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Salsbury's Troubadours. O. O. Sorg was in Detroit Tuesday. Dr. Hendncks bas a telepbone. No. 129. Nellie Mollenry ia witb Salsbury's Troubadours. Montbly meeting of the council nest Monday night. O. L. Matthews is in Dundee, to day on pension business. The ever jolly "Salsbury Troubadours" Monday evening Feb. 13 at the grand. Dr. W. B. Smith has been appointed administrator in the Frederick Sorg estate. Will local option carry or not, is th question most discussed upon the streeta now. Rev. J. F. Diokie, of Detroit, preaohod in the 1'resbyUnan churoh in tliiu city last Sunday. Capt. E. P. Allen is said to be the heaviest and bealtbieet Michigan congressman in Washington. Dr. Hamilton B. Smith, of Detroit,and Miss Frank Jewett, of this city, wer married on Wednesday. Mibs Flora Finley, of this city, assisted at a concert given by the Detroit conservator of muHic last week. The twenty-first annual meetiug of the Michigan state press association will be held in Detroit June 5 8. Miss Josie Paul, of Montreal, Can., attended the wedding of her sister, Mies Frank Jewett, Wednesday. Mr. Loui W. Holladay, of Chicago, and Miss Husie A. Clark, of this city, were married, Saturday, Jan. 21. Youoan see the planet Venus now very distinotly as she is nearer the oarth than sbe will be again in 342 years. Mrs. Jacob Wiedermann, of Owosbo, ha been visiting her brothers, Mr. Abraham and David Steffe of Ann Arbor town. Hutzel & Co., and Reeves, of this city have been making repairs in the heating apparatus of the Ypsilanti seminary building. A. A. Meuth has eettled with John Allen whose horse was killed a few weeks ago in a runaway. He puid him $140, so we are informed. Kv. John Kccleston, of Staten Island, preached in St. James' ohurch, Dexter, fiunday morning, and in St. Audraw's ohurch ,this city, in the evening. Rev. T. W. MaoLean, of St. Luke's churoh, Ypsilanti, has accepted a cali to Bajr Oity and will leave for his new üeld of labor about the flrst of Maroü. Dont toTget to register Feb.23. Valentino dny a week from next Tuesday. It looks as if the sleighing might be goinc;. Now is a good time to have your walks oleaned. Mrs. Clair Durand is visiting relativos in Ghelsea. H. V. Huyes has an heir one week old this morning. Gottf reid Scboottlc ie non a full-fiedged American citizen. Mrs. C. B. Woodward has joined her husband in Detroit. August Seybolt of this townsbip, had a horse stolen laat night. The ohimney in J. Yolland's harnesa shop burned out Sunday. The hop on Tuesday evening in Nickel's hall was very enjoyable. Dr. O. C. Jenkins is out of the city. He was cailed suddenly henee. Airs. M. H. Tripp is visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. Bennett of Jaokson. A horse owned by J. Nimrod feil one day last week and broko hia leg. The Glee club have their route laid out for their spring concert tour. lire. E. P. Allen, of Tpsilanti, has joined her husband in Wasnington. Chas. Braun has a grade short hom cow that gives 25 pounds to a milking. Mr. üeorge Bemick, of Detroit, was the gueet of Mr. Jobn Lawrence on Sunday. Thatcher, Primrose & West gave a good miuioal entertainment Wednesday evenïng. Several communicationa ou local option are crowded out of tbia week's paper. The Edison electrio light now runs until 12:30 o'olock, inoluding Sunday evenings. The court house roof will have to be looked after, as it leaks very badly in places. Our usual January tbaw began last Sunday and has continuad through the week. A number of farmers in this vicinity have been fllling their ice houses the past few days. Anna Shaw has filed a bilí for divorce against Jaoob Shaw, allegiug cruelty as the cause. Jas. G. Schiappacasse would like to have that ooat returned to bis Huron street store. Uutzel & Co., are putting a steam heating apparatus into the Behr house on Fourth streel. Kev. Mr. Curtis, of Flint, will occupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian churoü next Sunday. The firemen will be granted their yearly oompensation next Alonday evening by the council. Mrs. Eugene Cooley, of Bay City, sis. ter of Louis D . Taylor, now of Chicago, died Wedaesday. Portraits of the late Drs. Moses Qunn and A. B. Palmer, have been presented to the university. There in a family in this city who has taken the New York Ledger for over twenty-flve years. Prof. Skmner, of Boston, a tenor of some note, will sing in the Baptist ohurch Sunday mormng. Our thanks are due Mr. N. B. Covert for some delicious butter made from his famous Jersey cow. Tony Schiappacaase will give ten dollars to the person who will tell him who poisoned his little dog Jimm. Mr. Joseph P. Parshall, of Cantón, Mioh., and AIíbs Mary Benham, of tliis city, were married Wednesday. Mrs. John R. Miner and Mrs. Ed. Eberbach entertained their friends Mondar evening at the llasomo temple. A party of young folks took a sleighride out to Maurice Uogan's Wedneiday night. A jolly time ís reported. Present your bilis if you have any, to the liuance committee this evening, if jou wish them allowed this month. S. Heiczmann, of this city, brother of Jacob and John Ueinzmann, died Jan. 29, of oíd age. He was buried Wednesday. Canailiau silver is taken at 30 ets. discount on a dollar, 10 ets. on a half, and 5 ots. on a quarter. So don't allow any more. Next Wednesday W. E. Boy den, of Delhi, will deliver an address at the short horn breeders' association to be held in Pontiac. An exchange says: "Some of the men who are nnxious for a revolution as to theater hats, might do good work toward a reform in theater breaths. The backbone of winter cannot be broken, aa yesterday was Candlemas day and the ground bog could see his shadow when he carne out of his hole. Mrs. Mary Howard of the fourth ward died Jan. 29, aged 79 years, of general debility. The funeral was held at St. Thomas' church Wednesday morning. Asa Gray, professor of botany at Harvard college, died Jan. 30. Prof. Gra was connected with the Miohigan univeraity in its infancy for several years. O. B. Church and family were agreeably surprised by over 20 of their friends last evening, who took possession of their home and didn't go home 'til morning. Saline Observen Almost any olear night, the Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti eictric lights can be seen illuminating the heavens in the direction of those cities. Major VYm. O. Stevens, Major Soule, and J. T. Jacobs attended the reception of the Legión of Honor in Detroit, Wednesday night, at Gen. R. A. Alger's. There are 3,000 oare awaiting hipment along the line of the T. A. A. and Cadillac lailroad. Too muoh snow the oause. A prospect of now getting them out. A slight fire in the chemical laboratory Wednesday evening called out the fire department. It was caused by the carelessness of a student who left some char coal burning. An important meeting of the saloon element of the county was held here yesterday. What they resolved to do will probably come out before another issue of this paper. The subject of the Rev. Dr. Ramsay'e discourse next Sunday evening will be "The Nation's Pet Sin." The doctor will evidently have something to say in referenoe to local option. Madam Gravea (oolored) superintendent of the A. M. E. Sunday school was a delégate to the Washtenaw Sunday school assooiation which couvened in Ypsilanti last Wednesday. It is rumored that Horton Bryan, late of the Register, and bis brother Homer, are to parchase the Charlotte Leader. If the report is true we wish them every success intheir new venture. A family reunión was held at the resiileuce of Conrad Bessinger, on West Liberty street, last Thursday, in honor of bis 86th birthday. Mr. Bessinger is one of Washtenaw's oldeat pioneers. It is rumored that the Rer. Thomas F. Hüdretb, of Cleveland, who was recently hoQorably acquitted of immorality, in a church trial, has received a cali to Chicago, at a salary of 83,000 per year. Mrs. Clara Smith, nee Bohn, died of consumption, at her piirouts' residence on W. Liberty street, on Saturday, aged 35 years. Funeral services were held on ilonday. Detroit papera pleaie copy. A well has been dug on Abraham Steffe's farm in Ann Arbor lown. The work was done by Samuel üett and George Havley of thie city.who diig through sand 82 feet without any curbing when three feet of water was struck. Last fall two freight cari ran off the track on the Toledo and Ann Arbor road, near Carland, and were robbed of their contenta. A detective has at last diicovered that the goods were stolen by prominant farmers living in that vicinity, who are now trying to settle the matter. The full measure of the law sliould be meted out to these men. The hackmen at the Michigan Central depot will hereafter not be quite so offlcious by order of the authorities. Mr Chapmam Smith who owned a farm just icmth of the city, and sold two yeara ago. going from thenoe into one of our uorthern counties and locating a farm, dicd last week after one hour's illness. His wife and son went out to attend the funeral. Satnrday night the store of J. M. Stafford, the merchant tailor.was broken into and robbed ofabout $700 worth of oloths. The burglars entered by foroing a back window. There ia no clue bb yet to the thieves. They also made an attempt to enter Wagner & Son'B but did not auooeed. We clip the following extract from an exchange. It expresses our sentiments exactly: "If you owe more than a year's aubscription to this paper, we hope that when you see this item you will feel so guilty that life will seem a burden to you until you relieve your over-burdened consoience by paying up. Rev. Theodore Haven, pastor of the Oongregational church of Battle Oreek, ia causing hia friends oonaiderabl alarm by his continued abaenoe. He left that city Jan. 2d, and nee Jan. llth no one knowa of hia whereaboutê. He ia the aon of the late Biahop Haven who for several years was president of the univeraity. The Sentinel aptly says: "Thoee persons who have received statements from this office, are requestod to let us hear from them, with remittance, if possible, at once. If not with remittance, let us hear anyhow, that we may know that they live, and what to expeot. We want to braco up for the coming campaign, for if life is epared we mean to be heard from." By request Eev. J. T. Sunderland will speak next Sunday mbming at the Unitarian church, on " The Resurrection of Jesus," in reply to Bev. Dr. Clark's lecture on the same subject given in Hobart hall, some weeks ago. In the evening Mrs. Sunderland will give the eighth lecture ia her course on the bible. Subject, "Job, the great Hebrew epic; the Problem of Eyü." The remains of Wirt Williams, son of Deacou Jeremiah D . Williami, who went to California abont seven yars ago hoping its climate would counteract the consumptive tendency of his oonstitution, were shipped here at his requent, to repose in the Webster cemetery beside his sister and brothers. The funeral services were held at his father's residence, Tuesday afternoon. The experiment in joint authorship that Miss Sara F. Ooqdrioh and Miss Edith M. Thomas made in the American magazine for November was so succes gful that they have written another article entitled "The Witohery of Ice and HoarFrost" for the February number, also a suggestive article by Joanna Condict Oarpenter desoribes the "Early Developmeut of Great Composers," and raises the question whether the procooious skill of the boy-pianist Josef Hofmann may not be the prelude to similar results.


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