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Febhiary 29, Sknatk. - The bill providing for compulsory education of Indian chililri'ii was discus?ed. The bill to estahlish a national art eommission was passed. The senate then resumed consideration of the bill grnntinfr pensions to ex-soldiers who are incapacitated for the performance of manual labor and proviaing for pensions to dependent relativos of deceased soldiers ond sailors. Mtn i I, Sbxatf.- Amongthebillsfntroduced and roferred was one by Mr. Palmer to revive thft grade of general of the army. The resolution reported by Mr. Sbe man, requestine the president to negot'ate a treaty with China providing that no Chinese aborer shall enter tho l'nited States, was takn up and after discussinn adopted. The pension bill was taken up, I the pending question heing on the ! ment offered by Mr. VVrilson of lowatoadd tho words "from the infirmities of age," Without reaehing a vote on the pending amendment. the senate adjonrneil. Hoi sf. - Mr. Blount of (íeorgia. from the 'committee on postoffices and postroads, reportedly adversely a bill prohibiting the transmission throngh the mails of newspapers containine lottery advertisements. House calendar. The floor was then accorded to the committee on foreign affairs and Mr. Rcbnont of New York, under in-truetions from that committee, called up the Joint resolution accepting the inyitation of the Frenen Republio for the l'nited States to talie part in the international exhibición to be held in Paris in 1SSO. Mr. Relmont then called up the joint resolución authorizing the president to arrange a conference to be held in Washington in 1-ii for the purpose of promoting arbitration and encouraging reciprocal commercial relations between the I nited States and república of Central and South America and the Empire of Brasil, An nmendmont was adopted, making one of the questions to be considered bv the conference the means of direct communication between the l'nited States and the other countries. The resolution was then agreed to and the committee having risen, both joint resolutions considered by it were passed and the house soon adjourned. Mak'ii 2. Housb. - The house went into committee of the whole on the private calendar. The comraittee resumed the consideration of the "'Omnibus" bill, which irovides for the pavment of thirty odd claims for supplies used for tho army during the war, reported by the Court of Claims nnder provisión of the Bowman act. The bill was agreed to and reported to the house. The evening sessïon was de voted to the consideration of pension cases. Makch 3, Hotsr. - The Pacific railroad telegraph tiill was passed. Mawii 5, Rkxate. - Mr. Reagan, from th committee on postoffice' and post roads, reported advorsely the Kdmunus and CulI n in bilis for the establishment of a postal te'egraph, and renorted favorably an original bill to regúlate inter -state commerce earried on by telegraph, and to sub;ect telegraph comp'inies to the supervisión of the inter-state commerce commission. Mr. Cnllom inílst'd and moved that this bill should be re'erred to the inter-state commeren committee. The bill and report were laid upon the table. The nrgency deficiency hill was taken up and discussed until the hour of adjournment. Hirsi-.- A resolution was introduced and referrod to the committee on commerce, nsking for an inyestigation of the trouble betwaen the Chicaso, Burlington et Ouincy railroa'l company and the brotherhood of engineers. Several bilis were introduced and the remainder of th sesion was devoted to the consideration of conte-ted election cases. Mar h B, Bünatb. - The senate basadonted with' ut debate the ehnnge of its rules by which a troaty may l;e niade public or oonsiilered in open gession whenever desired by a maiority of the senate. Mr. Morrill, from the committee on finance, reported adversely Mr. Beck's bill for the is ne of coin certificates. Mr. Heek will endeavor to have the bill taken up for considemtion on Tiiesday next. Mr. Morell reported back favorably thp bill to piovide for the pinchase of Cnited Stntes bonds by the secretary of thetreasury ani gave notice that he wou d cali it up at an early date. The senate then. at'2p. ra., resumed consideration of the unfinished business (the deoendent pension bil) the nuestion being an amendment oflTered by Mr. Wildon lowa to insert the words "from infirmities of oíd age." During the debate that followed Mr. Ingal's replied tn the remarks of .Mr. Vest a few dnys ago and was followed by Mr. Blackburn. Senate adiourned without ction on tho proposed amendment. Horas - Mr. Thomas of llliuo s introduced a bill prohibiting the use of portraiti of females for advertising purposes without consent of the person whose likeness is to be used. The house then resumed considemtion of the contestad election case of McDuT vs. Pavkison from Alabama. The minoritv resolution declnring McDuT entitled to the seat was rejected - yeas 123, navs 141- and the maority resolution declaring the sitting member entitle i to his geat was ndoi'ted without división. The house then. at 5 oMock, adjourned.


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