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The state mo-itbly erop report nnd weather service report lor January has , been issued by the seeretary of state. It , shows the cost of producinK and marketing one acre each of wheat, oats, corn and hay iu the sta e for lïT, based, upon i the rejjurts froiu correspondente, representing an area of 14, IS i acres of wheat. S,57a ol oats, 7,4; Of corn, and 14,207 hayi The averag net cost of producing wheat per acre is (j7 cents per bushel, 5 cents liigher thau in 1S;O by reusou of the deciease In the yield. Tuirty-six per cent of the wheat üelds are reported as grown upou oatstubble; remainder upon wheat stubble, summer fallow, dover and timothysod, and corngroundin the order uained. 'ihe price per bushei for other cropswas: Oats, :tó L-5 cents; corn,' -3 4-5 cents per bushei of ears; hay, $1. 57 per ton. Tüe expense of labor iu the productiou is based upon the average wages of a man, team audplow perday for the whole state, including board and forage. The whole number of bushels of wheat reported marketed in December at elevators and milis is 884,563. Only 25 per cent of the 'o7 wheat erop his been reported market ed, a decrease oí more than a.5O3,OJJ busbels aainat thj same perioi in '. ibe deucieucy in the raiuiall for the year was : l- inches, the total rainfall bemg (J. til inches. The percentage oL verit. catión oL temperature and weather signáis for the year was S.i per cet. Wants Heavy Damagcs. Charle H. Plumer ofSaginaw, saysthat he purchased In Deueuiber, ISS1, along with A. U. Wrigot, C. W. Wells and F. C fcitoiiü. interest of Thomas Nester in 650,(KW.uOOfeet of standing tiinberiu Giadwin, Koscommon, aud adjacent counties, opportuuity presenting itself because of soma troub.e between Nestar and the others, not including Plumer, who aileges that he lulu. led bis part of contract, but refusal and uelect of the others to do thelrs have done datnage to him to the amount of $35J,000. He has commenced suit at Saginaw against Massrs. WellS' Wright and Stone for that amount. Altor ilo latt's Seat Henry W. Seymour of Sault Ste. Marie, is the republicau candidate for the seat ia congress made vacant by the death of Set ii C. Moflatt. Ei. C. Steele, a well known clergyman of Schoolcraft county, is the nominee of the prohibitiouists. Tbe democrats of the district hare named Hou. Bartley Breen of Meuomine. Mr. Breen is also the nominee of the labor party. A. Succes. The Detroit Ligot (iuurd reception to Gov. Cyrus O. Luce and bis stal?, held in Detroit Jan. a, wa-s the crowning sooial event of the season. An immense throng of guosts were present both from the city and state. The costumes worn by the ladlea were the most mugniticent ever seen in Detroit. The decorationi of the hall were very elabórate and artistic, and in every way the reception was the most guccessful on record. Wants a Fair Show. Gov. Swineford, late United States comiiii.-siouer of the New Orleans exposition, ugamsi whom j ïdgment was recently rea dered in the jVlarqaette court for statu funda uuaccounteil lor in the exposition att'airs, has tiled a petitiou for a new trial witu Attorney-Geueral Taggart, on the ground that his attorneys neglected to acilsphis deposition in evidencs, his depoetion not arriving froui Alaika iu time lor the trial. Koasted Alive. Dennis Clifford's house four miles from Ta was City burned the other morniug and the body of Mrs. Clifford was fouml in the ruins badly charred, The searchers can not liiul Clifford and it U supposed that he was burued aUo, as a part of his skull has been found. Tuey had resided in that vicinity for 2J years. B oth were bard driukers. They lived by themselves in a shanty. ______ WOLVEKISE WIÜSPERIXÜS. The forty-fourth annual meeting of free and accepted masous of Michigan met in East öaginaw Jan. '24-35. üttlcers elected and appointed for the ensuing year were named as follow.,: Grand muster, W. B. Wilsou of Muskegon, deputy master, Wlrving Babcock otNiles; senior warden, J. ti. Cross of Baugor; junior warden, J. y. Look of Lowell; treasurer, U. Shaw Noble of Grand Hapids; secretary, W. P. Jnnes of Grand Kapids; lecturer, A. M. Clark of Lexington; senior deacon, W. H. ÍSauford of Lieiroif, junior Ueacon, George K. Dowling of Moutague; chaplain, the Hev. A. B. Lucas of Marine City; tyler, AlexanJitr McGregor of Detroit; marshal, J. lioyd Thomas of Kiwardsburg, Grand Master Wilson anaounced his standing conimittee for next year: Jurisprudence - Uugh McCurdy of Coruuna, F. A. Niins of AlusKegon, L. T. Durand of East Sagiuaw. Appeals- O. L. bpaulding of fct. Johns, iel Mcalillan of KocUford, VV. A. Hmith of Cuarlevoix. Kinance - William Seute of Muske;on. H. K. Cole of Calumet, Floyd J. Wilson of Hillsdale. Lodges - John W. McGrath oí Detroit, J. B. Curtis of New Lothrop, VV. B. Saunders of Grand Haven. The uext state conven tiou will be held in Detroit January lsv.i. The state treasurer's report shows cash on band from years receipts and disburaements for ltW7 of $94,Uul.4ti. The annual meetÍDe of the state ry society will beheld.iu Battlo Creek February i. The directora of the state horticultural society met in Grand Kapids a few days ago, aud decided not to accept the proposición of tbe sta'e agricultural society - to Uold control of the horticultural exbibit at the next state fair uuder its own super intendents with premium list not to exccod iSiW, and to pay bare expenses of chree representatives trom state horticultural society. A resoiution was adopted iliut hereaiter the society's animal report bc distributed gratuitously to those intorested. Tbe pólice of Bay City have made tbe startling discorery that a number of young girla in that city have beeu in the habit uf froquenting houses of ill-fame, wlien their parents supposed tbey were in school. 'Die gnls are all of respectable parontuge. Senator Palmer was 58 years old, January Uö. Tlio ütate eider makers and fruit manufacturers mut in Jacksoa a few days ago and orgunized a state society. The folio wing olHoers were eleeted: President, A. W. Herring. South Allen; vice president, A. W. Strong, Ionia; secretary and tioasurer, E. J. Masonof (irant: executlve committue, C. H. Godfrey of lienton Harbor; H. U. Cross of Vertuontville, and A. AVriglit of Austin. Wasbtenaw county's clark is not to be enjuined from Inning a cali for an aloetion on tb local option question. . Local optiou íeteived 2.OJÜ majority In Allegan couuty. The local option question will be settled in Jacksou couuty February 29. A. B. Cook. who was summoned from I 1 bis liirm near Quiucy raeently to the i bedside of a sick brotber in Wyoming : l'erntory, found bira dead when he arrived. The shock unnerved him nd be i became violently insano. On the way i home he jumpel from tlie car once. At another time he triod to stab himself, but was prevented from a fatality by the dullDess of his kniíe. Hi attendaut halto use great vigilanee to keep him from urtber iiijuring hira.self. Mr. Cook's phy siciau saya the case may prove incurable. Initiatory steps have been taken for in. troduction of manual training in Lansing mblic schools. Thomas Neal was killed by a falling tree at Byron Center the other day. Robert iloore of East Kaginaw wag [illed by a log rolling on him iu a camp ïear Cheboygan. A compauy has been organized at Glad' stone to construct 13 miles of street railway in the next two years. Alvin Calhoun died at his bome in Florence township, St. Jogeph county, Jan. 2?. He was 85 years old. Captain Calboun came to St. Joe couuty inli' and was both the oldest settler and oldest man in the county. He was a captain in the Black Hawk war, and was, of course, very widely known thereabouts. The central Michigan agricultural socie ty has elected the foilowingollicers: Pres ident, O. M. Barnes; secretary, Ben. B. l'arker ; treasurer, D. F. Woodcock ; all of Lansing. Directors, A. M. Willett, lonia; R. B. Uaruss, Clinton; L. VV. Barnes, bhiawassee; Jobn Hussoll, Eaton; Charles Fishbeck, Livingston; H. R. Kingnian, Calboun; Geo. F. King, Jackson. The shorthorn breeders of Michigan held their annual meeting in Jackson a few day s ago, and elected the f olio wing oflicers : President, W. E. Boyden,.l)elhi Mills; vicepresident, John C. Sharp, Jackson; secretary, J. S. Flint, Somerset; treasurer, E. A. Croman, Grass Lake; executive committee, M. C. Uichardson, Parma; Wm. Ball, Hamburg. Representative Fisher has introduced a bilí to pay to A. P. Swineford the salory deducted during his leave of absence before going to Alaska. Fisher has also introduced a resolution for the suryey of the harbor at Petogkey looking to the construction of a breakwater there. The Deaf öoldiers' Associatioo havo asked Congressman Brewer to present a petition for an increase of pensions to deaf sotdiers. J. H. McLane and his -ons, William and Scott of Coldwater.are building aroilroad fröm Mobile to Selraa in Alabama. Mr. McLane's profit will amount to $30,OUO. Each of the boys will receive, independent of McLane's share. f 15,0UO as their profit. They talk of extending road on from Sel ma to Birmingham. Mason county will vote on local optlon February 2.). The Beaver raountainsilver mine on the northshore of Lake Superior owned by Gen. Alger and F. J, Hecker of Detroit assayg $100 per ton and about Í2.10J worth per day is being taken from it. During the past 23 years 4Sï pardons have been granted by Michigan executives as follows: Gov. Crapo in four years 18, Gov. Baldwin four years 80, Gov. Bagley four years 12ü, Gov. Crosswell four years 96, Gov. Jerome two years 39, Gov. Begole two years 75, Gov. Alger two years 47 and Gov. Luce one year 'J. The minors in the iron mines In the vicinity of Ironwood to the number óf 400 are on a strike. .Frank Conant of Albion, while digging a well, was buried under 15 feet of dirtLife was extinct when he was taken out. Mrs. HarrietEggleston of Grand Rapids, wife of Hon. E. S. Eggleston, died very suddenly the other morning of apoplexy. She was the great-graud-daughter of Gen. O. F. Swift of revolutionary farao. Sbe came to Grand Rapids in 184'J and bas always been prominent in benevolent and charitable work. Toe secretary of the treasury has appointed George Prior keeper of the Standard Reek lighthouse station, Michigan and William Thonison flrst assistant keeper and George Richmond seconil assistant keeper at the same station. The postiuaster at Sault Ste Marie says his clerk hire amounts to as much as his salary, and asks Postmaster General Dickinson lor a "raise." Charles Morrison attended a dance at Henderson the other night. On his way home, being intoxicated, he lay down by the side of the Michigan Central railroad. He was struck on the heaJ by the pilot o a freight engine and when found the next morning he was in a dylng condition. Deceased was a brother of Tnomas Morri.suu, who was shot and killed some time ago by Fred Joslyn , the Henderson schoo teacher. Meisou Rowe, a well-to-ilo nitizen o Hartford, Van liureu county, wasarrestec while attending a funeral the other day for setting lire to the house of Marshall ötratton of that village. Geesien Trof, a widow of Kalamazoo. has sued Buno Trimmer oí Muskegon for breacb of proinie. The widow wauts ' $üi,0Uj of buno's money. Lillie Woolsey of Bellaire, is suffering from hydropbobia. Sbe was bitten by a pet dog in August last. A company bas been formed in Hopkins, Allegan county, to bore for oil. C. P. Mack, one of the most prominent farmers in Sbiawassee county, died at his home in Owosso the other morning. Now said tbat the Calumet and Hecla mine will not be opened until spring. Miss Sarah S. Kattorswaite of Canandaigua, íí. Y.; has beeu oppointed professor ui Ureek in Hope college at Holland. A pail and tub factory lias been started at big Rapiils with tS8,O00 capital. Assistaut Adjutant-Ueneral Tborp of G. A. 11. of Michigan says thereare'.22,ÜOOmen onstateeiirollmeiit, ropresenting-lOO posta. Annual depaitment eDcampment will be beid at Lansing Man-h 14-16, and will be attended by dolegatej and alternatie to number of ',500. ötate VV. R. C. will meet at the same time, its 134 corps beingrepresented by 3Uü delugates. iieth Hamblin, one of the first settlers in Muskegon, is deud. Mis. UonJoneso' Ionia, is dead. Bbe carne to Michigan in 1S3 i. when she was 5 years old. Her father, Samuel Dexter, located land on which Ionia has been built. Since the Jonesville cotton milis bogan ■work last spriug over 400 miles of cotton cloth has been m.idv Jehial Lockwood, who settled in Jeffer. son, Hillsdale county in 1SI ), died on the SUt inst. Twenty-ftve tong of concentrated ammonia are to Ie sent down the Calumet & Uecla mine with the hope of extinguishing the lire, It is proposed to hold anencampment of I old goldiers, sailors and marhiers of Michi: gan, nortüern Uhio and Indiana on Belle 1 lsle, July ;!, 4 and 5, with a naval review, torpedo tight and general jolliticatiou on the Fourtb. Ingham county gave nearly 8,100 for lo:al option at the elsction Jan. 31. The majority for local option in Otsego county is about 4 W. j ■ The investlgation of ih) alleged arities and iil-tieatment in the Branoh jounty poor house resulted in a report gompletely vindloating the managars. Mose Ham in oL Cheboygan county claims that his Irotber. wbo owned fcO acres in the heart of St. Ignace, died intestate and that his widow sold the property without cousulting the other heirs. llaiii. 111 and a sinter are trying to get their share of the proparty. Kuinor hath it that Oov. wineford of Alaska is al.out to resign. Alaska is laws, and the governor bas not even man raeans of transportation. Swineford wants four thinys for Alaska: The application of the land laws to the treusury ; some sort of local legislature; improved ïnailins facilitas; representation in congres. The governor think congress will certiinly take action this winter. Ho likes Ufe in the territory and hould he osase to be governor he would remain there as a inininS superintendent, where his salary would be inore than that of governor. Eva and Carrie Dlet'z of BebewaingSaginaw county. are un Jer arrest for stea." ing froiu Mrs. lieekle of Bay (Uty Dr. Goucher, a well kuowa physician of Nashville, Barry county. has ueen arrested for attemptad body-snatcuiug. The Grand Kapids & indiana raüroad oompany have bou;ht in on a mortgnge sale the Bay View. Little Traverse & Mackinaw railrond. A larger nuraber of private pension claims huve been presented by Michigan congressmen thi year than ever before at any one session. Oceana county votes on local option February 'Li. Sam Stepsenson and A. C. Brown of Meuominee, and Isaac Stephenson oi ilariuetie. Wis., have bought 5U.ÜJ0 acres of pino land near Aleiandria, La. l'nce $100,000. Those (iran.i Rapids school teachers who subscribed for about t'3u wort of encyclopedias each, signing just tohelp the agent, have been beaten in coi r ; in their figUt to avoid paying for the books. J. 1). Kish, an elderly gentleman of Coldwater, went toBronson the other day,and for some reason he neglected to get off when at the depot, but waited until the train gpfunder gpod headway. He then jumped breaking his right leg. He was taken in charge by the railroad otllcials and sent bome, John U. uwen of Eaat Baginaw, das started a town oalled Owandile up in iiuron county, where he is luinbering, It is located a mile and a half northof DETKO1X MAKKKTS. Wii kat, White 85 @ 86Jj " Ked 85 @ b5'4 Corn, perbii 50 (s 51 Oats, " " 81 &JH Uaklf.ï, 1 oo to 1 ,0 Malt 80 @ 90 Timotiiï Bbbji 2 50 ei 8 55 Ci-Ovek 8 kki). per bag 4 05 (g 4 O,1, Pbbd, percwt 18 0;) (g20 u.) Flock- Michigan patent... -4 75 W 5 00 Michigan roller 4 25 @ 4 35 Minnesota patent.. 5 00 (o) 5 2 Minnesota bakers' . 4 36 (4 4 50 Michigan rye 3 25 @ 8 50 Kuckwheat,petcw't 2 35 (.L 2 75 Apple. new. per bui a 25 ffl '-J M Ukans, picked 8 60 @ 2 tiJ ' unuicked 150 W 1 75 Beeswax 'O W Ï8 Butteb 18 (3 ia Cheese, per Ib tí t! 1-K UitiED Ai'i'i.ra, per 1b 5 (iL ö Koos. per doz W (S 2) HoNEï.perlb 13 s$ 15 Hops per lb 6 (a 8 Hat, per ton. clover 7 00 ra) 8 00 " tiniothy 10 50 @U 50 Mai.t, per bu 70 (w 75 Onions, per Dbl 2 2 (á 2 50 Potatoes, per bu 70 (al Í5 PouLTHï - Chiekens, 1) ($ 10 ueese 9 (íí 10 Turkeys ;,;. 10 (5 U Ducks per lb lü U ]1 PkOVísions- Mess Fork. ...14 75 (tí 15 'S i'ainüy 15 U0 (jir 5) Kxtra mess beet 7 00 (ii 7 oü Lurd 7 (g) 8 Dressed hogs.. 6 25 (g 6 50 ' Beei.... 2J$(ö 4 Hams 11 UK Bhoulders 7 S 8 bacon 11 (i$ 11K ïallow, perlb.. 3 (g) tX Sides - Green City per lb .. 5 Country by Oreen Ualf ti Cured 6% Balted ? bUeup skins, wool.. 50 @ 1 00 LIVE STCOK. Catti-e- Market 10 to 15c lower for all grades below choice; good to fancy, tí tío r '-Ü ; s teers, b(.4 b(J ; stookers and f eeders. 1 üMitü Vb; cows, bulls and mixed, tl "M(c$ t:; Texas cattle, $1 7;(ali 3'. Hoos - Market weak and 10 to 20c lower; mixed, 5 U5(c55 50; heavy, $5 40(605 SO: light, 5@5 50; skips, $3 Aojl SW. Sheep - Market steady; natives, ÍÍQ $5 ftü; western 4 6O@6 10; Texaua, í:í0; lambü $5(tö -5.


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