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Louise Micbel Is endeavoring to obtain tbe release of her would-be assassin. The Frenen court oí appeals has decide 1 that priests in I'rance are entitled to marry. The defalcation of the Norquay government will prove miu-b beyond what was at ürst even hinted at. Already Premier (■retnway bas discovered a deficit of over Í50U.000. lireenway intends to get sooie contractor to take bold of tho Ked River j Valley railway and complete it outside of the government. l'arnell is seriously ill. Kor nine months be has uot met witb leaders of the nationalist party, and a moyuiuent is on font to ask him to resiga. Au American forger named Cooper is under arrest in London, Tbe liundesrath bas ordered the anarchist EbreutwK, Bohepin, Ignaz, Mezzler and Schaupt to be expelled f rom Germany. To allay growir.g anxiety regarding Stanley the relief committee has issued a statement that tbu special messengers sent trom Zanzíbar to Wadelar to bring Stanley's letters cannot possibly return before tbe end ot' February, so tbere is no cause lor concern in this delay. The Knglisb government bas decided not to arrest U'brien for acts conimittod. previous to bis impriüonment, An attempt was made to kill Louise Michel while she was delivering an ineen, diary address at Havre the other nigbt. The trouble witb tho Scottisli crofters continúes. (Jueen Victoria will go to the Riveria March 18. Editor ü'Brien has gone to the south of Europe for his bealth. Turkey demands of Russia an explana tion of the massiug of her troops upon the frontier. Tbree persons were killed and 35 injured in a collibsion near .V. ieknlouka. liussia, Jan. 31. The C'nnadian government deern a sotisfaotory, or in fact any eettiement of the fishery side of the negotiations, beyond possibility, the only hope heing that the result of the Washington convention may lead up to a broader basis, upon which al' question9 in dispute between the Dominioo and the United States may be amicahly settled. and a satisfactory arrangement for more extended trade relations uetween the two countriei arrived at. M. M. Gonzalos, agent far several wealthy re-idents of Coahulia, Mexico, bas sold 5O0,L03 acres of land in Coahulia to an Engllsh syndicate, who already own 2,000,000 acres m that state. The consideration was 1123 000, 95 cents an acre. English capitalista novr own fully onequarter of the state of Coahulia. Rev. Dr. Peilly oí Detroit, treasurer of ! the Irish national leasrue of America, has prepared a report of receipts and transmissioni to "the men in the breach," since the Chicago convention of August, 1846. Since that time, when there was oa hand for the anti-eviction fuml $J1,S(Í 71, enaugh has been received to znake that J5.),st3 3J. 'lhe parliamentary fundin the mean time, has grown to $45,397 12, making a total of $i07,;t!) 51. Of this sum $106,7i)6 (5 has been transmitted to Irelacd, leaving the treasury pretty near clean, as it has only (974 4(5 balance in it. We're Sixty-Two Millions. The New York Tribune recently published a carefully prepared estímate of the probable population of the United States at the present time, and puts it at 08.518,597 persons This ngure is arrived at by allowing the ratio of deaths and births which past experience bas revealed and adding the excess of births and the iuilux i hy immigration during each year to the population o( the census of 13jO, whicb j wai 50,155,7Sa Cleveland and D ckinson. A statement ia being made and tele' graphed to the leading papers that Postmaster-Ueneral Dickinson is the choice of the administration for vice president on tho ticket for '8S. So far as its scleetion can be intluenced by the administration, it will be Cleveland and Dickinsou, ('levo land representing the east and Dickinson lhe west. This statement comes from reasonably reliable sources. Appealing to Strikers. The advisory committee of the striking miuers in the Ponnsylvania región have issued a circular making an appeal to the men to stand together. They urge that if the men lose this flgbt it means loss of wages and social degradation. They urge the men who have gone back to stand as friends, and promise tliuin assistance it they have been forced to worlt through want. , Force of Habit. The Rev. Mr. Mantore of Chicago, was a barber before he beoarae apreachor. One oí his tirst duties af ter he wa ordained was to baptize h oh ld. Wettiog his hand in the water bowl ho laid it on the child's head and then, his inind re.verting to his old calling, he began rub ing the head vigorously, an'i, turning to the astonished mother, said: "Shampoo0" Higher education for women is no doubt a consumation devoutly to be wislmd, but what would appcul moreeloquently to the sympathies ot the male sex islower bonnets. Folded picot ribbon at the throat and wrist in lieu of linea bas taken a new lease of life. It is seun in all colora and has the triple recomniendation of comfort, couomy and becoiningness. Here is the way a f unny man speaks of a jolly, cbeerful boniface: "riedisappeared in a beaming lace work of smiles like a great, good natured bumble bee diringinto a tangle of tnorning-glories."


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