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Estáte 1 l.ou sa lire li ui. STATIC OF MICHIGAN, Couiity of Washtenaw ss. Al asentan of the Probate Couit fcr the countj of Washtenaw. holden at the Probate Ofllee in the city of Ann Arbor on Tuesday the seventh da? of Februry, In the year one thousand eifrhl. tnmdred and elRhty-eiiclit. int, Williain D. Harritnan. Judge of ProIn the matter of the enlate of l.oui-a Bi ehm dpceased. On reading and fllüu" the petitlon, luly venBed, of I rehm [iruving that a eertain I lytrument now on flie in Ihtacourt, purporting to be the last wlli and testaiueDt of said decoaseii. may be odmitted to probate, and that he and Einma Hutielaud brehm may beppolnted exeoutor tbereof . Tbereuponit Isordereo thnt Monday. the nfth dayof lOo'olooklnthefonnoon,be asslirned fui tli hearing "f said petitlon and that thadevteees. l tt e, and hel sat lawofsisldde : ii, .1 all uthor persoiiH Interested In said estáte, are requireJ to alinear at a , ion ol said court, '■■■■ to oe holden at the probato office in the ottj' ol Ann Arbor, and show cauw, II any tln-rn be, why the priivtr of the petitionershotüdnot lie grauted. And ii is turther ordered, that said petlttoner gire notioe to the persona interested in il te, of thu peudeaoj of said petition, and the hearinpc thereof, by causing a copy of thu order to be publislied in The Aun Arhr Demncrat, a newBJaper prlnted and circulated in aid county, toree aucceasive -eek previons to SaiddayOflKawïf,.,T.sri.. HAR1UMAN, IA truc COPT.l Judgo of Probate. VVn.i.iAM G. Doir. Probate ReKister Beal Estáte for Sale. STATE OP MICHIGAN, Countyol w.ishtenaw ts. in the matter of the ejtat of Frederlck Btonstelroer, deceased. Notice is hereby givon, thal in pursnance ot an order granted to tlie undersigned administrator of the state of suld deceased, by the Honorable Judgo of Probate for tlie eounty of Vashtenaiv, on the nmeteenth day o January A. JL). 18S8, there wil! be eold at pubii Tcndue, to the hlghest bidder, at the welling house, on the pnunlMS lirrein de scribed, in the Towo of Lodi, in the cunty of Wasbtenaw, u said state, od ThursUay, tlie eitthth day of March, A. D. 1888, at t#u o'clock in the fortDOcn er thal day (subject to all encuinbrances by morteage or otherwise existing at the time of the death of said deceased, the following described real estáte, to-wit: The west half of the northwost quarter of soction seventeen; th so .theast quarter of the uortnwest quarter of said section seventeeu; also commencine at the northeast corner of tüP DOrtheast quarter of the northeast quarter of section uuuiber eighteen, thente west ton rodf, thencesouth eighty rods, 'henee east ten rods, thence north eighty rods to the place of beginning, containlng live acres, on sectiou nunibor cij;h'ot'n; a'so commencing fourten chaina and thinv-.-ix links eaat of the touthwest corner of section number eight io the center of the high way In Lodi, runuig thence north at right augles with the center line of said highway, three chaitH and sixtfen and a half links, thence east threo clmlr.R and sixteen and a half links, thence souih tiiree chains and sixteeu and a half links, theuce wet to the place of begininng, bclng one acre of land, all In town three south range nve eaet, Washtenaw county Michigan. I„,„.„,a,„arv1.,th,imOiFELDKAMp_ Ad-muist ru tor. Estáte of Mary Howarrt. ST TE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw sa. At a aession of the probate court f or th coimtv of Washtenaw, holden at the probate o tice in the city of Ann Arbor. on Friday, the Si day of Kebruary, in the year one thoutiaud elgh tumdred and eighty-t-lght. Present. William D. Harriman, Judge of ProIn the matter of the estáte of Howard deceased. On readins; atul fllingtbe petition, duly vrlfle of Johu Ryan, praying tliat aeertaln iostrumen now ou flle in tliis oourt, purp irting to be the la will and testament of aid deceased. may be ad mitted to probate, and that he may be appointe exocutor thereof. Thereupon, itisordered, that Monday, tht 3t il.iy of Harch next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon bu aasigued for the hearing of said petition, am that the devisees, legaiees, and belrs at law o said deceased and all otlier persons ntereste in said estáte, are roquired to appear a a session uf said court, then to be holden at th probate office, In the city of Ann Arbor, in gai county, and show cause, if any there be, why Ih prayer of the petltioner should not be granted And it is further ordered, that said petitioner ifiv noticè to the persons interested in said estáte, o the pendency of said pctiiiou, and the hearin tliereof, by causing a copy of this order to b published in The Ann Arlurr Demncrat, a news paper printed and circulated in said counti three successivo week previou to said day o WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, A truecopv. Judge of J'robate, Wil. O. Doty, Probate Reeister. Aotice to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Vasntenaw, W. Notice is hei eby glven, tbat b y au order of the VrobateCourt for the Oounty of Wasbte naw, made on the 23rd day of January, A. U. 1S88 tix mouthw from that date were allowed for creditprs to present their claims against the esttttcof Jno, Geo. Niethammer, late of Raid county, deceasert, und that all creditorsof saiddeceased are required to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of mi Mbor, for examination and alltwance, on orbefore tbe 23rd day of July next, and that Huch claims will be heard before said Court, on Mo'nday the Wl day of April, and on Uooday the 2rrl day of July next, at ten oVlock In the forenoon of eacb of said days. Dated, Ann Arbor, .1 n. i3rd, A. I). 1S8K. WII.LIAM D. HAKlil.MAN. Judge of Probat. Eeal Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, es. In the matter "f the estáte of Jacob fcii-livVitwr. deceased. Nolice is hereby given, that In pureuancenf an order uranted to the anderslgnea administrator of the eslate of said deceased, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the county of Wasl.tcnaw, on tfie seveuth day of February, A. D 1808, there will besoldat public the hlgnrst bidder, at the late residenc.' of eaid deceasd. in the towns In of Lodl. in Ui" counly of Washuinaw In said State, onTuesday the twenty-serenth day of Maren A 1 l-v' al li-n u'rincii in the forenoon of that day, subioet to all encumhrancesby mortakreor otherwlBe exJsltag at the time of the taath nf said decoased, tue followltiK described real estáte, to wit: . astnue thirdnf the west half c.f thesouthwest nuarier "t Sectlon thirty-four (34), in the mwii-hiuof Lodl, W.ishtenaw countv, Michigan. ' WH-I.IAM AI'KILL, Dated, Februáry "Ih. l 88. Administrator, Kstate of .Ino. Jacob i'isher. STATE OF MK'UinAN, Countyof Washtenaw ss 4t a session of the probate court, for the couniy of Woshtenaw, holden at the probate ofHet [n the city of Ann Arbor, on I'rlday, tlic lUtli day of February, in the yenr one thousaud elght hundred and eighty-elght. Present, William D. Harriiuan Judge of Prolifthe matter of the estáte of John Jacob Fisher deceased. , , On i-eadiug aiul flllngthe pctition.duly venfled, nf John A. tislier pruyliiii that Adiuiut-tratiou of sak! estáte niay be grantni lo Abram Tice or ome otuemuttable pci'son. Thereupon, it is ordr-U, that Monday, the twellth day of Marcli neit, at ten o'clock 111 Uie fornuoon be assigntd for the liear In of sald petition. and that the heirs ai lw of said deceaseii, t.nd all oihar per nous luterested in said estáte, are required to appear at a sesslou of sald court, then to be holden at the probate office, iu tue city of Ann Arbor, in sald county, and show cause, if anythere be, whvthe prayer of the petMoner should not be And it is further ordered, that said petltlouer give notlce to the persous hiterested in said estate.of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof , by causiug a copy of this order to be publwhed in The, Ann Arbor Democral a newspaper printed and circulated in said county tnree successlve weeks previous to said day of 1$ILLIAM D HARRIMAN. (A true copy.) „,JudKe uf Pro}:le' Vh. Q, Doty. Probate Resttater. Estáte of Herman Schiaok. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtonaw SS. At a session of the probate court for the county of Waehtenaw, holden at the probate office, in the city of Acn Arbor, on 1 uesday, the I4th day of February in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-elght. Present, William D. Harrimau, judge of probate. In the matter of the estáte of Hermao Schlack deceased. On readlng and flllng thepetiHon, dnly verifled. uf Louisa B. Hupff prayinfTtbat administraron d boni non of said estáte, raay be eranted to Oottlit-b Luick or some other sulUible persen Thereupon, itisordered, thatMonday, the 12th day of March next, at ten o'clock in the foreuoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petición, and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons intorested in sak! estáte, are required to appeai at a session of said court, then to be holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor aud show cauHe, if any there be, why the orayer of the netltioner sbould not be grauted : And it ts fnrther ordered tliat said petitioner give notice to the persous iu terested in said estáte, of the pehdency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causlng a copy of this order to be publlshed in the Ann Arbor Demochat, a newspaper prlnted and circulated in said county. three ucceasive weeks prevlous to said day of hearing, WILLIAM D. HARKIMAN, (A true copy) Judge of Probate Wm. O. Doty. Probate Resrister. Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw. O ss In the matter cf the tstate of Edward Drake, deceased. Notlce 'e hereby given, that in puruance cf an order grnnted to the UDdersignea, administrator of the estáte of said deeased by the Hon. Judgt of Probate for the county of Washtenaw, on the iüth day of January, A. D., 1SL8, tHére wlll be solcl at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the late residence of said deceased in the township of Lodi in tbe count} of Washtenaw, la said state, on Tuesday the twentieth day of Jlaroh, A. D. 1838, at two o'clock in the afternoon of tht day (subject to all encumbranci s by mortgage or othcrwise exlsting at chu time of the death of said deceased) the following described real estáte, to wit: , Theeast half of the northwest quarterof section thirty two, excopt the south ten acres and also the parcel of Innd beginning at the southeast corner of the southwet quarterof section twenty-nme in the ton of LodI, Washtenaw coun y Michigan, and running t'-ence northerly alonf; theeast line of said quarter scctlon bixty rods. ihence westerly üarallel wlth tte BOUth line of said quarter seclion one hundred and six rodand eleven feet, tbence southerly parallel with t e eait line of said q larter section sixty rods. thence eastr'y along aid quarler section one hundred and six rod and eleven feet to the place of bfginnlnft, containlng in all one hundred and twenty (:20) acres more or less. In Lodi aforenalu, l-o the west half of the soutbweet quarterof -ection thirty two (32) in the townshlp of Lodi, Washtenaw county, Michigan. """'" TomSScK F. HII.U Administrator. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wasutenav, s.s. In the matter of the estats of Qeorg Ma ver, deeeased. Notlce iB hereby given that in pursuance of au order uranted to the undersigned adminlHtrator of the estáte of said Ueorge .May er, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the county of Washtenaw, on the twenty elghiü day of Januarv l 18- there will be sold at public vendue to tho highest bidder, at (he late resiileuce of said deceased, in the township of Lodi, in the eounty of Washtenaw, in said state, on Ttirsday, ihe SJth day of Maren, A. D. 1888 at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day (subject to all encuujbrances by mortgage or otherwise existing at the time of the death of said deceased) the followine described real estáte, to wit: The east three fourths (8-0 of the northwei quarterof theBOUthwetquarterof sectiou twen y-nin (29); also ttie north onequarter (1-4) of the southwest quarter of the soutnwest quarter of section twenty-niue (2); also the north five ■lebts (S-8) of theeast half of the southwest quarwr of 8ectton twenty-nine (291 ; aUotheeast half 0-2) of ibe west half {!