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DR II. K. ARNDT. OFFICE over the Firet National Bank. Hours: 10:8 a. m. to 12 m,; S:8j to 3:30 p. m. Can ie reached at rea dence. West Hurjn streel (the 1 1'nf N chols' place' ) by telephone, to. 9r, and win reply to calis ia the evening FOR CHOICE Teas and Goffees GO XO v-rripBBB BB üjlSUj n -. in tho Duff'y Bloeit, Corner of Main and Ann Streets. Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIOAS, County of Wasbtenaw Oss. In the matter of the eitate of Frederlck Stollsteimer. deceased. Notice is hereby elven, that in pursuance of an order granted to the undersigned administrator, of the estáte of sid cleceased, by the Honorable Judge of Probate for thecounty of Washtenaw, on the nlneteenth day of January A. 1). 1888. there will be sold at pub li rendue, to the lüghest bidder. t the dwelling house, on the pi t-mí-ea herein de scribed, In the Town of Lodl. In Mm o unty of Washtena'v. In said state, on Thurtday, the elghth day of Maren, A. D. 1S88, at tpn o'clotk In the foreno' n of that day (subject to all encumbrances by morteage or otherwlse exfsting at the time of the death of said deceased, the following de8Cribed real estáte, to-wlt: T&e west half of the northwest quarter of sectlon 8Bventeen: th so theast quarter of the northwest quarter of aaid secton Boventeen; aluo cuinmenclng at the northeast corner of tne northfast quirtt-r of tlte northeast qunrter of seetion niiinber lghteen, theme west ten rode, tlieme KOUih elghty rods, henee east ten rods, theucenorth einhty roda to the place of b glnnlns;, (■ taiuim; live a res, in ectlon number eilreen; aso commenc.nj? fourteen chaina and thirty-ix links ear. of the oulluvest corner of sectt m number eight In the center of tlie iiigh wiyln Lodl runninsr thence i orth af rljlitungles with the center line of gall highway, thret chalm and sizteen ai dahnlf h, thema east t.iree cbatni and slxte n and a half link, thence south tiireechainsand sixtien adi half links, thence we-t to the plac-e of begininng, belng one ai re of land, all In to-n three south range live eafct. Washtenaw county Michigan Dated Jauüary lUih, 1888. JOHN Q. FELUKAMP. Ad ninistrator. Estato or Elizabetli A. A. Winear OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw. O ss. At a regalón of the probate court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the lath day of January, In the year one thoujand eight hundred audBiBhty-elght. l'reaeut. Wiliiain h. Harriuiau, Judge of Pro bate In the matter of the estáte of Ellzabeth A. A. Wlnegar, deceased. On redding aud Hllig the petltl in. duly verlfled, of l-' in E. vviiioiur praylng t at a certain instrument ïmw on flie In tliis court, puriiortlng to be tho last will and testament of suld deeea ■ ■ d. nif bo iidmltteJ to prob ite, and that he or me ct'ier suiruble per' n may be appolutrd adminl trator uith the will annexed. Thereupon it is ordered. thal Monday, the l-itli day ut February next. at te-i o'clock in the forenoin, be asslened for tne hearing of saiJ petition and that the devisees, legateeg and heirsa la.? of said decused. and all other pereon interested in sald estáte are requlred to appear at a sessiou of sald coort then to be holden at the probate office in the city of Ann Arbor. and show cause ifany tlier be, why thi i rajerof t e pi'titioner shuuld not be al owed: And it ij furtber ordered. that ald petition. r give notice to the persons Interested In saiü estáte. of the petidenc of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causini; a copy of thls order to ba pnlillühed in the Ann Arbor Demoerat. a newpaper printed aud clreulated in said county, three succejslve weeks previous to sald day of hearing, WILLIAJI D. TIARRIMAN. fAtruecopy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. O. Doty, Probate Register. Aotlce t Crcditors. CTATE OFMICIIIOAN, ountyof Waslitenaw, J af. Notice Is herehy glpen, that bvanorler if the Pr b nourt 'or thei.'ount of Waslite oaw, made on the '?rá day of January, A. ii. ls. mix uionthï froiu that date were allowed foi u ju-, sfüt their ctctims aaint the est.iteof Jno. Cleo Nlethauimer. late of said cour; tv. 'Ie eased, and that all crediti i-b nfs 'ld deceased are required to present thelr claims to safd Probate Conrt. at the Probate t 'filee in the city of nti bor,fnr "xatniniti'in and all(. wance. on orbefore the 23rd day of July next, aml that siich claims wlllbH heurd before said Court, on JloDday the .3rd daj" of Apr.l, ai d on Monday the 2 rd clay of July next. at ten o'clock In the furenoon of each of said days Ddl'.d. Aiiu Arbor. J n '.3rd. . l. IW8 WTLUAil D DARRIMAN, Judge of Probate.


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Ann Arbor Democrat