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(JUJ JiOeiilti. K utico. Wherens my wife, Henrietta A. Bowen, bas left my bed atui board without any just ciiuse or provoeatiin. I hereby foibid all persons harborintr or trust ing her oü iny account, as I liall pay no debtsof her contiacÜDK after thia date. Ann Arbor, Jau. 0,1888. A. M. Bowrn. ín reply lo the above I would say that I have supporteü myself and two cbil dren for the past íour months, that fiBfor credit Mr. A. M. Bowen has none. and that I hail just cause and provocation for leaving him. Mis. A. M. Bowen". January 19, 1888. For Salh, or wíll trade an upright piano for a young horse, piano to be seen at No. 1U Fourth street. First-class oandies and fruit at Schiappacasse & Co.'s at No. 5 N. Main st . Oysters cooked in every etyle, at Tony Sohiappaeasse & Co.'s, No. 5 N. Main street. A (jood farm to exchanjje for a house and lot iu the city. Inquiro at tbis office Cali on Doty & Feiner, who liave just received ono of the largest and most complete stocks of Boots and Shoes for Winter rrade, ever broutfht to Ann Arbor. Sell cheap and the people will buv. Wanted- Boarders at No. 7 Washington street, east. hell Oysters ar.d Clama can be had at SchiappacaBse & Co's, No. 5 N. Maiu street. Jno. A. Robiscm, city scavenger, nses onlv ticrbt bárrela Ko. 81 Wall streut, Fifth Ward. Ladies' Hair Goods at Mrs. Fitcli's Hair EmDorium, over Frank Bur'n, U'ashiuKton street. To Bent. - Inquire of Wni. Burke. Claibvoyakt í'hysioian. Dr. L. D. White is still in the Duffy block, opposite the postoih'ce, where he has an extensivo business. He can be found in bis olfioe at all bours. Buy your Beer at the Central Bottlinf; Work, córner Detroit and Catberine-sis. All Goods warranted to give fair wear and satisfaction, at Dotv fe Feiner's Bout and Shoe Houso. Fob öalb. Three hundred and üfty acres of land in the northern portion of Wafiiteuaw couuty, to be Hold for $13 per acre, al tojfether or in seperate páreles. For partioulars addresa F. ü. box 1035, Aun Arbor Michiirun. First (Jlass Hair Work done at Mre. Fitclx'a. Jjoanino. - Mouey to loan on flrst-ciass Real Estáte Mortgageat Curren t ratesof Interest. Satisfactory arrangements made with capitalisie desiring such in vestments. Every couveyiu ce aml trimaaction iu abstract of titlej carefully txamined as to legal effect. Z. P. Kiko. Ann Arbor. FARM FOR SALE. Six miles Southwest of Ann Arbor, in Lodi, coutaiumg 2O aerea, 90 acres ïmproved, and 5 acies wbich lias liad the timbercutfrorm. 2" acres exlni gooil tunber. Good frame house; barse bain anJ tooi slied, large barn with round stuble. An apple orohard, well, cisteru, mid a uever failing sprinft of wter Will be sold at S(i5 per arp. Cali at ihe farm, or i.ddress MORRIS IIOGAN, Jau. 6, 1388. 6 moa. Aun Arbor.Mich 8ee What Cropsey Say 9 About 01L. I. O-, Why Paralliue Caudles aie o oheap. lst. The paralliuo is all taken out of Wuit; Seal Oil. 2d. It lasts longer. Thtre i no fiu k iK of lnuips, do obarring of wiflt, nu odor, no sedinieut iu lnmi aud will make a better light. White Seal Oil h Oheaper aml Better thau nuy oil in the market. Foi'saleat Oeo. 'A'. Cropset's, 14 E. Washington street. Esluti' ui Austin A. Woixl. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, ('ounty of Washtenaw 0 9. At a se-aion of th Probate Court for the county of Washtenaw. holden at the Probate offlee In the city of Ann Arbor. on Wednsday, the elev-'iitïi rlav of January, in .the year oue tliousaml elght hundred and"eighty-ei;ht. Present, Wiiilain Ü. Harrlman. Judk'ti of Probate. In tho matter of the estáte of Auttin A Wood deceased. Leonhard Gruner theadm!nlstrtor with the will nni.ex-d of said c&tate, comes tnïo oourt ark representa tlmt lie Is now prepared to reuder hls iinnual aecoui.t .s surh Admfolstri t r. Thereuptm it Is Ordered, tiiat Wednesday the eighth Oay of February next, at in o'clock in tin; forenoo;t, be assitrned foi examlnlng vnd nllon'lng guch account, ai'd that tho helra at law of sald Oeccaacd, and all otluT persons Interested in sald estala, ure requlred to appear at a seaaion I ''ourt, then to be holden at th Probate OfHce, in the city of Ain Albor, In said Couxt and show cause, ifany there be, why the saii: aeooupt should not be allnwed. And it isfurther ordered that sald administratorgive notlce to the persona interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof by causlng a eouy of this order 'te be published in the Ann Arhnr Dtuiocrat, a newypaper prin-ted and circulatii.g In suld county thrra succeaslve week previous CO aaid day of hearing. WILLIAMD. HAÍIKIMA.N, (A true cooy ) Judge of Probate. W. O. Doy. Probate pagtator Kotlce to Credltör. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Walitenaw --H. NotiOQ ld liereby given, that by aa order of the Probate Court for the County of ''aslitenaw. ma'lt on iht 6th day of January, A. D. &S6, Mxmonths iro;n tliat date were al i'wed for ' redit rs to prevent their clAUns agalnst the estáte oí aloyslus F. Bleyenbergh. late of aH county, dec 'usfcl. au i th .t al L-rt-diorsof said deeeaedare rf qulreil to i re-ent their claims to said Probate Court, at the Pioliate OiftVe, In tlie city of Ann Arbor, tor evamin iti n and allo'vance, on or before ihe Lth day of July next, and that Bucb oUima will be he rd uefora ald Court, on 1 riday, tiie Hth day of aud on i riilay the 6th day of July next, at tn o'olock In t'i rorenoon of each of said days. DateJ, Ann Aib r, Jan. 6, v. 13.. 1H&3. uIllIaM D, HARRIMAN, Judteot Probate. Estnte of Jno. Sthneeberger. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, 0 83. At a 8ession o( tlie probiite court for the county of Washtenaw, hotiien at the Proliate Office in the citv of Aun Arbor, on vvednesday, the llth day of January, In tlie year oue thousivnd eiglit hundred and elghty-elght. l', Williaia U. ilarriiuan, Judge of Probate. In th matter of the estáte of John Schneeberger deceased. Lecnluird (.rinerthe Trustee of sld estáte, comefl i i'o court aud representa that he is now 1 repared to re. der hit nuual uccuuut as such Trustee. Thereupon It Is ordered, that VTednesday, the 8ih day of ï!bur;ir3' i-ext at ten o'clock in the foronooDtbeA8ülgnedior examiningaud allowint; su h a. count, and that the devisee. legates and betri-at-Iaw of said dsceasd, am! all other per sona iuterested in saiü estáte, are re quired to appear at a session of said court, ihentobe holden at the l'robate Offlee In the cin of Ann xbor, lnald county, andsnow cause, if auy there he, why the said account'shou.d not t"eullowed: Anditls ftirtlier ordered, that said ac'.uiini-iirator give notice to the i)ersou in terested In :ii 1 eatats, of the per.dency of said oOKOiiat and the hearing thereof, uy causing a copy of thia order to be publhthed ín The ann AflBOR DïMoiiAT, a newspaier prlntedand circiilating in said coanty, thrwesuccessive weeks urevious to said day of heariuj. W1LLIAM D HARRIMAN. ( trua copv.) Judge of Probate. Wa. (i, L)oTr. Probate Reelstur. Estute of Lewis Friiz. OTATE OF MICHIGAN', County of Washtenaw O ss. At a sosslon of the Probate Court for the county ')t Washtenaw.holden at the probateofflee in the i'ity of Ann Arbor. on Thursday. the 2bth lay of January In the ynar one tnousand elght hundrotl and eighty Prusent, WUham i). llarriman, Judge f Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Lewis Fritz d ceased. On rsadlng and 11 irg the pftitlon duly ver'fled, o" .Wi-h.iel J. Fritz executor praylug tliat v i,e licensed tosellUiBRealEaiati-where-Jf s ild decoased died selzed. Thereupon, it is ordered, that Tue day, the Imc day of i ebrtary next, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, be assigued for the heat ing of said petltlou, ard that thedeviseei egaeesandhelrs-attiil Ie 'eai.'d, and all othe.r persons interexted in said estáte, are required to appear ata session of said court, then to be holden at the probate oQïcd. in the city of Ann Arbor. and show cause if any there bt, why the prajer of the jict Mom r sbould not be granted: And it Is lurriu-r erderedi that said petitiner give notice to the persons Interfsted In said estáte, oí the pendency of sail prtition and the hearing thereof. by oausing a oopy of thifc order to be published in tho Am ARnoit Deïooixat. ii newspaper prtntcil mui circulating in suid county three succeftfilTe weeks previous to said day uf hearing, W1I.LIAM D. HABRIMAN. Atruecopy. Judge of Probate. WlLUAU ö. Doty. Probate Heester Hocaic Fon Sale. Corner of Mouroe and South Tbayer Btreet. Inquiie of Jlartiu Öeabolt, City L.tiaudry.


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Ann Arbor Democrat