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Easter Sunday, April 1. O. O. Sorg was in Battle Creek Saturday. 8t. Patriok's day one week from to morrow. Mrs. Henry HuwkiuH spent Sunday in Detroit. Deputy Sheriff Scholt was in IoniaFriday last. ,,"Dick" Leonard, of .Milan, was in town Monday. Jas. Clemeus returned from New Vork city Sunday. 'Hiere were seven arresta by the polic in rebruary. Village officers are to be elected in Sa "ne, Monday. inJti W-..Brower of Lapeer, visited friend in the city over Suuday. Mum Minnie Pierce, of this city, ha been vi8itiDg frienda DundeeiHrank M'nnis of Jaokson, bas been via ing ow old home for several days. Beautiful March weather. Busmess is dull in the jus-tioe shops. See tbat pair of kids, and enjoy a good laugh. Hou. A. J. Sawyer hag returned trom BoBton. Sam Douglas, of üetroi', was home Sunday. Mr. Win. N. Stevens was at Whitmore Lake this week. Electiou of munioipal officers three weeks froni uext Monday. Minuie Madderu played to a good sized audience Alonday eveniug. The daily mail route bet ween Ypsilanti and Belteville bas been reiustated. The trial of jury cases will be taken up in the circuit court next Tuesday. Blrs. H.W. Hayes, soon expeets a sister from Centerville, ihis state, to visither. '1 hey have the measles at the agnoultural college and retorra school in Lansiug. Mr. W. K. Childs will read a paper on Alaeka, before the uuity club next -V'ou day evening. Mrs. A. Wedeumeyer and daughtir Ne. lie, of Lima, were the guests of Leonlard Gruuer, over ijuuday. Dr. Heury Haskell will close bis seventeeu years' paatorate of the Baptist cuurcü, ot Una cii, April 1. The conncil Monany evening ordered he recorder's annual repon pubhshed ïu he Courier aud Demockat. Qustave Roehtn, the present deputy county trexsurer, will be u cuudidiito fui he otfice of ticasurer this f all. The helpers' band of the Presbyterian cliurch will give an entertainment tiun evening in the churoh parlors. Mrs. R. T. Siinford left Monday for Ogdeusbnrg. Wis., to visit a siak sister ut she bas not seen in 31 years. Jno. Moore, city treasurer, settled witli he county ireasurer Tuesday aud renrned n ;(!"). n4 uncolleotiible tax. Ernesi Krueger will opi n his new phoograpb gallery, Blurota 1. Houms over i. J. liruAU drug ature. Seo ad. Hou. Thos. Koyer aud wtfe, left Vedui'sdciy for Uot iáprings, Arkausa, ia the popular T. A. A. & ÍS. Al. liv. Samuel Alexander Humilton Smitb, reortH greut titsiiiun at Zukey lake. Aud vbut üain a.vs oau alwaya be relied on. J. W. JStimsou wbd was tiio guest of lis brutlicr tred 1 . ijtimxou, for evei al u.)B, hus returued to bis üouie ïu Toleo. Juo. Beaban has move.l the old Gross man nüop ou Uathai iue Bt. out to llie reat f lii Uut, and ld tiMug it uver .uto a aru. ü. E. Frazer addreased tbe Alger olub i (Jhelsea, last Friday eveuiug.aud made no uL lus charactenstio spread eugJe LICBCI ICtS . "A Pair of Kida" to-inorrow uight at ïegiand upura üouee. IC yon wuuld njoy a hearty laugü don't miss tue uteriainment. Oscar Grisson oí Hamburg, was 111 the ïty Tuesday, aud sold to Heury Alatiüew8 u load of beef, about as tiue a one vould wislito see. Wm. üonnegou of Northfield, out bis eg seriously while chopping woud one ay Jast week. Dr. Smith wan called and ïopes to save the lirnb. Willis Newmau of ScLoolcraft, died in ns city last saturday, in the 89th year f lus ut: Tbe remaios were taken to lis tornier home for burial. Jlrs. Sarah F. motber of Mis. M. (J. lJetersou, of tbe first ward, led Saturday morniug. The remaius were taken to Garrettsvtlle, O., for ïnterment. Moses G. Neithammer asks tbe city for 500 damages in coneequrnue of au iujuy he received in front of tbe old