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Our Man About Town

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I tbink it extremely dangerous for boys to jump on to cutiera aud sleighs when in motion, to (?et a nde, but it is mucb more daugerous forlittle girls to attempt to ape these urchins. It is bad enough for bys to do such tbing?, but girls ought to know better. I tbink it would be a Rood thing if every driver on anv, and all vebicles would whip every boy or girl who atiempts to jump on wben tbe sleigb is in motion. Ibis would aoou put a slop to tbis dangeroua amusement. Anotber rusU in tbe postoffice laat week oneevening. Tbese rushes are getting altogetlier too frequent, and the leaders oughr to be engagedin sometbing a little more manly I think. Tbe ideaof a crowd of men getting into a building and tben undertake to rush eacb and everybody present is outrageous. If tbey were young boys this miglit be pardonable, but men.or those who cali themselves men, ought to be cngaged ín something more manly. Often persona are hurt in tbese rushes, but I beheve no great harrn was done last week. In Shermnn, this state, the business men will not allow a boy in their stores, af ter 6 p. m., unless tbey are tbere on business. Tbis ia just as it ought to be and boys have no rigbt to bang around business places of any aort, and the soon er this plan is followed in our own city, the better it will be for all boys. No boyi unless be has business, wbich is rare for one to have, ought to be on tbe street after six o'clock. If parents would only look nfter theír cbildren a little more closely in their youth, tliey might bave letter boys and girls when they ai e older. tee to it tben tbat your cbildren are in tbeir owu homes after supper and tbat tbey remain tbere. A few days ago a gentleman visited our city for tbe first time siuce the erection of the new depot. Aa he used to be familiar wit ii the atreeta he ooncluded to walk 10 one of the bótela. Getting off frora tlie train and taking State which he supposed was Detroit street, he proceeded on bis way. Af. er walking as f ar as tbe M. E. church be began to thmk be had indeed wandered from tbe oíd familiar strects. He went on until he reaobed the university where, he snid, he wats ainazed to find bimself. He fínally con cluded to inqnire where he was, and entering a State street store, asked it be was in Ann Arbor or bad he gotten iutosome otlier city. He was iuformeil tbat he was in tbe uuiveraity city und was kiudly directcd to tbe place where he would be. Tbis gentleman thinks it is safest always to nde to your hotel.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat