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Wolverine Whisperings

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An eastern gentleman offers to start a box factory in Zilwaukee if theeitiens of that stato will give bim something in the way of a bonus. 6Miss Nellie Parker of Coldwater, one of the patient3 in the Kalamazoo asylum, bas earned over tOÜ dollars this winter by making and selllng paper flowers. She has paid half on three organs for the different halls, and tbis week the fourth convalescent hall will be beautified by an elegant new piano, Miss Parker paying $100 on it. The reports in circulation that I'ostmaster-General Dickinson is in ill health and about to resign his position are pronounced untrue by that gentleman. Ue says he ia in excellent health. R. S. D. Tyler of Detroit has been appointed superintendent of the mail b&g repair shop of the postofnce department He has his office in Washington city postoffice building. His ealary is $1,400. The semi-sentennial of tbe organization of the flrst Congregational church in Vermontville was celebrated Feb. 20. Gov. Luce has appointed Gen. T. Rico of Berlín, Lenawee county, as a commissioner to the centennial celebration at Marietta, Ohio, in place of Thomas D. Gilbert, who declined to serve. Charles Van Geiser, a farmer living in South Jackson, was repairing the handle on a butcher knife when hi 5-yr-old son. (lande, ran against the blade, cutting a deep gash in his beek. He died the same evening from the effects of the wound.' John H. Eriekson, an uneducated Sweed who was sentenced from Marquette county November 22, 1-7:S, to state prison for Ufe for murder - the shooting. during a quarrel, of a gambler with whom he had been drinking and who had succeeded in fleeuing hiin out of nearly $100, has been pardoned. Gov. Luce has commuted the sentonce of Michael McGraw, who was sent from Wexford county August, 1877, to fifteen years at Jaekson for manslaugbter, so that he will be released March 11), ISsS. There are over Ü0 cases of measles in the reform school at Lansing. lijarnos Bros.' paper warehouse in Detroit was destroyed by Ure the other night. With tbe damage done to adjoining property, the loss foots up about $150,001) with $85,000 insurance. At a meeting of the state executive board of the Knights of Labor held in the city of Jackson, Fehruary 7, 188$, it was decided to invite the trade unions, labor organizations and farmers' associations of the state of Michigan to meet in conference in the rity of Detroit at some date to be hereafter determined upon. Each organized trade, occupation or fraternity will be entitled to three delegates or representatives for the state, eaoh brancu or trade to bear the expense incurred by their delegates. The meeting will be -tyled a "Congress of Labor," and it is adviseil that no delegates be sent except those who have made a study of the needs of particular oceupations and are practieal, sensible persons. For further information address T. M. Sheriff of Kalamazoo. (.'hief Justice Sherwood has filed a disenting opinión in the test liquor cases npon three points upon which his asso■utuí eoncuired. He holda that while arrests without a warrant cannot be made on tiays nnd hours when hquor may be lawfully so'.d, it does not apply at other timet ; also that the forfeit of any uuearned portion of the tax and restraining ; tbe violator from selling for a period is ! neither uausual norunreasonable. He also disagrees with bis associates in their position upon the metropolitan pólice clause affecting Wayne county. The country roads of Michigan are said to be fnirly swarming with trampg. Groveland, Floodwood and Wilbeck are new stations on the Milwaukee & Northern railroad l etween Iron Mountain and Republio. A circuit court jury at East Saginaw ordered that Joseph J. Harvey and Henry Brown pay Theodore Howick tl,000 for false imprisonment. Uarvey caused Brown to arrest Howick and a friend for being drunk and disorderly, and they provecí an alibi. Then Uowick brought the suit for damages. President VVillir.s says that a hospital is needed at the agricultural college. Henry W. Bejmour, the newlyelected congre8sraan from the eleveuch district was formally sworn in ou the 8d Inst. The tfirra of the new congresman will last exactly one year, beginning and euding March Sd, und his salary will be a round Í5 000. Fred Van Vranden of Michigan has been appointed to a $1,000 clerkshíp in the office of the surgeon-general. U. K. Calkins and J. W. Turner, Michigan men, have been appointed posto tli e inspectora. .-. Michigan's Christian Enleavor societies will hold a convention in Lansing, April 24. The farmers' land and trust company has taken possession of the i'outiiic, Oxford &. Port Austin railroad and is operating tue same. The truit company held a mortgage on the rond. Charles Kardemen of Calumet was shot and instantly killed while fooling with a revolver the other day. An interesting relie has been added to the state museum, the same being a sword carried by one of John Brown's men dur ing the Kansas trouble and at Harper's Ferry. It was presented by a postmaster in Kansas to Wm. Foster of Kansas City, and I y him sent to Lansing to his father, Robt. Foster, to be placed ib the state museum. Sportsmen eay that there is every indi' catión that the grayling will soon becoine extinct in Michigan streain. Anna Marie Lynch, daughter of Anna Berger Lynch, the famoua concertist, died of diphtheria at the family d welling in Jackson on the öth inst. She was eight years old. She was a beautiful chíld, a picture familiar to many strangers, hav ing been photographe-1 in different attitudes by Saxony, the famous New York artist. Sbe was endowed with rare niusi cal and mimetic talents and inherited generally the gift-i of the famous Berger family. I.eigh Lynch, the father, is on his way to Australia on tbeatrical busi ness and ennnot be advised of his calamity for some weeks. A letter has been received at the executive office asking the governor to do what he can, through the public press and other wise, to prevent Michigan citlzens irom being lured by unscrupulous land agent; into emigrating to and purchasing landt in Virginia. The writer says thonsandf have gone there and purchased land upon the representations made in the circulan of these agents, and after a year ot two of hard work have found themselvet ruined, and been compelled to gire np all The fifteenth annual meeting of the Michigan branch of the woman's board ol ruissions of the interior will be beid at Reed City March 23 aud 2S. E. R. Sage, a farmer living near Mecosta, feil and broke his back the other day. Croswell wants a creamery or chees factory. Rodney Uounds of Wayland townsnip, Allegan county, shot himself the othei day, after huviiig liist set fire to his house. After the fire was subduod his blackened were found in the ruins, a revolver beside them. Kugene Clark has sued the sheriff o Clare county for 5,iJ00 for assault and battery and false imprisonment. Clark was in jail a few days and was dischargori without being arraigned in court. Byron M. Cheever, A. M., M. D., professor of metallurgy in the university, died on the lith inst. of a pulmonary and typhoid ailment, superinduced by a sever cold contracted on a recent trip in the mountains of Arizona. Prof. llowell bas been rc-engaged as superintendent of Lansing schools for twe years at $2,000 per year. The able editors of Petoskey have flxed np a corner on church socialu, having agreod to pay cash for such tickets ai they care to use, and to charge ten een t! a line for all the putting they give beforc the atl'air come; off.


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