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Salvation Uil, thegreatest cure on earth for pain, has no eijual. Persons suffering froin rheumatism, neuralgia orfrouieuts, bruises. sirains ■ c. sliould not Ie without, i'rice only tweiitv-five cents. "What 13 the who. e duty of a mnrried man "as s the new conjugal catechism: . o Ie agreeab.e to his wife and kep l)r. Bull's Cougn hyrup in the house for the children wlhen they get a cold. of course. Asl; you soinething hard. In 1SST iu Dakota 2,087,281 acresol landwere newlyflledon; l..rSii,iir2 acres were acquired by final proof and cash entry. and 2,.'&7 acres irere purchased by land scrip. There waa a l&rge ïmmiijrauon intotheDevils Lake district. Thu aren of unsurveyod land takcu up, but not filed on. during the year, is estimated to be about 200,000 acres. The grand total of lands newly tiled on nul purchased by immigrante for theyear closely approxlmates ü.íjí7.2Sl acres, or 4, 1ÖS square miles, an área quite four times greater than Khode Island, about three times that of Delaware, or nearly tbat contained witliin the boundaries of Coniicetieut. The vacant area now open to settlement is stated to rontain 23,811,445 acres, of whlch the Dcvils Lake district has 1. (.■■, :2 b acres; Grand Forks district, 800,000; Fargo district, 281,900 acres; Aber leen district, 802,873 acres, and Watertown district, 112.625 acres. SIXOÍUS AX1I I.F.OTUBERS. Prevent yonr Cold, Keep a few Moxie Lozenges in your pocket, üne on the tongue . eeps ó il' a cold duriner exposure, and preserves the voice. They will brea ; a recent cold in twenty-four bours, and not suppress, or leave you more liable to tal-e cold after their use. - e have scores of letters f rom actresses, lecturerers, opera singers and (lergyn.en, sayingthey are jut what is wanted for this line of roteclion. and they are invaluable to leep the voice ciear and strong. They are harmless in large qnantities. Mo.viE ÍÍBRVB Food Co., Lowell, Mass. A man who has lived in Minnesota for ten years s iys that when he went thei e tne country was peopled by reds without a white, but now there are all whites without u red. "I have beeu all icted with an afTection of the tliroat frorn chi dhood .caused by diplitberia, and have used varions remedie-i, but have never found anything equal to Brown s hronchial Troches."- Kev. tr. Al 1-. Hampton, I'iketon, Ky. Kold only in boxea. A good habit for -ome people to cultívate is a habit of silence. I mier some conditions a man can make more noi-e in the world by keeping his mouth shut than in any otlier w.iy. 'l'nt; ..mi. f.' l'avtH-i t,-. The newest fashion in ladies' bats wlll doubtit-ss cause a I utter of pleasurableexcitement among the iair sex. Ladies are always sus epib'e to the chances of a fashion plate. and the more startling the departure, the more ea niest the gosaiu over the new mode. lr. Fierce s Kavorite Prescription is a positivo cure for the il s which a iet female8 and tbeirüvemiserable. Thia i-overign panacea can be relied upon in case of displacements an 1 all functional derangemeuts. It hui'ds up the p r, haggard ani riratrged-out victim and give-i her reneed bope and frob lease o life. It i the only me.licine for wonian's peculiar weakuesses and ailment , sold by druggist , uuder a positivo guarmtee from the manufacturera, that it w 11 give satisfaction in every case, or money relunded. i.e.-ul printedguaraatee on bottle wrapper. No man, however bad, is wholly disbon egt. We know a great m:my who would not run in debt for nearly so msiny thinir as they do if they only had money enough to pay for some oí them. T ie ('mot T . Inii. "Cute!:' he eclioed. "Wel . I don t know as the adject ve wou d have occurre 1 to ii. e In u t that connectiou. But if you mean that they do their work thoroughly, yet make uo lu s about it: euu-e no pam or weiKna s; and, in. short, are every thing t.iat a pil ougbt to be, an i notli ng that it oiight not to be, tijen I agree tbat Fierce s Peas int Purgativo Pellets are abuut the cutast itt e things going. "That, mydear," young Mr. Haighceede reman od to his bride, as hepointed to the ma estic form of the bronze I iberty - "that is thé f mous statue of Jersey lightning the world." Mild. soothing. and healing is Dr. Sage's Catarrh iemedy. A New Jersey oourt places t!ie price of a t)len kiss at $1.75. According to the way in which all things are re;ulated, the supjily must be nearly e jual to the de m nd iu that state Asthma can be cured. Ask your druggist for l.aux s Improved AsthmaPowder. Trial free. Hottinger's Pharmacy, Lincoln Park, Chicago. Mr. Cheek. iwho has just dropped In)- I owe you ten do lars, (inggs: can you let me have iive more to m:tke it íifteení Griggs- Ya es, I guess 1 can go you afiver; but will you teil me what kind of nerve lood you use Í 3 months' treatment for 50c. Piso's Rem edy for Catarrh. Sold by druggists. Princess Polgorouki, widow of the latt Ciar, was once a Spunibh aetress. Ooñannptio i n-eiy Cui-ed. To the Editor: - Please inform your readers that I hare a positivo remefly for the above nanied disease. Jiy its timely use ten thousanda of hopeless cases have tieen pcrmanently cure I. 1 shall be g d to senci two bottles of my rme:ly free to any of your readers who have consumption if ther will send me their expresa and P. O. address. Kesiiectt'ully, T. A. Slocüm, M. C, lsl Pearl 8t., New York, _ ____ If (reorge Westingho ise vvou.d invent an air bra ;e that would stop a grocer's bilt in half its own length he would earn tb" gratitude of tbousands of estimable reo !e. Offer No. 118. I-'RKE!- To Merchants Only: An elepant silvor-plated Water l'itrher. trosted and richly carved; height, 18 inches. Addres-at once, R. V. Lamix & Co., SöState Street, Chic igo. The turtlfl is the messenser boy of the animal creation. It is reported that a blizzard rcently prevented a leclure by Thomas Nat in Dukota Blizzards tbat will give their attent on to he dine o.T lecturos have indeed found their life work. They should be encouraged. If afllicted with sore eyes use Dr. Isaac Thompson's Eye Water. Dniijglgts sell it 35c In theDevils Lake r : i Oakota, Ramsey County raised 73Ó,0ütH :■ sofwheat froui35,000 acres, Nelson county 980,000 bushels f rom 48,9(52 acres ; and Bottlnean Couuty 149,079 bushels from 7,099 aeres ; hrowu County in