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Mack & Schmid's TRADE RESORT - FOR - Barpi Seekers. Loaded down wi t h the ncüost, choicest and cbeapest productions, and the besi of everythmg that goes to make up a flrst clase DRY GOODS STORE, of all the requisito to make oustomers tkoroughly satisfled. The bargains they offer will settle the Most Important Question of' the Present Day rhe Saving of Dollars and Cents, and one hour at their store will teil more ban we could in a page of adrertisement. Go aud See Them. Wm. Lamborn celebrated his 57th birthday Saturday, and he et up turkey to a few of bis intímate friends. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Organlzed 1889. un Ier the Qeneral Banking Law ot this state has now, lncludmg capital Stock, etc., etc., OVER $800,000 A8SET8. BuiinoM men, Quardlans. Trustees, Ladies and otber persons wiU flud tlils Bank a SAFE AND CONVENIENT Place at whlch to mate Deposita and do business. Interest s Allowed on All Savings Deposito Of $1 00 and pwurd, accordlng to the rules of the ban-;, and interest compounded semi-aunuaily. ivioneyto Uoan in Sumsof $23 to $5,000. Secured by Unlncnmbered Real Estáte and other Rood securitles. DIRECTORS- Chrtscaln Mack, W. W. Wlnes, W. W. Harrmla ■, Wtlliam Deuble, David Rlnsey, Daniel HUoock and W. B. 8mith. OFFICER8-Chrlstian Mack, President; W. W.Alnes, Vioe-Presldent: O. E. Hcock, Casher. Sealed Proposals. The undersigned wlll receive sealed proposals up to Nov. 14, 1887. to supply and deliver, at the Washtenaw County House from four to flve tons ' dressed be f, bfctween Dec. lst and -Mth uext The beef to be from young, well fattened nlals- bulls exoluded- no carcas to weigh leas lan 'our hundred pound-, and all subjact to ie approval of the keeper We reserve the ght to reject any and all bkls, D. B. Gree' e, Wm. Aprlll, E. P. Mason, 8upt'6. of the Poor. Washtenaw oounty. County Ho se, Oct. 18, 1887. Jno. Eisele, Keeps AlllKInds of M frons AND Ganned Goods. ?he Best 5O cent Tea in the Citv. o. 2 Detroit Street, Ann Arbor. JOHN MUEHLIG, UNDBRTAKER. BOOMS 0.35 South Main Street over A. L. Noble's store. HESIDENCE illSouth Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich, jor; martin, -ate with John Muehllg, and stiU occupying the same roomi, Is preparad to do all kinds of Hï tía ík Ml. Jl ÍX JL 1 1 w ?■ Upholsterlng and Finishing dsne on Short Kotice. Leave your orders for anything In the FURNITURE LINE. 8hop over A. L. Noble's 8tar Clothlng Home, 35 South Main st., Ann Arbor. ANN ARBOR CITY BOTTLING WORKS COR. OF WASHINGTON AND 4TII ST3. 8CHILTZ, PILSENER, PenlnsularlBoer, London Ale and Porter. I have a largo stook of Beer Bottles, pinte and quartR for Family Use. Telephone No, 48. Orders PromDtly Attfinded to W. F. SCHLANDERER.D P. O. BOX, 134, ANN ARBOR. GRASSAR k BRAND, Pílsneranfl BoñemíanLaEBr Manufacture in Toledo. Has the Solé Agency, And will Deliver in Pint, and Quart Bottlei, and by the Ksg, to all parta ot the City FREE OF CHARGE. I AM ALSO READT TO DKLIVER WIKK BY THE BOTTLE OR CASE. No. 4 Detroit St, P. 0, Drawet 25, Brown ChineselPlant On Ivorv A Stook Pattern witli us and can be nad in sep arate plecas a well as sets and matcüed for yearj to come as readily as White Ware. J. D. STIMSON & SON, China, Grockery, Glassware, Lamps, etc. ANN ARBOR, - - MIOH. SREETIHG ! We come bofore the people wlth the largest and FINEST STOCK OF ALL THE LEADING and Fashionable Styles of Cloths and Suitings Enttrely too nuraorous to mentlon for the outfittng of the flae drecera. And h we have the services of one of the boit cutters, and als our coat raikers are amonio the best, enables us to pleasH the m rt la-mionable dresters. Now all we haveto say is conae In and we will guarantee you the lowest prlces in the state for flrst-class goods. No trouble to show goods. Rememborthe place, No. 6 East Huron Street, four doors west of theCook House W.C. BURCHFIEL.D. Palace Grocery ! I have Just recelved a f resh new stick of Canned Goods? Both Foreipn and Oomestlc, whlch, I can BeilatGREAT BARQAINS. My Fine Teas and Coffees ARE UNEXCELL.ED. [have th( flnest and most complete stook of STUDENT, MBRARÏ, HALL and STAND HL -A-JSEF S of any one In the county. aIbo a large line of Crockery, Glassware, and Decorative China. Come and purchase whilc the selection is corajlpte and convince yourselves that I prive the BEST BARGAINS of any other store in Ann Aibor. 2O Bars Babbit's Best Soap forSI.OO. FREDT. STIMSON. No. 9 North Main St„ Ann Arbor, Mich. EXINGER&BOES, Proprietors of the EXCHASGE Opposite the Michigan Central Depot. EVERYTHINC NEW. TEEMS $1.00 PER DAY. in connection vrith the Hotel are Barn A ocommodations. H. LAUBENCAYER SELLS Bottled Beer In Pints and Quarts and delivered to any partl of the City Free of Charge. Corner of Detroit and Catharine Streets, or lave orders at the Postoffice. The Palace Liverv - THE - Fiiest ai Best Tnrnonts IN THE CITY. LIVERY AND SALE S-baTble. JAS. W. ROBISON, Prop. No. 21. South Fourth St.. Ann Arbor Mich. Telephone N0.31. öoal! The Best Coal in the City. For Both Hard and Soft Coal cali on M. STAEBLER, NO. 11 WEST WASHINGTON ST. Teiephone No. 8. KememlDer THAT THE POSTOFFICE AND BATH ROOMS Wlll Continue to Run as Usual, wiïh "LARRY" KAHOE. Who for the Last Four Yeara has been in the Empluy of E. M. Southard, ae Proprietor. Bath-Rooms Open Sunday Morning. SATISFACTION UARANTEED. Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic RAILWAY. "The Soo-Mackinaw Short Line." ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO UPPER MICHIGAN n1 the Iron and Copper Reelons of Lake Superior, ïraver-iiiig at rritory unequa led for HUNT1NG, FISHING and CAMPING. Pouble Daily Train Service between St. Igntce an i Houghton without change of car s. WAQNER 8LEÜPINO COACHES ttobd to all NIkM Traius. OBSERVATION PARLOR CARS on all Day Tralns. The only all Hall Route to SAULT 8TE MARIE. Tickets over tlils route are on sale at all principal tl.ket office. Full Information as to rate', to , coplea of map and folders wlll befuru inbed upooappUcatlonto EtWALLEN_ 0n. Pms. L Tkt. Agt., Uarquett, Web


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