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Hood's Sarsaparilla

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March April May Are tlie tnontiie In whlch to purlfy the blood, for ut "Hood's Sarmpar:u I prrparcd from Sarsaparllla noothir teason Ii the body o susceptible to benefit Dtndeüon, Mandrake, Doek, Junlper Berrle, and ín m medicine. Tlic peculiar purlfytng and revlying otlicr wcll-known v g" ibie remolle, lu ach a pequalitlcs of "H..od horsaparilla are Jut what are cullar manncr as 10 derive the (all medicinal valué needcd to expcl dlaeaas ar.d fortify tlie system of each. It will euro. w'ien In the power of medt. ïatnst ihe dibllltatlng effect of mild weather. cine, crofula, talt rhcuin, ores, bolli, pimples, aU Eveiy year lncrea the popularltyof Hood'i Sanahumor, dyspepjla, blllousnc Iele headaehe, lndlparilla, for It li Jus; whal people need at thls leason. gestión, general debillty, calarrh, rlieumatltin, kWIt U the Ideal spring medicine. If jou hav never ney .md lWercomplalnti. Itovercomelthat extreme trled It, do b .. red feellng and Hood's Sarsaparilla Purifies the Blood "For many monthl 1 uflcred gie itly. My whole "scven years ago when my llttle boy was playing syst.m eemed to be en IrHj inn down, my ambltlon !n the yard, ho wa l.ltlen by a ípldcr. The polson wol gone, had palns In my back, and a feellng of laentered hls blood, and orea oon broke out aboac hl simde whlch I eonld not throw off. I wa treated boily. Sevcral times we uccoerled In heallnK tho unurcrssfu ]y for klilnoy troulile. I determlncd to Borcs up, hut n : o of UI wc coul I ilo lliey w nld try Hood's Saraap rilla. lïefore the Qrst boltle wa oon break out agaln. Flnally we Clied Hood's Sartaken I can canilldlv sy I was relieveil. 1 have used aparllla, and be look onc 1 o Ue I of anthe medlitlne off and on i-y.-r ■ Inc.e, and recommend oihcr, when tin k ared. ' :i'li:i nit a it for kidney or llvcr complalnt." Mm. W. H. ore spot on hlm n.w. n I oonsider bim pcrfectly Stkíno. !r Atlantic Ave.,u ■, Urooklyn, N. Y. cured." Wn. H. C. Wied, Downlngton, l'enu. Sold lij 'A rtrnuglita. i); íix fnr 1.1. Prpparel only Sold by 11 drugRists. tl; tix tor tS. Trcparcd onl bj Cl. HOOI) i CO.. Apothccarlas, Lowcll, Mass. bjr C. I. HOOD &CO., Apolhvcaries. Lowel, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar IOO Doses One Dollar


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