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Swallowed A Spider

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"Malaria?" "Ye, malaria." "No sir. 1 aui uo more afraid of malaria than 1 am of yuu, " and as the speakar was at least ten inches taller than the reporter, and i ro;iortionately broader, bis fear of that dread malady was probably not exeessive. "1 've had nía arla, and I 've bccu cured." "Yes, but a man eau have malaria mora than once." "Not lf he is cured the way I was. About ten years ago I was living In Indiana, in Vigo county, near Terra Uaute. In those days a man was regarded as a stranger until he had drank about a gallon of whisky and quinine, and shaken down hls bedstiíad three or four times with agüe. I had rather a reticent nature, and I suppo e it took the climate logger to gct acquainted with me than it di. I the ordinary run of men. For I had to drink about a barrel of whiskey and take whole pounds of quinine before I could get strong enough even to shake myself, let alone a bed. " "How was I cured?" "Well it was a novel cure. I boarded w'th a Mrs. Dennis, who told me she could cure me if I would take her inedlilne. Finally I agreed. She brought a towel and bound it around my hcad so I could not sec; then she brought a glass of water, and told me to take my dose, and hum 'diately swallow the water. The dose tasted like a llttle ball of dust, and as it was going down I felt a sharp paln in my throat, as if it had been scratched. "The next morning Mrs. Dennis brought a little box and showed me her medicine. It was a big, hairy, b'ack spider, a ive, and the mate to one I had swallowed the day before." The medicine tliis gentleman took for malaria, may have boen etfectlve, but few woald care to try the remedy. Nor is the:e any no; essity for it Malaiia is a poisoned conditlon of the blood pro luced by bad air and water, whieh enter the blood-channels through the stomach and lungs and otbet ways, and prolme injurious effects on the llver and kidneys. It is cured by putting the llver and kidneys in perfect, healthy working order. The drugs ordinarily used for such purposes frequentiy do quite as much harm as good, and leave the system in an enfeebled conditlon. The ceitain and harmless remely for malaria is Warner's safe curf whlch puts the liver and kidneys in healthy action, when the pois n Is car. led out of the system, and the serious effects it engenders, pass away. J. M. Booth, üspiingfield, Mass., under date of March 28th. 1887, writes: "One year ago 1 had the malaria - had had It mo:e or less for ten years. 1 stoi pcd all other medicines and took VVarner'ssafe cure, and It cured me. ThU country is famous for malaria, and I know Warner's safe cure will cure t" People who live in malario :s localities wlll find In Warner's safe cure a speclrtc against contracting thls disease. The malarial polson can find no entrance to the system, if the liver and kidneys ars kept in healthy action. The gentleman who swallowed the spider, cuncluJes nis narrative In the New York Mail and Express by saylng: - "I was effectually cured, but 1 wouldn't take another dose of that medicine to save my llfe.


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Ann Arbor Democrat