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Get Your Property Insured By C. H. MILLEN, INSUBANCK AGKNT. Ro. South Mam street, Ann Arbor. Thp oldest ■gency iu th city. Establislied a quarter of a : century ago. Representing the foHowlng flrstClasa companies, with over $30,000.000 asseU. Home Ins. Co., of N. Y. ; Contiuental Ins. Co., of N. Tj Niágara Ion. Co., of N. Y.: Glrard Ins. Co., of Pliila.; Oriënt Ins. Co., of Hartford; O mtnercial Union of Loudon; Liverpool and Loudon and Globe. I3T" KBtes low. Loss llberally adjustd and prompty paid. O. 11. MILLEN. HENRY MATTHEWS Empa a First-clasa MEAT MARKET ! Dealer In all kinds of Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, One Door East of Franklln House. Prlce Beaonable. Thanklng those who hare so llberally patroned me in the past, I alio cordiallj aolicittrad rom new palroua. HENRY MATTHEWS, Huron Street, - Ann Arbor, Slich Ai Arte orp Worïü: 0. F. Allmendineer Manufacturer and dealer In Fieos, Orpis, AKD MOSIO.iL INSTRUMENTa Repairing and Tuning a Specialty. Anyone calling at the work, root of Washington street, can examine goods and prioea. I oan convince you of the Great Bargains ! 1 am offering. D. F. ALLMENDINGER, ANN ABBOB Fred. Brown ! At Clabkbn'b Oi Plaot. FI MS ! XjCL-CLO3?S SüJOLÖOiEfars. HOT LUNCH EVEBY DR EBERBACH & SON. DBÏÏGGISTS AND PRARMAOISTS, No. 12 South Main Street - DBAIiKBB Dl - Medicines, Chemioali, Dye tuffW, Ixtltt'i and War Flower Materials, Toilet Articles, Trtusea, Etc Pore Wines ml Lipn ! Special attentlon paid to the furnlshinc of fhysiclans, Chemlsta, Schools, etc., with ptillosophlcal and Chemical Apparatus, Bohemlan Chemical illaasware, PorcalaJa Ware, Pur Spajcenta, eto. Fhyiucianj' Preaorlptlens Oarefully Prepared at all hourm. EBERBACH & 8ON. Duluth. South Shore & Atlantic RAILWAY. "The Soo-Mackinaw Short Line." ONLT DIRECT ROUTE TC UPPER MICHIGAN and the Iron and Cojiper Reeions of Lake Su perior. Traversiiig a t rritury unequa led for HUNTING, FISHING and CAMPING. Doublé Daily Train Service between St. Ignace ani lloughton without change of cars. WAGSER 8LEEPINO COACHEj attached to all Kight Traína. OBSEEVATION PARLOR CARS on all Day Trains. The only all Rail Route to SAULT STE MARIE. Tickets over thls route ar on sale at all principal tí kei offices. Fitll Itifonnation as to ratas, te., corles of uiaps and fo dera will befuruished apon application to E. W. ALLEN. Gen. Pass. & Tiet. Agt., Marqaatte Mich Timb Tablk, Nov. 20, 1887. Standard Time. OOINS EAht . - 4 Á A h l! I A. K. A.H. P. P.M. P. H. Chicago Lv. 6.50 9.00 4.40 g.15 Í.10 Kclamazoo.... 1.50 9.60 12 33 2.27 Battle Oreek.J.a7 7.31 ljtó 8.18 A, M Jackson....Ar. 3.15 4.80 9.15 Í.J5 4.60 Aun Arbor 4. -.3 6.8U 10.33 4.3Í 6.08 Detroit _Ar. 6 00 6.45 11. S0 6.00 7.80 i'. r. u. 6t. Thomas Ar 11.05 9.50 3.80 FallsView 1.17 Buffalo Ar 8.85 2 40 8.05 Q0IH8 WBT. aiAnom. d J ï! _! JÍ ï X O" O" 2 }M Lh w W 7+m "t4 A. M. P. M P. X, A. A. M. P. H. Búllalo L. 11.30 10 00 l.oo A. H. Niágara Falla 12.45 p. . 2.15 Bt. Ihouias... 4.S5 110 6.W Detroit Lv. 7.00 9.10 4.00 8.00 10.16 m Arbor 8.1b 10 30 5.30 0.12 11 85 Jackeon Ar. 9.45 lltS 7.10 10 SS 12.54 Battle Creek_. 11.20 1.12 8.52 A.H, 2.23 12.18 Kalamaioo 12.17 1.50 9.45 4.45 l.ïO 807 Chicagc Ar 5.40 60 10.20 7.00 7 45 The New York Eipitos. a fast train leaveg Ch!Ko al 3, in Kal mazooR.58; RattleCreek, 7.83; Jackson, 8. 49. Ann Arbor, 9 45; arrivinin Detroit at 10.45 P. M The C hicago Express, a fast train leares Detroit ut 1.80 p m. Ann Arbur2.3-; üattle Creek, 4,40 ; Kalamazoo, 5.15; Chicago, 9.80. Suuday exceptcd. tSaturday fc Sanday exceptea rDaily. O. W. Ruoolïs. H. W. HA YES, O. r. é 2. A... CMcaae. UuL Ann Arbor.


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