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Pay your taxee. Next year is leap year. Mr. E. Oesterliu was in fpsilanti Saturday. The M. E. ofaaroh fair waa i decided 8U00688. Mr. B. F. WattB was in East Ssginaw Monday. Dr. Tyler wan quite sick a few days last week C. M.Osgood bas purchased a superior China boar. No services jn St. Andrew's churoh Sunday oveuing. Miss C. E. Coraehus spent Sanday with friends iu Howell. The beef for the county house coat $4.48 per huodred. Ypsilanti was lighted by eleetricity for the tirs t time Dec. lst. There was a meeting of the superintents of tbe poor Tuesday. Our merchants are now displaying a ñne assortment of holiday goods. The monument ou Ihe south side of the court house has a woeden cap. The Lansmi; Journal has now one of the ünest newspaper otñoes iu the state. A. chango of "ad" for the "Square" ïmisic dénier, Lt;w II. Clement, in to-il iy' paper Z. Waldron an oLl pioneer of Wnshtenawco. , died at his residence in Northfleld Wednesday. Fine holiday goods at Geo. Wahr'a book store. Give him a cali. Hee " ad " in another column. G. W. Ilalford, of Detroit well-kuown iu tliis city as oui-e the editor of the Ann Arbor Daily News, bas been arrested for biitamy. There being no jury cases to be tried duriug the Dec., terui of the circuit court the jury was paid off and disoharged Wednesday. Eider Davis who was tnken to the homeopathie hospital a few weeks ago, has, by his owu requeet, rouo to the county house. An injunction was ïssued by the circuit court Wednesday, to restrain the city officials from collecting the 5,000 'booming fund." Editor Pond spent Thunksgiving day with his nephew. Mr. Bert Keith of Jaekson, who seemed to be iu the best of health. Last Sunday Mr. Pond and his sister. Miss Abbie Pond, were called to Jackson to attend his funeral. The deceased waa a brother of Mr. E. E. Beal of tbis city. Clias. Uiscock was in Detroit Tuesday. Sam LangHclorf eelebrated his birthday Tuesday. Milton Todd, of Whitmore Lake, spent Suuday in the city . (bas. Erin Vertier in "Shamus O'Brien" at tlie grand Dec. 16. Edwin Uooth nnd Lawrence Barrett are booked for the opera house, May 10, 1888. .Mr. A. Allison, of the Chelsea Herald was a caller at tbe Demoobat office on Mouday. The sale of etchiugs at llobart hallcontinued through .Mouday and Tnesday of tlns week. Roland Reed made a decided hit in "The Woman Hater" Monday evening at the Grand. Prof. Wm. Clark of Toronto, Can., occupied the pulpit of St. Andrew's ohurch Suuday morning. The Chancel Society of St. Andrew's church gave n aocial at Hobart hall on Weduesday evening. Rev. Sam Jones is reported as having said "that heil ia a place where every thing and everybody is wrong side up." In three weeks Judge Kinne will take hia place upon the benob, as Judge Joslyn's term of office expires Dec. 31. Next Thursday evening at the Congregutional ohurch Judge Cheever will lecture on "Mines in Norlhern Michigan' Hard coal is worth 816 a ton at Los Angeles, Cal., and can be readily exchanged for a Hke quantity of reHl estáte. The Lord's prayer, the Apostles' creed, and tbe Gloria Patria have been pnt'.ia handsome gilt letters, upon tbo walls of St. Andrew's ohap1 1. Natural gas has been etruck on tbe land of ü. L. Campbell, of Royal Oak. This is the third well inside of balt a mile aud causes considerable exciteme'it. Mr. Perry F. Powers has sold his interest in the Ypsilantian to Prof. W. M. Osband, and bas bougut the Ciidillac Xows aud Expre89. Succesa, brother Powers. By consent of the prosecuting attorney a nollo pros, was entered in the cirouit fiourt Tuesd.iy. íd the case against Cuas. Cornstock, ot Saline, charged with attempt to kill. Tuesday, Dec. 20tb will occur the ïntiiiül electiou of oliieer of tlie Washtenaw county agrioultural and hortdüultural society, Other business will alao be trausacted . The state Sunday sohool assooiatinn is to be held nest week, Dec, 13-15 at Kalamazoo. Each church is requested to send a delégate. It is huped to organizo a Washtenaw couuty aasoeiation. J. Johnson, of Milan, who is charged with stealing wbeat, faüed to appear for trial Tuesdav. His recognizanee was declared forteited and a capias issued for his rearrest. II. Breiuing is his surety in the èum ? 500. "A Temple of Wonder," is the response of all who view the Temple of Sinflio just at tbe left of art hall. It equals the Strasburs clock and must lie sien to be appreciated. - Jackson Courier. At 38 South Main st. Dr. S. A. Jones has rented the rooms back of his ollice in tbe Haven block, and is having them, and the one now occu pied by him, bandsomely decoraied aud repainted, ntid wben finisbed he will have tbe fineat physicmns office in the city. The Free Press says tbat in tlie spectaoolar pro luction of "Mecbeth" now in Brooklyu, X. Y., MoKee Hankin alteriiaten with John L. Burleigü in the charncter of Maobeih. A number of Detroitera bsve gone east to see the play. The Coldwater papers have shut down on the free "eard of thanks' business, and it would be a good idea for all papers to do likewise. A card f thnnks is an unuecessary thiug to publiah and the sooner it is done away witu the better. T ie Ladies' Cbaritable Union desireto cknowledge with thauks the sum of $80.60 from tlie committeo who bad charge of tbe funds subscribed for the 4th Michigan Infantrr banquet ; also to Blitz & Laugsdorf for the sum of $7.30, this beiug one half of 5 per cent. of tbeir sales on Saturday N'ov. 26th. Thirty years ago on the Whiting farm, on.: and one-halt miles south of the city was a runway for deer. Largo henls were frequeutly Been, aud now that the land is cleared nnd cnltivated deer lionas are frcqueully found pricking through the ground and extending beneath the surface, some of them of immense proportions. The T. & A. A. Railroad have erected stock yards adjoining D. Hiscock's large yards and acales for the accommodation of drovers, and are now prepared to slijp live stock to all points, with fast train counections for King's yards Detroit, or any other yards tbat may be desired. Particulara may be learned at the Toledo depot, of A. J, Paisley, agent. We chronicle another newspaper sale. The Petoskey Demoorat, edited by M.F. Guiñan, well-known in this cily has been Bokl to C. S. Hampton of the Petoskey Independent, who will consolídate the two papers under the name of the Independent Dernocrat. and who proposes to raake it the leadiug democratie paper of Emmet county. Air. M. F. Quinan will remuin one of the editorial staff. At a regular meeting Dec. 5 of St. Mary'a lodge Ko. 9 F. and A, M., the tollowmg otficere were elected: VV. G. Roberts, W. M; O. L. Jaokson, S. W; H E. Johnson, J. W; J. A. G. Freeman, Seot ; J. .7. West, Tres.; A. E. Thomafl, Tyler; There will be a public installation of ofneers and a festival at their lodge rooms on Monday eveuing, Deo., 19th. A general íuvitation ís extended. In last week's Dbmocbat we spoke of tlio lack of first-class entert linments given at the opera house. Since that issue we have been informed that it is not the fault of tbe manager, but tbat most of tbe better class of professionals do not care to stop for a one night performance in any place. This is why the manager is unable to give our citizons the opportunity, so longed for by tbem, tbat of seeing nnd hearing tirst-class artista. We mtiNt be satisöed, therefore, and enjoy alike the good, tbe bad, and the indifferent. But, we understaod, we are to have some fine entertainments this winter. It is stated by one who claims to have ridden all over the county of Washtenaw, that no town in said county can boast of better roads than the township of Pittsfield, which is attnbutd to its general Bestem of gravelling, and it is also claimed that no strip of road lying between here and Ypsilanti, on the soutli road, is so execrable as that portion lying between and after leaving the Whitiug farm aud Mr. Uhristian Eberbaoh's premises, due to th) daily stirring of the saiidy soil without giavelling the surface. Would t not be well for some of the wealthy lauded proprietors in that short district, instuad of always working out the fuJl extent of their tax, to pay part at least, m money to be expended in gravel for the improverat-nt of aaid road? It is a standing rebuke to tbat district and much commented upon by tbe public. Tbe American Magazine for December íh in all its features a Christmas number. The leading article, "Christ-Ideais in American Art," by Wm. II. Ingeraoll, givei occasion for the frontiapiece. "The Boy Christ Disputing wiih the Doctors," engraved from a picture by Frank Mos; aud a scnlptured "Head of Christ," by Launt Thompson, is reproduced in line engraving on the cover. The article is replete wiib desoriptiona aud illustrations showing how our leatling painters and sculptors have represented the ideal Christ. A very interestiug account is also given of the origin and history of this ideal, whioh, according to early traditions, may be traoed to a poitrait taken in the lifetime of Jeaus. 