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Get Your Property Insured By C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGKNT, Ho. South Main strest, Ann Arbor. The oldest ageDcy in tba city. Establighed a quarter of a eentury ago. Represenling the followlng flrstclass com paules, with over $;i(), 000,000 assets. Home Ins. Co., of N. Y. ; Continental Ins. Co., of N. Y ; Niágara Ins. Co., of N. 1.x Olrard Ins. Co., of I'hila.; Oriënt Ins. Co., of Hartford; O mmercial Union of London; Liverpool and London and Ulobe. V Hales low. Losse überally adjuated and promplly pald. U U. MlLLKN. HENRY MATTHEWS Keps a FIrst-clas MEAT MARKET ! Dealer In all kinds of Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, One Door East of Franklln House. Prloea Rcnsonablo. nanking those who hars so llberallr patroned me in the past, I atao cordially solicittrade rom new patrons. HENRY MATTHEWS, Huron Street, - Ann Arbor, Mioh, Ara Atöot Orp Worfcs 0. F. Allmendineer Manuiacturer and dealer in PifflíS, Oí, AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Repairing and Tuning a Specialty. Anyone calllng at the works, f oot of Washington stroet, can examine goods and prloes. I oan coavince y ou of the Great Bargains ! t am ofTerlng, D, F. ALLMENDINQER, ANN ABBOH Fred. Brown ! At C'labken'b Ol Plioe. FlfflS! HOT LÜNGH EYEBY DAY. EBERBACH & SON. AND PHABMAOISTS, No. 12 South Main Street - SEÁLEBS UI- Sfedicfnes, Chemical, Dye StixflH, Artist'i and Wai Flower Materials, Toilet ArUcles, Truaaes, Etc. Pire Wis ui Iipors ! Special attentlon pald to the furnlshln? ot ïhyslclana, Chemlsts, Schools, etc, wlth phlloophleal and Chemical Apparatus, Bohemian Chemical tilasnrare, Porcelala Ware, Pure Beacenta, etc. PhyidcUas' Preaoriptleni Carefully Frepared tallboun, EBERBACH & 8ON. Ouluth. South Shore & Atlantic RAILWAY. "The Soo-Mack!naw Short Line." ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO UPPER MICUIQAN and the Iron and Copper Kceiona of Lake Superior. Traversing a tirritory unequa.led for HUNTING. FISHINGand CAMPING. Doublé Daily Train Service between St. Ignace anl Houghton without change of cars. WAONER 8LEEPIN0 COAOHEj attached to all Night Trains. OBSERVATION PARLOR CARS on aU Day Trains. The only all Rail Route to SAULT STK. marttc Tickets over tliis route are on sale at all prlndpal ti ket offices. Full Information as to rates, etc., coi les of inapsand fo ders will befuruished upon appücatlon to E. W. ALLEN. Gen. Pass. & Tkt, gt., M.irq nette Mach v-JSICHI6AN' ' iyflteV.lkflJo? Hr'i ati& ïimb Tablb, Nov. 20, 1887. Standard Time. OOIN8 liBi. L ff lili M, L 1. ■. K. ■ P. P. V. P.M. Chicago... -Lv. 6.50 9.00 4.40 .. 8.15 9.10 KsUmazoo.... 1.60 .50 12 33 2.2T Battle Creek... 1.27 7.31 l.ij 8.1S A. M Jackon....Jlr. 3.15 4.20 9.15 S.15 4.50 Ann Arbor...... 4.:i3 6.80 10.83 4.35 6.08 Detroit....._Ar. 6.00 6.43 11.50 6.X 7.30 P. u p. u. Bt. Thomas Ar 11.05 9.50 3.80 FaUsVlew 1.1? Buffalo Ar _ 3.35 2 40 8.0S (1OING WEST. 1 éi è s? si eianoijs. J S 1 SS ?2 Í.ÍÍM1I.MÍI k.H. P. . P. M. A. .' A.M. P. M. Buffalo L. 11.80 10 00 1.00 A. H. Niágara Falta 12.45 p. h. 2.15 Ut. Ihomas... 4.25 1 10 5.50 Detroit Lt. 7.00 9.10 4.00 8.00 10.15 -nn Arbor. 8.18 !0 30 5.80 9.12 1186 P. M. Jackion... .Ar. 9.4& 11.85 7.10 10 52 12.54 Battle Creek... 11.20 1.12 8.52 A.M. .23 12.12 Klamaioo._... 12.17 1.60 9.45 4.45 1.20 8 07 Chlcage Ar 5.40 6 40 10.2U 7.00 7 45 The New York Exprus. a faut train leavea Ch!aa(?oat8.10 Kal mazoo6.S8; Battle Creek, 7.83; Jackson, 8.49. Ann Arbor. 0 45; arrivinu in Detroit at 10.45 P. M The C bicago Express, a fast train leaves Detroit at 1.80 p m. Ann Arbor 2.81; Battle Creek, 4,40 ; Kalamazoo, 5.15: Chicago, 9.30. Suuday excepted. {Saturday & Sanday ezcepted fDally. O. W. Rooou, H. W. nAYES, O. P.t'i.A... CMcaa: UuU Ann Arbor.


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