Chase roperty, corner of Liberty aud Jowett reets. Fred Avery, formerly of tbis city, dow f tbe Central botel, Adrián, was tbe ucky bolder of thu ticket whiub drew a old watcb at tbe re last week in ïat city. Frankfort on Lake Michigan votes Mareh 19 on raising 75,UUO for public mpruvement to aid tbe T., A. A. & N. .1. L K. in securiüg tbe ngbt of way througb ie villuge. Ex. l'res. Amlrew D. White late of Coruell, bas beou appointe i üy the U. b. euate, regent of the bmithsouian iustlute in Washington, to suceeed tbe ate Asa Gray. Au uuoccupied farm house owned by . H. (JiiitenUeu de.-troyed by tire aturday mght. iusured for $1,2 0 il ie Waabieuuw mutual. Tbe Ure was je wurk of ïuceudiunes. Bishop Uurria will aduiinister the rite f joulirai .tiou in fcit. Audrew'a Ouuroli iay 13 He will preuc.i lu Uexter in tbe muriuug, in Delbi in the afternoon aud u tuis i:ity in the eveuiug. Duriug tbe moutb ol February Chicf bipley diew orders ou the cuutiuneut uud lu favor of the ïudigeut pour to t n ujouutot SÍ32J.71: Firt wmd, 27. 9ö; ecuud, 18 VI; thud, f4ï.t4, tourtü, 18l.öU; titlh, $91.01; sixth, S14. The Charlevoiz Seutinel speaks of dnuking eiuus and uold tea rui-ortn - ■■. lusHof deus tiiat do moie mu l'ian duuble heir uuiuberof UceusL-dsaloous." 1 bat's vhat the oppouents of Joual option liave aid all the time, titrauge that tbe peoile sbculd ee a point so soon alter it is 00 late. In Harria' Xew tíeed Catalogue for 1888 tbere is a valuable arlicle on feitilizuis tor tbe garden f rom ihe pen of Joseph Harria. 1 here is uo more reliable autborïty. 1 be catalogue is tiee to all wbo seud their address on a postul carJ to Joaepb Harris Öeed Co , .Moretón Farm, Kocbester, N. Y. Au excbange tells of a subsoriber to a certhiu paper wbo died and lift fourteeu ears' Bubsuriptiaii unpaid. 'llio editoi ippi'iireii at tbe ravu wnen the lid wuh jeiug serewed down for ihe laai time, auil ut in a huen duuter, a thermometer, a ittlm leut tan, iud a recipe for making irüticial 10e. Uetroit is to have the naiional prets oonveutiou iu Juue; and May ü 31 tLe Michigan p.ess associ ition bas called the jeucii pu8hers and scissor ediiors toxetür. Cau Detroit Rtaud so muny bright ntellects in her muist in so shon a time :ud will the seedy looking editor feil out of place amontr so mauy, ïf so, don't let as go. In soine unaccountable way the name of Aume Andrews, grauddauKhter of Beu Browu, wbo died, Feb. 2t, appeared iu the DtsiocBAT of last week, as Aunie Edwards. Ibe only excuse we can offer lor Bucb a gross miBiaké is tbat the item was set up by a greeu hand who coulü uot read our writinsr, and that our proofreader ovtrlooked it. The Chicago Herald of March Htb, 1887, saya of Mr. Keudall: "Air. Keudall tirst tnade his mark in "We, Us (Jo." and afttr growiug strong enougb to "go it aloue" Btarted out with "A Pair of KidV a oompositioij which he lias revised and improved in a huinoroiis wiy until it ia as amusing as any of the eccentrioities on tlie road and beter thau most of tliem. Jeunie and Artliur Duun supplerneut Mr. Kendall's effort very cleverly." The Opera House was crowded to guffocatiou by the Robinson-Hoover i ombination. The play "Gbeckered Livea" was ably preseuted. Miss Eckert again showed herself to be au aotresg of rare power aud versitality. Mr. Kobineon as "Jingle" a Liawyer's Ulerk presented a bit of remarkably üue character acting. His.druukeu sceues were o true to uatnre that it caused remurk iu the audience, "he's been tbere before," althougu lie never touches liquor. In the third act Mr. Kobinson was simply grand, lis wi.udeilul atruggle against thfi temptation to drmk was magniticent and elecited rounds of applause, becoming an ovation when he said, "Jfo 8ir, i VVon't." No greater temperance leoture was ever deliverd to an Adnan audience. The ooinpany in support was also very good.- Adnan, Miob., Times. At the Grand all next week. Registration, Maroh 28. Next Sunday is mid lent Sunday. N. B. Nye died this morning. County clerk Howlett is m Leslie. Another sign of spring. The boys aro out with thoir bioyoles. Attend the pronouncing contest in university hall this evening. Dr. Pomeroy, of Calumet, spent Sunday with relatues in tuis city. A. Traver and wifd, of Springport, spent Sunday with D. V Fall. Meeting of thé oarpenters' union next Monday evening in their rooms. The circuit court jurors are summoned to be in attendance Tuesday Maroh 13. Prettyman's boarding house was sli.sbtly'damaged by firo lart Monday evening. Mrs. Lizzie Tuttle, of Enst SagiDaw, is visiting relativos in the city this week. Skating on the river this week has been eDJoyed by many young tnen and womea. A state Sunday sohool oonvention will be leid in Teoumaeh next Thursday and Friday. M. A. Patterson, of Holly, was the guest of Prof. and Mrs. Molaohlan over iáunday. Alice, the 13-year old daughter of Mrs. C. Sohumacher died Tuesday, of oonsumption Miss Hattie Keith. of Dexter, spent a few days tlus week with her uncle, Geo. H. Pond. Dr. Kellogsr, James Murray, VV'ill Lodholz and El i Ma i ly are apeuding the week al Zukey Lak e. John, son of C. Burnett, of Salem, and b high school studeut has become insane from overwork. Mr. and Mrs. Brown, of Iron Meuntain, Midi., expect to make their Uome in this city with theirson, l'rof. Gayley. Help the boïby attending the pro nor.ncing cont'egt in uuiversity hall tor the benefit of the gymnasium (und. Rcv. Mr, Sunderland will speak next Sundtt.v eveuing in tlie Uuitariau clmrch ü " Miraclea ia the Light of ïo day." Junins E. Beal atteuded the öoottish rite Michigan sovereign eonsistory oou vocation one day this week in Detroit. Mrs Ann Nortb, who nas been iu Anu Arbor tlie past six months, leaves for Detroit next week to remain (or aoiue time. Uev. T. W. MncLean, lato rector of St. ',uke's chiircb, Ypsilauti, bas commenced bis pastorate of Triuity church, Bay City. Mrs. HHttie Barker of Flint, was tlie srueet of her brother and sister George H., and Mies Abbie PoDd, the ürst of the week. Wedne-day evening the mouthly meet ing ot the offiíers and teachers t( St. Andrew's Sunday school, was held at Hobar l hall. If any of our oitizens so wish they oan have the opportunity of hearing Mrs. Jumes Brown-Porter as she plays in Detroit nest week. Mr. Bramdon formerly editor and proprietor of the Charlotte .Leader, recently ptirrhased by the Bryan Bros. was in the oity VVednesday. To-morrow afternoon at 2 o'olook there will be a meeting of the agncultural and hortioultural society, in the basement of the oourt house. Mrs. Sunderland will give the fifth of her talks on famous pictures, "Guido Reni's Aurora" next Monday evening be for the unity club. A prohibition convention wiil be held ia this city sometime next month. A big time is expected. The Silver Lakequar tet is expected to be uere. Israel Hall offers 85.000 cash and 2? acres of land for the fair grounds. The board of managers will meet tomorrow to consider the proposition . Judge Kinneon opening oourt in Monroe, made a hort talk to the members of tlie bar, but here lie had nothiug to h;i Tuesday, when eourt convened Gi'leon R. Payne, of this city, father of Prof. W. 11. Payne flied suddenly Wednesday night of heart disease. The remains were taken enst for burial. A. Wilsey, one of our energetio business men, is building an addition on the rear of bis new ston on S. Four.h street. It lias been rented to a couple of men from üuio, who will open a steam laundry. W. A. Tolchard has resigned bis posi tioii ascasliierof the Farmers' & Mechanica' bank, and will make bis home elxewhere. We regrei to lose Mr. Toloham from mr midst. Connty treasurer Belner has been appoiuted uashier témporarily. Ann Arbor Commauderv K. T., elected the following offlcers Tuesday even hik: Cütir. E. HiBcock, E. C; Beuj. F. Wa ta. deii'o ; C. ö. Kall, C G.; b. V . (Jlarksun, prelate, L. C. Goodrich, S. VV. I. L. Sume, .1. W.; D. C. F. II, treas. Jobn K. Miner.reeorJtr; N J. Kyer.utV J LMjuier; (ieo. .VV. Aullen, sw'dbenrer; A '. Nicholp, warden; W. VV. isichcls, Wm U. Doty, Thos. f. Hill, trustees. "The Opera House was fllled and overtiowing the closiug night of the Eckertitobiiisou (Jombiuation. Miss Kckert aas proven herelf to be au acties ol rare ment. Mr. Harry C. Hobiuson i the most versatile comedian we have ever seen iu our city, and not ouly compared w II with all the leadiug comediüus of the oouuiry but Burpasnes iu iibihty the greater part of tliem. TIn upportiug compauy is far above the average. - .Uausüeld, O., lierald. The Chicago Jouruul says this: "Since hut uonseueical skit, "A Pair of Kids,' .vus given in the city last fttll, Ezra V. it-iidall, who Bssumes the leuding role, uas made dicided improvements in the neet; as presented at Hooiey's Suml.o ovening, and proved more satisfaetcr) than on auy formur productio'i, auü Rept a large aiidiencu laughing tLrougliüut the eveuing. The oompauy givecompetent support, and the specialtie of Jeunie aud Arthur Dunn, Fntz and vV'ebster aud others are good." Monday was Mrs. O. B. Church's birthday, and it was rem. uibereil by her man fneuds who surpnsed her, bnugiug witli them emble.uatio prooi s of tbeir kind fe liugs for her During the afternoon a pleasaut social visii was enjoyed. A f ter ea the couipaay was reiutorced by souie 3J or 40 ouug people wlio carne to help uer celébrate her uirthday by addin to the festivities of the hour. The eveiuuy was peut in pleasaut conversation, muñic, games, and dancing, Mm. O. was the recipiënt of numerous ueeful and ornamental presenta. The average protection sheet takes deliht in telling Ua reailers that yeara ao under freetradea buguelof wheat wouid buy 01 ly two yards of oalioo or sbirtini;, itud that in thoau days a huahel of coru WDulil buy omy one pjund of uails.wlnli dow tUe same quautity of gram would uuy ten timea that amount. These same japerB forget to state that while yean. igo books t-ost dollar, they can nuw bc ijought for ceuta, and tüat the present tteeming oheapueas is due to improved inaohiuerv. Au open market would ield still more pouuda of muis and yardd of goods per busbel of grain, The ürst net back that seotional probibitioo ha reoeived is m Waubtenawcounty, wbere the measure was defeated by nearly 1.7U0 majority. Tbii evidence of good sense m dealiug with the teuiperance question, surprised even the Wasblenaw people, aud ït ia said maken a cbill run down the spinal column of Ccngressman Allen, who hasso vigorously favored oieasure tbere. When one considers tbat tbu univeisity and normal school are botb in Wasbtenaw county, aod tbat il is therefore, regarded as the hub of ïuteihgenoe a"d good mórula, the vote againat ïmpritctioal temperauce cannot be wondered at. - Adnau l'reas. The Philadalphia society for the prevuntiou of oruelti to animáis basa whule museum of Instruments of torture which bave been conüacated at different times by the society. The Philadelphia Press says: " Ït is worthy of notior that none of tbe implemento were ever uaed by women."


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Ann Arbor Democrat