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Here And There

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Tbere were 24.841 persons killed In Hindostán In 188Ö by wild animáis and venomou nalees. Nlne ten tbs of tlic fatalltles were the reeult of snake-bites. J. C. Wlilttaker, tlie colored cadet, who had bis ear elft at West Point, is practlclng law at Bomtr, S. C, and was orator of the day at the eniaiHipaUon celebration tliere recently. A white deer, one of the rarest animáis, was killed reeently In Clinton Couutr, Pa., by Prothonotary Mann, of Suubury. But threa white deer have ever been killed ia that part of the state. The largest block of coal ever taken froro a mine In the United States wasexhlbltedat tho Texas State Fair. It weiglis 6,351 pounds. H Texas keeps on she wlll have a coal inlners' strike one of these days. M. Coquelln, the celebrated Frenen actor, who returned to Paris iroin Constantlnople the other day, gave while tliere a performance oa board of W. K. Vanderbilts steam yacht Alva, lor wiiich he received $3,000. 'l'lirec raontlis ago thcre vu no sucli towa as Milton, ü. f. lts site was open, uncultlvatcd prairie. Now tliere is a llvely village, two larite elevators, three atores, a bank, and all tbe minor industries of a Western tonn. Therc are 800 private rallroad cars In th United States, representlng a valué of nearly . W. Tbey are worth anywhere frota $1,01)0 to $60,000 each, the most luxurioui, probably, being thatowned by George M. Pullman. It Is said that the blggest quill toothpick faotory In the world Is near Paris. It wm orlginally a qulllpen factory, but when these went out of general use the factory turned to the toolhpIcU business, and now makes 20,000,OOU anuually. Gopber farmlng lf a new Industry begon at Auburndale, Fla. Two men bavo deToted a tract of 1,000 acres to the purpose. It Is sald that the most fastldlous epicurc cannot teil the flesh of the Florida gopher from the famous Maryland terrapln. A llttle girl, while playlng wlth a cat, at Easton, Pa, put her tongue through the folds of a cúrtala "to innke pussy believe that It was a piece of meat." The cut neized the chlkl's tonqrue and tore It. sobadly that It wat curcd only after mucli diflleulty and sufferlng. Oeorge Iïaneroft, tbc nred historian, ac countsfor hls lonir lite by the fact tliat he was the mlddle child In hls father's family, that he bas always beeu in bed bj 10 o'elock at nlfrlit and tbat he epends four liours in the open air every day unless preveuted by stormy weather. Probably the oMest practlclng attornev In the United States is Sldney Bartlett, of Boaton. He was boru in Plymouth, Mass., in 1799, and stlll has a lucrativo practice. Jila speclalty licorporatlon law, and he is attornev for two of the greatest of the rallway systems in New Enüland. Mrs. Henry Clews, wlfe of the New Tork banker, is said to be the only American lady who owns a chariot, I Is very large, and hal a high seat for tbe coadunan and at tbe rear a step for footmen to stand on. Around the 'vop of the chariot, on all four .Idee, is a row f cornets la ralsed biass. Thfi report of the varlous departments of tho New York postoffice show that 797,778.145 pieces of mail matter were handled during the year. The agrregate business of the mouey order department amounted to $83,570,311. The receipts of the office fortheyear were $4,833,990, and the expentes $1,758,994. It Is said thnt the big cattle ranches of the Jtar West and Southwest are brealtlng un. A year ago the Niobrara Land and Cattle Company, whlch bas become bankrupt, refused $1,000,0 X) for lts property. Instead of the big companles swallowins; the little ones, It Is thnuirht that tbe tendency Is toward tbe breakiug upof tbc big ranches lnto smaller ones. Tbe "Pllgrlm's Piogress," translated Into the Ja palíese language, has been publlshed wlth illustratlons by native urtists. Christlan bas a elose-shitved head, tbe dungeon of the giant Despair is one of the large wooden cairfi wcll know to eastern crimináis, and tbe angelí waiting on the further side of the rlver to receive pilgrims are ciad In the latest Yokoharaa fusliiou. Tliere are forty manufacturera of rubber cloihinc; In tbe United States; capítol, $20,CKO.rxH); product for the pat year, $5,000, OOtt Sereral of the best, equlpped milis have been obllged to co Into liqnldation. Two associatlons have been fortned, one to malie gossamer goodf, tbe other vulcanized gooi. At 5 per cent. advance In prices bas been made for tbe ensuing ycar. It Is rare that a man dies laugblne, but William II. lirown, a New Haven ialoonkeeper, Is fald to have met bis death In that manner. He was slttlng lu hls place the other day in conversatlon with a frieud, and, just SiiNhlnir a funny story at whlch both laagbed beartily, was noticed to grow pale and tben rail írorn bis chair a corpse. The doctors sald It was heart dlsease. At Xenla, Ohlo, the other day a man traded i calf to nnother for an old buggy and $2. Tlien he traded the buggy for several mlscellaneous artlcles, whlch he swapped for other thlugs that took hls fancr. During the day be made thirteen different trades with varlous partías, and in the evening he found hltnself still the owner of the calf and also of $24, the profit of the several transactions. Man; of the Valentines wblch are a combinatiou of laccd and silvered paper, sprlgs, mottoes, bunches of colored flovers, llttle nirrors, and the Hke, are mads In London, la a factory where the work coes on the year urouml. Much of the work Is done by band, and vromen are the most expert at It Tbey use a good deal of nmcllage in constructing these affairs, and invariably use tbe tbird finger of tbe rlght hand Instead of a mucilage brush. The lat it 'fad" among wealthy families li to burn "i tift wood" In open grale fires. Thli wod Is gathereil alone: the seacoast by Eastern parties, packed lu barrels and shlpped throogb the country. It Is mostly wreckage. A great part of It bas once been the material of shlps' bottoms, and was sheathed wlth cop per platea. The copper snlts have Impregnated the wood, and when burued it glves out most beautlful green and peacock blue fiamos. It Is estlmated that the amount of petroleum produced In Pennsylvanla sluce Drake's well was drilled in 1859 to tbe year 1887 wa 330 000,000 barrels of forty-two gallons each. 'l'his amouiit of oll would ba sufHcient to muke a good-slzcd rlver or lake if collected in oue body. It would make a streain 10 feet dcep, 100 feet wide and about 350 miles long, or a lake or rectangular pond about tbrce miles long, two miles wlde and ten feet deep. Stlll tb ijpply is not exhausted. David Day, the bermlt of Green Pond Muuiitaln, in New Jersey, was found dead tha other day In hls dug-out ave In the slde of the mouutain, wbere be had llved years In secluslon, a mlle or two from any habitation, lu the summer hu eked out an exlstence from tbc sale of medical herlis and roots whlch ha gathered, and in winter iu dolng chores and choppine wood for bis nearest neiirhbors. Ha was about seventv-live years of age and related to many of the Ürst families of tbe locallty. A pug and a Ncwfoundland dog belonglni to a New Jersey gentleman were seen to hall before a brook. The big dog took to tin water, but the pug refused to do so. Tbi Newfoundland Uil-u persunded tbe pug to ga U]on bis back, but he slid off when half waj acroas, when the big dog yanked hlin out ni set li ( ui on the opposite bank. Since luen t!,. pui; bas carrlcd out of the house to the Ne 'oirudland the cholccst tMt tn' bis lood, tot he seeia to enjoy iceiu ttt'. big friK dMm


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