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It is natural that a Skye terrier shonld bark at tbe moon. The long talie Teil remains in favor (or fashionab e bridos. English pelerinas or sholduer capes of f ur are imrueusely popular. Silvercoated cologne bottles have stop pers of heavy repousse wort. "Sir, every word you speak is a lie." "Rifcht you are, my pretty misa." The muff shouldalwayscorrespond with the fur of the pelerina or shoulder cupe. In Paris bonnets of the latest tynes no feathers ar used except a few os trieb, tips. Many a hotel that bas opened with eclate bas I esn closed by the sheriii. A full-liloadoil crank is merely an animated idiosyucracy with a handle to it. Khould you not think that baggy trousen would look well witu a saek coat. Opportunities are like vacant lots. Thej ' must be improved to be protitable. State o Ohio, City op Toledo, ( I.V ASOotTNTÏ, 8, t Frank J. Cheney inakea oath that he Is tbe sentoi partner of the fl r m of F. J. Cheney C .. dolng buM nes in the city of Toledo, county and state aforesuid, r.a 1 that said tinn will pay Ihu sum of omhtfndred dollars for each and every case of oatarrb ; ihatcannotbe cured by the ne of Halls Caturrli Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. I Bwura to befare me and inbscribed In my pres ! encc, tbls 6th dar of December, A. D. '96. . i A, WGLKASON". j SÏAL ( Notary I'ubllo. , Hall' Catarrh Cure Is taken lnternally and acti directty uoon the blood and min-us aurla' e uf the ■ T.stenl S'lid fur te tliuunUll freo. t'. J. CI1KNKV CO„ Toledo, Ohio. 3T"öold by irug(gJHt3. 75 ceiiU. Cashmere gauntlet gloves with plush backs are in favor for muff wear in tha coldest weatber. Moxlfl Affiiln In XjDcIe. The actreies and opeia singers soon learned that the medicated loenge, made from tbe Moxie .erve Food, would pravent a cola under severe expo ure and break one in a lew hou:, tliereby sa ving tliem a world of care and trouble in protectinfc iheiuselve and now these are ai mach a pa t of tbeir eijuipment as a I ager. Some large companies i uy tliem at ' wholesal in live gross lots. Tnirty two I tons were so!d last year. Thirty-slx for i 10 cents is a very popular price. Drugg sts i tay the sale chis winter U immense. The price of hogs is advancing, and tha Chicago belles are becoming haughty even to impei'iousnesSj "I have been occasionully troublel with Coughs, and in each case bave uaed brown's Bron' hial Troche, wbich have never failed, and i must say tbey are eoond to none in the world." - t'tüx A. May, t'aftitr, at. J'ant, Minu. . - i P!l Ely's Cream" Balm Wc"? a :.coWÏ Price 50 Cent. ■Í5? 'fÁoj Wil1 do more ln Curinf AY-rtVERS CATARRH. ! ■ ÉL Tha" ir00 lD "Dy BCfjSft'ÁiBPply Balín loto eaoh nostril KÍ'''LV BItOS., ZB Ureon icbSU SUPPLIES Lowest Wholesn Pi -U-ma. For Complete Fre Cat&luyu " rriL,.tada,..„ W8stern Com 157 Kinzi StrÍt,"ciUCAee. ILL. ECer t Liocoln NaUgual B&ok. ' Salvation OU Is th9 fjreatest cure on earth for pain, ïnay be relied on to edect a cure wherever au external application can b u ed. Prioe 5 cents. It is tbe old, old story: Love at first sight A wnlk in the beimtiful moonlight munt botb citen adreadfulcold and pive up all hope, but tinally find relief in a bottle of J)r. mill's Cough Syrup, get marriud, and are at last happy. MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Wholly Unllke Artificial yiicmi. Au? Hooit l.piirnrd in Onr Kendlna Recoramendedi by Maiík Twais, Richard Proötob. the SclentlBt. HonB. W. W. Astor, Judar P. Bekjímix. ]ir. HixoR.etc. Clanf lOOColumbULavr Student : 8J0 at Merldcn ; 250 at Norwioh 360 at Oberlln College; two Classes of XU each at Tale; 400at ünlverslty of Tenn.. Phlla. 400 at Welleslev College, and three large Classps at Chatauqua UnïTersity. etc. Prospectus post krek from Prof. LOISF.TTE, 237 5ih At., New Yoru. ■ H W% ■■■ %Knl(rlif IKnalish) Stepl nd H I I E J I'ennj royal Pilli for Irri-euKMË I "lar montlily priods, are safe, I b BV ■ ■■elTectual and the only jfnu■Mlne sent an vfhcre on rccipt of $1.04 liy Ai.prkd P. Km'.iit, Drucgist, 3300 State Street, CIiiokoJU. n - w yreih, Rollable. Only i aml 3 VttilV ci'iits pur laru packiiiic. iÜi.ÜOO JL Uu Novell v I'resents b'nr.a. Maiuin "th Seed Farms. One Aero of fira. Rcttiillful Oorden Uulde FRF.K. II W m.XKHKK, Hoctford SeodFaim, Uockfuid, (11. n k T rilTP 15 rtTM' experience 4 jríar" K II I r IM I exnmlner in OS. Patent Offloe I n I Lll I l Sund model oreketch forfree opio i on whether patent e in tsncured. New book 011 i "tintsfree. RpferenfeBTOimm'ssloner of Pat entK vrany uthi-r rtl-i;il r u. S. Patent Ofnc. E. li. ST0CK1NU, AtlDinty. 1 1 PSW. Waablntfton, D. C. muflí I ARC PB HAT urn wlih DnnVULUIIN nlng's Karm LdL'or anti H!t rtcal Aociuntant; Ilxi:; ::) paue. Complete a'-cuun' bnnka rt encyc'opedli In Boe. No expe lennei-ile1. putfltUxIrcuIars free. Industrtkl Pub. Co.. Detroit. Mlch. PATI-NTX!' 1T. Míen. Patent TH I til I glilMraily. Iiifriiiireioenti proaccuted and legal oplnions rendered. InvpntdrH' Guido free. K1DDER-8 PA8T1LLE8 rlg VHBSKSBnRUHBcuxiowwa.Mui. nCUCIilklC ÜOyru.Practlofln Pension Succei r "V"'f"wornofees. Sendfornsw ■ law. C. M. SITES S Co., Atty'n, Washington J.CL (E TO A DAT. Samplet tmrtlí 1.SO J1 FHKK. r.tnrtnotunder thr horte't frrt. WriU WW Brtwsltr Safetv Hei tlolder CoHuUy. Jfíe. 0á%A MOXTff. Agento Wamt. SObestselí ■X.tll incr anieles in the world. 1 ampie Fret. CDCC „BJri"5""'nill. Kuil Oi-.cription ■ llfct CtU.. MO'DyACo'Ciaoini.aüïia STENCILS Rmp. Seal, Br.ij Check, Burnlni; d I LnuiLd Brands. Stool Stampa, Rubber Stampa House Nos. C. II. llanson .36, So.Clark SU Chicago, 11L GOLD PetUfüEyeSalvelsworth HUbU !itui.but is oolil ut ü cents a box by deale Mexican Mustang ünimeiri The I.nmbcrman needs It In caic of acdduu. The Hou se wil needs It Í or genera! f amlly u. The Mechante necúa It alwayi uu il woik bonch. The Dlinernecds it in case of emepfency. Tlte l'ionecr neeüi It - can't get aloac wltW out It. The Farmer nwd It In hls boose, hl tabU, and hu stock yard. The Stcnmbimt man or the Itnatman ned It In liberal supply afloat and ashore. The Horse-fancler nced It- It Is hu bei frlend and safest reliance. The Stock-irrewer needs It- It win are hlm W. N. U. D.-6-4.


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