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The reporter for the Michigan assoeiated press interviewen! Gov. Luce a few days ago to aseeitaiu wliat grain of truth vu contained in the recent presa reporte upou the position of state offlcers iu granting patents upou lauds where the title was in diapute. It is given below : "Uovernor, what is there in this newapaper talk ubout a w rit of mandamua to compel you to sign patent to state lands where the title is iu queatiou.'" 'There is not a paiticle of foundation for th rumor, i lum.v it originated with some over-zealous nwapaper reporter or publUher. T-e story wouid be uarinlesa, except that it adds to the uueasinesa feit by pureuasers oí and settiers upou land boufcüt 01 the railroad compañías." Can you give nie u brief statement of your üwu views 01 tüe matterf" ■ 1 have do desire to enter into any diacusaion of the ,uestion of the ownerahip of these lands In dispute, as that is iu proces ot sett e inent oy the courts. Uut s;entlemeu who have given niuch attentiou to the matter believe tnai the tute will maiutaiu lts claims to the lands platted to it as swamp land in IHM. 1L thia is ao the stata oilicials will not be held biameless u tney do uut use aii honorable ettorts to protoct t.ia rights ot the state. Pending legal proceedings tosettle rival claim to thesj lands, it required butlittle re.lectiou to oouviuce me that .aw, practice and sound policy iudicated that none of these laud should be patented by the atate. The law requires all state swamp lauüj tu ue 11 rs toü red at public sale. Thw has uot been done toudYautitga untl. wehold au undisputed title. ome oí these audi are valuaule, anl it would be wroug to perinit individuáis to nuw steu iu and buy lauds that niay be worth trom j to oO per acre for tl SS. T..e views ot ihe iaud cominissioner and my own are in periect harmony upon thia quesiiou.' uoes the suit brougbt by the AttorneyGenerai u.ieet those wuo have heretoiore bouglit oí thd raiiroads" 1 underscand that it does not." "Havo you reiused to siii patent to any o tus state lunds wuere .rouer certilicates have been presentedi" VU. uu, and do uot expect to. The Goveruor's dutiesinthe matter are purely ministerial, ue is turnished with no plats, abstracts nor records. He deeda upon lertineate i-ssued by tha laud office. Wneii it be.-aiue Knowu that a suit was about to bisconiineuced a mistaken notion pievmieJ iu relation to its scope and ertent. Some tbought it might uiteet the tiie to au swanip lands, wuetuer bougbt of the atate or of the land grant railroad companios. i-urchasers oi these lands uud the lioveruor'a signatura to their patent, aud write this ouice for informa tion. i have done what 1 could to allay appMheimon. öoiue fear that speculators eau now step in and buy their lands away froin tuem. in reply to these communie tioua 1 have given asurance that no patents would be signed wnere the que tion of title is involved in tbe in.unctiou suit, if 1 know it, uuti. the questioii of title is settied. Out ui tuis has grown the ailly talk o. a i;ii.ndamu3. Purcbasers of any o these have no cause for alarm. The commissioner of the land oitlce is jus aa averse to selling settlem and purchasers out of land and homa as i iu, and they may rest content." DON M. oVORN. A Mieliigan Man lias Charge of the U. S. Mails. Don M. Dickinson's entrance as a member of President Clevelan I's cabinet waa observed on the lithinst., with muobceremony. Although not formally aworn, his preseuct! and advice at a cabinet meeting had been req íested by the president. At the White house the new cabinet assembled with Difkinsou to the lef t of the president. Whitney wasai Uickinaon's right, Garland opposite and V'ilas at the foot of the long table. The meeting was niainly congratula tory. The ceremony of awearing in kept the department iu exciteruent ah the afteriioon. At 1 :;0 the postmaster-general'ü ollioö nascrowded with the heads of departments. Measrs. Uickinson and Vila nimo trom the private uttice arm-in-arm, while all the prominent ouiciala r oae and bowed defereutially. TheoHicial notary tottered lorward to adiui ulster the oatli of o.lice. Ue is nearly kW years old, entering the de;.trtmunt service il: years ago. 