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Leut begins Feb. 15. Oood weather for coal mertihans. Judge Harriman was ia Ypsilanü Monday. Tlio Boyal Aroanuui installed oftieers last evemug. 8tate dairymen's meeting at Adriao, Kebruary 14-16. Mt. Pleasant is to have a new Roman Catholio churoh. Tuesday was the most disagreeable day of the wiuter so far. Mr. and Airs. Clair S. Duraud, SuuJsy ed witb frieuds m Ohelsea. Modjeska drew a house good when sbe played " Viola," in Twelfth Night. The oounty house bas 95 iumates, about the same number as last er at this time. Oue of the olTerings sent to the Pope was 16,')0U pounds of sugar from Aoieiïca. Thai wide Hwake dry goods lirm, Mxck & Sohinid, hu ve a change oí ad in to-day 's paper. Do not forget the masquerade ball this eveniug iu Beethoveu hall given by city band boys. Halstead street iu C hicago is fourteen miles long: tho lo' gast strert 10 the United States. Benj. Y. Ashley was commiited to the Foutiao ïusaue asylum by Judge Harrimau, on Monday. The supervisors of this oounty at tlieir last meeting voted $2ö for au organ for thecounty house. Wednesday, January 18, is the last day of htí;inu: claims in the estáte of fceley Bennett, deceasea. Mrs. Mary Cook has Leen epending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Len Hatch, of Plymouth. The monthly meeting of the ladies' charitable uuion was held yestetday afteruoon in Hobart hall. Prosecuting attorney Norns bas moved into the offices over O. Binsey'a, so long ocoupied by Judge Kinne. A. VV. Ames handled 2500 expresa packageB during holiday week, not 25.UÜÜ as was stated in last week's Demookat . Mrs. Janerette was giveu a surprise party Tuesday evening. The occasion being the celebration of her birthday. Susan S. Runion was fcraated a decree of divorce Monday, from Geo. VV . Kunion. This is tho flrst oase tried by Judge Kinne. Schimmerhorn, the colored man, is serving a 90 dayb' senteuce at Iovia, for stealing a harness. He has been there before. The knights of labor and Welch post Q. A. B. will eachholdan lnatallation of offlcers at their respective lodge rooms this evening. Mrs. H. B. Arudt will hereafter be at home to lier frieuds every Friday, af ter three-thirty p.m.,at her rcsidenoe on West Huron street. Going out of the Lake Shore depot in Chicago, it takes the train three-quartere of an hour to reach the limits of the city. The writer of this item noted the time. Dr. O. . Wight, of Detroit, is meutioned as a poesible candidato to occupy the chair of theory and praotice in the umversity, made vacant by the dea tb of Prof. Palmer. Suit has been commenced by the Auu Arbor Agricultural compauy, in the . Wayne oircuil court, against VV. P. Dicks of Detroit, to recover on two notes given by defeudaut. Of thirteen different brands of "stomach bitters" aualyzed by the trovernment chemist every one contained ingredients deleterious to bealtti, and uot one had a single ingrediënt calculated to tone up the Btomach. The Waahtenaw mutual flie-insurance compauy elected the following officers Wednesday for the ensuing year: president, H. H.Platt;secretary V. K.Childs; directora E. A. Nordman, J. F. Spafford and E. E. Leland. _ The Woman's Column, a weekly paper devoted to womeu's iuterests and especially to women suffrane, will be sent to subsoribere for tweuty-flve ceutB a year. Address Woman's Oolumu, 3 Park Street, Boston, Mass. The leoturea by Rev. John C. Ecolestou, D. D., soon to be delivered in Hobart hall are eutitleci " Three evenings in the Spirit World with Dante and Dure." This course haa been delivered with marked success betore the Peabody Instituto of Baltimore and the general theo logical seminary of New York iiy. The (?uild feel confldent that the lectures will ieceive the same favorable reception here as they have elaewhere. The direotors of the Star Mountain mining oompany met Mmday and oompleted their eleotious. VV. W. Whedon was chosen vioe-president and Jobn J . Kobison Beoretary. The exeoutive committee repurted tbe purohase and location at the company's mines of heavy mining machinery. A block of 4,0uÜ abares of stock was ordered planed upon the market for Bale to entibie the company to push work on u large ideale Court next Monduy. Lorenzo Davis is no better. Chauge of ad for the 1 wo Sarna agaiu this week. Dr. Ford Uaa been made dea i ot the medical department. Themonthly meeting of Hobart hall was held last evening. Uongressnian Allen is one of the oommittee ou Indian uffairs. An elevaior in Chicago will carry vou up Bix stories in two seconds. A portrait of the late Dr. Palmer