-■{) ot the southeast quarter of section t wenty-nine (2), all in the townehip of Lodi, Washtenaw county, Michigan. L.ated,January,8th.bcKF Administrator. Mortgage Sale. DEFAUJ.Thaving been made for more t han sixty davs in the paytnent of an installment oí the principal kuiii dufl upon a certain mort ■age, dated Jnuary eleventli,one thousand eight riundred and eighty-four, eiecuted by Morrl Hogan to Comstock F Hill. aud recorded in tli office of the register of I 'eeds for the county of Washlnnaw, in the rt&te of Michigan, in HberW of roortgage, on pftge 604. on the eleventh day of Janua'y, '884.and by reasnnof wnlchdefaultsa d mortgagee has electPil and declared the wUu e of tbe principal sum aecured by said mortgage as due payable imuiediately, and tm-ie 8 claimed to be due for principal and interest at the dute hereof the sum of three thousand nine hundred and twsnty-one dollars and twenty-t liree cenU ($S,S1.83-100ths), ana no suit or proreedUK8 in law or equity havirn; been instituted to re' over the same, whereby the power of salo con ainedtherein became operativo: Nowtherefore, otice ís hereby fiven that the üald mortgage ■ill be foraclosed by a sale of tlw mortga - d prxmlses, at public auction to the hlghtat bidr at uw outu froin douruf the coun house in ie 'city of Ann Arbor, (that being the j. lace for olding thé circuit ourt for Washtenaw county) n the twenty-slztb day of May, A D. lS, at en o'cloelc iathe forenooii. which said mortgagd premisea sltuated la the townsblp of Lodi, ouutvof HasLtenaw sta' e of M ichigan. are escri'bed as fullows, to-wlt: Thu southeast quarer of the northwést quarter of seLtion nu moer en aud the wet halt of the southeast quarter of e tion nuinberien, all in tow shii numuer three outh of range number flve east, coniaiuing one undred and twenty aors of land, more or lea. Dated. March 1, 18S8.' Mortgagoe. all, 8ee and be CmviDced. No. 11 iast Ann Street, bíx doors East of the 'ostoffice. Wanted- Boardurs at No. 7 [ n street, east. Jno. A. Robison, city scavenger, uses nlv tight barrels No. 31 Wall street, ifth Ward. ' Mortgage Sale. DKKAULT having been made for more than sixty days, In thepaymentof an iustallment of the principal auru due upon a certain raortgage. dated iovember first, one thousand eiglit huñdred and eighly-four, executed ty Albert A. Sorg and Catharine fciorg. nis wife, to Johnson W. Knight. and recorded in the office of the Register of beeds for the eounty of Washteuaw in theetate of Michigan. In líber 64 of mortgages, on page &4. on tho thirdday of November, 1ÍW4, and by reason of whicn default said mortgagee ha eiected and declared the wbole of the pifneipal sum eecured by Raid uiortgage as due payable immediately, and whereaM there is claimed to v due for principal and interest at the date hereof ihe siiiü of two thousand forty-oue dollars and thirty tbree cents ($J,0ll.3a.l0nth8 and no uuit or proceedings in law or equity having been int tuted to recover the 8 me, wherehy tbc power of ale rontained there n became operativo. ííow therefore notice is hereby given tbat the said mortgage will beforecloscd by a sale of the mortgaged premises at public au..tiou. to the highesl bidder, at th east front door of the court house in the city of Ann Arbor, (that being the plac e for holding the circuit court for Washtenaw county on the eighth day of May. 18-8, at eleven o'e pek in the forenoon, which snid mortgaged preniises situated in the city of Aun Arbor, county of Washtenaw ; and state of Hk-hlgan, ae describedasfollows" Commencingatapointon thenortb line of lot eight (8)in block two (■!, soutb i f range flve (5) east, thirty (30) feet east fron the noi th west corner of said lot (tight), thence east on said line twentytwo (■') feet; thence south paralel to the west line of said lot -ighty-two (82i feet. thence west parallel to the north line of said lot tweutytwo (22) feet, thence north parallel to the wesi line of sa'd lot eighty-two i.8a feet, according to the recorded plat of the village (now city) of Aiin Arbor. JOHNSuN W. KNlliHT, Dated, February 4, 1888. Mortgagee' Real Estáte lor Sale. OTATE OK UICHIOAN, County of Washtenaw, O 88. In the matter of ihe estateof Lewis Frítz deceaped. Notice Is hereby given, thai in pursuance of an ■rdir granted to lheunderi;ned,exe( utorofthe last will and testament of sa:d dectased, by the Hon. Judge of Probate f"T the county of wanhtenaw, on tlie ülkt day of Kebmary, A. D., 188, there will be sold at public vendele, to the highegt bidder, at tie ea-t front door of the court house, iu the city of Ann Arbor, In the county of Wash tenaw, in said state, on Tuesday the tentb day of Apr 1, AD, 188. at ten o'clock in the forenoon if that day subject to all eiicuinliraiices by mortgage or otherwie existing at the timeot' tlie death of gtd deceased, the fullowing de..cribed real estáte, to-wit: Lot one, two, three, four, flve, six, seven and nineteen.andeast half f lo eight,and lots eieren ano twelve. ani tlie north seventeen feet of the n.rth flfty feet of the lot lylug nezt south of ot twelve, exceptlng all that part of one, WO, three and eleven, conveyed to T.. A. A. & N. M, K'y Co. , by deed recorded in the Kegister's office for Washtenaw county, in líber 78, page 55. all in block three south, range one east, accordüig t ■ the plat of IV. s. MaynurU's first addition to the villaje (now city) of Ann Ai b-T, Michigan. Also the followmg pieue of land r-ituate.i anti helng in the city of A. u Arbor, county and state aforesaitl: beginning at a polnt forty I eet west from the soutbeast corner of lot iive In block two south of Huron street, lu range four ea.-t in Ann Arbor aforesaid, running thence wet twenty and onehalf feet, thence north to the north line of saul lut, thence eat twenty and one-hlf ft-tt, thence south tothe place of beginning. Also the certain pieres or parcelsof land ituated in thetown&bip of Aun Arbur, county of Washtenaw, state of Ai ichuran, described as f ollowg. to w t: BeKinniiiK at the northwest cornerof thesuuthwest quarier of section thirty-one. in town two south. range six east, and runuing south along the west line of said section eighteen ohalDfl and three links tn F. Stuit li's ikLml, thence east four chaius and thtrty-four and one-half links, th'ence north eiirhteen chaius and tbree links to tht# quart-er li..e, thence westerly along the quarter line four and thirty-four and one-half links to the place of beginning, contamine seven aud elghtythree one-hundreaths (7 8310Ö(h) acres. Also all of the north half uf the west half of the souttiwest luarter, aud all of toe west half uf the northwest quarter of sectlnu nineteen. townfthip two south, range six eas , in MiehUnn, lying out-h of Dexter road in the township of Anu Arbor, county of Washtenaw, and state of Michigan. MICHAEL J. iRITZ, Dated, Februury 21, 1S8H. t-xecutor. Notiee to Cnulitor. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw íb. Notice is hereby given, that by au order of the Prouate Oourt for the County of slitenaw, niadeonthellthdayof February, 1. ib$8, 8ix months Irom that date were allo ed for c reditore to preseut tlieir claims agalnst the estáte of Elizabetli A A. Wineftar. lateof aid county. deceased, aud that ali creditorsof said decea-ed are required to present their claims to eaid Probate Court, at the Probate Office, In the city of Ann Arbor, for examinatiin and allowance, on or before the 14th day of August next, and that such rUiuis will be heard before bald Court, on ilonday, the 14th day of May, and on Tuesday the Hth day of August next, iu ttn o'clock in the lorenoon of eaclof said daj s, Dated, Ann Arlur, Fel). Mtli, A. D., lbtvS. WILLIAM V, IIARRIMaN, Jmti.e of Probate. Iteul Estáte tur Sale. OTATE OF MlCHIGAN.Countyof Washtenaw.. O 88. In the matter oí the est ite of John Quig ley. ileceased. Notiee Is hereby given, that in pursuance of an order grnted to tue u der-signed, executor of the last wjll aud testament of said deceased, b.v the Hou. Judge cf Probate for the couuly of Wughtenaw. on thesiöth day of March, A. L. iS87, there vrill besold at public vendue, to the liighesl bidder, at the east front duor of the court iiouse in the citv of Aun Arbor, in the eounty of Washt-L-iiaw, m sttid at .te, on Saturday the i4th dav of 'rch. A. ". lt, at ten o'elock in the fonnoon of that day, subject to all eucum ranges by mort ■ gageor otherwiae existiug nt the time of the death of sald deceased, tne following doscnbed real estáte, to-wit: Tne est nalf of the southwest quarter of secdon ten (lu), and theeast half of tbe southeast uarter nf sectlon uine (9). in town one (1) south, uieet-ix () east, (Xortliueld.) Washtenaw eounv, ín Mictaig n, except ten (10) a res from Ihe outhwest quarterof Iands ou sectlon ten (lU)and ten (10 acre" off the southeast quarter ot Iands n seciiou nine(s)), noownfduy Marolla Aun 'Connor CITARLES H. K1C1I ius,, Dated. February I 188 Executfr. Dli. H. K. AKND1'. OFFICE over the First National Bank. Hours: iO-8 a. m. to ïim,; fcüu to 8:80 p. m. Can be reachcd at res dence, West Hurjn Street (the ' Prof Nichols' place' ') by telephone, No. 9. . and will reply to calis in the evenmg.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat