. Pleaaant 6 8D 1 80 P. M. I'. M. A. M. A. M. All passonfier tralns run daily except Sunday. Trains run on tho South Lyon Branch leave Aun Arbor at 9:50 p. ra.,Leland'ot 10:00, Worden 's at 10:20, and arrive at South Lyon at 11:00 p. m .; leave South Lyon at 6:3 a. m., vorden'8 at ft:40, Leland'8 at 8:15 and arrive ut Aun Arbor at 7:13 a. m. Connpctlons at Toledo wlth rallroads dlvrging. At Manhattan Junction with WheelingiV LakeErio K. H. At Alexis Junction wlth M C. K. lt. L. S. R'y, and P. & P. U. H. K. At Monrot Junction with L. Í-. & M. S. K'y. At Dundi-e, witli L. -i. tt M. S., and tf. A O. R'y. At Milau with W., St. L. & P. K'y. At Pittsflald with L. 8. & M. S. H'y., at Ann Arbor with Michigan Central R. R., and at South Lyon with Detroit, Lansing & Northern R. R., and G. T. R'y. At Hamburg with M. A. I.iuc División Grand Trunk R'y. At Howell with Detroit, Lansing& North ern R'y. At Duraiui with C'liicago & (irand ){'y and Dotroit. Grand Haven &Millwaukee R'y. At Owosso Junctinn with Detroit, Clrand Haven & Milhvaultee K'y and Mich gan Central I!. R. At St. Louis with Detroit, Lancing & Northern R. R. and Saginaw Valley & St. Louis R'y. At Alma with Dotruit, Lansing & Northern R'y. At Bit. Plsasant with Fllnt & Vere Marquette R'y. H. W. ASHLEY, Genoral Manager. A. J. TAISLEY, Airent Anu Arbor. v. il. BENNBTT, Oe.i. Pass. Act. EVEYBTHÜTlIf! W. G. SNOWS LIVERY STABLE ! No. 21 North Main street, adjoining the Duffy Block and opposite the Postoffioe. Best Turnouts in the City AT REASONABLE RATES. Funeral Attendance a Specialty. Orders attended to In any part of the city and victnity. Telephone conuaction. HACK8 RUN NICHT & DAY.


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