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Estáte f Jacob Schweitzor. STVTE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtanaw ss. At a sesslon of the probate court for th county of Washtenaw. holden at the probate ol (Ice In the city of Ann Arbor. on rridoy the fth day of J nuary in the year one thou sand eight 'hundred and elghty-elght. Present, Willlam D. Hsrrimau. Judge of pro In the matter of the e6tate of Jacob Sehweltze On rwuilugaml fiüngtliepetltion.duly Torifled r.L Wllliam Aprlll praying tlint ho mav b lleetiBcd to sell t!ie K?al Entate whereot said de cea=ed died selzed . Thereupon itisordered. that Tuesday, day of February, next, at ten o'clock in th forenoon. be assigned for the hearing of eaid p1 ti'ion and that the helra at law of oat .leceased, and all other persona triterested In said estáte, are requlred to appea ata sesslon of said court, then to be holden at the probate office, in the city of AnnArbo and show cause, if any there be, why the urayer of the petitioner shuld not be 8rAnd It is further ordered thot said peti tloner glve notlce to the persons In teredted in said estáte, of the pendencj of said petltlon, and the hearing thereof bycauslng acopyof this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Dïmockat, a newspaper print ed and ctrculating in said county. three successlv weeks previou tosaid day of hearing, WILL1AM D. HaRKIMAN', !A trae copy) Judge of Probate Wm. O. Dotv. Probate Ragister. Lstate Of Fisclier Allmirs. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw ss. At a sesRlon of the probate Wmrt f 01 theoounty of Washtenaw, holdsn at the Pro bate office In the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednes day, the llth day of January, In the year one ihousand eight hundred and elghty eight. Present, wllliam D. Harrlmau, Judge of ProI n the matter of the estáte of Qeorge Fischer, John Flsoher, Anula Fischer, Lewla Fischer and Mary Fischer. minors. l.eobhard Grunnr the Guarí! in of said ward comes into eourt and repre-entn ihatheis now preparedto renderhls annual account ai such Viercupon U Ordered. That Wednesday, thi lltn day of Feburary next, at 1U o clock in the fjrcnoon, be assigned for czamlnlng and a lowing such account, and Ihat the next ui kin .f said warda, and all other persons interest ed in said estáte, are requlred to appear ata xe8lon of said court then to be holden at the Probate Office. In the city of Ann Arbor, In said Couuty. and show cause if auy there be why the said account shoulrf not be allon-e,!: Amlltis further ordered, that said Guardián 'ive notice to the persons Interested In said es tate. of the pendency of said acco'ur, and thi i u-uring thereof. bycauslng a copy uf tbls ordei to be published In the Ann Arbor Democrat.i nowsuaper prlnted and circulatiiig in ild count three successiveweek prevlous to aaid day ol Hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN. (Atrue copy.) Judeeof Probate. Wn. O. Oott. Probate Regis er. ■ Estáte of Frederick Sorg. OTTE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtena 0 s. At a gession of the probate court, for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate of rice in the city of Ann Arbor, on iaturday, tü ') at day of Üe-ember. in the year one thousand eigbt hundred and eiehty-seTen. Present, WiUiam 0. flarriuian Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Frederick 8org, 1 ppAQCfin On readW and flllng the petltlon, d lyverlflert. f Julia a8org praymg that ndinlnlstratlon d bunl on with the wiH anne xed of naid Mtatr. man be eranted to Chrlstlan Schmidtor dome otner suitabl per n Thereupon, it U ordered, that Monday. the tiiirtltith day of Janu. ry nest, at ten o'clock in the forenoon be assigntd for the bear ing of said petltlon. and that the helre at law of said deceased, end all other per sons interested in said state, are reouireu to ap penr at a session of said cour., then to be holdrr at the probate office, in tae city of Ann Arbor, In said county, and show cause, If any there be why the prayer of theptMo i-r should not bi L-ninted: And It is further ordered. that saic! uelitlonergive notice to the persous interested i n said estate.of t he pendency of said petition.anc the hearing thereof, by causlng a copy of thi.order to be published In The Ann Artmr Dem nerat, a newspaper printed and circulated ii said county tnree suceesaive weeks previous te unid day of hearing. WILLIAM D. IIARRIMAN, (A trne copy.) Judgo uf Probate, Wm. O. Dott. Probate Reeister. Notice to Creditors . V TATF. OF MICHIG K, County of Wnshtenan O ss. Notice is hvreby glvmi, that by au orde of che probate court for the county of Washt'. naw, made on the ïSth day of December, A. D 1837, slx morths from hat date were alloweii tort-ditorji to present tlietr claims aaluwt theetate of Lyman W. I.akr, late of said couutx leoeaaed. and that all creJItora of said decease ire reqnlred to present thelr claims to said pro bate court. at the prount ofllpe ld the city o Ann Arbor. for examiuatloTi and allowance. ui orbefore the i"th ilay of June r.eJit. and tha íuch claims wilt be heanl bcfore said court oi (Vednocda; the '.'fth day of Mareh, and oi Thureday. tlie íth day of June, next. it ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of said days. Datd Ann Arbor, 1 ec, S8. V. D 1887. WILLIAM 1) HARRIMAN, Judee of TVobat Irs. Fitcb bus Ludies' Crimpes, i'nz zes, Switches, etc, for Rnle, over Burg'b grotjery store, Wailjiiigton trett. Estáte oí Chrfstlun P. Kapp. -T TE OF MIOHIOAN. county of Waslitenaw sí. At a sesslin of the probate coui t for ttai ounty of Washteni'.w, holden at tlie Probati ifflce in the city of Ann rbor. on Saturd'-iv t ie üst day of janunrr. In the yenr one tuoi and Highthundrei and etehty eight. Present, Willlam U. rfarriman, Judge of Proare M m " In the matter of the estate"cl Cliri-tian F. Capp d(cesed. Joh Kap" executor of the last v i 1 m d te tn f t of 'd rt-cta--d. -oi" l-i PO'iM n-fl représenla that h is rowprepared to render h:g mal a-ro-iiit ■ t ■'■'' '-■'■ 't" Thereupon it Is ordered. tbal Thurjilay, the 2' rd Jay of February. next, ut ten f cIuck in iu foix■ oasigued fiT tx-miuiiiK ucl Hol . uc-h iicrount and that the devises, lejjale.í ind neirs at lw of said dec ased, aDri UI other persons interested in s i tate, nre reqnired to apiear at sslon of saidcoiirt. thento be holden at tb. 'rnhato Office, n the city of Ann Arbor, la sni ! i .nnty aiKinhowpaune. Ifanv Hiere be, tl aldft" mint h"u'd n"t. lipallowi'd: Andli Is further ordered. that sald expcutor noti.:e to the persons intereatfd m sald s ■tf. of the penifiii-y of suid accou t an earintr theriif, by c iiikíhk a copy r tlil ciruii ■i be published In ThkAxs rboüDeuochat, u iftwspaper prlntKd and circulating in salri i y, three successive weeks previous to said day jl 'earing' WILI.1AV I. fURRlMAN, true eopv 1 Jiidireof Hiobate. Wi.Q D ity. Pmhntp Resistir. SüE II ERE ! I sharpen umi repair Bnzorp, Sbes nd Knives on short notice, at my bar prnhop. Nnrtli Mm ftrei, oue doo rom Ajtton Schiappacasse's. fíRLNOioa K. Johnson. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT havlng been made In the conriitlone of a certain nwrtgage ezecuted by Sunan l.uoas t arah Baley, oearlng date Septpmber twenty-ftTth, 1884, and recorried in theofflVeof the Register of Deeds for the county of Washtenaw, In the State of Michigan, lu LUer 64. of mortaaes, on page 870. on the 25th day of September, 18S4, and by whMi dt-fau't the power of sale contalned in said mortgage beeome operative, and no sult ur proceedingu at luw or in equity having been Imtituied to recover thO arnount due thrern, and there now bein clalmed to be due on said note and mortiinire the sum of one thousand eight hunured and ninely-six dollars ani furty Hve cents, (Jl,8ti.4"-iO0ths); Ni tice Is therefore herebyglven that the said mortgage will be foreilosed on the thlrd day of April, 18SS, at teno'clockln theforenoun, bysale at public auction to the higlie-t bidder, at th eat front 'oor tf the court honse in the City of Ann Arbor in 8Hid uounty, (tlmt befng the place where tbe circuit court for the county of War tenaw is held) f the m'itgiged premiescrlbad in Bftid mortgage; viz: All that certain parcel of land sitúate in the rowushU of Webster in the county of v aahtenaw. and Stat- of Michigan, and d'-crlbed a to wit beglnniog at acedar ttake at tlio ceuti-r of three highwaya where they mvt-l jut nor h of ihe "Pe ' l'inhr - il s " lu said tovusltlp, tüence north tliii'ty-four (24) degreeseast. niueteen (':')chalnn; tbeuce nortli flfty (80) degrees a'd furty-flve (45Í ininutes e k&t aloiig tlie center of the iruid eroad leadin r fjoin vlilige of Oexter to the 'ownhip of Webster, to the east a d west q'iarter II e of ReoMon numüer thlrty two (8;) in iiaid town of Web-ier: i henee w. sterly on said line f.riy i o ()'.') chalns aml forty-ulue (!'■') linka to the center ot the hlaliway le.ullng frorn th vlli 'exi' r up the Huron river, kiown as the " Bro sriiaU,'' tlience Mt.uthenKterly along the enier of th ■ faid ' I ros- r ad " to tlie place of beginnlag, contii Inï flfty-lwo ( ij acres a'd iixty-thre e hundredths (63 kO) acres mnre or les SARAU BAGLEY, Dated, JttDOarr 4, 16Í8. Uortfgf.


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Ann Arbor Democrat