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The Angora goat Is ralsed la graat perfeeloa in Trias Astrakan Is the ouly tur etrlctly proper la eep mourning. Tbe elMtic sandstone belt in Georgia eootalns somt diainonds. The ' plece prlce plan" is a fallar la Uw íew Jersey state prlson. Tbe National Womcn's Cbrlstlan Ualon now numliers 200,000 members. Tlie Michigan piñenes are OYerrun by wortlunters aod wages are low. The United States contalna, la round aumbers nearly 300,090 Indiana, Munv of the best dressed women Ín XeW York ha; dlscarded the bustle. "The McBattenberg" Is Punch' i Dame for ?rince Bertrice's Scotch babj. A ncw underraklng In.-the fruit Une Ís Uie shlpiuent of oranges to Europe. One bundred thousand people on an average cross the ble Brooklyn bridge eYerj day. Some of the New York vacbtmen are atad ng tbe selence of navigatlon thls winter. A Denver clergyman receatly eharacterlxed playlugeards as "tbe devil's new testament" Le PttU Journal, of París, one day darinf the recent ezcltement prlnted 960,000 eopies. Adelbert College, Cleveland, U wabbllnf agaln, and now Is golng to go back on eo-education. There is talk In Boston of establlshlnf a new department to keep the streets olear of ce and snow. Britlsh land compañías are dlspoilng ot their landi In Kansas. The; don't llke the anti-alien lawe. A faniily named Cleve, In Germany, bal huog on to a certaln gOTernment postal clerkshlp for 200 years. Lord Hartlngton, the Engllsh tory leader, has ordered a dozen carpet sweeperi from Grand Raplds, Mlch. A Kussian miser is notlced as lavlng learoel to bark In order to avold the expense ot keepin;; a watch dog. Únele Saín, during the last fiscal year, apent $2,841,139.55 for sites, construction of new buildings and repairs. A forest fire dn one of the mouatalns near Salt Lake city surrounded and burned to ilealh a flock of 700 shoep. The newly elected President of Frauce hal dropped the Persiaa prefix to hls name, and la now Marie Francois Carnot Tbe Kansas penltenifary claims to bare wlthln one of lts cells a son of one of th) Siamese Twins. He ia a horse-thlef. There are niue British mlsslonary socletlel now laborlng In África, wlth an aggregrat anaual expeudlture of 91,000,000. The best remedy for burns Is now satd te consist in letting the contenta of a aeltzer 'sipbon tlckle over tho injured part. A social phllosopber foresees the day when the prlmarv school dosk will be supplled wlth type-wrlters instead of wrltlng books. MiUlonalre Carnegle advises young men to shun threc thlngs: First, llquor drlnklagi second, speculatlon; third, Indorsatlon. A law has been passed In Waldeck, üormanv, forbidding the granting of a marrlage lloense to a person addlcted to the llquor hablt. A Uttle boy belng reproved on Sunda mornlns for havlng a dirty face retorted: "Well I worcd this face to Sun'ay 'cool anj how." Tubac, a small town In Pima county, ArL, claims to be the oldest settlement In tb United 8tates. lts town record extend back toim Jlm Waldron, living near Arcadia, HL, 11 havlng a cage 80 bj 40 built on hls farm, and lntends to engage In the business of raislng wlldcat. M. Clemejiceau, who practlcally holds la hls bands the Frenen gorernment, wal, not nanf years ago, a praetislug physlclan la New York city. Tbe St Nlcholas society of New York city have -oted to pnt up In Oentral Park or tkt Bowling Oreen a f20,000 brouze statae ot a typlcal Dutchman. A krausje Is to be giren In New Bras wiek, N. J., thls week at the residene et local judge. A krausje, desptte lts name, U eutlrely reputable. Flf ty families of Newfoundland fliherles wfD be moved nezt spring to a group of the Queen Charlotte Islands, off the British Colombia coast above Vancouver. The Presldent's onslaught opon the woolgrowers was earnest enough to créate tae supposltlon that ha nerer wore anything bul "hand-me-down" elothea. Wllllam D. Howells and wlfe wlll spead tb winter at Búllalo, N. Y. They har aa lnvild daughter at a sanltarlum near that ltjr, and they wlsh to be near her. The longest street rallway In tb country la now In operatlon between Èllzabeth and Mewark, N. J., the round trip belng thtrty miles, for whlch the f are Is twenty cent. Ex-Senator Henry O. Davis, of Weit Virginia, Is worth $30,000,000. Flfty years ago he was a poor boy, who learned readlag aad wrlting by the slowest and hardest work. Mrs. John A. Logan Is much hur by tbe raport that she contemplates marrylng agaiaw 8he suys tbe rumor Is the production of some maliclous correspondent who wtshed to annoy her. Two men were arrested on tbe streets la Chicago the other day whlle carrylne a par lor stove wlth a bot flr In IL They had stolen lt from a room whlle the owner was out gettlnjc breakfast. A prlze of $700 bas been offered by tbe Congregatlonal Sunday School Publishlng conapany, of Boston, for the best MS., sultable foi a Suuday school book, elther in fictlon, blography or history. Nearly $500,0;K1 In deposits is lylngunclalmed In the savings banks oj Boston. It belones to 367 uiiknon'u depositors, not one ot whom bas put lu an appearance at these bauks for more than tweuty years. The compnslte pliotograph of tbe senloi elass at Williams college Is sald to reaemble Cnauncey M. Depew. Thls Is an lmproretnenton thecoraposlte picture of the Ambersl senlors, wblch looked like Charles J. Gulteau. Gen. Shcrldan has been elected president of tbe Army and Navy Germán club of Washington. Sherldan Is as sklllful In leadlng a man a be Is in leadlng a cavalry charge. Ibis fs as lt ibould be. The Ideal soldier caá dance and figtae tqaally as wolL Sebastian Nuller, a Swlss, recently arrived In New HuTeu, U astonishlng the Yankees by bis fcats ot strength. He Ís twcnty Hts year oíd, Uve feet elzht inches tall, welgbs a pouni and a balf less ttaan two hundred, is inajjnifiecutly dereloped as to muscle, and ca break a six-lncb cobble-stone wltb oae blow of hls Hst. A FrencUinau now residln In New Toril was aslted If be was pUased wltb the electlon of Caruot to the Piesldency of Fraoce. "Pleaeed!" be eiclalmed; "whr, hls frrand f alber signed niy grandfatber's deatb warrant ta tbc revolutlonary days of the last century. The present Carnot may be a (food fellow, bul the biood In my veins prejudlccs me scalust the name." TIn-re are three ministers In tbe present House of Represen tatlves. Judges Stewart, of Oeorla, nml Cbeadle, of Iudlana, are expreachers, but tbe new congressman from New Ilampshire, Ke7. Mr. McKioUJ bas been lu tbe Unirei'SttUst pulpit durinjr hls whole active career. He Is the flrst Democratie con)(ressinan from New Hampshire lu ten years. Oddly enou.'b, the last Democratie reprexstatlve from tbat state was Frank Jones, th brewer.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat