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The Germania hotel has been obliged to increase its capaoity for the arcommodation of jfuests and the enial landlord Mr. Frank, has been making a nuraber of important chaDes througliout the building. The Germania is prospering and rapidly gaiuing in favor with the traveling public. Cutters, Down, Down, Down. We will sell cutteis for the next two weeks lens than cost. $22 and $25 Cutters, now $17 and 820. ü Walker fc Bbo. Toboggaulng. Tbe Toboggnn S ide is in first-ciaes oriler. Stilden ts and ei tizeniwliolovecoiistu(j fihould try ït. It is well patromzed. DR II. K. AUN DT. OFFICE over the Firrt National Bank. '0:3 a. m to 12 in,; 28 ■ to ::iU p. m Can be renchfd ot res dnce, West Hur n Street (the " l'r f N chnls' place' ) by telephoue, -o 97, and wili repiy to calis In the even ng FOR CHOICE Teas and Goffees GO XO E. DUFFY'S, in the Oulïy BlooU, Corner of Main and Ann Streets. Real Estáte lor Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, Oss. In the matter of the ejtate of frederick Stollstelmer. deceased. Notice Is hereby given, that In pursuance of &n order granted to the undersiened adtnliuStrator, of tiie estáte of sid deceased, by the Honorable Judge of Probate for the county of Washtenaw, on the nineteenth day of January A. IJ. 1SH9. there w.ll be sold at pub In Tendue, to the hlghest bidder, at the dwelllng house, on the preinl-es horeln de gcritwd, In the Town of Lodi, n the ciunty of Washtena'v. in said state, on Thurday, the eighth day of Mareh, A. D, 18-8, at ten o'clock in the forvno n cif that dy (subject to all encumbrantes by morteage or otherwise exlstlnf? at tlie time of the death of said deceased, tlie folkming described real estáte, to-wit: The west half of the norihwest qunrter of feetlon seventeen : tha sontheast quarter ui the northwest quarter of said Kect'On Keventeen; also commencine at the northeast corner 1 1 ti aorth-a qmrtcr of tlie nortlieast qii"rter of Rpctlon number rlg teen, thence west ten rorlf, theni'e couih eighty rods, hönce east ten rods, tliencenorth eit;hty rods to tbs rlacu of b-ginnln?, rO'.taliiinsr 11 re acres, "n ectloii number elaheen; a'so commenc ng fourt om chalnsaud thirt)-six links easr of the KOathwent ei nier of secti n nuniber eiKht In the center of tlie high wsyln l.odi runnlne ttK-me i ortli ai ïljhta - Kies ith tue center line of sai I highway, ihroe clialnaml gixtern ai dahIf mis. theuce eat tliree ohain and xte-n and a half links thence s.iuili ti reechal'iband slxt ni a d a half links. theuce est to the plai e of begininnic. te ng onp aire uf la d. all In tovn three outh. r.v ga live eafet Washtenaw county M.cliigan. Uated Juiuary lílih. I 88. JOHN O. FELPKAMP. Ad iilnistrntor. Estáte ol Elizabuth A. A. Wiimi;ar STACK OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw. s. At a sesión of the probate couit for tl e lïiumty of Washtenaw, holdeu at the Probate OIBce in tne city of Ann Arb r, on 'rhurdiy, the latfi liy of January, in the year one thuii:and eight hundred audKt;ht)-uit;ht. l'resont. William D. Harrlinau, Judge of Pro bate In the m:it'er of the estáte of Elltabeth A. A. Wineara1, ileceaed Onrendinj;andtllliz t'ie pettl in. duly verifl d, of Frank in E. Wluepur irainK t ata Cert&ln inxtruuu'iii n w uu 11 ■ ii t i ■ coni i puri'Orting to ba the last will and t stament of s.iid d :o i tl. ma be dinitie I to i rob'te, andina' lie or Home ot' er suimble peix n nmy lie appolntcd ailmini trator kltta thu will annexed. Thereupou lt is urdered. that .Monday, the IStb day ut February next. at ten o'cluck in the )n, be asslirned for the hearing of said petition and that the devisees, legaiets und heirsa ia? of said decased umi all other persou iuterested In said estáte are required to appear at a sesaion of said oourt than tu be holueu at the prolate olüce fn the city of Aon Arbor, and show cause ifany therr be, wby thr jrajerof f-.e peütloner should not be al'owed: And it is furuier ordered, that said pet ! tlon, r give notice to the persons lntereted In said estult;. of the peudeuc of said petition. and the hearing thereor. by causmK a copv of chis order tu be published in Anti Arbor Democrut. a newspaper printed and circuluted In said county, three ucue3siv weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILUAM D. I'AKRIMAX, (Atruecopy.) Judjceuf Probate. ïïi. a. Dort, Probate Heidster. ■ - f T - i- .■■■. '"il Ihtm i ■ : , ■ , ; } ! ■ . on ICt.l'urlUuil, Mlne,will k_ . 2 I ■(.-. f.ül ii...nturti.on hI.üiii w'nk wlncli IT jij til htrcêofto. vd Iiïi homctbal flipaj U U JJU ,1,-rc frum .' 'o $1!, p lar Hom tiKve roed over M In day Enter M. foune ot olj Capita] Dot rtfqulred. fou r fttrted fre. ThOM wbo itan at guc n atunlimlj ion af um lililí fsruae. All I ar City Locáis. Notlce. Whereas my vrife, Henrietta A. Bowen, has left my bed and board without any just cause or provocati:n. I hereby forbid all persons harboriug or trustiu ber od my account, rb I sbali pay no debts of ber conti actiug after tliis date. Aun Arbor, Jau. 0,1888. A. M. Bowkn. In reply to tbe above I would say that I bave supported myself and two chil dren for the past four monthe, tbat nsfor credit Mr. A. M. Bowen bas none, and that I bail just canse and provoeation for leavinjf him. Mrs. A. M. Bowen. Jnnmiry 19, 1888 For Sale, or will trade an upritfht piano for a young horse, piano to be seen at No. 19 Fourtb street. First-claRR oandies and fruit at Schiappacasse & Co. 's at No. 5 N. Main st . Oysters cooked in every style, at Tony Schinppacasse & Co.'s, No. 5 N. Main street. A good farm to exchange for a house and lot in the city. lnquire at tliis officu Cali on Doty & Feiner, who have just received ono of the largest und raosi complete stocks of Boom and Sboes for Winter rrade, everbrought to Ann Arbor. Sell cbeap and tbe people vill buv. Wanted- Boarders at No. 7 WaehiDgton streef, enst. Shell Oysters ard Clams can be had at Schiappacasse & Co'b, No. 5 N. Main street. Jno. A. Robison, oity ecavencor, uses onlv titrht barrels. No.Sl Wall street, Fiftu Ward. Ladies' Halr Goods at Mrs. Fitch's Hair Emoorium, over Frank Burif's, Washington street. To Bbnt. - Inquire of Wm. Burke. CliAIBVOTANT fHYSIOIAN. Dr. h. D. White is still in the Duffy block, opposite the postofllce, where he has an exteosive business. He can be found in his ollioo at all hours. Buy your Beer at the Central Bottling Work, corner Detroit and Catherine-sis. AU Goods warranted to give fair weai and satisfaotion, at Dotv & Feiner's Booi and Shoe House. Fob Hai.k.. Three hundred and flfty acres of lanc in the northern portion of VVaehtenaw county, to be Hold for $13 per acre, al toijether or in seperate paroles. For particulars address P. O. box 103"), Ann Arbor Miohitran FirRt Class Hair Work done at Mrs Fitcti's. JjOaninq. - Money to loan on flret-clasi Real Estáte Mortjjageat Current rates o Interest. Satisfactory arrangements made with capitalista desiring such iu vestments. Every eonveyanoe and transaction in abstraots of titles oarefully ex amined hs to legal effeot. Z. P. Kino, Ann Arbor FARM FOR SALE. Six miles southweet of Ann Arbor, in Lodi, containing 1 2O acres, 90 acres improved, and 5 acres which has had the timber out frorm. 25 acres extra good timber. Good frame house] horee barn anc tooi sbed, large barn with round stable. An apple orohard, well, cistern, and a never failine spring of water. Will be sold at $65 per acre. Cali at the farm, or address MORRIS HOGAN, Jan. 6, 1888. Gmos. Aun Arbor, Mioh See What Cropsey Snys About 01L. O. I. O-, Why Parafflne Candles are ho oheap. lst 'I he paraffiue is all taken out of Whita Seal Oil. 2d. It lasts longer. There is no Rmk iiit of lamps, no charrintf of wiek, no odor, no sediment in lump and will maki better igu. White Seal Oil is Cheaper aud Better than any oil in the market For sale at Gko. l.V. C'bopset's, 14 E. Washington etreet. Hodse Fob Salb. Corner of Mouroe and South Thayer street. luquire of Martin Öeabolt, City Laundry. Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern Michigan Kiiihviiv. Time table colnz into effect Sunday Oct. 9th 187. Tralns run by Standard Time. I STAT i ONS. 6 4 2 135. i'asa Ex Jlall Standard Time Pass Ex. Mui p.a. r m. a. . IVveJ Arr.l a. p. u. p. u 6 21 3 ' . 5 15 TOLEDO. Sí 00 lio 8 4ï 7 5. 05 9 0 Slonnie Jui;ct'n 8 10 12 31 7 51 8 05 4 1-' 6 1(i Duiidce 8(3iSi 7-10 8 '35 1 Hilan 7 4S 12 04 7 11 03 4 53 7 00 Pitt-tfeld 7 6 1 1 43 7 IX !5 5 10 7 1 ANN AKUOR 7 15 113 fi 50 9 50 5 8 7. Leland-iN 6S0I1H 6 ;-0 P h 5 16 7 4 Whitmore Iika A. M. II 0f H 16 5 51 7 53 Hamburg lü.'S 10 ö-}9 8 3U Howell 101 5 81 7 40 l Durand 30 4 íí 7 46 f 53 Crunna 9 08 4 15 7 53 10 DI Ohw 9 00 4 (M :.i11 IX I fiara " 4i Í4tt 9 3 1! S5 8t. Louis 7 --7 Sil 9 lili 4 Alma 7 iJ 2H 10 80 USO Mt. Pleasant 6 3) 180 P. M.l". W. A. M. A. M. All uas-oiiKBi traína run daily cíci-pi bunüuy Traiim run on the South Lyon orancl) lea ve Ann Arhorat ü:5H i. m.tLeland'a t 10:0), U orden 's at 10:30, nnd arrlro at Soutli Lyon at 11:00 p. m. : leave South Lyon at 6:3 ' a. m.. Worden' at 6:40, Ij-land's at 6:15 and arrlve at Ann TUbor at 7:13 Uuiinections at Toledo with rallroads dlvergiiig At Mauhnttan Junction with Wheelingi r,álíeHrl It R. At Alexis Juuctlon wlth M C. K H L B. B'y. and F. 4 P. M. R. K. At Monrot Junction wltfi L. 3. & M. 8. K'y. At Dm.dee, witli L11Ï 8., and M. O. R'y. At Milán wlth V 3t 1. & k K'y At Plttfteld wlth L. 8 L M. H. R'v., al Aan Arbor t" Michigan Central H R . and at South Lyou with Uetroit, LaimingJt Northern K. R.. and U. T. R'y. At Hambuiií with M. A. Lloe División Orand Trunk B'y At Howell wlth Detroit, Lonalug & Nortli prn R'y. At üurandvith Chloag" 4 Grand Truut b'y and Detroit. Orand Haven JIHIwaukee E'y At Owosso Junction with Detroit, Orand Haifu& Ilillwaultue R'y and Mich gan Central R. R At St. Louis wiííi Detroit, Lan(■iog & Northern H. H. and Sittüiaw yalley & St. I-ouis R'y. At Alma wlth Detroit, Lanslng & .Vorthern R'y. At Mt. Pluasant wlth FiJot ft Pere Marquett B'y. H. W. ASHLEV, General Managtr. A J PAI8LEY, Aj(iit Aun Arbor. Estáte of Austiu A. 1. OTATE ÜF MICHIGAN. County of Washtenaw O sa. At a sesalon of th Probate Court for tlie county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office in the city of Ann Arbor. on WednRday, the eleventh dav of January, in the yar one thousand eight hundred and eik'hty-eiu'ïit. Present, William O. Harriman. Judge uf Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Au5tln A. Wood deceaaed. Leonhard Qruner the administrator wlth the wil) nnnei'-d of saidrstate, comes Into court and representa that he is now prepyred fo render ui annuai account s such Thercuvon H U iinlered, tliat Wedneday, the elghth day of Feuruary next, at ii) o'cloek ín tne forenooti, be assigned for examinlng and allowlng sueh account, at d that the heira at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in sald estáte, are requlred to appear at a session of Raid court, then to be holden at th Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, In said l'oui t , and show cause, if any there be, why ihe said acoount should not be allowed. And it ík furtlier ordered that sald adininii-tratorgive notice to the persons interested in said estáte of the pendencj f caid account, and the hearing thereof by causing acooy of thi order to be published in the Ann Aibr Democrat. a newspauer printed and circulatii.g in sald county three successive weeks previouB to said day of liearine WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (A true copy ) Jiidge of Probate. ff, . Dot. Probate Rv;istir of Jacob Brliweitzi r. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw bs. At a session of the probate court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate of flce. In the city of Ann Arbor. on Kridny the i'th day of J nuary in the year &ne thou sand eight nundred and elghtv-elght. Present, WilUaiu D. llarriiuau, judge of pro bate. In the matter of the estáte of Jacob Sohweltzer deeeasel. On readlnganrl flllngthe petition, dulyverified, of WilUara Aprill praying that he rnav be lioenn'd to seli the K -al Eatate iviierejt suid deceard died seized Thereupon, itisordered, that Tueeday, the7th day of Febriiary, next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of sak. petición, acd that the heirs at law of Fair deceased, and all other pursons intoresiec In aid estáte, are reqmred to appear atasesslonof said court. then to be holden at the probate office, in the citrof Ann Arbor and show cause, lf any there be, why the prayer of the petltlouer sh"uld not be granted: And it li further ordered that sald petl tioner give notice to the persons in terettd in said estáte, of tne pendenc; of said petitton, and the hearing thereof by caustng a copy of this order to be publlehed in the Ann Arnioa Dkuociiat, a newspaper priut ed and oirculating in said county. three succesaivo weeks previoua to Raid day of hearing, WILLIAM D. ll.WtiilM.VN', (A true copy) Jutlge of Probate Wil. G. Dott. Probate Register. Estáte of Juo. üuo. Mutliumincr. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Washtenaw O ss. At a session of the probate court forth county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate 01 flce in the city of Ann Arbor. on Wedneaday, th 28th day of December in the year one thousan eight hnndred and elghty-sevcn. Present, William D. Harriman, Judge of Pro bate. In the matter of the estáte of Jolin Georg Niethammer, deeeased. On readiiiK and filiiig the petltlon, duly Ti-rl':e of Mary Niethammer praymg tliat Admi:isira ion of said estáte may "b gnnted to John Feldkmp or ome i tiier suitabie person Thereupon , it is ordered, thal Momiay , tlK '23ri day of January neït. at 10 o'clock In the Tore noon, be assigned for th hearing of sai petition, and that the heirs at law o said deeeased and all other persons Interestei in said estáte, are required to appear a a session of sald court, then to be holden at tl; probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in sai county, and show cause, lf any there be, why th prayer of the petitioner should not be grantec And it is further ordered. that nald petitioner giv notice to the persons Interested in said estáte, o the pendencyof said petition, and the hearin thereof, by cauRlng a copy of this order to be publlshed in The Ann Arbor Democrat, a newspaper printed and circulateJ in sald county three successive weeks previous to said day o hearinar. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, A trus copy. Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Dott. Prnbate Register, Jiotice to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waihtenaw f. Notice is hereby given, that by au orde of the Prolate Court for the County of Wash'e naw.madcon the6th day of January, . D. ifS sli months t rom that date were al lowed for redi tors to present thelr claims against the estáte o Aloysius F. Bleyenberith. late of aM county, de c-aed, aui tht ali creditors of s;iid decea ed are required to (recent their claims to said Probate Court, at. thePiobate Om ie, In the city of Am Arbor, for examinatiin and allovance, on or fce fore the 6th day of July next. and tha such claims will be he rd before .-nul Court, oi Kriday, the 6th day of April, and on Frlday the 6th day of July next, ar. ten o'clock In Vie forenoon of eacli of said days. Dated, Ann Arb , Jan. 6, . D.. 1S8S WILLIAM D, HARRIMAN, Jd e o Prob.ite Estáte of b'ischer Minors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw ss. At a session of the probate court för theoountyof Washtenaw, holden at the Pro bate offlee in the city of Ann vroor, "ti Wednes day. the llth day of Januarv, in the year one thousand eight hundred aml elghty elght. Present, william . Harriman, Judge of Pro bato. In the matter of the estáte of GeTue Kischer John Kisclit-r, Annie Fischer, twis Fischer and Mary Kischer. minors. l.e-jiihnr.l Gruner the Guardi in of said ward come intj court hikI reiireei t that he is non ■ .rejmredto render li- aunual accoaiit as suol ' 'ti u'di in. Theicupon it in Ordered, That Wednesday, the litn day of Kebur.iry next. al 10 o clock in the f jreiioon, ba nssigned for t xamiulng an a lowing such account, and tliat tlie n.xt nf kin f Daid wards, and all other persons intirest ed in said estáte, are requireil to nppear at a session of said court then to be holden at the Probate OfBce. in the cily of Ann Arbor, In said Coiiuty. and show cause if any r.liere be why the said account ghoul'"1 not be allowed Vnditis furiher ordered, that said Huardiai ?ive notice to the persons interested in sald eatate. of the pendency of said accoun', &nd the hearing thereof, by causlng a oouy of this order to be publlslied in the Ann Arbor Demoorat, uewsuaper print ed and circulatitig in s'id countj thiee succesive weeks previous to said day of hearing. Wli.LIAM D. HARRI5IAN. (Atrue copy.) Judzeof Probate. W. (1 Uoty. Probate Unein er. Estáte of Juo. Sfliuceberei'. STATE UK MIL'FIIG N, rounty of Washtenaw, 89. At a session of the probate court fur the couuty of Washtenaw, holden at th" Prohate OfBce In the citv uf Ann Arbor, on Weduesday, the llth day uf January, in the year oue thousand eight nundred anti eihty-eight. Present, Wiiil im L. Harrlman, Judge of Probate. In tho matter of the estáte of John Schneeberger deceased. Lenhurd Urunerthe Irusteoof suid catate, (oini's lino court and representa that heltuow iropared to rei der nis annuai account aa such Trustee. Thereupon It is orJered, tbat Wednesday, the 3ih day uf Feburary next at ten o'clock in the 'orenoou, beassignedfor examliilngaud allowing mch account, and tliat the devisees, lgat'-es urid ieir,-at-law of Haid deceaad, aml all other per sons interested In snid estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, hen to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of ABP Arbor, in said county, and show cause, f any there be, why the said account shoiud not beallowed: And I lis further ordered. that said admiuUt rator give not'ee to the persons in erested in said enalté, of the pendency of said accouut and the hearing thereof, by causng a copy of this order to be ptiblished in The 4nn Akbor ükmochat, a newspaper printed ald irculating in said cnunty, three successire weeks previous to said day of hearinx. WlLUAM D. HARRIMAN. A tru oopr.) Judge of Prouate. Wa. Q, Dott. Protte Resistor. Estáte of Ueorge Mayer. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw „ a session of the Probate Court for the county of Washtenaw.holden at the probate office mtheoity of Aim Arbor. on Tuesday. the 2,th day of Deceoiber In the year one thousand eight %nrtenrwilmyDeTHarrimn,Judge 4 Pro""1116 matter of the estáte of George Myer d oTrJading nd ftlinu thepetition dnly verifled, of Conistoclc F. HUÍ. admii.istrator praylng tliat he may be licensed toselltbeRealEsiat? whereof aild decoased dled selzed. ís ordered, tbat Satorday. thc lst day of Jam.ary next„ at ten o'clock in tbe forenoon, be asslgned for the heai Ing of sald petítlon, ard tlmt the helrs-at-law of sald deceased, and all other persons interested n sald estáte, are requlred lo appear at a session of sald court, then to be holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor and show cause If any there bt, why the praj er of the petitioner nhoulri not be granted: And it is further ordered, that sald pet UI ner g,ve notlce to the persoj 'nterfitd In sald estáte, of the pendency of sald Ptltlon and the hearing thereof . by causlnK a .copy of thu order tobe published In the Ann Arbob Dijtockat a newspaper prlnted and clrculatlug In sald county three successive week previous to 9aid day oí "■"1LL1AM D harriMan. A true copy Jud of ProbaWtu-iAM G. Dott. Probate Beylnter Estáte of Alexander, Minors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss At a session of the probate court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate ofS?e in the city of Ann Arbor. on Thursday, ihe 29th day of December In the year one thousand eltfht hundred and elghty-seven. Present, WiUiam D. Harriman, Judg ot Pro bSlïthe matter of th Estáte ot Etnmi M. Alexander, James B. Alexander, Cora Alexander and Oeorge R. Alexander, minors Comst ck F. Hlll. the Guardian of sald wards, comes loto court and represent, that he is nov prepared to reuder hls aunual account aj mich 1-1 Thei-'éupon it isordered, that S .turday, the Sist day of Januaryinst., at ten o'clock Intheforeaoon, be assigned for examlnlng and allowi, p such account, and that the nextof kin of Bald ward, and all other per_on Interested In said cs_ tate, are requlred toappear at asesslonof sad oouit, then tob holden at the probate otüce, In the city of Anu Arbor, in aid county. and how cause, f auy there be, why the sald ccount BhoSS not be allowed And it is further ordercd that said guardián (?ive uoilee lo the persons interested in Raid estáte, ot the pendency of aid account, and the hearing thereof. by causlng a copy of thia order to be published In The Ann J.rhnr Denwcrat. a news mipcr priuted and circulatlug in said county tliree successive weeks previous to aid day ol heaiing. WIUJAM D. HAKBIMAN, í A true copy ) _ Judee of Probate. Wü.a. Dott Probat b Register Estáte of Frederiek Sor?. STTE OF MICHIGAN', County of Washtenaw ss At a session of the probate court, for the coumy of Washtenaw, holden at the probate of Hoe in the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, th Sist day of De-embor. n the year oue thousand elght hundred and elghty-sewn. Fiesent, WiUiam ü. Harriman Judge of Pro In the matter of the estáte of Frederiek Sorg, On reading and flllng the petltion, d lyrerlfled. if Julia a Sorg praymg that admlnlptration d i ,nl non viththe wtil annexed of said esUte man ba eranted to Chrlstlan 8chmldtor sonie utner suitabl persen. Thareupon, it Is ordered, that Monday. the tlilrtieth day of Janu ry noxt, at ten o'clock in the foreuoon be asslgnd for the hear ing of said petition. and that the helrs at Uw of said deceased, tnd all other persons interested In sald estáte, are requlred toap peur at a session of sald court, then to be holden at the probate office. In tne city of Ann Arbor, In sald county. and show cause, if any there be. why the prayer of the petl'lo.ier should not be granted' And it is further ordered. that saio i.eiitioiiergivenotice to the persons Interested In said eatate.of the pendency of said petltlon.and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of thls order to be published In The Ann Arhnr Dtmoenit, a newspaper printed and clrculated lu said county tnree successive. weeks previous to sa.d day of "earlng „ HARRIMAN, (A true copy.) Juag uf Proba. Wm. G. Dott. Probate Rtstister. Motice to Creditor . OTATE OF MICHIG N. County of Washtenaw O sa. Notlce Is hurwby givan, that by an order of the pro'oate court for the county of asnte naw. made on the i8th day of Decemljer, A. D 8ST slx moi.ths from hat date were allowed for reditora to tiresont thelr claims agalnst the enate of Lvinan W. Ike, late of sald county. eceased. and that all credltors of said deceased re requlred to present tüeir claim to sald pro ate court, at the probate office In the city of Vnn Arbur. for examluation and allowance, on rbefore the 2h day of June r.ext. and that . uch claims will be heard before sald court on Vednesdav the 2Sth day of March, and on Thur-day.' the 2"th day of June, next. at ten 'cliick In the forenoon of each of said days. Datad Ann L1%. .Tniitrf of l'mbnw Mra. Fitcji hop Radies' Crimpes, J e?, Switohes, eto., tor Bale, over Burg's l jrocery Btore, Waïhiugtou trert Estáte of Edwnrd Drukc. STATE OF MICHIGAN, couuty of Washtenaw. ss At a seasi n of the probate court for tbc eounty of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office In the cltv of Ann Arbor. on Tue-d, the JTth day of liecember. In the year one thou sand eight hundred and elghtyseven. Present, WllHain ü. Harrlman, Judge of ProIn the matter of the estáte oi Edward Drake leceased. On reading and lilinit the petitlon, duly verlBed. of Comstock F HUI. Admlni-trntor praylnu tiiathemav ba llcenseii to sell the Reul t.Mutf liereof ald deceaoert dled sf Ized. Tbereupon It is ordered. tnat SatunJay, the 21st dayof January, next, at teno'clockln ihe forenoon be aasigned for the hearing of naid petltlOD. and that the uelre at law of sald deceaned and all other persons Interested in sald estat, are requlred to appear at a sesslon of 8ald court. then to be holden at the Probate Offlct, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause. If any there be, whi the proyer of the petltioner sh.iuld not be granted: L And ia further ordered, thataald peutloner ïive notlue to the persons interestid In sald s tate. of the ptndency of sald petition. and the hearing thereof, by caunlnK a copy of thls oraer to be publlshed in ïmAs írbok Dkmookat, a nflwspaper prlnted aud eircul.itlns In ai.l county, three successive weeks previous to sald day 'jf "e8r'nffWILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, IA true oopy ) Judee of l'iobate. ; V.. a. DoTT,;Probate ReKlstr. HEK HEliE ! I eharpen and repair Eazorp, Sliears iDd Koive8 on short notice, at my baraer shop, North Mam strpe', one door irom Arton Sohiappacasse's. ÍLlBBINOTO E. JoHNSOK. Slortgage Sale. DEFAULT havlng ben made in the eondltloi of a certaln mortgage executed by 8us Lucas to sarah Ba{ley, oearing date Septemly twenty-flfth, 18S4. ana recorred in the office' the Register of Deeds for the county of Washt naw, In the State of Michigan. In LH er 84. ' inortgaïes, on paire 8T0. on ihe. 25th day of 8 tember, 1634, and by whl: b drfau't tlie power ■ale contained in said morteaga ha become c eratlve, and n suit or pmceedings at law or' euuity havlng been ïn.-tituiml to recover U amount due thurenn, aid there now bein claled to be due on aid note aud nortease the st of one thousand eiKht hundred and ninety-t . dollars ani foity flva cents. (il.8SW.4v.00tK ' N. tice 13 1 herefore hereby glven that the 4 roortga(te wUl be foreclosed on the third dayf April, 1S8S, at teno'clockin theforenoun, byB at public auctlon to the hlglie-t bidder, at e eat front noor cf the court house in the City' Ann Arbor in sald uounty, (that being e place tr-e circuit court for the couf of Waiiitenaw Is held) of the mortgaged preises describe J In said mortgage; viz: All tl' certain parcel of land sitúate lu the towushlif Webster in the lounty of ahtenaw. aud St of Michigan, and dascribed a-foll"W8: to wit iitiniiing at acedar stake at the center of the nightvaya where they met just non h of the "■ nlnsulnr Mil 8 ' In said tofiihlp, thence noh thirty-four (24) degrees cat. nineteen t')cha.i tlience nortli flfty (50) degrees and forty-flve f) minutes east along the center of the nidd et leadlnir fjom the vlllnge cf Uexter to the io+Khlp of Webster, to the east a d west q'iaiT li e of section nuiuber thirty two (3.) In sd town of Weboer; thence w. fterly o.i said forty two (42) chaina and f orty-nine (4!) llnkf o the center of the hltrhway leading from the 1 - I ere of Pexter up the Huron river, ki-own as 9 ■ Bro s road," thence south-easterly along enrer of th i Raid ' Üross nad " to the plac f beginninK. contni lna flfty-lwo ( 2) acres a lïty-thrte huadredths (63 i . 0) acres more. or SARAH BAULEY, Datid, Jttnuary 4, ItiS. .Vortgaf


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