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There were 24,841 persons killed In Hindostán in 1886 by wild animáis and venniiious suakcs. ' Nine tcnths of tbc iataliües were the rcault of snake-bltes. J. C. Wblttaker, tbe colored cadet, who bad hls ear slit at West Polut, Is practlclng law at Samter, S C, aud was orator of the d:iy at tbe emuiicipation cclebration tbere recently. A white deer, oue of tbe ramt animáis, was killed reeen tly in Clinton County, Pu., by Protbonotary Mann, of Sunbury. But tbree white der baye ever becu killed iu tliat purt of tbe etate. Tbe largest block of coal ever taken frotn a mine In tbe United States wasexbibitedat tbe Texas State Fair. It weigus 6,351 ponods. If Texas keeps on sbe will have a coal miuers' strike one of these days. M. Coquclln, tbe eclebrated French actor, wbo returned to Pari irom Constantlnople the otber day, gave while Hiere a performance OD board oí W. K. Vanderbilts steam yaebt Alva, for wblcb he recelved $3,000. Tbree montlis ago tbere was do sucb town us M ilion, U. 1'. lts site was open, uiicultivatcd prairie. Now there Ig a lively villnge, two large elevators, tbree siores, a bank, aud all the minor industries of a Western town. Tbere are 200 private rallroad cars in the United States, representlng a valué of nearly $5.000,000. They are wortb. anywhere frorn $1,000 to $60,000 each, tbe most luxurlous, probably, belug thatowned by George M. Pullman. It Is sald that the blggest qulll toothplek factory ia the world I near Paris. It wa orlgtnally a qulll pen iactory, but when these went out of general use tbe factory lurned to tbe tootbplck business, and now makes 20,000,000 annually. Gopber fanning Is a new Industry begun at Auburndale, Fla. Two men haye devoted a tract of 1,000 acres to the purpoae. It Is said that the most fustldlous eplcure cauuot u-H the flesb of the Florida gopber from tbe famous Marylaud terrapln. A litlle giri, while playlng wlth a ent, at Easton, Pa, put her tongue throtigh the folds of a curtain "to mak pusay believe tbat it was a piece of meat." The cat seized the chlld's tongue and tore It sobadly that it was curcd only af ter mucb dlfllculty aud suffering. Georgc Bancroft, tho aged historian, accounts for hls lom: life by the fact tliat he was tbc middie chlld in hls fathet's famlly, that he bas always been In bed by 10 o'clock at night aud that he spends four bours In the open air every day unless preven ted by stormy weather, Probably tbe oldest practlelnjr attorney In the United States Is Slduey Bartlett, of Boston. He was bom In Plymouth, Mass., in 1799, and stlll has a lucrativo practlce. Hls specialty is Corporation law, and he Is attorney for two of the greatest of the railway systems in New England. Senator Stinfonl bas on hls farm In San Mateo county, California, 848 trotters and ihoroufhbreds, among the uumler being 285 iroHing-bred brood mares, lic has also ou uls bands a llttle but llvely mlsunderstiiudlng with the government concernlng certaln railroad transactions. Mrs. Henry Clews, wife of the New Yorfc banker, is sald to be the only American lady who owns a cbariot. I is very large, and bas a high seat for tbe coadunan and at tbc rear a step for footmen to stand on. Aiound the top of tbe charlot, on all four sides, Is a row of cornets In ralscd biass. The reports of tbe varioua departments of the New York postoffice show that 797,778.145 pieces of mail matter were bandled during the ycar. Tbe agrégate business of the money order department amounteil to $S3,570,811. The recelpts of the office for tbeyear were $4,833,996, and tbe expemes $1,758.994. It Is sald tbat tbe big cattle ranches of tbe far West and Southwest aro breaking up. A year ago tbe Niobrara Land and Cattle Company, whlch bas becoina bankrupt, refused $l,000,0J0 for lts property. Instead of the big companles swallowlng tbe little ones, It is thouirht tbat the tendency is toward tbe breaking up of the big ranches into smaller ones. The "Pilgrlm's Progress," translated into the Japanese language, has bccu pabltebed with lllustratlons by natlve artists. Cbristian has a close-shaved head, tbe dungeon of tbe giant Despair Is one of the largo wooden cut;ei well knovr to eastern crimináis, and the angels waitlng on tbe further slde of the rlvcr to recrive pilgrims are ciad in the latest Yokoh&ma fashions. There are forty manufacturers of rubbet cloihing In the United States; capítol, $20,O0O.OCO; product for the past year, $5,000.000. Several of the best equlpped milla have beer