'ihis vm th -4th postmaster-geueral he had sworn in. A murocco bible was held in Mr. Uicki naon'd left hand and the right wa raiseil. Tbe oath was inaudible from thetremuling voice. V henconciuded Mr. Uickiusou i aiM; 1 the bible to his hps and kissp.l it, and the first audible sound that bmke tbe impressive silenes was, "1 awear it. ' in aiKrmation of the oath. Hfl is now postmaster-general. Mr. Vilas was tue lirst to congratúlate, folio wed by lien, stepheuson. Firi Assistant Knoi and otber heada. Tben carne the clerks, nearly a thouiand of thein, graspiue their cbief's hand ior tue lirsttiaie. 'f bis hour'sordeal made a hard day's baginning for Michi gan's distinguished citizen. 'ih ! Hort icnl turista. The anuual meeting of tbe Western Michigan Uorticultural and Industrial Association was he.d in Grand Rapids a few days ago, with all of the omcera and directora in attendance. Tbe forenoon session was taken up witb routine business, arrangiii{ some special premiums. The annual reports of the secretary and treasurer wer presentid at the afternoon session. The for uier shows a membership 0(443, en tries in horse department, 2H; cattle, 24li; sheep, 105; swine, 55; poultry, 349; farm proJucts, 421; fruit andtiowers, 1,058; vebicles. ."3; fancy articlea, 387; manufacturers' artieles,4;j, art andacienoe, 54S; youths' department, 219. Total entries, 3,7 1. The aunual receipta, as ahown by tbe treasurer's report, are as tullo ws: Balance on hand January 17, 1487, 12,007 74: cash received tor tickets, $11, ouó 25; from booths, etc., t ii .0, from entrlos. $1,Ü4J 50; amouui of ljsö premmma forfeitéd, $7;i; from street railway couipany for straw, etc, tU üO; total receipts, ♦16, iö 39. Disbursements -Cash expended by business conimittee, $104 79; cash for premiums, 0,i a i 50: expenses lor fair, H, ■?;! 92; balance on hand Jan. 17, 1S-S, ï 1,'iüW 18. The aasociation hm cleared about $2,0OU durlug past year, aud is in good financial condition. Utlicera were elected aa tollows: President, tl. C. Sherwood, Watervliet; vicepresident, J. O. Kanisdell, Traversa City ; kBcretitrv, James Cox. Grand Rápida; treasuie, E. 11. Uikenan. Grani Rápida. Directora for oue, two and ture years were re-eiected. _ Growlug" More Mysterloas. James Gilbert of Bay City, who was sent to Wisconsln to look up Fisher, the man said to have been murdered in Monitor township, Bay county, telegraphed that he had found Fisher ali va and well. Ue was at Kendal'a camp. People in Bay City had pretty well settied it in their ininda that no Fisher would be found. They believed he had been murdered. All the coufessions made and the story of the boy Charlie had been corroborated by a ilttle one of six years. This mere chüd said that his mother atruck his father on the head with a hammer. Then V allace stabbed him with a but -her knife. The case is only wrapped In more impenetrable mvstery. Despite the flnding of i'isher there are many who believe that some murder has been eommitted. Mrs. Fisher and Wallaee were discharged an hour af ter the di ipatch waa received. There is no charge upon wbich they could be hald longer. Decisión Reserved. The quejtiou of the constltutlonality of th llquor law enacted at the laat seasion of the legislature waa argued before the jupíeme court on the lOth inst. Judg Maratón opened the attack on the law, and Edwin F. Conley of Detroit replied, maintainlng its cunstitutiouality . Charles A. Reut made au argument on the same ■id or the question. Prusecuting Attorney Kobison of Detroit offered two brifs, upholding the law, ezcept the section relating to policing tu towuships. Fred A. baker ciosed tliu uruments against the constitutioualny u lue act. The dociïioa il rvüvrvud. WOLVEKINK WHISPERINGS. Wi'l '. urn usistaut postmaster at Cheboygan. is charged witb appropriating money froiu the maila. ■September U) is tue date flxed (or the opening oí the next state fair. Giles Al. Jcmusuu, seui to Jackaon trom Gratiut county for three years and two monthe (or burglary, died