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The early bird catches the bronchitis, nnd lovers of earlv momin? walks will find thi a true maxim. If we were permitted to ma. e a sugestión, we sliould whisper: ''Use Dr. Bu I's Couuh Syrup. " 'GivO y ou a rea-on on compu sion i" Wh'. of course I will. 1 nra cured of rheumati m, wliich hns kept me ousl ived for twiMitv years. by uing Xalvation uil, wbich cost me ouly 20 cents. : t ha-i been proposed to alter the Paris dinner hour in order to j erinit prompt attendance at ttie theaters. OllEAT LXC1TLHLT Vnlli-v City Mlll, Wlitrh the Forcm;in KxiiImIiim pm ïollows: Dmn ours of the 2ïth instant was receive 1, and I be.; pardon for not aniwering it sooner. II e fact is I have been working dny and night; hiive not b en ai well in (ifteen year. The trouble with my stomach and rheumatism whicb nearly killed me has been entirely cured by Hibbard s Kheumatic Syrup and Flasters. Mother is now taking it and tbinks there is no medicine in the wo ild equal to it A. W. TiioMrsoy, Valley City Mills, Grand Unpids, Mich. Deo. 2J, 1: yr. One hundred and eighty-fonr widows in Boston each rei eived a silver half dollar as a Christmas present fr m the fund left by the lato William H. Knight. an old-time I. o-ton merchant, for that purpose. C IÜSH8 ni-IIoae8enes.- T-.e irritation wijich induces coughing immediately re lieved by use of "Brown's Lronchi.l '1 roches. " ÍSold only in boxe-. The olive industry is prowing in favor in California. A large tret of land In I' risco county is to be laid out by enterprising viney :rlists, who propose to carry on operationson a lure scaie. fyJhCOBS QJ THE CREAT REMEDY FOR PAIN. Cores lílif umatlsm, Neurai&rla, Solatlc. Lumbago, Kackaclte, llealaoh, Toothache, Sore Throat, Swelllnga, I'rosthitcs, Spiuin, liruifes, CutA, liurns and Scalds. WHAT IT IS. jet It is in one word a cure ; it is not merely I o li a relief and in no sense a cure-all ; it is tlie product of scientific research. Ijl It strengthens while it soothes and subtUi dues, heals and cures ; it literally conquere pain. Qd lts effects are curative and permanent to JUi the whole group of muscular miseries and nervous agonies. ♦U It does not merely irrítate the outer surHllli face, nor does it merely softon or relax i constricted muscle. To its specifie action a superior curative virtue is supuradded. CU It penétrate deeply but cently ; searchJllli ingly and surely, seeking"the tmin spot in an cffort to conquer. C+U Each constituent of the formula has a Ollli recognizèd intrinsic virtue to serve most eurely the cure of pain. Soid by Drugoists nnd Dealers Ewrirmhert. THE CHARLES A. VIT-c - '- ■■ RADWAY'O PILLS 0 Tüe Great Lirer ana Stomacli Remedy For the euro of all disorders of tho Stomach, LIver, Boweli, Kldneys, Bladder, Nervous Dlseases, Lom of Appctlte, Hoadache, Constipatlou, Costlveness, Indigestión., Fever, Inflammatlon of the Boweli, Pilos and all dorangements of the lateraal Viseer. Parely vegetable, contalning no mercury, mlncrals, or deleterlous drugs. PERFECT DIGESTIÓN U-ïïSSïï one of Raüway'a Pilla every mornlng, about ton oclock, 3 a diuner plll. By so Uolug SICKHEADAGHE, Dyspepui, Foul Stomach, Blllousnes, wlll be avoirtod aa the rood that Is enten contributea lts nourlshlnu propertles for the support of the natural waste of the W Observo the followlng Bvmptom resultlng rrom Dlseaxe cf the Dlgestivë Organs: Constlpation. Inward Piles iullnos of the BIixkI In Mie Hcail Aeldlty of the Stomach. Nanaua, Heartburn, DlsKiist of Food, Fullness or Weluht In ihe Stomach Sbur Eructatlon, Slnklng or Flutterlng of tho Hoart Cholclng or SufTooatlng Setisatlous when In a lvlng posture, Diiinieiis of Vision, Dots or Webs before" the Sight Fever and Dull Pain In the Hcad, DoHcioncy of Prrapiratlon, Ypllownaw of the Skin and Eves, Pain In the Slde. Chcst, Umbs, and Suddcn Klushe of Heat, Burnlng In the Flesh. Afevr doMof RAnWAY'S PIUSnlU free the systcm of all the above named disorders. Prlce 23 ctg per box. Sold by all druggists. Send a letter stamp to DR. RA D WA Y & CO., ho. 3'i Warren Klrei-t. New Yorlt. Br"IuTorma' tlon worth thousands wlll be sent to jou. TO THE PUBLIC. Be sureandaskforRADWAYS and sce that the name " RADWAY " Is on what you bny. The treatment of many thousands of cases of those chronlc weaknessus and distressiinr ailments peculiar to femalcs, at the Invalida' Hotel and Surgrical Institute, Buffalo, N. 5f., has afforded a vast eipericnce in nicely adaptinj and thoroughly testing remedies for the euro of woman's peculiar maladics. r. Fierce' JFavorlte Prcscriptlon Is the outgrrowth, or result, of this great and valnable experience. Thousands of testimoniáis, recelved from patientó and f rom physicians who have tested it in the more agüravated and obstinate cases which bad baflted their skill, prove it to be the most wonderful remedy ever devised for tho relief and cure oí sufferinfi: women. It is not recommended as a "cureall," but as a most perfect Spccillc for woman's poculinr ailmcnts. Am a powrrfiil, in vijroratlng tonic, it imparta trensth to the whole systein, and to the woinb and its appendages in particular. For overworked, '"worn-out," ''run-down," debllitated teacher, milliners, dressmakers. seamstresses, "shop-srirls," houiekeepers, nursiug mothers, anil feeble womin pencrally. Dr. Pierce's Favorito Prcscription is the frreatcst earthly boon, being unequaled as an appetizing cordial and restorative tonic. As a aoothiug and tr iiulhtiiiin; nervlue9 ' Favorito Prescription " is unequaled and is invaluable in alluyingr and subduing: nervous excitability, irritability, exhaustion, prostratlon, hysteria, spasms and other distretsing:, nervous symptoms commonly attendant upon functional and orgrunic dieease of the womb. It Induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental aaziety and despondency. Dr. Pierce's Favorito Prescription is a leKitimate medicine, carcfully compounded by an experienced and skUlful physician, and adapted to woman's delicate organization. It is purely vegetable in 1U composition and perfectiy harmless in its effecU in any condition of the system. For morning sickness, or nausea, from whatever cause arising, weak stomach, indigestión, dyspepsia and kmdred symptoms, Ít6 use, in small doftos, will prove very bcneficial. "Favorito Prescripción " is a positivo cure for the most complicated and obstinate cases of leucorrhea, excessive fiowing, painful menstruation, unnatural suppressions, prolapsu, or falling of the womb, weak back, '■female weakness, anteversion, retroversion, bearing-down sensations, chronlc congestión, inflummation and ulccration of the womb, inflammation, pain and tenderness in ovarles, accompanied with M internal heat." As a refrolator and promotor of functional action, at that critical period of chango from girlhood to womanhood, "Favorite Prescription " is a perfectiy safe remedial agent, and can produce only good resulta. It is equally effleacious and yaluable in ita effects when taken for those disorders and dcrangoments incident to that later and most critical period, known as 'The Chauge of Life." 4i Favorite Prescrlption" when taken in connection with the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Diseovery, and email laintive doses of Dr. Pieroe's Purgative Pellets (Little Llver Pilis), cures Liver, Kidney and Bladder diseases. Their comblned use nlso removes blood talnts, and abolishes cancerous and tcrofiilous humors from the system. "Favorito Prescription" is the only medicino for women, sold by druggists, under a positivo suarantee, from the manufacturen, that Tt will give satislaction in every case, or money wlll bo rel'undod. Tuis guarantee bas been printed on the bottle-wrapper, and faithfully carricd out for many years. Larg bottles (100 doses) $1.00, or six bottles for $5.00. For lanre, Illnstrated Treattóe on Dlseases of Women (160 pages, paper-eovered), send ten cents in stampa. Address, World's Dispansary Medical Associatlon, 663 Main SU, EIITAI.O, N. Y, I I. I . ' I 'l, wnTv.rrr...,., """1 TriÉ!1tanJar JULM'r&r $[ cul!ar m"-" . . !nd IU won. ''jP deifnl cures COMPOUND EXTRACTL „ tho coca ;npi iri.WR ence of tho V GSxts '"-" th ' hJsCy most popular U jTlS hlood purln .hj.% and stronjrta.Bav jfár I oninsr medlir9fá A A c'"' " cure' OSfi" A crfuia' &it rGVlSr.fí' A rheum' dy" C J-- "che. kidney Mm 7 V V V vid livcr comv Zr. injr.,ixn,an plalnt c itarrh. p.... .l.v.........f Mtvviiinii' 'turto Jtíislf. Tlonrl's Síirn:irt!la oíd liy 1ru L. 9U ñxtot to. Pre pared by C. L Hoon&Co., Lowell, Masa. IUU Uübtis One iollar, MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Wholly L'nUko Arliflcinl ytm. Any Itook Letirned in One Kendlng Recommended by Mark Twain, Richard ProoTOR, tho Sii.-n'ist, Hii,a. W. W. ASTOR, JlTDiH P. Benjamin, Dr. Minor, etc. Claflsof lWColumbla Lar Btude-ns: ao at Merlden ; 20 at Norwlch 350 at Otxriin Collega i two Ciiissr-s. of üt;i cuch at rale: 4C0at Dnlvcrsitv of Wnn.. Phlla. ;10l at Wcllesley College, aii'l thrte lare classes at Chatauqua Universíty. e:c. I'rosprotus post khee from Prof. LOKKTTF. 2S7 .'nli Av..pwToru. D R 0 P S y TREATED FREE. HaTetreated Dropsy and its complicatlons with the most wonderful success ; usa vegetable remedies cntlr. ly harmles. líemove olt sym.toma of dropuvin eight t twvntj days. Cure patiefit.-i pt-onounced hJpclesa by the best ofphyslciaiis. Froni ttí .rstilose the svmptoms rapidly dístappar, and ín ton daya at least two-Üilrd oí al i uymptoma are rwn Somo toay cry bnmbag withoat knowlnpr anythtng aboutit. Remember it docs not cost you anyttiiiigto realizo the mem of our tratuient for yom-self. w ar constantly cnrinu OMM ut long standing-CAM thft have been tappcd a nuinber of timen andthepticnt declared nnablo to live a week. Gl o a ful! hihtory of cace, name, a&o, B6X. how Ion); afflifteil. &c. Scnd for Cree pamphlct, contamina testimoniáis. Ten days treatmentfurniahed FREE by mail. If you ordcr tfial iend IO cents in alampa u pay pJLuf. BMIepsy (Fit-sj poirtIH. H. GREEN & 8ONS, M. !)., pw' 250H ilaricttatíticft, Atlaxta, Oa. Onr We-w Store, wlilch wt noworcnpr, ba about 3 acres of Floor Space. OT1 BUYEB8' GVIDE ts lHued Sept. and Man-h, each year. 364 pagea, 8xlI3 tnchesfwlthover 3,5OO llliutrattons - m wHolc Picture Gallcry-. GIVES Wholesale Price. direct to conxumcrs on all cnod for personal or fnmlly nw. Tells liow to order, and gives exact cost of everytlilng you ase, eat, drink, wear, or hare fun willi. Tliese IXVALUABLK BOOKS roiitnln Information ;Iranei f rom the markets of the vrorld. A copy srnt PREE upon recelpt ol 10 ets. to tleiYay expense of malliug. MONTCOMERY WARD & CO. ' l1"114 'hlgan ATcnne Chicaco, UU LAND HOME ofOCK Fa... " Percheron Ion.i,. i K V French Coach Ilorset, r AÉBBfc V Sivage Sc Fruura, imrcFf -& k cr and Breeders of reï nHH Ibbbs. ceror antl Freiidi Coach nk Efc Hoi&cs.IsLand Homtock ""J IbbBh rTni,GroM Islr, Wayre ■ IsBBBBBB} 1WMRJH County Mich. We offe a ,-t .. BSu Yefy !rE(; studofhorsc. tx .J HnHsVflf selecE íf'l, we guárante flH IBBBBBVBIBBBBBSa our stock inake priies r'-VB VsHHr ïonal'le i1}'1 n on cas V '' WÈÊBb terms. Visitors alwayswet V isbb come. Ijtrge catalofito k H9 Íicc. Address I)BTROIT MICH. NORTKERN PAOIFIO. 11 LOW PRICE RAILROID LANDS 1 i'isi:a: Oereranent i.a.'m!. IWMILLION'Sof ACRES of inch In Hniosota. North , Dakota, Monlan.a. Iiiaho, Washington mi l Oreifoa. CCIill mit PuhlicttonwithMapdcribmeïMa OCH!! rllil BKSTAïrn-ultural'.rainanaTimher Lanti now open to Settli-ü IK.ST FKBE. AddrMi . Ao. o. LABICUnn, st. paul, nmnn. MpMVOi Wll.LSAVK 5KIXKÏ, WTCfíFAU RtAtÊ Time, Pain, Trouble ■iiáMEADj OATARRB. kyJH Ely's Cream Balm BBrtMSB-pp]y Palm Into each nontrll By j vl K ' ■ v I!""S-. ïü.OroenlchSU OneAgenKMerchan Onlylwanted In every town for OfTer Xo. 11C. FREE !- To Mekcitan-ts Ont.t : One Williams' 'Porfection"Eleotro-Magnotic Battery. Address at once, R. W. Tassill & Co., 55 State Street, Chicago. pERBRÖÖR8;! Leadin? Nos. ! 14, 048, 130, 135, 333, 161. Fot Sale by all Stationers. THE ESTERBRÖOK STEEL PEN CO., Uork: Cmnden, N. J. 26 John St„ New York. ■■■ ■ I prescribe ar.d fnlly eo■BJB dorse Big G as tbe only ■HCrMla VB fpccini; tor the cerlaincur MJUri TO b dats. V Of thiü dinease. JRSKSairumd oi wV o. 11. IMiRAIIAM.M. D., M aow BKlour.. ■ Amsterdam, N. Y. ■ yrdoijbjth We have sold lil? G for dltlïïl C!ltkl C ma,n' yers, and It ba Mr "" " ï ■ ïlven tbe b6t ol sau■ Clnoinnaü.lHB factlon. 3 1OW D. B.. DYCHK 4 CO., TradSBBí,ri.l S1.C 3. Sold by Drugf'liU. I GURE FITS! Wbn I say cura 1 do not mean inerely to stop them foratimeand tlitjn hare thrui return &Lain. Imeana radical cnrs. I hav mad the üisaoof FITS, KPIlr KPST or TALI.lNd SICK N KSS alifo.lnr,ttnd7. I WJirrnnt iny rmedy to euro tbe worst cases. BecaUM ethers have failed is no reason for not duw rsceiTing s cure. 8ndatonA for a treatise&nd a Fru Bottt of nty infalliblo ritmedy. Give EpresH and Post Office. U. li. KOOT, JJ. Ü..183 Pearl :-l. Neiv York. OTbe oljtii metHelne In (Be worM n sranáTij mm Or. Isaac Thomnson's U n.iiiitniiiiu: i.vri: Thls artlcle ts a carefullj preparad PhTílclan' pre■crlptlun. snd hss Iteen In constant uhp neailv acentary, and not lthfitaiidinR tne manv other nreparatlon tnat havpbre'n tntroduced Into tne marfcet, the sala of thls artille Is cor.gtantly Increaalnc. If the dlreotlons are foliowpdlt win Drer fail. we partlcularty lnvltt th altPTitlon of phrslcians to lts merlt. JOHX L. TH'MPSl)N.SON'S TROY. N. T. ÉMI Pieo's ]ïemely for Catarrh ia tlie tÊ I Beet, Ëasiett tu Use, and Cheapeat. I Sj Sold bv dmeírisía or pont by mnil. I pa 50c. E. T. názeltina. Warren, Pa. sa m 8js& B Wi tf% K;iiplH" (Kni]U!i) Steel and B I ■_: SJ l-.iur. Ki' l l'ill.i for irrrruQ I V &Iarn''(iiitluvieriods, aresaf. I arasav I ■B%#''utual tuil the only tira■sglne. Senta:ivwh.-rec n rei-ollt "f 1.04 by Al.rsiP P. Kkiüiit, Drujft'iï't, XW0 Scate Slrtiet CbicafO.lU. BT m V flogret aönr faith we i n cure y wu, dtarl n &U ■ Briiffenr, we Willi]iulCDOiithtoc.)Bviitc,UjLJ fev&5cvU '""■ . ' ' rii-Rs.t 'i A 'f.. wsrL. fr.J Onm I 1DC PEK DAT sure wllh DunUULLAnd nlDï' Karin Ledeer and HM rlcal Accountant; yxlH: :i00 paffen. CoiTipleta aicuont book a1 d encycopeüia In one. No expeilence neeiteil. outfit $.;;circuiürs free. IndutrlalPub. Cj.. Detroit, Mloh. reh3tor AStllIIla KIDDERS PASTILLES.11"3501 brmt11' (QSRBBBBBBBsB'u' PCIICinilC Ofllcer' pay, B nnty procured, ilnOlUnO, dneileri relierej. 21 year praotice. Bucee s or nu fee. Write fiT circu ar and ncw Ihw. A. AV. McCormlck A ttoi, WAthlncton, 1. C, wad Cluclonutl, Oklu. niTFUTO 8- A LACET, DfiSrNI 5. Patent Attorneyi, Waahlnxr ■■■■■# ton. D. C. Instructlons and I oplnlonsou patentabiUty pkee. 80 yr. experlenoa , _ m - ma l'roc-iired by Roscoe B.WheelDlTCUTr' Detroit, .Míen. Patent r O I riw I busiiiL's unly. lulruigement ■ rm ■ ■■■■ ■ "jinisecuteil and letal opta ons rendered. Inventor' Ginvio lree. MTO A DAT, Sampltt warth 1.IM FREE. Unrsnot unier t',r liorse' fret. HrtM Brewnter SafeW Hein BolJer C0..H0UV, MicK Aaji .f A X0STI1. AgentsWanleA. SObestsell ■J aSIE nEaitipIesinM-eworld. 1 sample Fre. QL W U AduressA 1' fl HÖSSOJli DciruU, ULcK CAI Is )'irlli&'ir a. PettlfsEyeSaWelswortll UULU ilOuAout is wld at '1 cuma a box by dealen wTn. U. D.-6-5 Whenwrlting to AdertUer pleaae mj you saw tlie ailvertlsemcnt in thls Paper


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