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The cloae proxlmitv of Grand Forks and MinneapoUs lumber markets makcs that artlcie a great deal cbeaper In Dakota I hun In Kansas orNebrask'a. Aa a resul t, Dakota has much bet ter homes and buildings. Moxi" Y.nv.MiLrM Break a cold in twenty-four hoqrs. and prevent one under the most severe exposure, wtaile thelr u.-e do not render you more likely to tak cold nfterwards. Kvery wom'an kce;is a few In her reticule for nn emergency. 'n cold. damp days, you will see lots of peop'e in the dranghts of street car. sliuping one on their tongue. 10 cents a package of thirty-six. Druggists every wiiere. Moxie Nerve Food Co., Lowell, Mass., Prop's. The entire wheat erop of the United States eould be grown off Dukota's wheat land if ÜUed. and even then there wouhl remaln a vacant rea lareer than the combined fsurface of the States of New Tork. liaryland, Vermont, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Massaohusetts, Connecticut, Dclaware and Roo !e Mand. ltcliluK 1-lle. Kymptoms- Moisture; intense itchlng nn 1 itinging; most at uight; wor e by scratching. If al oie I t o continue tumors forin wlneh often bloed and ulcérate, belOKing very tora. í-waMie's intment etoi s the itctii. gand ble ding. h als uiceration, and iu n.any case removes the tumors. It is etjuai y e:lJcartious in curing all Skin Disensos Dr ttwa.n & Son, proprietors, Hii acleljihia. swayne's Ointm nt can be oltainei of druggists. Sent by mail for 50 c ts. A clergyman has been caught making clippings from brooki at the üritish museum. Baby carrioles in thelatest styles. Catalogue frora Ij. ü. Spencer' faetory mailed free. See advertí ement in this paper. The latest census gives Dakota a population of 508,477, a gain duriug the year of 63,477. Deafnrss Can't Be Cured hy loeal appllcattons, as they cannoi reach tb dtseased portion of the ear. Ther'1 is only n9 way to cure Deafntís. and that ts by coniUtutlonal reme dios. De kfne is citused by an intUi.ied Conditlon of the niucu.s Uninií ut tiie BasUMhaln Tube. When thls tube getslnllAnied. you have h ruintilhiK sound or imperfect heariliK, aml wUea ÍC is entirely eloip.1 DoaíDess Isthe reult. and unlen tlie lullammatlon can be en mu and th tu )e resuirril to its nornial comiitiun. heirinwtll he doitroyo 1 furever; nine caue out oí ten ure i-ause 1 by ctttarrh, wliioh K nothing but an Innam-jl condición of tho muca.s tarfaces. We wlil gire One Ilnndreii Dnllara for any cate of Deafnesi tcauMiM by Catarrh' ttiat wtt can n:tenre ty talcin Huir Catarrli Cure. seuJ for ciicular, free. F. J. C;issirlCo., Toledo, a tysolcl by Dru-.ii.i-ts, ... cent. Dakota has more sunshine and clear days to the situare mile than auy other country in the world. For Throat Diseases, Coughs, Colds ato., eílectual relief is found in the nse of 'Brown'8 Broncliial Troches." Price 5 cents. ÍSoll only in i oxes. Ex-President Grevy U an exquisito clns8ical sc:iolar. He loves music and painting.and has a chastened style in writ Ing mul speaking. The passions of nis old age are money and liis dauhtur, without whom he cottfd not live. Erery reader of this paper should carefully read C.W. Ac E. Partridge Free, Kree, 1 ree advertisement in another column how to save 11) to 60 per cent. llead and protit thereby. Let the stock-growers devote but an iota of the labor and expense to the care of their stock that is expended by the farmers of IowaJIIlnois, Ohio, or any State of the Union, and the raisIng of horses, cattle, sheep.and hogs in' Dakota become8 the oafest and most prolltuble investment in the world. Wftrr Vo. 114. FREE!- To Merchants ünly: An elegant Carving Set iknil'e. fork and steel), in a atin lined case Address at once. R. W. TaSMIA&CO., .V) State Strnnt. Ciiicigo. Senator Keagan of Texas, pronouncai bis name as if it were spelled Raygttn. "f'OiiKiiinptiuil ('llll 1 ii iril. " lr. J. S. Combi, Owensviüe, Ohio, says: I "I have given Scott s ICmuUion ot üod Liver UU with Hypophosphite to four ! patients with better results than eemed P038Í Ie with any remedy. All wer nereditary oases or lun ; dlseaM, nnd alvanced to that stage whon coughs paiu in ' j the obett, irequeuc breatliinx, fre ment pulse, luver and eraaciatiou . All these cases have increased in welsfht frora 1(5 to 2 lbs., and ale not now ne din ; i ny medicin." ' The assessed valuation of North Dakota U $71,000,000. 1 Greit things have ererhlnged on trifles. I fhe ürst fnmily ditlicnlty on record waeaused bv an app!e core; the la t we heard i f wil tho nogliKence of a father to keep j up t '.e suiply ot l.r. Ball'i Conghöjfnp wlieu all - muis had a co d. BaivatioQ Oil kill -. pain very time. Tor i cuts.bruises sprains, strainí, liurn calds, and rost bi tes it ij an infulhble i ure. Price only -'5 cents. Ex Uoa ern' r Alger i- said to have made from f.ÜOÜLOli to . 00 i,(:0j in Mie ig u pine When he went to Detroit to pructice law at the close of the war he was almost ienu.le.ia. The BvirHul Olrl In School. 'She's the sweetest girl in school!" en-; Chusiasticaliy exclain:e 1 oue youni? mi-a . to another, ast they paseddown thi street i logether. "..ditli i.s so kind, anu gentío, and uuselfi h, everyone li es her. And j she has lovely poldfn hair anil prettv íyes. Isn't it a pitv her complexion is so imd; it poils her ooks. And tiin she j has suca dre, dful headaches!" The jrirls akipped alone, but it huppened i dith'mother had heard what they said. It set lier thinking. What could be done for those headaches and the rouffh. muddy complexión, that was such a trial to her gentle dauRhter. tShe re.alleil what she Bad read of Dr. Pierce's (Jolden Midical Di8covery, an I on the spur of the moment she elij'ped into a drug store and hm lit a supply. l'.uith toolc it faithiully, with the result that it cleared her disordered , blood, relieved thu headaches made her skin soft. fair and rosy, and in. w she is not cnly the 'sweetest gir) in school," but the most I euitiful. Mm. Francés Hodgson isurnett, who is , in rlorence. italy, f t r the winter, has re ceived $8,000 for her story ' Sara Crewe," Irom bh Knglish magazine. Oft obscure the road that leads to health. ; L'nmarked by board or sign; Wisdom avails not. po .verles is wealth To sooth those aches of tliine. But do not despair, with life there's hope, The cloud couceals the sun; With Fierce's lavorite frescription at band Your liles full course may run. More trutn than poetry in these lines, as thousands of ladies all over the land now blooming with health, testify to the great curativo powurs of Dr. ï'ieice's Kavoiite Prescrlption, adapted by much research and careful study to the happy reliet of all those weinessesan.l ailmeuts peculiar to females. All drugyists. Dr. Bernardo, a l.ondon philanthropist, has obtained 6,00 I acres of land in nort western Canau a w..ich l.e hopes to con vert into an industrial farm to which home.ess Londo.i boys may besent. '-h-n-o! (:-h-o-oü r-h-o-oü! Don't sneezo, sneee, hawk, spit, blow, and disgust everybody with your ott'ensive breath. If you have a-rid, watery discharges from nose and eyes, throat di ease, causing choking seusations, cough, ringing noises in head, splitting beadache and other symptoms of nasal catarrh, that the j ers of Dr, sage 8 Catarrh Kemedy otïer, in good faitli. $500 rewurd for a case of catarrh which they cannot cure. The i Kemedy is sold by druggists at only 50 cents. The East can never compete with Dakota In the cheapness of producing a bushei of wheat any more than she can raise wheat of an equal qualltj. Bronchitis is rurad by irequent mail doses ot Piso's Cure for Consumption. A Carlisle dog committed suicide by pushing his head under a gate and choking to death. Catarrh CuredA clergyman, af ter years of u (Tering from that loathsome disease, Catarrh, and vainly trying every known remedy, at last found a prese ríption which i ly cured and saved bim from death. Any sufferer from thisdreadful disease sending a self-addressed stampedenvelope to frof. J. A. Lawrenoe, '2l' East Ninth St. New Y o ik, will recaive the recipe free of charge. Cheap Excnnloni Soulh. The much desired facilitieB for making cbeap trips for observation in the soutli have been próvido 1 by tbe Queen and ( re cent Houte (Cincinnati Southern Ry. ; Excursión ticket' to the general points of interest at rato of Uno Cent and a Half per mile for distance traveled will he so d "Keb. ïWth. Mareh lñth and 27th, April lOth and 24th, goorl for 'M days with privilege of stopping over en route south witjin ten days of date of sale. The express trains on ueen and Cresent Hqute leave Cincin natti lirand Central Station 7.88 a. m. and S.UO p. m. daily, connecting with all the leading Eastern and We tern lines. Tickets Irom your nenrest station shou'd read tlirough viaQueen and ('res ntltoute from Cincinnati. Full particulars upon applicatión to H. Culbran, Gen. Passenger Agent Ciucinnati. A good mauv have been built upon. but there are still 444 burying grouads in Londoti. i"on Dtspkpsia, Inoioktioï), depresslon of Spirits. General debility in their various lorms; also preventivo against Fever and Ague, other intermittent Fevers, 'l'erro-Phosphorated Klix:r ot Calisaya," made by Hazard. Hazard & Co., N. Y., sold by all druggists; best tonic for patients recovering from Kever or otner ïokness, it has noequal. George Vanderbi'.t, a son of William H. has ollered l,00 iKWifor tiie -'Seaman's Hetreat. " houso and grounds. at Stapleton. Staten Island, with the purpose of presenting it to the county for a court taouse and jail. iacobs m RHEUMATISM. 'heCaseStated.- Jan'y 17th,1883. Messrs George C. Ogooci & Co., drugfrists, Lowell Mass., wrote to the undersigned as follown "Mr. Lewis Dennis, No. 136 Moody street wishes to reconiniend St. Jacobs OU, ano desires esporially to say that : "Obin Hobixsok, of Grantville, Mass., boy of 12 years, rarae to his house in thi summer o1881 walking on crutches, hi; left leg bcine bent at the knee for over twe months, and could not be bent back. llr Dennis had somo St. Jacobs Oil in the house and gave it to bim to rub on his knee. li six davs he had no use for his crutches, anr went home well without them, as he hbeen ever since." 'orroborative and Concluslve Testlmony - Lowell. Mass., July 9, 1887.- Gentlemen Mr. ewis Dennis luis just called upon me, and infornis me that the boy Orin Rubinson. who was a pour oripple on crutches, nd was cured ly St Jacobs Oil in 1881; the cure has remained jicrmanent, The youne man ha. been and is now at work at manual labor; the rase certainlvproves the effieaoyol 8t. Jacobs Oil.- Dr. G'eo. C. Osoood, M. D. Sold by Dmggbb and Dealer Everywhen. iiifci"" -"■"' rn rn. RM'imore.Md. PILES, Itcliing or Blecdlng, relieved and perinanently cured by Cole' Carbollwihc Qet the Genoïne. 