bas been presented to ilobart hall. F. Dwieht Townsend left Monday for Pittsburgb, Pa., for a few weeks' viait. Miss Julia Jackson spent Sunday with her cousin, Mrs. Anderson, of Pittsfield. O. M. Martin attended the funeral directors' assooiation in Detroit this week. Dr. Eccleston, of N. Y., will leoture on Dante, in Hobart hall, Jan. 26, 2? and 28. State street is the great thoroughfare for horse rasing during the sleighing season. Martin Cremer has been appointed postmaster at Ypsilanti. It is a good one. E.B. Gid ley as a member of the board af healtb, is the right man in the right plaoe. Several gentlemen from this city attenied the K. T. banquet in Detroit last evemng. Miss Sarah Doonelly, of tbia oity, and Weber Jaokson, of Detroit weie married on Monday. The seats of the First M. E. Sunday school room have been placed in tbe A. M. E. ohuroh. A. Kearnev went to Chatham yesterday with Miss May Costello who is attending school there. Mr. Hattie Crawford, of Philadelphia, Pa., in yisiting her old home and old f rienda in the city. Solomon Zeeb will ansn-er to the charge of cruelty to animáis bfoio Juatice Freuauff to-day. Charles S.Woodward. for a namber of years clerk of the ('ook house, is now at the Brunswick in Detroit. Howar.l Niohol-i of Saline, has obtained a jndgment a?Rinst Marvin Daveuport for $253.83 and coste. Mrs. F. MoMahon is expected to return from Calumet, Mioh. . today where she has been for the past two months. Mr. John K. Yocum, of Chelsea bas been spendintf a few days with bis daughter, Mrs. Fred Howlett. Next Snnday evening at the M. E. church, Prof. H. W. Rocera will give the iirst of a series of lectures on the bible. Snnday was a most beautiful day, and as the BleigbiDg was fair, the livery men did a lively busineBS in letting turnouts. Next Mouday evening at the Unitarian church will be re8d tlie annual reporta of tlio church, Sunday school and Unity club. Saturday a farmer brought a load of beef to the city bat being unable t dispose of it was obligel to carry it back home. At a meeting of the stockholders of the First National bank, Monday, the old board of directora were eiected for the ensuing year. M Jobnson, the fortune teller, is contemplating the erection of a cottage next Nummer on her property in old cup and saucer hollow. Mrs. Aun Barry of the fourth ward, (lied Jan. 8th , aged 50 years. She was buried Wednesday mormog from St. Thoinus' church. Tlie uuiverity dramatic olub will play " The Mystic Bell of Ronquerolles " ut the Qrand, Jau. 27th, undertbe management of Prof. de Pont. Dr. Eddy preaches his last sermón !Sunday in the Presbyteriau ohurch. 11e lenves for the south next week for tlie benefit of liin henltli. The knights of labor gave a very pleasant eutertaiument Tuesday evening at Hangsterfer's. Hou. (J. R. Whitman de Uvered a tiue address. Jas. Kennedy of Northfleld, ell on as icy walk last Fiiday, and broke lus hip. As Mr. K. is 8i years of age, it w.ll probably go hard with him. The ladies of the Presbytenan church give a social and supper to morrow after noon at 6 o'clock. Dr. tddy will be present to greet his friends. .Mr. H'm. Beuerle, of Manchester, who has been laid up for a few weeks, cauxed by injuries received while moviug a barn, was in the city Monday. The annual meeling of the VVorkingmen's association will be held next Monday evening for the purpose of electing officers and transactingot! er business. Tuesday was the worst day of the season, cold and blustering. The wind blew a guie, and the hiiow almost blinded tbose who were compelled to face the storm. F. Pistorius returned from a four weeks' stay at East Saginaw, Monday. He has aleo removed his office to the place formerly occupied by the late Justioe Mo.Mahon. Bishop Gillespie, of Qrand Rapids, will deliver an address at St. Andrew's churoh Tuesday morning, Jan. 4th, at the semiuunual meeting of tlie episoopal clergy of this diocese. Chas, lc Cormick, supervisor of ïpei lanti, has been eiected keeper of the county house in place of Mr. Aio Dowell, and he will enter upon his duties April 1, next. Mr Moüowell held the position for nine years. Themonthly meeting of the officers and teachers of St. Andrew s Sunday school was held Wednesday evening. Rev. W. (alpin readan mterestingandinsiruotive paper on "Methods of Instruotion in the Sunday school." jRev. J. T. Sunderland will speak next Sunday evening ou " College Secret Sooieties." All the college fraterniiies are invited, and any other pereons interested. His momiug sermón will be upon " Kational methods of Bible study.' Ellen M., wife of Rev. Jamas E. Butler, of Webster, died Jau. Dth. of blood poisoning. Mrs. Butler was an estimable and worthy woman and will be mourued for by her man y friends. The funeral was held Wednesday morning at the Webster church. A horse owoed by A. A. Meuth, butcher on Detroit street. rau away Tuesday and collided with a team owned by John Allen. The thill of Meuth's rig ponetrated the breast of one of Allen's hoi sea, killing it ïustautly. Allen esuaped unhurt. I lie horae wan valueu at $200. Prof. V. O. Vaiiífhau, at a recent meeting of the state board of healtb, reported upon the experimenta of producing diseaae m the human family similar to typhoid fever by the use of germs found in water used by the victims of the epidem io at Iron llouutaiu. This is believedto be the lirst discovery in the world. H. II. Osborne, for mnay years a prominent miller some three miles west of the city, mude an assigninent to Jno. J. BobBon, ex-county elerk of this county. His assets without the book accounts amount to $15,000 ; liabilities tbought to be between $10.000 and $12,00l. The Lansing bank holds 33,000 oi secured paper. Monda} evening a man stepped ioto one of our grocery stores and purchased Bonie crackers and cheese saying he had walked trom Toledo tliat duy on the railroad trnck and was on his way to Dexter expecting to reach there that night. The grooer looked at the icy condition of hiu shoes, and his general appearance denoting sincerity, he handed him a quarter to pay his oar fare to the village. The poor fellow thue unexpeotedly provided for made tracks for the depot. Pork $6.30 per 100 pounds Hendrickson has sold his store on Stat gtreet to J. D. Baldwin. The Two Sama adverüse bargains i overcoats in to-day's paper. Dr. T. M. Wilder of Chicago, was th guest o( Dauul B. Brown, over Sunda) James Snow was sent Monday to the workliuuse for ninety days for yagrancy Jno. Mulholland of Ba) City, who ha been viBiting his mother, returned hom Monday. Mre. Abner Crump, of the fifth wan who died Monday of consumption, wa buried Wedneiday. Cüarlie Donuelly is clerking in the ffreat Fair establishment in Chicago, whioh covers one whole blook. The capsules made in this city are very popular with druggists and physicians througbout the state and meet with ready ■ale. Jaoobs & Co. announce a great reduction sale of clothing, mufflers, and underwear, and one-quarter off on all overooats. ïhe sohool board buys yellow oak wood f rom $3.70 to $3.98, per cord ; basswood, $2 25; maple $4 50 and hickory for $4 50 and $5.00. A.ugi:i l. Datzlapf of the seooud ward undertook to pass in front of a rnoviug train on the Toledo road Monday, and was considerably shaken up. After a person has rode two or three miles in a street oar in Chicago, the conduotor will haud yon a transfer ticket for another road without extra charge. Martin Clark bas returned to the oity a' ter an absence of a num'oer of weeks. Mr. Clark is looking well and hearty which shows that travel agrees with üim. The regular aunual meeting of the stookholders of the Michigan turniture aompany, for the election of director., will be held at the office of the president Tuesday evening. Jau. 17. Of late the postoffice building has been fllled with foul and disagreeable odora. Olöcer Gidley, of the board of health ie overhauling tiie basement and when he has tlnishei bis work, ït will be found to be well done. The Toledo road bas just received 10 uew ooaohes, and they are perfect beauties too, besides 1U0 new box cara, with 100 Imore lo be delivered this inonth The business at this, station last month amounted to over $30,000. There are two womeii dentista in Londi n - Mre. Hardinge and Dr. Olgavoii Dertzen. The latter is a Germ-m b birtb, and possesíes a number of medals awarded to her by the Emperor of Germauy for her services ns a nurse duriug the Austro-Prussian and l'Yaueo-Germau Wars. öhe bas been in America, and studied deutistry in this country. One of thi; Rreatest of women philanthropiats and abom whom society knowtt Jiitle or uothinjj is Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson of Boston. Her income ie about $öü,UOO a j ear, which she receivee quarterly, and ït is said that she is ofteu penniless before the end of the quarter She has uo children, has no house or home, does not keep a carriage, never Koes to the theatre, never read but two uovels in her life, and never possessed but one vc-lvet dress. öhe spends he time and money in oharity, and that without uien tif. ing herself with the object of her (jenerosity.


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