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Kral Lsuile lor ak'. ST 4TK OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, In the matter of the estáte of Jacob -chweilitev. deevased. Notice s heiebv given, that In puruancenf an ■ irder traüted to the unriersinea administrator ■ r thé es'Kle of said deceai-ed. by the Hon. Judge bate for ilie county of Wast tenaw, on toe . v. nth d.iy of Kei mary. A. D 1Í0-8, therc will iKStildar public ,tothe )iighet blddir, at lie lat refidence of gaid deceased. in the town ip of Lodl, in the county c f Wai-htenaw in Raid . on Tueaday the twenty-seT6DtJi dav of liaren. A. u ISSs, at teu o'cloax In Uie fnrenoon f Ihat daytsubject toall encunr run t-hl)y mort;uie oi' Otheiwlse exisiing at the time of the death of gaid deceased, the folluwing described real estutt-. to-wlt: Theeastoüc ilurdi f tliewe't half o' theFOiith [uarterol pmjlion thirty-four (84), in the ownhip f I odl, V.i)i:mihw county, Michigan. ll.l.IAM AFBILL, Daifd, Kebruary Tili, 1 8ö. Administrator, Estte of .Ino. Jacob Fistaer. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waslitpuaw O ss. At a aession of the probat court, for the loiiiuv "f Waahtenaw, holden at the probate of ace ui the clly "f Ann Arbor, on lriilay, tuif -of February. in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-tight. Present, WiUimn O. Harriman Judge of ProIn the matter of the estáte of John Jacob Fisher deceued. On readiug and flling the petitlon. duly verifled, f John A. Fisher praying that Administration of said estáte may be granted to Abram Tico or ome other suitable person. Thereupon, it is ordered, that Monday, the twelfth day of March nest, at ten o'clock ,n the foreuoon be assigntd for the hear mg of said petitlon, and that the heirs it hiw of Baid deceased, end all other per ions interested in said estáte, are required to apoear at a session of said court, then to be holden it the probato office, in tne city of Ann Arbor, in aid county, and show cause, if any there be. .vhythe prayer of thepetinoier should not be i-ranted: And it is further ordered, that said 'etitioner give notice to the persons intfrested n said estate.of the pendency of said pelition.aud ,he heariug thcreof , by causing a copy of this jrder to be published in The A nn Arbor Demrcrat a newspaper printed and circulated in said county tnree successive weeks previous to -id day f bearÍDILUAM D. HABRIMAN. (A true oopy.) Judge uf Probate, Wm. G. Poty. rrobate Keeister. Notice to Crcditors . OTATE OF M1CHIG N, Couuty of Waihtenaw O ss. Notice is hereby given, that by an order f rlie probate court for the county of S asbw naw, made on the 5th day of March, A. Ü. ix mor. ths f rom that date were allowed for rs to present their claims against the est'ate of Mary Howard, late of said county, teceased and that all crejitorsof said deceased ire required to present their claim to said pro late court. at the probate ofilce in the city of vnn Arbor. for examination and allowance, on nbefore the 5th day of Sept,, Dext, and that .uch claims will be heard before said court on uesday, the 5th day of June, and on Aidupsday the 5th day of Sept., next, at ten i'clock in the forenoon of each of said days. I atsd Ann Arbor, March B, A. D 1888 . WILL1AMD HARRIMAN, .Tudse of Probate Estáte of Jolianna O'Neil. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw 0 ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the county of Washtenaw.holden at the probate office in me city 01 Aun Aruur. uu Weduesday. the Tti. ay of Iah in the var one tnousand eigln undred and eighty eight. Present, William D . Harriman, Judge f Pro In the matter of the estáte of Johanna O'Keil 1 ceased. James Sage the adminlstrator of said estati', omes into coiirt and repre nts that he is no jr pared to render is tinal account as sueli dmi1 irrtor. Thereupon, it is ordered, that Saturday, the lst day ot .tiarc-h ii.j-tauL, al len o'clock in thtorenoon, be assigued for examining und allo ns; suuh accuut ard that the helrs-at-iaw ■f said deceased, and all other persons inter ■sted in 9aid estáte, are required to appeai ita session of aid court, then to be holdei it the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor ind show cause if any there bt., why the .said account -hould not be allowed: And it isurther ordered, that said admlnlstrator Kive notice to the persons interestec' nsaid estáte, of the pomiency of said account, and the hearine thereof , by causing a copy of thifc order to be published ín the Ann Ahbok Deï jChat, a newspaper priuted and circulatingiu said county tliree succeasive weeks pre vious to ■mid day of hearing, WILLIAM D. HARttlMAN. Atruecopy. Judge of Probate William O. Dott. Probate Refisrer 1. Mille l Miirgaret Moran. TATK OF UICHIGAS. county of Waehtenaw s. At a f essiou of the probate court for t)n jounty of Wasbtenaw, holden at the Probati Mllie in the city of Aiin ArbT, on Vedneda, the 7th day of Maren, in the year one thou-and eight hundred audelühty-elght. I'restjnt. Williain D. Harriman, JudR6 of Pro in thp matter of the estáte of Margaret Moran deceased . _ .unió .age the adrainistrator debonlnon of id estato, comes into court and representa that heisnow prepHri-dto reader hisflnal accouot as ueh ain inltrator. Thereupon It isordered, that Saturday, the Sist day uf March inst nt. at tel o'clock in the forenoTO, be assiened for examining apd etilouiug bUuh account anü that the heirs ai law of said deceased. and all other person interested in sald estáte are required to appear atasessionof said court then to be holden at the probate office lu the city of Ann Arbor. and show cause if any then be, why tht said accouiit should not be al'owed: And it is further ordered, that said adminlstratorgive notice to the persons inierested in saiu estáte, of the pendencj of said account, and the hearug tliereüf, by causini? a copv of this order to bepublished in the Ann Arbor Democrat, a newspaper printed and circulating in said county, tliree successive weoks preriou to said day WILUAM I. liARRIMAN, Atruecopy.) Judsre of Probate. Wm. Q. Doty, Probate Resdster. otiee to Creditors. ST VTE OF MICHIGAN, I ounty of Washtenaw, ss. Notico is hereby given, that by an orler of the Probate Oourt 'or theilount of Washte naw, made on the 7th day of March, A. D. l.vti six niontiis frum Hiat üate were alloed for ■reditors to prcuent their claims against the estate of Louisa Urelnn. late of said county. deieased, aud that all creditors of siiddeceased are required to present thelr claims to said Probate Court, at th Probate Ofüee in the city 01 Ann Aibor, for xaminatlon and alkwance, on orbefore the Tth day of Sept., next, and that mich claims will be heard before said Court, on Thursclay the "th day of June, and on FrMay the 7th day ot September nest, at ten cTrloek in the forenoon of each of said days. Dated, Ann Ar)or, March th, A. P. 1B88. WILL1AM U. H ARRIMAN, Judie of Probate. J' 11 l f Jyi. J JÖ 9 NKW Mm Store I pive tbeBIGGEST BABGAINS in the County in the Furniture Line. Call,-6ee and be Convinced. No. 11 East Ann Street, six doors Eaet of the PostofiBoe. Estáte of Herniaii Solilaek. Q TATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw O S8. At a session of the probate court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on I uesday, the 14th day of February in the year one thou8and eiffht hundred and eighty-right. Present, William I). Harriman, judge of probate. In the matter of the estáte of Herman Scblack deoeased. On readingand filiug the petition, duly verified. of LouLsa U. Rnpff praying that administration de bonis non ol said estáte, may bo eranted to fioitlieb Luick or some other puitabli" perwn. Thereupon, itisordered, thatMnndny, thelïth day of March next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon. be aNsigued tor the hearing of 6aid petition, and that the heirs at law of eaid deceased, and all othcr peraODS iiHcrested in 8aid estáte, are required to appear atasessionof said eonrt, tben tn he holden at the probate ofiftce, in the city of Ann Arbo aad show cause, if any tliere be, wby the prayer ot' the petitioner should not b granted: And it is further ordered that said peti tioner gire not ice to the persons in terested in said estáte, of the yendenc of said petition, and the hearing thereof by cauging a copy of this order to be publishec in the Ann Arbok Democuat, a newspaper printed and circulated ín said county. three successive weeks previou to sald day of hearing, WILLIAM D. HaRKIMAN, (A true copy) Judge of Probate Wm. O. Doty. Probate Reeister. Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw O x In the matter cf ihu tstate of Edwarc Drake, deeeased. Nctice 's hereby f?iven, that in pureuance f f an order granted to the ur deraiüned, aduilnistrator of the estáte of said de"eased by the Hon Judtf' of l'iobate for the couuty i'f aKhteHnw, on the 28th day of January, A. l., If88. there wlll be sol" at public vt-ndue, to the hitfhest bidder, at the iitiresidence oí saiti depeased in the towiiship of Lodi, inthecountj of Waslitenaw, iu Bnid State, in Tue-day the tweutivth day of .March, A. D. !8V8, at twc o'cloc ■ i the afternoon of th-t duy ifiubjfct to ali ercumbranc; 8 by nioiteage r otherwiae exístíng at time of the üeath of saiil deceasedj the folloning de.-cnLied real estáte, to t: The east half of ihenoithwest quarterof sectlon thirty two, exc-t the south ten acres and algo the el of land beginning at the southeast comer of the soulhwe-t quart rof section twenty-mnein the townof LiditVahteiiRv coun y. Michigan, and running t euce northerly alone theeast line i'f saidquartvr s-ciion sixty roils. t henee westerly Darallel wlth tl e south line t said qiiítrter section one hutidreü and 3ix rod and eleven feet, t henee southerly parulíel uith L e eat line of said q ai ter sectiou í-ixty roda. thence easter y along aid quarter section one hundred and six rod-1 and eleven feet to the place of beglunin, containing in all one hundred and twenty ( .20) acres more orless, in 1 o iiaforesaij, .l'O the west half of the suutbweet qiiíirterof íOctlon thírty two (3) iu t':e townehip of Lodi, Washtenaw cour.ty, Michiean. IJated, January th, lí-8. .OilSTOCK F. HILL, Adminlstrator. Renl Katate for Siile. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ► 8. In the matter of tbe estat9 of (Jeurge Maver. deceased Notice ia hereby given that In pursuance of an order gxanted to the undereiKiied admlnistrator of the estáte of said Ueoige May er, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the comity o( Washtenaw, on the twenty-eigh n day of Jauuary. A. e. 18 8 tere will be soid at public vendue, to the b'ghest bidder, at the late rendence of sald decea--ed, in the township of Lodi. in the county ot Wasbtennw, iu said state, on Til' sday, the 2.)th day of Maroh, A. T. 1(8 at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day 'subject to all encuuibrances by mortgage or otherwise existine at the time of the death of said deceased) the fofiowing described r-al ebtate, to wit : 'i'heeat three fourths (3-4) of the northei quarterof the southwestquarterof section twenly-nin (S9); also the north ocequarter (1-4) of the southwestquarterof thesouthwest qiiartrof section twenty-ulne (89); lso the nurth flve eights (S-8) of theeast half of the southwest quarter of seetlon twentynine (29) ; abo the east half (1-8) if ihe west half (1-) or the noutheast quarter of section twenty-niue (29). all in the township of Lodi, Waslitenaw couiity, Michigan. üated, January 28th. 18ea. COMSrOCK F HILL. Administrator. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having beon made for more than sixtydays. in the paymeut of interest and onei'stallmêut o( principal duo upoD accrtai'. raortgage datod November 1, 1864, execured by Albert A. Sorg and C'atharine Sorg, tais wife, to Jobuson W. Knlght, and recordedin the olllce oí the register of deJs of Waahtenaw, in the stuta of Michigan, in llbr sixtj-four of mortgages, on page )83, on the thirdday of November, iJ, and by reason of wlilob def.mlt said mortgagee has elected and declared the whole of tlie pi iucipal sum secured by said mortgaee, as dne and payable immediatei). and whereas tliere is claimed to be due for principal and interest at the dale hereof thesum of two thousand nint-ty rightdollam and eiuht cents ($.