25 and 50 cents at dragcists or by mail. J. W. COLE 4 CO., Proprietois, Black Kiver Falls, Wis. IT WILL PLEASE Tour bcy or pirl aml your nelghbor'i bor or ftfrl to receive a pajner "all tlieir own." Try eending CUcm THE YOÜNG IDEA. The Hest Lowjprteid JurenUe Magazine Publl.iheI. IS puiges- l(f M I lluslrnted. Only "O cent per leal. A Rampto 0ODJ Cor cxaminMion frte. Addr. THE YOIT.VG IDEA, ORANT C. WHITXKY, Pub., BulvliIor,IU. j Cnres&PreTenti MA Colds, Bkm'fcVSJBÍr Cougha. BitIiIt! Sore Throat, BmHh Hoarsonoss, " Stiff Neck, ■PtoaaaMRM Bronchitis, B SÜmm JJmj Catarrh, H éWtVE' Headache, Wl jMLtfiffi Toothache, ItlijlaBL. Rheumatism, BPMMBP"p Neuralgia, "" Asthma, Bruisos, 11 Sprains, Quicker Tban Any Known Remedy. No matter how vlolrnt or fxcniclatlnjy tho pain the Rheuinatlc, Bedrlddt'n, Inilrm, Crlppled, iervous, Ni'uralgic, or proBtrateil with iilseat)s may gufCer, RÁDWAY'S REÁDY RELIEF Will Aflord lunlant Enne. INTBRNALLY-A half tou icaapooniul in half a tumbler of water wlll In a few minutes curo Cr&tnps, Spasms, Sour Stointich, Nausea, Vomitina, Iloartburn, Ncrvousnosa, SicepIcssnosB, Stek Hcadacho, Dlarrhcea, Colic, Flatulcncy ond all internal pain. j Halaría in lts varlous forms cured mul prevented. i There is not a remedial agont ín the world that wlll ] ! cure Fever and Agiio anti all other fevers (alded ; by RADWAYS PILLS) o quickly as RADWAT'S RSADT RELIEF. ACHES AND PAINS. For headacho(whether sick oruervous), toot hacho, ' neuralgia, nervousnesgj and nlocplessaess, rheumatlsm, lumbago, palns mul weakness In the back, splno or kidneya, palns nround the llver, plcurlsy, swclling of the joints and pains of all kinds, the nppllcatlon of Kadway' Ready liellef will afford lmmedlate ease, and lts continuad use for a few days flaot a permanent cure. JPrlc. Cü cent, i 8old by all drutrirlsts. LHSA DR. PH. D. PAUL, (SpS0 the EYE a Specialty. SP Hf !$) "C I.IXK.SKSS ' fÓMow'. nIBK-? in' Kranuljited 1 ds. i-all or 3y addrrfcs with btamp to Egülp' ik. pil j. r.TTT,, SU ;-urth Clark St.Chic[O,IU. Cleanses thegT?ftM BJ N as a I Pas ■ W ËkjöCusreCOUJl sages, AllaysiigHcÁjJ Pain and In-Kjávrrvro-SílS èfA f I am mation.LrttïlKJPLiJL H e a I s t h eS &&Í&Í Sores, R "HT H Senses jÍ5eL5 Taste a i Smell. 3FN& fojil TRY the CÜRE.HAY-fever A partkle I applleil lato och nostr!' and 1 Kreeable. Prlce 60 cents at dniL-slsts: bjr muil, rexlstered 80 cent. ELY BROT11EUS, 234 Greeavnch 8t„ New Vi.rk. Neuralgia, Headache, Sore Throat, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Wounds, Lame Back, And All Pains Of An Inflammatory Nature. Sold ly JlriiEclata. SOc. and SI. OO. lOXO BOOK MWII.FÏ) FKF.E. Addresa WIZARD OIL CO., _-. Ffc CHICACO. -,n-fB ay ■& MOraaJw' Tl CURES WHERE ALL ELSb FAILs' tal BI BestCouch Hyrui). Taste? good. Uso fS intime. Bold by drugjfistfl. fil__ I believe Piso's Cure for Consumption saved my life. - A. H. ttowEix, Editor Knquirer, Edenton, N. C, April 2.'!, 1887. PISO The best Couprh Medicine is Piso's Cure tob Consumption. Children take it without objection. By all druggisU. 25c. f CURES JWHERE ALL ELSeTaILST eJ ka BestCoutih Syrup. Tasiow gooil. Use PC iw in time. Soul by druggista. Cl- ccsLTï1TSl SiiTtVJ' „nnn Tt UI I I Ut iutl vfe.,MO LIVEH OO%ö PILLS. BBWAJtS OF I3I1TATIOXS. JLX.WAT3 ASK TOB JtJt. PISBCE'S PEZZETB, OR Í1TTLE 8TJG AR-CO ATED PILLS. Boine entlrcly Tcpctablc, thpy operate wituout dlsturb&noe to tlio fiygtem, 1 i -t, or occupatiou. Put up In plass vials, hcrmetically eoalcd. Always fres and rcliable. As a. laxativo, alterativo, or purgativo, these little Pellets give the most perfeol I eatisfaction. Slffi HEiüi, l Bilions Ueadarlio, H. jfeT , Oizziuecs, S?f ,itt ' lion, lud iíxest ion, v HS Bilions Attacks.anilull IV Tfk-3dcrangcmcnts of the J bmÉbT ach and bowcls, are A r i v relieved and permanent ly Jft " ■ sured by the se oí Ir. ' l'icrco's Pleaoant Purfcative Pellets. In explanation of the remedia] power of these Pellets over so gtcat s varirty of discases, it may truthfully be iil ilnit ttieir aetion upon the system is universal, not a ítland or tissue cscapinK tlieir BanaUve inlliicnce. Sold by dri]R-si8ts,25eentsa vial. Mnnufactured attho ! 'lictnicalLaboratory of Woni.u's Dispeksaiiy Medical AssociatioN", Duü'alo, N. Y. WBsF is offered by the mnnnfaoturWf r W; ere of Ir. Sagc'n Catarrli tf N -t Kcmcdy, for a case of f LA Stf ('liniuiir Xafal Catarrh which í .■:. Y i-, ■ & tliey cannot cure. SYMPTOMS OF CATARBII.- Dull, heavy hcadache, obslnution of the nasal passapos, discharges falling from tho head nito tho throat, - profuse, watery, and acrid, at otliers, thiek, tenuclous, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid; tho cy weak, watery, and Inflamedï thcre is riiiííin in the ears, deafnets, hacklng or cougliiiiir to clear the throat, expectoration of offoneive matter, topinher with ficabs from ulcera; tho volco is chanped and has a nasal twang ; the breath is offoneive; smell and tasto aro impatred: thcre is a gensatton of dizziness, with mental depreSSlOD, a hacking cough and genI eral debility. Only a few of the above-namcd symptoins are Ukelï to be present in any ouo case. Thousands of cases annually, without nianifestiug half of the above symptoms, result in consumption, and end in the grave. No disease is so eommon, more deeeptive and dangcrous, or tem underetood by physicians. liy its mild, soothintr, and lualing propertic9. Dr. Sage's Cataría líemedy cures the worst cases of Catarrh, "cold in tlie head, i'oryzn, anl ('niarrhal Ileadaclie. öold by druggisls evervwhere; 50 cents. "Intold Agoiiy from Catarrh." Prof. W. Hadsxei!. tho famous megmerist. of jtliaca, Ñ. Y-, writes: "Bome ten yearsaffo 1 suffercd untold agony frora ohronio nasa! ■ atarrh. Jly iamily physician gavo me up as Inourable, and said 1 must die. My case was B bad one, tliat every day, towards sun■ i. my voico would bfcome so noarso I could ' epeak ahove a whlsper. In the moraing i ughiiig aml olearing of my throat would almost 8traiiRl(t me. Bj the use of Br. Sage's Catarrh Kemedy, In three hkhiüis, Iwasa wcll man, and the cure has been permanent." "Constaiitly IlawkiiiR and Splttliig. THOKAf J. RÜ8HINO, Ks.]., !'J03 Pinc 8 ■'. Louis, Mo., writes: " l usagreat luffercr from catarrh f or three years. At times i could mrdly breathe, and was constaiitly hawkinp and spitting, and for the last eight months i-oulrt not Dreathe thiougn the nostrils. i thoughtnothing could be done lor me. I,uekily, 1 was advised to try Dr. sage's Catarrh Hcmedy, and 1 am now k well man. I believe it to be the only sure reinedv for catarrb now manufacturad, and one has only to grlve it a fair trial to e.tperienco astounding resultó and a permanent cure." Tlireo Bottles Cure Catarrh. Eu Hobbins, Itunyan P. O., Columbta Co., Pa., enys: "My dauglitcr had oatarrh when ehe was flve ycars old, vcry badly. I saw Dr. Sage's Catarrh Kemedy aavertieed, and pre- cured a bottle for her, and soon saw tliat it helped her; a third liottln cfTrcted a permanent out". Bbe is aow eighteen vcurs old and sound and bearty."


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Ann Arbor Democrat