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Ohio Confidence Men

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A Cire'evllle, ()., dispatch oí Dec 7 layti Tbis morning Sidner J. Ward, a prominent farmer of Walnut townsblp, tbis county, wa Tictlmlzcd by conliilcuce men to the eztent of $5,000. The 8harpers arrived at Mr. Ward' house tliis inornlucr, and iutroduced themeelvca to ulm as agenta for tbe Louisiana Ute lottery. They pretended to be very íriendlj disposcd toward Mr. Ward, and soon won bi coufldeuce. TUey made sume offers where money could be madeyery easilv, and eeelDg tlieir sclieme could be plied suceessfully, called tbeir victlm aside, aud, after enjolning secrecy, told blm thej beld tbe ticket that drew $50,000 fu tbe state lottery, wblch they were wllllng to glve for lila secrecy and a commlasion of $5,000. Such a terapting bait was too mucb for Mr. Ward to wltbstand, aud, hltchinjj up blbore and biiggy, be and tbe swiudlers carne to tbis city, where tbe trick was consummated, the money drawn trom the Thlrd National bank, this city, wbere Mr. Wardbad lt on deposlt, aud paid to tbe swindlers. ïhey gave ome worthlesR paper in exchango for the cash, and returncd to Ashville, O., whence they left for parts unkuown. Ward bas always been regarded as a man of discretlon and good business qualifleations, aud how he could have been dupcd so easily on such a ohiineiical sebeme astoulshes hls acquaiutauces very mucb. He bas amassed quite a fortune by frugallty and judlclous investmeuts. The matter was reponed to the pólice, who traced the men as far as Ashvllle. wbere tliey hired a borse and buggy from tbe livery ttalile. Tbe pólice of otber cities nave been uotiöed to look out for the men, aud a ■trong effort will be made to capture them. Ward, tbe victim of the couBdeuce men, said to-night: "A man carne to iny house tbi muming drivmg a single horse and buggy. lle alighted auü said he wisbed to buy Jand fora colouy from Peuusylvauia, and asked me lf I bad auy for sale. 1 said i had a farm a short distuuce irom there whlch I would sell. He said : -Wil! you show lt to mei' 1 agreed, and wliile we Were on the way another mau, diiving a duuble team, met us. He saluted us, and said be wauted lo establisb a school at Circleville, aud ulso u brauch of tüe Louisiaua State lottery. All tbe time he kept f umbling soiiic cards he had iu bis hand. He theu asked us to draw, sayiug: 'I will show you how the business is couducted In Louisiana." Wc each drew a card, aud he exclaiined: 'Tbis is wuuderfull You have drawu the prize of $50,0u0. It uever happeued before In my Ufe. But before you can secure the prize it will be uecessary fur me to satisfy tbe oiliee ibat jou are worth at least $5,000.' My coiupauiun aeked me ií I could raise tbat amouut. I said 'Yes,' aud got into tüe buggy wlib tlic doublé team aud wa driveu to the Third Natioual bauk of Circleville, wbere I secured the money. We returued to wbere the other uiau was waiting. Tbe card man lecored the mouey, and theu explaiued that I had not drawu tiie prize as represeuted. He ImuKdlatcly drove uil witb tüe niouey, and Iben his compauiou begau to accuse me iu violent terms of belug au accompliee, laylng 1 had snlndled hlm out of his mouey etc. I assureii hlin I had never seeu the man before. H cursod leiiriully aud seemed to ba almost cruzy, but said he: 'lf you glve me your promise that yon do not know tbis man I will see you do not lose anytbing, ior jou would not have met tliis straugcr if I had uot asked jou to show me jour iarm.' I assured bim, and he gave me tbis paper: 'Due Sidner J. Ward, thirty days after date, $5,000. L. C. Fekgcson.' "He then drove away, leavlug me standing In the road." The ewiudlers met Iu Ashvllle, where they left tbe single rig, but drove away with the doublé team. They went iu tbe dlrectlon of Amanda, and were seen passing tbrough Ihere at, 3 P. M. Tbe doublé team belouged to Seueca Sabine, of Ashville. Oue of tbs meu was large, wore a full. saudy beard and a sott bat pulled down over bis ejes. No de8criptlou eau be obtalned of the other man. They gave the hotel keeper $1), sayiug: "Keep a room ior us; we will be back tomorrow night." Mr. Ward was slow to realize tbat be had been duped, or tbe ráscala mlght have been thwarted. He unie to thls city, secured Iwo ofh'cers, and started in pursuit, but without avuil as jet These same individuáis have inisucces-fiil.v trled tbeir 8cbemes on other farmers of this viciuity. A large party Is Iu pursuit, aud inay capture the meu before morulng.


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