of typhoid ver Jan. 11. The Grand Lodge F. & A. il., of the state wiU meet iu Kast tSagiuaw on the 24th inst, and present indications are that there wiU be a large attendance oí Masous and others. The various hotels of the city are aimnst daiiy receiving applications for acoommodationa. The Phenüeix Furniture company of Grand Rapids, bas been awarded the contract by tue secretary oí the treasury to provide all th furniture for the public buildings nast of the Kocky Mountains. An aged Weriuau wo aan of East 8agi' naw paid $ i express to send some medicine to the Crown Prince for his throat. Manager OÍ Michigan theatrical circa it elected folio w ui oiticersat Kast Sagina w: President, F. Keynolds, Muskegon; vicepresident, ij. C. CUy, East Sagina w; seeretary, II. A. Tnayer, Fiiut; treasurer, M. J. Buck, Lansing. Ueorgs Nelaon, a uituralizei citizon, went to Ujrmauy to vjsit friends, and was arrestad and üne.l 30 m irks, and told that he must serre four years in the army. Ue escaped by uuaus of his passport, and is now in Jackson. The matter has been referred to the state depáYtment. 6The members of tiie Grand Army of the Kepubiic are making preparations for the national inspección of pons, to occur during the months of January and February, and all o,t hare been asked to be prepared. Haiiry H. Applice of Bay City, bas been appoiuted Asaistanc InspectorUeneral for Michigan. The following are the newly-elected ofticers of the state poultry and pet stock association: President, C. B. ühatfleld, Bay City ; vicepresideu t, T. F. Shepard, Bay City; secretary, W. Y. Brace, Bay City; treasurer, W. O. Clift, Bay City. Direotors- A. H. Oates, Bay City; C. B. Pierce, Urand Kapids ; J. H. Haynes, Decatur; J. A. tíonzales, Grand Kapids; George Pickleaver, iouia; Peter Lepp, Bast Sagina w; James Keed, Detroit; tí. J. KU.ay, Saline; C. H. Chement Sheridan-, tí. S. Barnes, Battle Creek; A. 8. Haskins, Lawrence; A. Tucker, Concord; B. 9. Hart, Vestaburg; F. M. Bronson, Vermontville; F. Driggs, Urand Rapids; li. A. Mansfleld, W altham, Mass., director at large. H was decided by a unanirauus vote to hold th next annual meeting at Bay City. The executive couimittee of the stat agricultural society have decided to hold the next state fair in Jackson. Dr. C. L. Ford bas been chosen dean of the medical faculty of the Uniyersity. John W. Eddy of Muskegon wants $30,000 oí Charles Cavanangh for the allegad seduction of Edna Ëddy. The year l&l was the largest on record in point of the furniture output in Urand Kapids. Battle Creek Adventists believe the end of the worid wiU come in lfv. Oscoda county will vote on local option on Valentine day. L. B. Cook, a resident of Grattan, Montcalm county since 1H44, is dead. The Lanslng wheelbarrow works built four trucks for the United States printing office in Washington. There are 3.7 studeuts in Oliret collage. The annual reunión of the Twenty-flrst Michigan Iufantrr was held in Urand Kapids Jan. i and was attended by 137 veteran meiuber. Hon. Corneliui Van Loo of Zeland delivered an oration. Telegrams of regret were read (rom Gen. Phil Sheridan and Hon. W. B. McCreery. The (ollowing ofBcers were elected: President, Col. Wm. B. McCreery, Flint; flrst vicepresident, C. M. Diukiuson, Grand Rapids ; sacretary and treasurer, líber Rice, Grand Kapids', otber vice-presidents, Capt, T. G. Stevenson, Ionia; George I'eck, Ottawa county : Richard Gib.son, Montcalm county; A. W. Diilenbeck, Barry county; Jas. Ca vanaugh, Muskegon county; Lyiiitn K. Meeker, Newaygo county. ürer 200 veterans and their wives and relatiyes Bat down to a banquet in the ereniug. There are 'ii applicauts tor the Jackson poitofnue. First Lieut. Calvin D. Cowles of the Twenty-third infantry has been detallad as judge advocate at Fort Mackinae. James Hand of Jackson, a veteran of the war, suioided the other day. Barry couuty supervisors have passed resolutions urging otliuerg to enforce as íully as possible local option law. "N"o quarter and no compromise with the saloons is the order of the day in Barry county," writes a correspondent at Hast'ngs. WUliam Thomas of Hastingi publishes a card warning whom it inay concern not to purchaae notes signed by him for $400 and Í35.J respectively, which he claims were frauduleutly secured f rom him at Kalamazoo, as their payment bas been legally stopped. Complete reports from all the iron mines of the Lake Superior región covering their shipments by rail and lake and ore supplied to local f urnaces during the year 18H7 show a total production of 4,067,652 gross ton. Henry K. Mather, a pioneer of Marquette, and one of tbe wealthiett man of the city, died suddenly of apoplexy a few days ago. Tbe capital oí tbe propoted Battle Creek & Bay City rond ia $2,500,000, and the distance to be covered is 130 miles. Representativo Tarsney bas introduced a joint resolution to give a medal to Col. Charles de Arnaud for bravery while an oflicer in the rebellion. De Arnaud is a Parisian by birtn, a count and now a resident of Rochester, N. Y. Prof. Dickie of Albion, was tendered a banquet in New York the other night .by the executive committee of tbe prohibition party. Mercy hospital at Big Rapids has cared for nearly 6,00J patients since its opening in 1879. The institution is free from debt. Cadillac bas anew imlustry which malees crates out of waste lumbar. James O'Reilly's son was killed over a year ngo in Uudson towuship, Lenawee county, by steam thresher falliag through a bridge. Tue town board ott'ered tosettle with Mr. O'Reilly for $5J0 and issued an order for that urn. Injunction against payment has been granted and legal complications will have to be untangled before settlement is effected. Nathan Branch, Albert Lee, Nathan C. Meade, Charles Chilson and WUliam L'hapiu have been arrestad at Williaraston undar capias isaued on complaint of U. N. Williams of Detroit, and held at $500 bail each for examination on charge of forcibly remo ving Mrs. Williams from Williams' hom to her fathar'a (Nathan Branch) Mrt. Williams i still iua oritical condition and may not recover. Winter meeting of state horticultural society wilt be held at Grand Rapicls Jan 26-7 under auspices of independent forest ry commission and by invitation of local board of trade. Gov. Luce will preside. Frank HetTerman, Michigan Central teleftraph operator atGalien, Berriencounty, was killed at that point by jumping from one engine as another was passing unknown to him. Prof. Winchell of the university says that there "is substantial grouud for er pectiuK a supply of oil or gas, or both." in Kilinaster, Alcona county, and that the gas already found "is uncommonly rich in carbon, and henee would be good for llluininating purposes as well as for fuel." Prof. McElroy, until recently superintendent of Lunsing blind school, has invented new car heater, which is being tested with encouraging success on several roads in and outside of Michigan. Dr. Vaughn says there are 10o deaths and 10,000 cases of typhoid fever in Michigan annually, and that specitic typhoida' germs in water or diluted miik may be rendered innocuous by boiling. Gov. Luce is asked to pardon Harry McDowell of Grand Rapids, who is serving 15-year sentence for manslaughter at state's priüoii, on ground that typhoid fever is liable to carry him off. The thermometer registeree from 14 to 36 below zero at various points in northern Michi gan on the ltith inst. The followiiig Michigan men hare been admitted to practica beore the interior department: Albert K. Audress, Chesan ing; George Hasttin, Oscoda, and Eugene H. Wood, Hersey. Thos. Dougherty, a resident of Coldwater since 1(33, is dead. Lenawee county will rote on local option Feb. 22. Maxwell Thompson, one of the oldest settlers in Gene.iee county, died in Fenton a few days ago. The seuate h;i, contirmed Don M. Diok' inson's nomination as postulas ter-general" Daniel Üstrauder, wha was injured by an explosión at Gbb s mili uear Kdmore bas commenced suit agriust the mili ownerf for ♦25.