(Mt U8), (and no sult or proceedings in law or equity l.aving been inetitutei to recovt-r the aine.) whereby the power of sale contaiued iu said mormago has become operativo. Now, th-refore nolice is hereby given tht the said mortgace wfll be foreclosed by a sale of the moi tgageu premises at public uuctio to the bighest bidder, at the east front door of the court 'oue, in the city of Ann Arbr, (tliai being the place f ur holding the circuit court for thecouniyof Washtenaw) on the eighth day of .May, 1888, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon.w Imh said mortgaged premli-es, sitúate in iheoityoi Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw. and State of Michigan, are dfscribed as follows: Comiuencing 011 the east line of the alley eight (8) feet east from the northwest corner of lot num ber eitfht (8) in block two (2), Bouth of range flve (5), themeeast along the north line of snid lot() twenty-two (ák)feet, thence souih parallel to the we t line of said lot eiKbty-two (83) feet. thence west parallel to the nor! h One of auid lot twenty two (S) ft'et to tne east In' of said alle; tuence norih along the east line of said alley ekhty two iHÜ) feet to th8 place of of begnmiug. aceoniing to the recordcd plat of the village inow city) of Anu Arbor. " JOHNSON W. KXIGHT, Dated, Feb. 4, 1888. Jlortgagee. Wanted- Boarders at No. 7 Washingon street, east. Jno. A. Bobison, city Ecaveuffer, uses only tight barrels. No. 81 Wall street, Fifth Ward. Mortcape Sale. DEFAULT havine been made for more than sixty days, 1l the payinent of an iaatallment of the principal sum due upon a ciertain mortKage. dated .November flrat, one thousaud eight hundrtd and eighty-four, executed by Alben A. Korg and Catbarine Sorg. his-wife, to Johnson W Knight. and recorded in tbe office of tbe Register of lieeds for the county of Washtenaw in the state of Michigan, in líber 64 of mortgages, on pagi' 3S4. on the ihlrd day of November. 1884, and by reason of whicn defauit eaid mortgagce has e!ected and declarad the whole of the pnncipal sum fccuri'il hy said mortgage as due pajable immediately, and whereas there ia claimed to be due for principal and interest at the date hereof the sum of two thousand forty-one dollars and thirty three cents (8,011 83.lOOths), and no suit or proceedings in law or equity having been in' stituted to recover the same, whereby tbe power i of sale contained therein became operative. Now ! therefore. notice is hc reby given that the said mortgage will be f orecloscd by a sale of tbe mortKased premisesat public au.;tion. to the highest bidder, at the east front door of the court house In the city of Ann Arbor, (that being the pla e tor holding the circuit court for Washtenaw county) on the eighth day of May. 188, at eleven o'c oc in the forenoon, which said mortgaged premises situated in the city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw ; and state of Michigan, aie described as Commencing at a point on north line of lot eight $)in block two (). sonth i f range flve (5) east, thirty (30) feet east fro n the northwest corner of sai J lot (right), thence east on nald line twi nt) -two (i ) feet; thence south para lel to the west liue of said lot -ighty-two (82) feet, thence west paral r 1 to the nrth line of said lot t eutytwo(i)feet. thence north parallel to the west line of sam lot pighty-tvo (fUi) feet, according to the recorded plai of the villuge (now city) of Aan Arbor. JOHNSuK W. KNlUHT, l'ated, February 4, 1888. Mortgagee' Jú al Estáte lor Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of vvahtenaw, 0 ss. lu tbe nialter of ibe estáte of Lewis tritj deeei ed. Notice Is herebv ?lven, thai in purcuance of an 1 rd. rKruiitFdto iheundenJKued.exe. utorof the lust wlll ai.d tf-taiiitnt uf sa d dect-aseu, by tlie Hon. Judge uf Probate f r tlie county ot Wahtenaw, on the ü.bt duy of htbnmry, A. D.. 1HS, tliere will be solu ut public veudue, tothphiyhe8t bidder, at t eeit fiont doun f the court house, mi city of Ann Arbor. lu the county of Washteuaw, lu said s-tme, ui. Tuesday the tentb day uf Apr 1, AD, 18.-8. at t -n o ciock in the foreuoon i f that day subject to all encuni tirancc by n.ort„'uge or otnerwi.-e ezistlug at the time of the deutn of su id dceeased, tue fu.luwinjj üe. cnted reai estáte, to-wit: Lot oue, two, turee, four, flve, slx. seven and unt teen, and eatt huif' f lo eighi.and lot eleven ano twelve. an( the north geventeen feet of the rtli fifiy feet of the lot Ij 1. g next i-outb of ot welve, excepting al. tbat part of iot one. ivo, hrte and eleven, cODveyed to T.. A. A &N.M. í'y Co , by deed recoroed in the Kegi&ter'a office ör county, inliber 78, page 55, all in block three south, muge one east. accordinif to he plat of W. w. Majiiord's first addition to the villaue (uow city) of Ann A.bor. Michigan. Aleo he followjng piece of land rituate i ann being in he city oí A u Arbor, co'iutj and mate aforenald: ïetiiMiing atapoiLt forty leet west from Ihe Oitheast c inerof lot flve in bleek two south of Huron street, in range four tat in Ann Arbor .foresaid, runnii.g ihence west twenty and oneliaif feet. tlit-me nc nh to ilie north line of said lot, theuce eat twenty and one-hi fret, tbence sout'i tuthe place oí beginning Alsothe ceitain pieces or ! arce. sof lana Uuattil in thetown-hip ut -vnii Aih r, county of Wa6httiuaw. stat of .ioliivan, di'scribedasfuilowB to w t: Beninnirig at the noitliwet corntrof the Southwest quari er ei sectioij thii t -one, in town two souii, range six eaxt, and running southalong the wes,t line of sant sectiun eiliteen cbains and three link to V t}mlUla luud, tht-nce east four ohafus and thlriyfoor and one-half links, tl-ence nortb elirhteen chains and tbree links to ihv quartt-r li e, tlience westerly along the quarter line four cnain and thirty four and one-half links to the plaue of beginning, containíng aoven and eihtytliree one-huudrrdi h (7 gSlOOth) acres. Also all of the north half of the west half of the gouthwest marter, and all of the west half of tbe northwest quarter of sectiou nineteen, townbip two south, rauge sis eas', in Michignn, lying outh of Uexter road in the tounship of Aun Arli r, county of WashU-uaw. and state of MlohiS-n. M1CHAKL J. ÍR1TZ, Dated, February 21, 1088. "txecutor. 'otlce to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw .-b. -Notice is hereby given, that by ao order of the Procate court for the L'ounty of ashteiiïiw. madt on the Hth day of February, A. D. ifc88, bixmoDths irom that date werealiwed for reditors to present their claims against the estáte of LIizabeth A A. Wiut'gtr. late of -ait county, dec-astMt. un i tli-it al credit trs of siiid decea ed ar required to t recent their claims to said Probate Court, at the Piobate OiHce, In the city of Ann Arbur, for exainm.itiu and allowance, on or before the lUb day of August next, and that such claiuis will be heard before aid Court, on vionduy, the llih day of May, and on Tuesday the lith day of August next, at ta o'clock in ttie furenoou of eacti of said days, Dat"l, Ann Arbr, Feb. I4tb, A. D., 188Ö. VYlbUAil V, HARRLM AN, Judi;eof Probate. Kaal Estáte for Sale. STATEOF MICHI&AN.County of Wahtenaw.. 88. ín the matter o. the est-ueuf Joliu Quig ley, cleceased. ííotice is Uereby given, that Id pursuance of an order gr m tod to tue u derMgned, executor of the last will and testameul of said deceased, by tlie Hou. Judge of Probate for the couuty of Waslitonaw. ou theïfith day of Alaren, A. U. 887. ihere will besold at public veiidun, to the bigheet bidder, at the east front duur of the court liouso iü the citv of Ann Arbor, in the cuucty of Wash trnaw, in said st le, u Saturday the --Itfi dav of ilarch. A. u. l-8, at ten o'clouk in the forcnoon of tüat day, subject to al) encum ran esbymortgaeor ocberwue exi.sting at the time of the death of said drceased, tue following described Vtín etate, to-wit: The west ualf of the southwoat quarter of eection ten (Ju), and the east half of the southenst quarter uf section nine (9), ia tuwu one (1) south, iMiit-six (6) eaeit, (Northneld.) Washtenaw couny. ui Mcliig n. ten (10) a rea from the southwasi quarturuf Uuds on section len (lU)and ten i.I ■) acre-i off the aoutheast quarter of' land uu st'ciiun nine {}, novowneduy [arcilla Aun , o'Connor QfláBLBS H. K1CU HON i, UatHd. February I 18S8 Erwutor. DU. II. K. AKiN ü 1'. OFFICE over the First National Bank. Hou: iü:3 a. m. to 12 m,; 2:3" to 3:80 p. ni Can ue reached at res dence, West Uur n street uhe ■ Prof. Nichols' place") by telephooe, iNo. 97, aud will reply to calis iu the eve&ing.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat