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Janlaut 26,- Senate- After a lengthy debate the bil) giving a pension of f á.uUO a year to tbe widow of üen. Joün A. Logan was passed by b vote of 55 to 7. i )n moiion of Mr. Vest uf Missouri, a bilí increastng to $2.000 a year the pension of the wiiiow of (ien. Fran P. liláir, was passed by a vote of 54 to ti. Tlift senate tben took up the Blair educational bilí : but soon, on motion of Mr. Edmunds of ermont, proceeded to the consideration of e ecutive business. When the galleries had been cleared and tbe door ciosed Senator Edmunds reported the nomination of Martin V. Montgoruery to be asgociate justice of the supreme court of tho District of Colurabin, and J. B. Hoge to be district attorney for the District of Columbia, both of which nominations were confirnied. The doors were tuen reopened and Mr. Hlair proeeeded with bis remarks. On the conclusión of Mr. Blair's speech the senate adjourned until Monday. UorsE- The bill amending laws relating to navigation was taken up. Mr. Dingley of Maine explaineJ that the bill amended tho Bhippinx act of ISSfi, so as to niake learer the case in which the president is authori.eil to snspend the collection ot the tonnage tax, and especially so as to malte it clear that it was not the intention of that act to extend to any country the bem-fits of exemption of its vessels from the payment of the tonnage tax, unless such country extended similar treatment to our vessels. The bill was tlien passed. On motion of Mr. WÍROOf Virginia a bill was passed regulatina; practico in cases removed fi'om state to federal courts. It provides that the plaintitt' shali not be required to giye security for costs of Ruit. if he be a citi.en of the state in which the suit was brought. Janiary 27. Hocse.- The dolayed deflciency bill of last year, withsenatoameudments, was passed. - Mr. White of New York introduced a bill for the protection and administraron of the forests on the public lands. It withdraws from disposal the unsurveyed public lands embracing natural forests and all public lands returned by the public surveys as timber lands, ana provides for the appointment of a commissioner of forests and four assistant conimissioners, whoseduty itshall he to clas8ify the forests aud timber lands, and to determine what portion of those lands shn.ll le permanently retained in reservation for cliniatiu and other economie or public reasons, and what portion may be disposed ot. Lands which are more valuable for agricultural than timber purposes shall be restored to homesteadentry and sale. Adjourned until Monday. jANrART ?.0. Skvate- Mr. Hoar from tho rommittao on privileges and elections reported a prooosed constitutional amendment as to the meeting of congress and said he would ask the senate to-morrow to take it up and deal with it. Mr. Sawyer from the postoffice committee reported back adversely) tbe proposition to reduce letter postage to one cent. The report of the committee was discussed at length and the resolution finally laid over to make room for the Blair educational bill, which occupied theattention of the senate uutil time for adjoiirnment. Housb - I uder tbe cali of states the following bilis and resolutions were introdured and referred: 15y Mr. Oats of i Alabama, to prevent aliens from preempting or entering homesteads; by Vr. Townsend of UliDois, to place salt in the I f ree list; by Mr. Baker af Illinois, directing the committae on postofïices and po.stroads to inquire into the expediency of redvteting the poBtage on seods. bulbs, etc,, and reducing to 3 cents the fee for money orders for Í5 or lesa. By -Mr. Lawler ot' Illinois aholishing the tax on oleomargarine. ly Mr. Turner of Kansas, providing for a bounty on wheat, corn and flour exported from the United States. By Mr. Cutcheon of Michigan, ruiling upon the secretary o. war as to what progress has ben made in tho examination and ad.iudiration of claims for re-muster of otiicers of the volunteer forces and how long it will be before the adjuilication of those claims oan lie completed with the present olericai force of the Adjutant-General's office; also, a resolution declaring it to be thit I sense ot the house that in any proposed ' revisión of the taritf the principie of protection to American industry and maintenance of wages of Amerijan workmen at the Ameri an standard, ought to be tinctly reeogmzed and lirmly adherea to: that duties ought not to be imposed for revenue only. hut the production of those articles wbich the United States has nhnndant raw material and labor to produce ougbt to be protpctftrt suBiciently to enable American producers to maintain Iree competition in the American mai-kef, and that articles on the freo list thould be selected from among such nec.essaries of lifn as are noc produoed in adequate ciuantities in this country. By Mr. 'Inrsneyoi Michiean.for the erection in Washington of astatuetoGen. Clister. By Representativo Chipman of Michigan a bilí providing for the fine and imprisonment of any alien who becomes chief oHicer, president, manager or director of a Corporation, or who takes employment as a conductor engineer, brakeman. baggngeman or switchman or car driver on nny steam qr street railroad, on any government or state contract work, or on any vesel wholly engaed innavigating l nited States water-. Mr. Hatch of Missouri called up the bill making provisión for ajjjricultural experiment stations and on lus motion the sen ote nmendments (merely formal) were concurred in. Mr. Breckeni idge of Arkan sas introducsd and had referred to the wnvs and means committee the Hewitt administrativo tarilï bill, and the house adjourned. Jan'art 31. Sbnatï.- Mr. - tewart of Nevada introduced a bill to further restrict Chinese immigration, The Plumd resolution for an investigfttion of alleged demoralizatiouof the postal service in the west carne up and provoked extended discussion. The senute then passed a joint resolution proposing an amendment to the constitution. It provides that tho term of otlice of the president, and the ttftieth congress shall continue until the 30th day of April, 183 '. at noon; that the :-en atórs whose existing term would otherwise expire on the 4th of Mnrch, 19, and thereafter shall continue inomce until the ! Oth of April succeedins; such expira t ion : that. the ÜOth of April at noon thereafter be substituted for the 4tb of March as the commeucement and termination of the official term of president, senators and representativas in consrress, and that tbe twelfth article of the araendments to the constitution shall be abandoned by striking out the words Mth of March" and substituto the words "HOth day of April at noon." The Blair educational bilt was then taken up, and Mr. Kvarts of New "York addressed the. senate in its support. Mr. Evarts prefaced his speech by saying he would be very brief and apply liis remarks to such prin cipal objectidns au he thought most worthy of the attentionof the senate. The bill had been widely diseussed and he diii not propose to renew ngitation. He arl üressed his remarks wholly to the necessity of edutation and to lifting the masses oul of illiteracv. paying: "If ignorance coulc not be lifted out uf thelow level where it now rested it would not stay there, but go lower and lower and become brutal, sa vage and hostile. " üther sanators spoke on thenieasure, and after esecutive sessiou the senate adjourned. House.- The resolution relating to tho Keacüng railroad strike was reponed back by Mr. Clardy of Missouri from the commerce committee. with a substituto re questing the Inter-state Commerce ComÍ mission to investígate tbe matter. An adverse report on the bill to regúlate the rates of postage on secondclass matter at ! letter-carrier otlice, was submitted and placed on the calender. The bill grant ing a pension to the widow of (Jen. Logan and increasing the pension of the widow of Umi. Blair were reported by Mr. Merrill of Kansas and placed on the private calendar. The house adopted a resolution flxing February 1, i -I. -'■ and 38 for the consideration of public building bilis. Mr. I Baumoi of Pennsylvunia, presented the memorial of the committee representing ' S2,(IU0workingmen. askinganinvestigation ; of the Keading strike and it wan onlered : printed in the record. The bouse, on inotion of Mr. Anderson of Kansas, made ' the resolution submitted by the committee on commerce toucbing the investigation of the Keading strike a special order for to-morrow after the morning hour. N'.r. (J'Neill of Missouri, introduced a bilí to prohibit enlisted men from baing engaged in auy employment where they come loto competition withcivilians. The house then adjourned. The cart wheal hats worn at t heat res by ladies hido large ears. freckles, crooked shoulders and many other personal deformities, as well as a view of the stasre. Imported garters show embroiders ol floweis, killaloo birds, storks, etc, .unlnre turtlier made dazzling with enauielled , buckles.


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Ann Arbor Democrat