ÜOJ damage. "Latter Day Saints" ara preaching near Morley, and there is considerable excite ment in consequence. The Detroit, Charlevoix & Escanaba road will be opened from Kalamazoo to Mackinac city, vin Charlevoix and Petoskey, by next fall. W. H. Tice has been brought from New York on requisition to answer charge of embezzling fsi from Homer township, Midland county, of which he was treasurer. The trial, etc.,, cost county nearly ♦ 1,0001 and Tice about $300. Sentence suspended after verdict of guilty. Petar R. Peterson was frozen to death on the Kit h inst, about 14 miles north of EUis Junction. The temperatura was 165 below zero at the time. Bartley Breen is the nominee of the labor party for representativo in congress from the eleventh district. Ex-Gov. Alger jo.ned the republican league during nis recent vistt to Washington. A "progressive unión" has been organ'zed by Lansing spiritualuts - and spirits. R. E. Butterworth, a prominent and wealthy citizen of Grand Rapids, died on the ITth inst., the resu t of a stroke o' paralysis. He had li ved iu Grand Rapids since lM.'i. Ue was among the Urst to develop the piaster resources in that vicinity, and in 1S02 spent mucli money in vestigating the pobsibility ot makiug aalt, boring wells and erecting salt worlcs, He owned considerable real estáte, and a short time ago purchased property worth ♦11,000 and deeded to the St. Mark's Home association for a hospital. Owners of about 4O,uu0,O0.) feet of pine are auxious tbat another railroad shall be built which shall strike Big Rápida. The F. & P. M. will build another bridge over the Saginaw river at Saginaw. J. M. Longyear of Marqnette is the president of a company which owns L4,800 acres of land on the Minnesota mineral range. Exp orations for iron are aboui to begin. Clinton county will vote on local optiou Feb. 21. Parties prospecting forcoal near Vassar have struok a seven foot vein. Gov. Lnce will address a convention of republican clubs at Columbus, Ohio, February la. At torna y General Taggart, Insurance Commiüsioner Raymond, and Charles Bunchei of Detroit have been appointed a commission to draf t a uniform insurance policy for the state. The grand couucil of royal and select master masons of Michigan held its annual meeting in Grand Rapids on the 17th inst., an 1 elected the folio wing otlicers: M. I. G. M., Allen McKee of Manlstee; Dep. G. M., Thomas G, Green of Three River; G. P. C. of W., Sanford Hunt of Jaokson; G. T. , H. Sliaw Noble of Monroe; O. R. Garry B. Noble of Detroit; G. C, th Rev. Francis A. Blades of Detroit; G. C. of G., Traverse Phillips of Hastings; G. C. of C Marcu A. Elliott of Holly ; G. 8., Chas. H. Bag? of Detroit; G. Bentine), Alex Mc. Gregor of Detroit. IiKTItorr MARKETS. Wheat, White ♦ 88 @ 90 " Red B7 87JÍ Corn, per ba 51 (g 63 Oats, " " 84 ($ &ÚX BARLür „ „ 70 & 172 Malt 80 @ 90 TimothtSeïd 2 50 W 2 55 Ci.ovkh Sked, per bag 4 li (g 4 25 Fbkd, perewt 1 00 (20 00 Flouk - Michigan patent... 4 75 w 5 00 Michigan roller. ... 4 25 @ 4 35 Minnesota patent.. 5 00 W 5 25 Minnesota bakers'. 4 25 (L 4 50 Michigan rye 3 25 @ 3 50 Buckwheat, perewt 2 25 Q$ 2 50 Apfles, uew. per bbi 2 50 2 70 Bbans, picked 2 15 @ 2 30 " unpicked 1 25 (g 1 80 Bkkswax...; 25 ($ 30 BlTTEB 1 S 1 CHKBSK,perlb 12 ($ 12 Drisd Afplis, per ib ö (S Eoos. perdoz 17 (al 18 Honkt, per 1b 13 (g 15 Hops per lb 6 a 8 Hat, per ton, clover 6 00 @ 7 00 " timothy 10 00 (ajll 00 Malt, per bu 80 Ci 85 Onioks, per bbl 2 25 @ 2 50 POTATOK8, per bu. 80 jii 85 Poultry- Chicken,per lb.. 10 (g 10 ueese 10 (g 11 Turkeys 10 (g 11 Ducks perlb 10 (u M Pkovisionb- Pork. ...15 00 (15 50 ín m il y 15 75 (w 16 00 Kxtra mess beef 7 00 (cj 7 25 Lard 7 'é X t Dressed hogs.. 6 00 ca 8 50 Beef.... 2i 4 " Calves... (.4 7 " Lamba... 5í(g 8 Hams 11 (i Ui rihoulders 7 (9 8 Bacon 11 c$ 11X Tallo w, perlb.. 3 (3 3 Uides - Green City per lb .. 5 (g) [% Country 6 (g 6H Greeu Clf 6 (?) 6H Cured 7 (g 7% Balted 9 Sneep skins, wool.. 60 @ 1 25 LIVE STOCK. Cattle- Market active, 10@15c higher. Fancy, ♦ @ 4u; steers, $.i -u, J 15; ttockers and ïeedois, $a 5J; cows, bulls and mixed, tl u'@i; Texas t. swt3. Hoos- Marlet higher: mixed, 5 155 55; heary, j 54(i,j Ï5; ligut, 4 soitfi 40 ; kips, $'J 5(ai4 75. Bueïp- Market stronger; natives, t W ♦5 ï6; western 4 SO.jjjj 10; Texans, iiia ♦3 85; lambs $5. '


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