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Mack & Schmid's JANUARY Clmiii Salí. We've marked down our entire stook of WINTER GOODS, DRESS GOODS, SILKS, VELVET8 AND PLTJSHBS. Flannel Blankets, Ladiea' and ChildreiTs Cloalsis Knit troodf, Hoodg, Toboggans, Nubias, Skirta, etc, etc. We are ofïering the most marvelous valuea ever sbown in Ann Arbor. These goods must be oleaned out. The lo8 is ours. The gain is yours. alACK & 8CHMID. Cali and Se Thom. Ann Arbor, .Tnnunry 12. 1S88. Kueue Pair wüo was lujured by the cick of a horse one day laat week. whb uned thia moroins. WIIRNER & BRENNER No. 16 South Main St. A FULI, LINE OF FRESH GflOCHBiBS Juat Opened, of TEAS, COFFEES SUQARS and SPICES . We also carrv a full line oí PIPES, .TOBACCO and CIGARS. VEGETABLES In Season. WERNER & BRENNER. LEAVE [ORDERS. fob CE CRE AMS AND ICES OF ALL ÏFND8. MALACA GRAPES, Bananas, AND FLORIDA ORANCES, Constantly on hand, - - - at - - - HANCSTERFER'S. No. 28, South Main Street. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Organized 1869. un Ier the General Banking Law ifthksta' hasnow, in'-'-iding capital Stock, etc, etc. O ER $300,000 ASSETS. Business men, Guardians. Trustees, Ladies and other persons wlli flnd t liis Bank a SAFE AND CONVENIENT Place at whlcb to maVe Deposita and do business. Interest is Allowed on AH Savings Deposito Of $1 00 and npwurd. aceordinft to the rules of f' banu, and interest couipouuded semi-annuaUy. vioney to Loan in Sumsof (25 to S5.OOO. Serured by Unlncambered Real Estáte and other Kood securitles. DIRECTORS-Chritatn Mack, W. W. Wlnes. W. W. Harrmia ■, Willlara Denble, David Rinsey, Daniel Hjscock and VV. B. Smith. OFFICEEIS- Chrivtlan Maclt, President; W. W.aIdjm, Vice-Presldeat: C. E. Hlcoek, Caslier. !Jno. Eisele, Keeps All Kinds of ftwh Groceries AND Canned Goods. Tho Bost 5O oentTea in the Citv. No. 2 Detroit Street, Ann Arbor. JOHN MUEHLIG, fifiïAKEB. IROOM.SJ No. 35 South Main Street over A. L. Noble's store. KKsSI tEIV CE 611South Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich. MARTIN, Late with John MuehUg, ana stlll occupjing the ame rooms, Is prepared to d all kinds of t&Jif Jr ál 11 i H $ UpholsU'rlng and Finishing d:ne on Short No tioe. Leave;your orders for aoything in the FURtilTURE LINE. Shop over A. L. Noble's Star Clothing House, 35 South Main st., Ann Arbor. SPOONER PAT. COLLAR Cannot Choke a Horse, - _. Q Adjusts ltsclf to any Horses Neck. ■{9 Has two rows of Stitchlng. ■VW Will hold Hamos In place. J j Non Gtnuine unltss siamptd jSfB u vlUkour"TraU-Mark." J & K AtKYOUR J0t[ ■ ■ L MAKIR FOR TN(M. brfK ■ ■ Cj Brown Chinese Plant On Ivorv. A. Stock Pattern with as and can be had in separate plecas as well as sets and matotied for yeara to oom as readilv White Ware. J. D. 8TIMSON & SON, China, Grockery, Glassware, Lamps, etc. ANN ABBOE, MICH. SREETIHGTi We como bofore The people wlth the largesc and FINEST STOCK OF ALL THE LEADINC and Fashionable Styles of Cloths and Suitings íntlrely too nuracrous to men'lon for th outIting of the fine dre-sers. An1 & we huve the services of one of the be-tf outtera, and algo our ■'Ht ui ikcr-i ar Rinonti tie t3r. enibU'R us to the ra st aucinVle dras-iu-s. Not all we Caveto -ay i-i come in and we wilt :utirantoe you the lowest prlces in th stam for flnt-clas.oods. No troublo to show goods. Remomberthe placo, No. 6 East Hurón Street, four doors west of the Cook House W.C. BURCHFIELD. Palace Grocer ! I hare just received a f reh new stk of Both Forelgn nnd Oomestlc. wlilchl I eau sell at OREAT BAR'iAINS. My Fine Teas and Cotfees ARE UNEXOELLED. ' nave th flne'-'t and Tivipt complf te stock of ' 8TÜDEKT, LIBRA Rt, HALL and sTANO L-A-IMIIP S of any one in the county. Also a large 'Ine of Grocker, Glassware, and Decorative China. Come and purehase whlle the selection is com)pte and convince yourselvea that I Kve the 3EST BARGAIN8 of auv other store ia Aun Arbor. 3O Bars of Soap fo r 9 1 .OO. FRED T. STIMSON. No, 9 North Main St„ Ann Arbor, Mich. CEO. OLP ! PROPR1ETOR OF THE New Liverv Stable BoardinK and i armers' Foed Barn. At Baxter' Old Stand, Corner Huron and Second Street b.; FURNOUTS ALL NEW AND NEAL Charges Reasonable. Telephone Connection. H. LAUBENCAYER SBLLS j Bottled Beer I n Pints and Quarts and delivered to any part of the Cit' Free of Charge. Corner of Detroit and Catharine Streets, or leave orders at the PostofHce. Thfi Palace Liverv i - THE Fiiest ml Best Tirnils IN THE CITY. LIVERY AND SALE _S-ba"ble. _. JAS, W. ROBISON, Prop. No. 21, South Four.h St., Ann Arbor Mich, Telephone No. 31. The Best Coal in the Cit . For Both Hard and Soft Coal cali on M. STAEBLER, NO. XI WEST WASHINGTON ST. Teiephone No. 8. HENRY RICHARDS, Ib again in business. This timo in the rear of Jno. Finnejrau's Agndilturat Hall, Detroit street. -ALL KINDS OFHARD AND SOFT WOOD on band, and orders taken (or COAL. I will also lay in a stock of HARD WOOD LUMBER for tlie Spring Trade. Old friends and eusto.nuio are invited to cal) and see me. Henry Richards. RINSEV k SEABOLT, No. 6 & 8 Washington! St. Have on hand a complete stock of everythinR In the Crocery Line. Teas, Coffees, Suears, In large amounts, and at CaiSlhL. Prices And can sell at Low Ftsruren. The large invoice of Teas thev buy and sell, is good proof that In Quality and Price they Give Bargains. They Roost their own Coffeea "very week, and none but prime articles are used. Thelr Baker}' turna out exoellentJBread. Cake nd Crackers. Oall and see tbem.


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