the James ltiver Yullev raised 4,OIK),8S7 bushels of wheat from 190,947 acres and 2.773,104 bushels of oats from 48,052 crea oí land. CÜKES Rheumatism, Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache. CUSES neuralgia, Sore Throat.Swellings, Frostbites, Sprains, CUBES Sciatica9 Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Promptly iiud PvrtnHiiciitly without Keturn of Puin. For Stabtemen & Stockmen, TKK UATfiBV BUtXDY KNO WW VM& liüiUB AMD O&TTLR UKsKaSK. Fold by Drttgg 'slt al Vct'cr Evtrywhere. The Cliarlc A, Vouler Co., liulto.t 311. Dakota Is settlcd by an edncated pople who have made ampie provisión for the education of the rising generatlon. Look over the domaln of pfairio, and the country school is seen in the most sparsely settled regiona. BeiifiK-x Om' He Onréd by local applicatlonx, as they cannot revh tlio dlv eaed portloii of the car. Theiv Is only na way to cure Iíi'arncf, nnrï that is by c rutitutional reme dies J '■ t i i,y ar, iuilamed Conditlon f themuousllolngof the a Tube. When this tabs get Inflamed, rouhare irombllng Krand or Imperfect heariiiR. aml irhen l:. ís eniirely clnscd Dea Des 1 the re alt, and ntüCH the intlamiiiaMon ia ;on out and thi tuhe restored nurnial oonulttoo, hotnniwill be dcstrnye i forevsr; plDOoaaes out oí wn are caused by catarrh. which l' niitlilng hut an lntlame 1 .-onditíon oí the rouens W l.i KiveOne Hundred n. Hars for any caieof pearnera (caused by C rrn t mt w,t can m t cura ny taking ilutl's C'atarrli Cure, send for circular Cree, __„ , _, V. .I.OiiExBviCo., Toledo, (X A Sandusky woman has eloped with manufacturei of perfumes. The wronged husband Baya he íorives her. if she prefers au odor man to hiiu, well andgood. rrnr; Con LrVEH OtL mane f rom selectod livers. on sea shore, by Hazard, Hazard & Co., N. Y. Abolutely pure and sweet. Pntients pre'er it to all others. Physicians have di.cided it upeiior to any other oii.s in uuirket. CnAPPKn Han-ps, Face, Pimples and rough skin curad by using Juniper Tar .Soap made by Uazard, Haard & Co., Naw If an untruth ia only a day old it is called alie; if it is a ear old it is called a falsehood, but if a century old it is called a legend. BPfÊrLY!?B for WII.I, SAVK MOSEÏ nttífíVtaWg sm ijv usuro l Ely's Creara Balra BKÓC0XH a llIly Palm lnto each nostHï. SCÖTÏPS EMULSIÓN OF PDBE GOD LIYER OU And Hypophosphites of Linie & Soda Almost as Palatable as Milk. Th only preparation of COD I.IVEU OIL ihat can be taken reatlily aud tolerated for a long tima bT delicate etouiarhs. 1ND as a hi:mt:tt fou foxsniPTioy, RntÖPlIiOIS AI''FK"I'H'S, AXAEMIA, OKXliKAI. lKltlI.llVT"("i 'US AM T11R0AT AFJ'ElTiOAS, ml all WASiiMi IHSOKDEB8 'S? CIllLDIiEX 11 ii inarrelloiB in 'Us ri'salte. Prescribed and endorsed by iliü tGb lJiiy6ÍCÍaM In tho countrics of tho world, tur finio ly 11 Hrnjrf;lt. 19Send IDr Piimphlot on Wnsting Dise&ses. Addreai, SCUIÏ is JtOW.Vli,9ew luk. NÖAI AILS YOU? Do you feel dnll. languid, low-spirited, li ft-- less, and indcscritiably miserable, noth physically and mentally; e ■ sense of fullness or bloatiug Bíter eeting, or of "troneness," or emptlneaa tf stomach in tho luoruiii(f, tonffue coated, bitter or bad taste in mouth. Irregular appettte, dizxlness, frequent haadacbeSi biurred eyesigat, " üofttlng specks" bcforo tlie cy-'S. nervous prostrutioo. or exhuustion, irritability of temper, hot Uuahes, alternating: with chilly Bensattona, slutrn, liitiiifi, transieni paina here and Hiere, cold feet, arowtineBS aftór roeftls, wakefulness, or disturbed umi unrefresoing sleep, constant, indcscribabi'! feellng of dread, or of impeudinir calamity ? If you have nll. or any considerable number of these symptoms, yim are sufferlng trom that mos; commorj "i American maladlee- Bllloufl Dyspeïisia, or Torpid 1-ivtT, ïissociated witli Dyspopsla, or Indigestión. The more oompHcatêd your dlsease bas leome, the greater the number and dlvereity of sympEoms. No matter vhat stage it Ikis rsachod. Dr. Pifrcc'K (Jwldcn ïlidicai Uiscovcry will pulula' iu il 'liüusr to directions for a reasonable length of time. If not onrad, ooniplfcationa multiply atul ('onsumptionof the Lungs, Skin Dieoéses, lleart Disease, Itheumatism, Kldney Distase, or other grave mahulies are quite Hable to set In iind, sooner or later, induce :i ' ' tl termlnatlon. Dr. Picrtc's :oiden Uodlcal Discovery acts powerfully upon the Livcr, and through that great blood-purlfying organ, oleanses the sj rtornof all blocil-taintsand impurities, i mm wiiatever ::ns.' arising. It ie i'(iially effleacioua In actlng upon tho Kidnej's, and other eioretory organs. cleansing, strenirthenin, aTid liculin tlicir diseases. As an appctizi:i', rostoratlvQ tonie, it promotes diïrestion and imtrition, thereby building up both llosh and strenjttli. In inalarial listriets, this wonderful medicine has gained (írcat oelebrity In curlng Pever nd Ague, Chillsand r'rci', linnh Ague, fint kiadri Dr. Piercc'' Vuhki Medical DUcovcry CURES ALL HUKIORS, from a oommon Blotch, or Eruption, to the worst Seroí'wíu. Sail-i hruin, " Fevcr-sores,' Scaly or Rouffh Skin, in short-, all üisoiisos oftüfied by intd blood are oonquOTed by tiiis powerful, purifylnTi and invworatioff medicino. Great Bating ulcera rapidly heul under ita benign inthicnr, Espeofally has it manífesteci its potenoy in cunnff 'iVttor, Kozeina, Erysipoias, Boils, Carbunolee, Son? Kyos, Scrofulous Sort's and SweHlngs, Ilip-jotnt Discase, "White Swelilngs," Goltre, or Thick Neck, and Enlaryt'd ölandi, Bend ten oonts ín stampa for a large Treatise, with coiored piutcs, oti Skin Uiscases, or the samo amount for a Xreatíae on Scrofulous Afffctions. "FOR THE BLOOS IS THE LIFE." Thorouffhly cloanse it by ucinpr Ir. Picrccs oldeii Medical DNcovcry, mul good digestión, a fair skin, buoyant spirits, vitaJ strenth and bodily bealth will be establishüd. CONSUMPT TON, which is Scroïula orilie TjIImh, ig arrested and cured by this roinody, it taken in the earlior stages of tho diaeaso. From its marvelous power over this torribly fatal disoase, whon llrst oilCrin t ni now world-famed remedy to the public, lir. J'ifrce thought seriously of calling it his " CONSUMPTIOM Cihk," but abandoncd that name as too restrictivo for a medicine wlurh, trom its wonderful combination of tot iic, or Btrengtheninir, alterative, or blood-cloarisitip, nnti-bilious, pectoral, ana nutritivo properaeSi Is uncqualcd, not onlv i as a remedy for Consttmpüon, but for all ! Chroiiic JDiscascs of the Liver, Blood, and Lungs. For Wrak Lunirs. Ppittinfr of niood. Shortneas of Breath, Curonlo Nasal Catarrh, Bronchitis, A8tlnna, Severa Concha, and kindred affectiotis, It is ati etliciont rrmedv. Bold by DrutrifiBts, at $1.00, or Six Bottlcs for $5.00. tW Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pferce's book on Consumption. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Associatiúit, 663 IMaiii St., Bl'ITAI.O, N. Y. ; Tfil CURES iWHERE ALL LLSEhííiTr ■■ BostCowRh 8yrui. Twtesgood. üíb R _m iu tirue. Sokïby drugisto. gf I believe Piso's Curo for Consumption saved iny life. - A. II. Dowell, Editor Enquirer, Edenton, N. C, April 23, 1887. PISO The best Coiifïh Medicine is Piso's Ccre job Consumption. Children B take it without objection, By all druggists. 25c. BS CURES TwHER EAL L ELSEFAILS. Ë3 n BeBtCuiifih Syn:i. Tastea gond. Use [El Bh io time. Solt! by druggiflts. fiL, DRfffT? HÉF TREATED FREE. ■ Have trefitod Dropsy and ttf complifationa witli tha mobt WQnderfol suocewi u;-e vepctaliiu remedies entirsi ly haruik'ss. Rcniovo n!l svi mi .f drops; in eiffht t totwenty days. Curopatients prononnced nopelen by ; the best of physicians. From .1 : rstdosethesymptoma rapldly disappear, nnd in ten aays at lua.-t iwoüiii ds of all Bymptoma aro romoviii. ; Some may cry bnmbng without fcnowfnjsr anything ' aboutlt. Remcmber it doca nut oost vou anvthinr lo realiza the merit of oor treatmen: for your&elf. % aro constantly en ring caes of tong standing- caseti thrvt h.ive been tapped a numbor of tfnu-s anti the pa. ticntdw'art'd unaüjlo to Mve a wetk. 01 ve a f uil taistory of case, namo, npc, KX. how lonii an1Icted,&o. 8end lor i frt;o pMinphlct:, contalning !.■ dinoniats. Ten dayfl treat. moni 1'uvnished FREE by nul. lf yon order trial eend ! 10 centbin staoups tu pay iibtaf ■ posttivoljr curcU. (rY"MriirH.nrhibpaper.. H. H. GREEN A: S(ns, M. DX, j 260J-Í ilarietta Street, Atlanta, Qi jpRTlERN PACIFIC. II LOW PRiCE RA!Lf OAD LAÜDS 1 l'Ki:i: Tcrament URM. BTULLIOKS o( ACRES of each in H ■oaU, Nortli Datcota, Mnnrana. Mahu, Waahlnfftou .n OrgOBp eClln CÍ1"! PBbllc.tlonwlthM.-plecrlbliwlHB OCnJ IU 1 BEOTAgrl. ..ii.lTiiuber now up'-n to 8etU"r REK. AildreM . Ad. Ui LAmDlinti, st. paul, minn. Mfl I 1 prescribe and fullr enPl fiorse ]:i ; as the only ■Cnreils 'M! specifii' forthc ccrtaincui ■VI TO LiTS.Ö ,,f tiiistiUease. JWOimoí(;i""' "ï Li.U.l.NiiUAHAM.M.D., gg M-SirloM. " Amsti-rdam, N. Y. ES urdcnij bjth We llave snld Bi(t G tor lr„,ii„ elven tUo best of satiïW CineinnaUjB factlon. BtV OMoB D. K. DYCH E CO. . I 1 1 IBffilli li ' I Cl II Sold by Drugg'iat WWEAJNVtNTiON % 7K Cnda of IWh he been itvri br ooe mu Ib iionrs. uuDdreds hare wcd 5 a tul tlcoM uai!t ".foactto" ■ biteTiry Farmer aitd Wwil Thnprer waot. Vrif ordír from yur vidnilj cenrt" the AgêUCV. tlloitTM' I i ataLieue FR SS, Barnes' Patent Foot Power Mar lik ry W Workers of Wood or Meca), m$á vrWhowt títeam i owerby n,' out-Paof tlioe jKA ƒ Machinas can bul imvci' ;tn ! nvu jJW3 I moro moiu-y from tliclr Ju ; )i w j' ,fly"ÉM by any otii'T mean s fordointhofr S3r?9SB work. Al-o fr IndiMi I-il s. h- 1 SUhSB or HomeTrali.iiiff. Wit!: thf" ÍICBlB oaa aoqutre a practical .o n-n-y[Ta V maii'ö tiuiii's bêfon 'i'1 ' fr V 1. H tbcniselvcs." Prloe-Lisi (! W. F. & JOHN BARNES CO-t Sg 641 Ruby 8t - WIW IT WILL PÜËASÊ" Tour boy or friï-1 and your nelgbbor! boy or ifirl to reoeive a paper "all uwn."' Try cuding them THE YOUNG IDEA. The Jient Loir-prt'cd JUBtMlé Jfagazinc Published. ia pufes :ï coiiiinn Monthl y Ellustraled. Only ." cent per War. A sámale copy for examination fwe. Addreea THE Vül'.VO IIE4., OKANT C. WHITHXT, Pub., Ht-lvuhie, lll. fCÜRE FïTSl Whn Ifl&yctire I donot mean mñrely to stop them fora time and thon havo tbem return again. I mnn a rndic-ftlcure. I have mada the diaease of FITS, KI'ILEPSY or FAIXING BW KNESSaliie-longatudy. I Warrant my runi'dy to euro t;ie worst oases. Bocause otherahave failed i ii" rt-.-isini tiir n.w rMwifliig a. Cure. Srndat once tur a treivtiseaad Freo Rottlaif mv in fallible remedy. Givo Express nnd Post Otficet H. GROüTltl, 0..1Ö3 learl tít. New Vork. SUPPLIES lowpst Wdoli-sTe Prtcw For Oonplete Kr. e Catalogue """""" Western Upply Compmy, t'.7 Kinzio Struct, Chicago. lUU RrftT to Lincoln National Baak. 4% nMM A Kre-'li, It-'ïiable. Only a and S Pt IIP cents per lar.:.' p;ic!-.:i---. ■Jttt.000 UbLUu Novclty l1rucnts i-iue. Mam" inútil 8Oed Karms. Uno Arre of lira--. Itnuiiliui Ourden Hulde KICKK. 11 Bl.'CKUL'E, K' i-kiurd ted Farm, Koc-kford LH. FISHING TACKLE I1 Clothing. Flxed Ammnnltlon of atl I n1. luett Prlc' Oiiiifunli-ed. r-endf rC al0ffU6. JA1IK1 H. FISK. 193 La a l" M.. CillcaKO, III. ■ ■ BB Bi fs Kniirhl's (Knfi"t',- Stee! nl ■ lllLUlViiiuMiil I'.l1 f.r irret-uL2 8 iPJa1'-1' I. areMÏe. Ijin. i n , ui, ■!-,■ un elpt of M.M by Ai.fkkd P. KiiiuHT, Druffgf8t, :-.'JCi ; o. 111. HRSBHBBH3 pi a r-n KcfTiTÜ) UDDEIT8 HOTLLESJSbS bk _ uwhikki Prooored by Rqsoo B.VVheelDflTCMTVrr'll;":i"' Hni. Patónt IH 1 E. 14 I U ''"lucas uuly. liiliinvciucnta ■ " " "" ■ w proseen tod and luual opinlont rendered. Invonturs' Guide Irot'. nvCHoiisp. e-'a'i islml 1816.' nl (Vnts U I CoarmeDts Dyd a id Cteanort. s nd for l'ri-.'e Ijíst. i ooda recetved m I returaa 1 bv ovitêss und ninl!. AüQUSTSCHWAKZ, i: n :., ISS llltliofs St., Cbl (HL-... III. SCMOIiBlC-').7r-I'r:'r'"1"'"lv"sl0Ils UE.N Alllla Soldier Claims. Succeaa r " ' or "" fe--. Sond for nw I laws. C.M.SITES&Co.,Atty's1Waablngton,D.C CTCA Q St.uups s. ala. Ilras Cheoka. Burntn OlknulLC) Branda Btel stimps. Rabbw stamp, Houe Noa. C. II. HjUUOn,36, Ko.UiarkSt. Chicago, 111. MTOill l),Y. Sampteë artk i.t FREE, Lines not under '■ ofW ttti. wnt Brewster Haittu Hein BoUltr fa., 'ioliu. -1icA. AM fk A JO.Y277. A0enlsWanti. ai heatsall JkkXJlll innartlclti Intheworld. liounploí'reí. ytVU Addres.yli' JjíO.0.,Detroit,Xicl. JbHIlBI Miolj - V'.v TulL.r S,i ui' lrru IIILb CutUu. Siy -? ft CO.. Cincmn.ti. a lftl n -8worth$óüjper .. Pettlt'aByeSalTalawoxth UU LU tm.j,ouL ia M1.. at '.Vi euu a box oy dealere W. N. U. D.-l "Vhfn wrlting to Atïvort'.sers please say S'ou saw tlie adverthiemunt in t UU i'aper.


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Ann Arbor Democrat