obliged to iro Into llquidatlon. Tiro ussociations have been formed, one to make gossamer goods, the other vulcanlzed goo Is. At 5 pe' cent. advanee In prices has been mado for tbc ensuing year. It I rare that a man dies laughincr, bul Willlom H. Brown, a New Haven saloonkeeper, is sald to have met hls death in that manner. He was sltttng in hls place the other iluy In conversation witb a frlend, and, just finishing a funny story at which both laughed beartily, was notlced to grow pale and the fall from hls chalr a corpse. The doctors said it was beart disease. At Xenla, Ohlo, the other day a man traded a calf to another for an old buggy and $3. Tlien he traded the bugjry for several mlscellaneous anieles, which he swapped for otbei tbinga that took hls fancr. During the day he made thirteeu different trades witb vxrious parties, and in the evening he found himsclf still tbe owner of the calf and also of $24, the profil of the several transactions. Many of the Valentines whlch are a combinat ion of laced and sllrered paper, sprigs, mottoes, bunehes of colored flowers, little miirors, and the like, are made in London, iu a factory where tbe work eoes on the yeai round. Much of the work i done by hand, and women are the most expert at it. They use a good deal of mucilage In conetructlng these affuirs. and invarlably use tlie tblrd fin ger of tbe rigbt hand instead of a mucilage brush. The latest "fad" nmong wealthy families Is to hum "drift-wood" in open {rrnle Bres. Thls wood ís gathcred along the seucoast by Eastern purties, packed Iu barrels and slilpped through tbe country. It Is mostly wreckage. A great part of it has once been the muterial of ships' bottoms, and was sheatlied with cop per plates. The copper salta have lmprecuated tbe wood, and when burned it pives out most beautiful green and peucock bluu Hamel. Bavarlan horses are celebrated for thelr 1,'eiiiiral worthlessness, A dealer sold one to a Germán offleer during the Prussian war and warranted him to be a good war horse. The soldier came back iifterward In a tonerlug passion and said he had been Bwlndled. "And howi" said the dealer. "Wiiy, tuere's not a bit of go in bino and yetyou warranted hlm as a good war horse." "Vea, 1 did, aud by Georgel he Is a good war horsc; he'd soonerdie than run." It Is estimated that the anioiint of petroleum produced in Pennsylvanla slnce Drake'fl well was drllled in 1819 to tb yetir 18S7 was 330,000,000 barrels of forty-two gallons eiieh. Tbls amount of oll would b ■ sutliclent lo iiiiike a good-slzcd rlver orlaki if colletted in ono body. It would make a treain 10 ft-et deep, 100 feet wide and about :i50 miles long, or a lake or rectangular pond about three mile long, two miles wide aul ten feet deep. 8till the supply Is not exhausted. David Day, tbe hermit of Green Pond Mountain. In New Jersev, was found dead th other day In hls dug-out cave in tbe slde ol the mouutain, where he had llved years In Reclusión, amlleor two from nny habitation. In tbe summer he eked out an existence irom the sale of medical nerbs and roots whlch bc gathered, and In winter In dolni; cliores anJ chopplng wood for hls nearest nelghbors. He was about seventy-five years of age and relaled lo many of the firut families of the lo callty. A pug and a Newfoundland dog belonging to a New Jersey gentleman were seen to balt bcfnre a brook. The big dog touk to tb water, but the pug refused to do so. TIn Newfoundlaud Ihen persuaded the pug to gel Uion bis back, but be slid off when half wat across, when the big dog yanked hlm out ni set him on the opposite bank. Sincc then th, pug bas carried out of the house to the New foundlaud the cbolcest bits of hls fotxl, c( be seems to eujoy seelng the big áo ' taen Tlie eleotion of Prof. Francia L. Patton, I. D., 1.1-. ])., to ihu iiresidency of PrtncetOD coll ge is one of the most important eveota of the year in college clrcles. Prof. Patten was born in Warwick. Bermuda, lp 1S4;. Il took h'.a ' co'lese degree at i niversity college, Toniu, Ont. and his tlieological course at Kn x college, Toronto, an4 Princeton i í Theolosical semlnary. He bas been pastor jf Presbyterian (burches in New York ! city, Hrooklyn and Chicago. From 187;7(5 he edited the ( liicago Interior, and from 1S71 to 18S1 was professor of didactic and po'em'c theo'ogy in the Northwestern tbeologlcal eminary, ( liicago. He has held the position of professor of polemtc tlieoltigy in the seininary at Princeton rince 1881.


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