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The following words. In praiso of Dr. Pierce's Favoritb Prescription as a rcmedy for thoso delicate disoases and weaknesses peculiar to woraoa, muet bo of interest to evcry suffcrer from such maladics. They are fair samples of the spontaueons exprossions with which thousands givo utternnee to thelr scose of gratitude for the Inestimable boon of health wbicn has been restored to thuin by thé use of this world-famcd medicine. $100 yeawUhLeSuërandTaid I" vorite Prescription ' ,d one bote of your T . out odc hundrod dollars to physieians withHER 'Pellets.1 1 ain doing my work, and have been TüDMVII AllflV nut rrllof ühn tinlr Dr Piri-Vi' Vnvnrifn m fnr SOUie tmie. I have had to empioj' help for IHRDWNflWAY. giiTádíSÍS SUPPORTER. fbout 8iIteen oar8 W CTT7: 1 all the medicine given to her by tho I wurrunn.ii. inR yolir medicine. I havo bad to wear a dans during tbe three ycars they had been practicing upon her." ., ,, , supporter most ot the time; thia I have laid Í, _ ' _ ,_ ,„,_, ., ., aside, and feel as wcll us I ever did." -smaa- MrS. GEOItGE HeHOER, Of Jf f .f lefci, Ar. 1 ., .______ Tur fnriTroT writes: " I was a great suffcrer from leueorMrs. Mat Gixason, of NunUa, Oltatra Co. IHL UncflïcST rh(a bearing-down palns, and pain continf WORKS H'cli- writes: "Your Favorito Prescription ' - - ually across my back. Three boftles of your , . has workcd wonders in my case. rARTHIV nflflM ' Favorite Prescription ' reetored me to perWftiinCQC Again shewrites: "Having taken several botLBninu liuun. fect heaitlu i treated with Dr. , for llUHUCno. tlcs of the ' Favorito Prescription ' I have ro■"■■"1""""" nine montos, without receivlng any benefit. """■"■■■■■■■■■ gained uiy health wonderfully, to the astonishThe ' Favorite Prescription ' is the greatest earthly boon to us ment of myself and f riends. I can now be on my feet all daj, poor suXFerlng women." attending to the duties of my household, TREATING THE WRONG DISEASE. Many times women cali on their family physieians, mifferíng-, as they imagine, one from dyspepsia, another from heart diseage, another froin liver or kiduey disease, another from nervoua exhaustion or prostratlon, another with pain here or there, and in this way they all present aiiko to themsclves and their easy-going and indifferent, or over-busy doctor, separate and distinct diaeasea, for which he presoribes bis pills and potions, assuming them to be such, when, in reality, they are all only stfntptoms eaused by some womb disorder. The physician, ignorant of the cause of suITering, encourages his practice until largo bilis are made. Tho eufferinif patiënt gets no betfcer. Dut probably worse by reason of the delay, wrong" treatment and consequent complications. A proper medicine, llke Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, directo! (o the cavsr, would have entirely removed the discase, thereby dispelling all those distressing symptoras, and instituting comfort instead of prolongcd misery. 3'""""" Mrs. E. F. Morqan, of No. 71 Ltxington St„ rl A marrelona Cnre.- Mrs G F Spragüz, HHYSIG1ANS Eait I),'tn'i' eilr5: "Fivo.yearsagpl JPlIflilS of Cnstal, Mich., writes: "I was troubled with r..,rnT was a dreadfulsufferer from uterino troublcs. ÜtflLUUO frmal0" weiknegg.' leucorrhea and falling of üie ri LED. Huving eihaustcd the skill of three phyRnPTnB? w"'"b for seven years, so I had to keep my bed '-'"''■ sicians. I was completoly discouraged, and so UUblUno. for a gOod part of the time. I doctored with au - '- - weak I. could with diffleulty cross the room I 1 army of different physieians. and spent large sum alone. I hepan taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and of moncv, but reeeived no lastiiig benetlt. At last my iiusband usiug the lot-al treatment recommended in his 'Common Scnse porsiiaded me to try your medicines, which I was loath to do, Medical Adviser.' I commenced to improve at once. In three beeause I was prejudiccd against them, and the doctors said ïnoutlis I was vcrfectly cured, and havo had no trouble since. I they would do me no good. I flnally told my hustmnd that if rote a letter to my family paper, briefly mentlon ng how my ne wouW rct me gome oL your medicinet. I would try them health hart been restored, and offermg to end the full particnlars against the advice of my physician. He got me sir bottles of tbe to any ono writing mo for them, oiid encloslrw a tlamped-en'Favorito Prescription also six bottles of the 'Discovery,1 for velopa for reyhj. 1 have reeeived over four hundred letters, ten dollars, t took three bottles of Discovery ' and four of lnJrLp r' S described my caso and the treatment used, ' Favorite Prescription,' and I have been a sound woman for four and have earnestly advlsed them to do likewise.' írom a great years. I then gave the balance of the medicine to my sister, who many I havo reoeived second etters of thanks, stating that they wal troubled in the samo way, and she cured herself in a short had commenced Ithe use of 'Favorite i Prescription,' had sent the time. I have not had to ta'ko any medicine now for almoi Sl.SO required for the 'Medical Adviser,' and had applled the four years" local treatment so f ully and plainly lald down therein, and were mucb botter already." THE OUTGROWTH OF A VAST EXPERIEN CE. The treatment of many thousands of cases cures nausea, weakncsB of stomaeh, In prcjrnancj", " Knvorlte Preícrlptíon" of thoso chronio weaknesses and di8tressinfr gestión, bloatinir and eructations of gas. isa "mother's cordial," n-licvingr nausea, alimenta peculiar to firmales, at the Invalida' A a ■oolliing and treiigllieiiliig; wcakness of ntomach and other dixtreasmr Hotel and Surgical Instituto, Buffalo, Ñ. Y., nervino, " Favorite Prcsiriptinn" is symptoms common to that condition. Ir has afforded a vast experience in nicely eqnalled and is invaluable in allayin? and its use is kept up in the latter months of adapting and thoroiifrhly testing remedies subduing uervous excitability, lrritabillty, gestation, it so prepares the system for d for the cure ot woman's peculiar maladies. eihaustion, prostration. hy6teria, spaitms iivery as to greatly lessen, and many time Dr. Pierce's Favorito Prescription and other dutrcssing, nervous symptoms almost entirely do away with the sufferings Is the outirrowth, or rcsult, of tuis (rreat commonly attendant upon funetlonal and of that tryinir ordcal. and valuablo eiperlence. Thousiinds of oreauic disease of tho womb. It induces "Favorito Prcserlptloii,'wbcn taken testimoniáis, reeeived from patlents and refresbing sleep and relieves mental in connection with the use of Dr. Pierce'i from phyeicians who havo tested it in the letv and deepondeney. Cíolden Medical Dlsoovery, and small laxamore agorravated and obstinate cases which Dr, Pierre' Favorite PreBcripilon tivo doses of I)r. Pierce'i Purgativo Pellets had bartled their skill, provo it to be the Is a legitímate medicine, ciircfully (I.ittle Liver Pilis), cures Liver, Kidney and most wonderful reinedy ever deviscd for cnmpoundüd by au cxnericncvd and skillful Bladder dlseneee. Their combined use alio tho relief and cure of suffering women. It phyeician, and adnpteu to woman's delicate removes blood taints, and abolishes canls not recommendod as a " cure-all," but organizatlon. It is purely vegetable in its cerous and ecrofulous humoiu from the as a most perfect Speciflo for woman's composition and perfeutly harmless in ita system. peculiar ailmonts. effects in any condition of the svstem. Favorito Prescription" Is thi onlr As a poworful, invigoratintr tonic, "Favorite Prescription M is a medicine for women soii, by drurglsta, it imparts strength to the wholo system, tive cnre for the most complioated and under a positivo (fnarantee, fröm tho and to the uterus, or womb and ita apobstinate cases of Jcucorrhea, or "whitcs," manufacturera, that it will jrive satisfaopendagee, in particular. Fí)r overworked, excesslve ïlowing1 at montlily pcriods, tion in evcry cast1, or ninriry will be ro '"worn-out," ''run-dmvn," debilitated teachful menstrimtion, unnat-ural suppressions, funded. This gimrantee hus been printed ers, milliners, dressmakers, senmstresses, prolapsus or falling of the womb, wcalc on the bottlo-wrapper, and faithfully car"sbop-girls," housekeopers, nursine mothback, "female wcaknees," nnteversion, ried out for nnny years. Larre boules ers, and feeblo women geneiwlly. Dr. troversion, b -jarinif-down sonsations, (100 doses) $1.00, or aix bottles for Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the greatio congestión, Inflammatlon and ulceration $5.00. eat earthly boon, being uneqnalled as an of the womh, inflammatlon, pain and BSScnd ten cents in stampa for Dr. appotizing cordial and rratoratlve tonie. It dernoes in ovarico, (iccompanied with Pierce's large, illustrafed Ti-caüse (ICg fñoinotes digestión and assimilat' -n of food, ternal heat." pages) on Discases of Women. Addrea. WOBLD'S mSPEXSARY MJEÖICAX. ASSOCIATION. No. 663 Main Streef BUFFAXOk N. X,


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