'Christmas in tbe Grand Army" is the story told by one of the society founded among our solditirs during the war. lts meetings took place ou auoceasive Chriatmas daya, the last being held juat before the cloae ot the conflict. "Shnmus O'Bren" nest Fnday eve. Csrl Steerle was the tirst to pny bis taxes. The taxes for 1887 are f 1.72G.8G greater than for 1886. .Mrs. Dr. Parko, of Owosso, is the guesl of Miss A. Pond. There are nine graduates of the U.of M. iu the present congress. The gym fund received $6S.O0 from J. T. Jacobs & Co. 's sales last week. Wm. O. Lindsay, of Soio, aged 28 years, died Deo., 3 of typhoid fever. He was burned Tuesday. Barney Kirk, of Ypsilantl. is tbe latest candidato for register of deeds. Thls niakes the forlieth name mentioned for tlmt place. lt coat two wheat tbieves, Westbrook aiid Barlow, of York, $72 to settle for fines and costs. They paid it rather than stiind trial in tbe circuit court. Kobert L. Popkins, a son of R. Popkins who came to this city a few years ago, and a student in the high school bas been taken to the Pontiac asylum. Justice Freuauff has a novel way of punishing tipplers; 30 days in jail or leave the city for 30 days. Thai was Poter Hinea' senteDce for his last spree. Peter took tbe first train west. The criminal and civil enits against the two mudents, Boy Ie and Harless, for assauHing Tony Schiappacase have beea uiscontinued. It cost the boys about 875 for their f un and they won't do so again. News bas been received here of the death of a daughter of .Tamas Sage, of Lodi, who went to California a few montha ago for her health. The body was expected to arrive yeeterday, and the funeral will be held at St. Thomas' churoh. Witbin four miles of this city on the soutb. Ypsilantl road, reside tour milkmen in a radius of one mile from eaoh otber, who come in with the lacteal fluid obtained from their herds, to supply our oitizens and school calves, thua furnishini abundant testimony as to the profitableness of such euterpnae. The Golden Temple of art and music ou exhibition in this city, is one of the most wonderful tbings ever seen. It is carverl from solid wood with a common ack-knife, bas tbe appearance of metal iud, altogether, is a wonderful piece of mecbanrism. It. stands 12 feet high, is composed of mnuy pieces and is put together without nails or screws. Prof. Churlas is Michigan horu, bis home being in Adrián. The design is original and ill tba oarving is done with his own :iand. No one should fail to isit tbe Golden Temple at 38 S. Main st. Mrs. Amanrla Ya'e of this city, is engaged i a law suit whicli is attracting considerable attention in tbis and other countios. The suit iuvolves her claim to an interest in the estáte of lier former iiusband, Francis Crawford, of Caseville, i man of considerable wealth. In '79, Mrs. Yale, then Mrs. Orawford, was granted, through her attorneys, Hatcli & Cooley, of Bay City, a divorw, and was allowed $20,000 alimony. Bhe did not sign away her right of dower, henee tbe suit above alluded to. J. W. Bennett of :his city, and Judge Crocker, of Mt. Clerneutti, are her attorneys. The case will be argued at Cro3well, Dec. 28, belore Judge Beach in Sanilac county. The preservation of our forests is of so much importHnce that we print the lollowmg from tbe Mechanical News: The suggestion bas been made, and is received with favor in many quarters, that the best way to prevent the disapsearance of the forests of this country s to exempt from taxation all land alanted in forests. Tbe experiment night be worth trying at aDy rate. It s evident, making all due allowance for :he exaggeration to whioli alarmists are prone, that uuless the consumption is checked or tbe production is eiïectually encouraged. the soil of tbe United State wiü be practically denuded of timber in the course of not many years. There is no way to check the consumption, siuce :he babit of iudependeuce is so stiong in :he American peoplo that they will hardly submit to restraint id the matter of whisky, let alone that of timber. But we do not doubt tbat thousands of larmeis would hasten to plant trees on as many acres as they could spare for tbe purpose if the certaiuty were held out to thein that the land so employed would be theuceforward free of taxation. And tha benefit accruiug to tbe public would in the end much more tban compénsate for the immediate loss to tbe :reasury.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat