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Frotn Philadelphia, Pa.- I am selliDj more of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup tban a other cough remedies combilied, and th demand is still increasing. B. J. C Toboldt, Druggiat, 257 S. Seoond St "There's euoh divinity doth bedge king t hut treusou" fears to touch him But rhenm ttisin is do respeoter of per bobs, and Royalty would do well to patrón ize Salvation üil, the great pain cure. The Chequamegons will furulah tlii musio at the Ypsilanti polo and socia club wlnch will be giyen m the Follett house, Feb. lst. Thousands of people are building up a fine business by pulling down their health. For suoh as pursue the course of over-work and induce thereby liver disease and dyapepaia, Lnxador is actually a blessing. Prioe only 25 centa a package. If your baby is suffeung with those troubles thnt nearly always attend teetbing, don't delay, but use at once. Dr. Bull's Baby Öyrup. Price 25 cents. A negro teamster in Nashville declare tbiit tie must either give up drivmg mules or withdraw from the ohurch, the t vo positions being incompatible. There is no denying the faot that Dr. Jones' Red CJlover Tonio is the most 8uccessful blood purifier ever put on the market. lts wondertul cures in all stomacb, kidney and liver troubles bas brought out many imitations. It rbstores debilitated nerve tjssuea, restoring the force lost by sickness, mental work or excessive use of hqiior, opium and tobacoo. Eberbaoh & 8on, Ann Arbor, Geo. J. Haeussler, Manohester, will supply the genuine at 50 cents a jottle. Tae canine speoies is endowed with instinct, and the human with reaion, but when the weather gets hot it makes no diñerence - the dog, ss well as the man, changes his coat nnd pants. Two obysicians of Morris. III., told E. W. Huell that he was beyond the help of nedicino or meüical skill from seated ung dinea&e contracted in a cold rain. iVas induced to try Dr. Bigelojr's Cough Cure, two bottles of which cnmpleted a cure. Over a year lms elapsed and he s in excellent health, doing hard work on his farm. Dr. Bigelow's Positivo Cure s the only know consumptiou cure. Sold by Eberbach & Son, Ann Arbor, Geo. J. Haeussler, Manchester, in fifty ent and dolliir bottlen. Get the genune. Pleasant for ohildren. Dr Bunn, of Brooklyn, N. Y., deliv. ered a very interestiu? address on "Mi dcal Missions" in ilobait hall Tuesday vening. The best on earth can truly be_ said of Griggs' Glycerine Salve, which isasure, afe and speedy cure for cuts, bruises, calds, burns, wounds, and all other ores. Will positiyely cure piles, tetter nd all skin eruption. Try this wonder ïcaler. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Only 25 cents. E V E R Y T Cl K 6 NEff! W. G. SNOWS LIVERY STABLE ! ïo. 21 North Main street, adjoining the Duffy Block and opposito the Postofflce. test Turnouts in the City AT REASONABLE RATES. Funeral Attendance a Specialty. Orders attended to in any part of the city and vicinity. Telephone connectlon. HACKS RUN NICHT &'DAY. LIVERY ANO FEED BARN. T UST Opened by HIRAM KITREDGE, In the reur of the Duffy Block on Ann Street. Ampie accommodations for 75 Horses. Patronage Solicited. H. KITREDGE. ANN ARBOR. ----- MICH. M. P. VOGEL, Eight years with Henry Matthows, has opened a Meat Market Al IVo. 1 Kast Hiiron St., AnJ will Ueep on hand Fresh, Salt, and Smoked Meats, Poultry, and Qame when inscnson. M. VOGEL Ann Arbor, IVTior COLLINS & AMSDEN, - DEALURS IN - Stone Lime. Water Lime, Cement Calcined Piaster, Plastering Hair, and -KZ9 'g-J T t" W AND MASONS' SUPPUKS IN GENERAL. Also all kinds of WOOD and COAL. - also - Flo-ar and Feed and Baled Hay. ut FICES, No. 33 nnd 36 Enst Huron CEO. OLP ! PROPR1ETOR OF THE New Livery Stable Fïoardlnz and t armera' Fend Barn. Ai Baxtcr'H Old Stand, Corner lluron and Seoond Streets. rURNOUTS ALL. AND NE AT. Charges Reasonable. Telephone ConnectioD. V. il. TT JuJjJDj Mun Store I give the BIGGE8T BARQAIN3 in the Cownty in the Furniture Line. Call, See Bnd be Convinced. No. 11 i aat nn btreet. six doors Eoat of the PostofBo. Mack & Schmid's JANUARY Clisiu Sale. We've marked down our entire stook of WINTER GOODS, DRESá GOODS, SILKS, VELVETS AND IPLTTSIElIIEiSFlannel Blankets, Ladies' and Cküdren's Oloalsis Init Qoods, Hnods, Toboggana, Nubias, Skirts, etc, eto. Ve are oilering the most marvelonslvalues ever shown in Ann Arbor. Tbeae goods must be oleaned out. Tüe losa is ours. The Rain is yours. MAOK & SCHMID. Oall and Seo Thom. Ann Arbor, Jnnuary 12. 1888. The mau lio ïö cirious to see how ;he world could fret long without, him, an find out by stickiDg a can, brie needie oto a mill-pood, atid tben withdrawing t and lüokiuj; at the hoio. FÜRNER & BRENNER No. 16 South Main St. A FULI. LINE OF FRKSH C1ÖCËÏÏBS Just Opened, of TEAS, COFFEES 8UG ARS and SPICES. We also oarry a f all line of PIPES, TOBACCO and CIGARS. VEGETABLES In Season. WERNER & BRENNER. LEAVE ORDERS. FOB CECREAMS AND ICES OF ALL KINDS. MALACA GRAPES, Bananas, AND FLORIDA ORANGES, Constantly on hand, at HANCSTERFER'S. No. 28, South Main Street. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank rgailzed 1869. un Ier thn General Banking Law f thUsta' has mow, i"''iding capital Stock, te., etc. O ER $800,000 ASSETS.1 Business men, Guardian, Trustees, Ladles nd other persons wlll flnd this Bank a SAFE AND CONVENIENT lace at which torn ake Deposlts and do business. nterest is Allowed on All Savings Deposits f Sl.OOand npward. accordlng to the rule of ie baní, and interest coinpounded seml-annuUy. Moneyto Loan in Sumsof $28 to S5,OOO. ecured by Unincambered Real Etate and other ood secuities. DTRECTORS-Ohrlcain Mack, W. W. Wines, V?. W. Harrmia-', William Denble, David Rinsey, Daniel Hiscock and W. B. Smith. OFFICERS- Chritian Mack, President; W. W.tViues, Vice-President: C. E. Hi-eoek, aslier. Jno. Eisele, Keeps All Kinds of fel Groceries AND Canned Goods. Tho Bost í( oent Tea in tho Oitv. 'Jo. 2 Detroit St-pp', Ann Arbnr, JOHN MLTEI1L1G,' raraít ROOM.S No. 35 South Main Street over A. L. Nobh's store. BESIDENCE 61 South Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich. MARTIN, Late witb John Muehlij;, and stlll occupylng the same roomt, is preparad to do all kinds ot REPAIRIJÏG, Upholstering and Finishing done on Short Sotice. Leavelyour orders for anythlng in ttM FÜRN'ITORE LINE. Shop over A. L. Noble's Star Clothing House, 35 South Main st„ Annl Arbor. SPOONER PAT. COLLAR Cannot Choka a Horsa. r Q Adjwts ltself to ny Horses Neck. fimiQ . Has two rows of Stitchlng. mfMrin Í Wlllhold Hames In place. I ë Í Nene Genuine untess ttamptd JaÊk ? ASK VOUB HAR jtf I i K L MAXIR FOK THIM. Crftftf M M CO Brown Chinese Plant On Ivorv A 'Stock Pattern with us and can be rad In sep arate pieces as well as sets and matched foryearato coma as readilv as Wuiie Ware. J. O. STIMSON & SON, China, Grockery, Glassware, Lamps, etc. ANN ARBOR, - - MICH. &REETING.'! 5 We come boforo the people with the lárdese and FINEST STOCK OF ALL THE LEADINC and Fashionable Styles of Cloths and Suitings Entlrely coomim"rous to men'lon for the out fltlng of the fine dre-ser At) t we h-ive the services of one of the btMt. rmters, and alsit our cat makers are amonte t'te best. enables U8 to rlease the ra st ta-iatonible dreser. No v al! we haveto ay Is com? in and we will uaraiit you the lowent prtces in th- state for first-class goodj. No trouble to show goud-). Rememberthe place, No. 6 East Huron Street, four doors west of theCook House W.C. BURCHFIELD. Falace WoceT ! I have just received a f resh new st ck of Oaaaefl Goodf Both Forelen and Domi-stlc, n'ilo 1 can seilatGRE.VT U.iRiAINS. My Fine Teas and Cotiees ARE UNEXr-ELLED. I have the flnest and tnoet complfte stock oL STUDENT, LIBRA RY, HALL and iTaND of any one in the couiity. Also a large Ine of Grockery, Glassware, and Decorative China. Come and purchose wliile the selectfon is compinte and convince yourselves that I give the BEST BARliAINS of anv other store In Aun Arbor. 2O Bars Babbit's Best Soap for SI. OO. FREDT. STIMSON. No. 9 North Main St.. Ann Arbor, Mich EXINGER & BOES, Proprletors of the IXCHAKGE Opposite the Michigan Central Depot. EVERTH IC NEW. TERMS fl.OO PER DAY. [n oonnection with the Hotel are Barn A ccommo Jationa. H. LAUBENCAYER 8ELL3 Bottled Beer In Pints and Quarts and delivered to any part of the Cit" Freeuf Charge. Corner of Detroit and Catharine Streets, or leave orders at, the Postoffice. The Palace Liverv THE lest ui Best Tnrnonts INTHEICITY. LIVERY AND SALE S-baTble. JAS. W. ROBISON, Prop. No. 21. South Founh St., Ann Arbor Mich. Telephone No. 31. ■ COAIa. The Best Coal in the City. For Both Hard and Soft Coal cali on M. STAEBLER, STO. 11 WEST WASHINGTON ST. Teiephone No. 8. HENRY RICHARDS, Ia again in busmeBB. This timo in the rear of Juo. Fionefjau's Agncultural Hall, Detroit 1 treet. -ALL KINDS Oh'HARD AND SOFT WOOD on hand, and orders taken for I wil) also lay in a stock of HARD WOOD LUMBER for the Spring Trade. Old friends and cnstomers are invited to cali and eee me. Henry Richards. RINSEY TSEABOLT, No. 6 & 8 Washington! St. Have on band a complete stock of everythlnR Ín the Crocery Line. Teas, Coffees, Sugars, In large amounts, and at Casli Prices And can Bell at Low Figure. The large In Tolce of Teas thv buy and seU, Is good proof that In QuaTity and Price they Give Bargains. Tbey Roost thelr own Coffees erery week, and none tut prime articles are uaed. Thelr Bakery tums out excellent Bread. Oat andCrmnkor. CSU and ee tbem.


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