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P. M'KERNAN, A TTORNEY-AT-LAW. Collectlon i. promptly atended to. Money to loan. Houses and lot or sale. Oülce in Court House. JOHN SCHNEIDER, No. 87 North Main Street, opposlte the postofflce, dealer in Fresh, Smoked and Balt Meats of all kinds. Lard In any quantity. THE GERMANIA HOTEL. CORNER WASHINGTON AND SECOND J treet. Wm. L. Frank, p'oprtetnr. Sampie rooms for traveling men. Every room Et-ated br tteam. DR. JAMES C. WOOD. OFFICE corner Hurón and Main strept. Restdence No. 6. South División treet. OfDce boura from 3 to t aud ï to s ji. m. Telepuone No. 114. D. A. McLACHLAN, M. D., OFFICE IN MASONIC TEMPLE BLOCK. Ann Arbor. Office hou rs fr ï to 4 and 7 10 S p. m. Ki-hidenca 48 Thouipsua nlreet. Telephoue No. 1'26. DEAN M. TYLER, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUGF-OK. Office and reddence over postofflce, flret floor. N1CHOLS BROS. W. W. & A. C. N1G1IOLS, D. O. S. Dental offlc Maionlc Temple Block, over Savlug Bank, Ann Arbor. JOSEPH CLINTON, fERCHANT TAILOR. Shop over WInes Oí Worden's. All work truarantced or no Charge. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, i TTORNFY ATLAW. il. Office, nos. 8 and 4, Grand Opera House, Ann Arbor, Mlch. O. C. JENKIN8. CJURGEON DENTIST. Rooms No. 10 Soutti 0 Main Street, opposlte the First National Bank, Ann Arbor, ilich. _ WILLIAM HERZ, JOUSE, SIGN, Ornamental and Fresco 11 Palntor. Gilding, Calclmlnlng, Glazlns! nd Paper Hanslng. All work done in the best style and warranted to give satlsraction. Bhop, No. 4, West Washington treet, Ann Arbor, Mlcn. UNION BOTTLINQ WORKS. In the Union Hote! Bloeit, corner of Washington and Becond ►treeta, Ana Arbor. Beer by tfe Bottle or bT the Case, delivered to any part of the city. 1 have also Pure Wines and Liquors. JOHN SCIiKElDER, Ja., Proprietor. MARY C. WHITING. ATTORNF.Y AT LAW. Real Estáte, Loan, Coliection and Insurance office. Private ccnsultatlon of ladJes sacredlv rfgarded. OQice 86 East Huron street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. C. W. VOGEL. ■VTEW MAKKET. O. W. VOGEL, Proprietor. Lat of Chels?a. at Thomas Matthews' old stand on Ann street Fresb aud Kalt meats kept on land, FKEDERICK PISTORIUS, A TTORNEY AT LAW. Official correspon xV dent of the Germán Consulate, Real Es tate, Coliection, Insurance, Steasiship and Loai AKency. Office No. 40 Soutli Jlaiu street. MUS. WM. CASPARY. Restaurant, Cnnfectionery and Lunrh Rcoms. iiht-oliKs mals atallhours. Oyaters in eve'y style Bread, t'akes, l'ie1" and old Lunches constantly on hond. All kinds oí cigars imd tobáceo. Restaurant cor., Aun and Fourth streets Mm ai ASu Tintar. I will pay $12 per cord, CASH, for good Second Grrowth llickory Bvitta, Buitablefor Axe Handles, delivered at my shop south of depot, Ypsilauti . Good Second Growtli Ash, euitable for Whiffletrees, Neck-Yokee, etc., aleo wantod. C. W. Dickinson. New Restauran! ! JOHNI.OMEY, Proprietor. Warm Meáis Sei ved. Jok) Lunch. Pigs Feet, Picklc.i Congue. Tripe, and Oy.sfirs, éto Restaurant open from 6 a. m., until 12 o'clock midnight. No. 23 North ftflain St, EUCENÜ OESTERUN. Insurance Agent, Notary 3?nllio. Moneys Col'ected in any part of Kurope. Drafts msuedacd paid. l.'orrepondtínt of the Imperial Germán jonu ate, r.n ■ nnatL Acent for tne America line of steamers runniug bctvveen l'hila Jelptiia, Hamburg Liverpool, and all the principal eaporta in North Oerroniiy; of the lin b tWtoen New Yorfc and Ko'trdam, ad of the New York a'a hremen Lin lowcrof attorney lejfally in ade out, for aii place in Kurope, aja xnoney col ected on ■ laims. OFFICE: No. 8 a est Liberty Street, Ano Arbur, Mioh.


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