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The Ancora goat lt ralsed lu great perfec tion In Texns. Astrakan is the only iur strlcLlr proper lu deep mourniii!;. The elastlc samlstone btlt lu Georgia con talns some dlumouds. Tlie 'plece prlee plan" ia a failure In tbr New Jersey state prisou. The Natioual Women'a Clirlstiuu Uulon do numbers 200,000 niembers. The Michigan plneries are orerrun by work hunUrs and watre are low. Tlie Unltcil Sttes coutuius, iu round uinnbert uearly 3üO,OX) Indiana, Mnnr of tbe best duuBttd omen la Ne York bat dlscarded ibe hustlr. "The McBattenberg" is Punêh'ê Dame foi Princen Bertilce's 8i-o!cb baby. A new unilcrtHklnir lü the fruit Hut la tin b i pineut of Flurlda oranges to Europe. Onehundred tbousaud ueopie on au averag croas tbe bi Brooklyn brldice erery dar. Some of tbe New York yacbtraeu are atudv Idr tbe iclence of narigatlou tbis wiutr. A Denrer cleryman reeeatly clmractcrizrployine cíikIs iis 'the dcTil't new tettameut ' Lt Vetit Jounml, of Purls, one dar durin tbe recent extlleinent priutcd 900,OUO copies. Adeibert College, Cleveland, la wabbllnp ajaln, and uow Is jolne to co back on cu-edu catión. Tbere Is talk In Boston of eitaulisMn;; ■ Bew deparlment to keep tbe streets clcar ol ie and siim'.v. Brltlsh land companles are dliposlnj; o' their lands In Kansas. Tbej dou'i lik tbr antl-allcn lans. A fauiily ïiKined Cl re, la Germ&ny, hu liunp on to a certain f;oTrnraent postal clerk sbip for 200 years. Lord Hurtlngton, tb EalUh tory ltader. bas ordt-red a dnzen carpet (weepers from Grand Raplds, Midi. A Russian mlner la notlced as having leanied to hark iu order te avold tbe expense ol keeping a wateb do. Uncls 8am, duitna tbe last flwal year, ipeut $2,841,1.19 55 for si tea, coustructloa of new buildings and repairs. ik forest Ure ou one ol the mouatalns ncar Salt Lako city surrcundeii aad burned to death a íluck of 700 sheep. The newl.T elected Preaident of Francs bas dropped tbe Purslaa preHx to bis name, aad U now Marie Fmncois CaruoU Tbe Knnsis Doultcntlary claimt to hare wlthlu one of 1 1 cells a son of one of tb? Slamete 'IV In. He is a horse-thlof. Tbere are nine Brltlsh mlulonary looletles dow laborlui; in África, witb an aggreirratu annual cxpeudltur of l,(X)U,O0a The best n-inedy for burii Is now sald to eomlst in lettliiK the routen ts of a suitZ'.-r alphon tickle over th Injured part. A social pbllosopber fureaees tbe dav wben tbe prlmary aubool desk wlll be aupplled vritli type-writers instead of writlug liuoki. Mlllionalre Carneóle adrlsea youns men to shun tbree thlngs: First, liqaor drinkluc; ■ccoml, aperuiation; tb rd lndursatiou. A lmv bas been pa.iyed In Waldeck, Qermany, forblddine tlie grauting of a marrlairo tícense to a persou addlctnd to the llquor bablt. A little boy belsjr, roprored on Sun ly mornlng for baring a dirtj face retor ted: "Wall I wored thlt iaee to Suu'ay 'cool anvbow. STJACOBSOIÏ LUMBAGO. Carriage. - Why so many deviate from gracelul carriajje may beaccountedforlii i ruaiiy ways as there nre niisshapen l ii MUSCULAR WKAKNKSS. Lame Back. - Thespinal column s the muil stay of the body, which stifTcns up Ü straiirht man or wornan, and nature I: provided muscular rapporti to hold it ere. TVVISTKU OUT OF Ml All Disiortlons. - Men and women rechless! twist theiuselvcs out of simpe, and the i sult is tlie few tnndiiig straight and t! many bendinp down. 8Y.MFTOMS. PalnB.- Tli03e which afllict tlie back are i most insidious or suhtile. They coii;t times without warning; we rise from ;i h ting posture to ihid the back socripplcti ■ traiud aa to cause acute Buffrlng. TKKAT.MKNT. Cure.- Rub th part arHictsd freely W! St. Jacobs Oil ; rub hard and vigoron producing warmtli, and if the pain is '■ In yieldinpr, wran the parts in rlaimel tt in Lot water iiiul wrang out. Sold by ynigyitt and Dealers Evfrywhtre. THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO-, Cilümcre l"d


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