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QQQfree ■SIfree 531223 free Pardritlgc's Purehasing Association Onrantzed to furnleta mernbers wtth anything they desire at manufacturera prlce and thus bring fnto prominence our Wholesale and Ketall Drj Qoods business. GREATEST OPPORTUNITY! Rver knnwn to mvfi from 1O to 6O per cent on everythlnjf you use, wear, ent er enjoy; 1 fa et any thinjí frora a pintoawblte elephant can be pur fhtï! throuffh s. We furnUh 11 (ronda, not beloiurlDKto our Drr Qoods BtoCk at Mitnuiwturer' Ilottom Ir!c, aml on ourown nüiKinncent wholeaale and retail stock of lry Goodi, a dis countof 1O per ent from our retruliir-pneeft wil be trivrii. Kor inattince, tho foMowing list of grocerles will b'ivo an idea oí wbtit v-e may save you; Iletai. Prlce. Our Fríe. Prlce'sRakinfEPowder 1b $0.25 SO.lfi Viiloneifi Ralsins U 1" BlfTtnSCorn Ü 8 Broken Hice Otf S Tbroe-Tie Rmom 20 1O (íol-ien Rio Coffea 80 15 M il ion 's Bliickin 0f filllett's Mario Yeast, largo 10 4 Ktnjrsfonrs SUver stnrcli 10 ttxtra Fino Jupan Tea 60 SO Total H.95 l.OO Grocerios are the most staple tblngs In the world. and are sold eloet, hut vou &1 bt the above we enn nu vet yon uttout 95c on a SI 95 purebase, (iet the very lowost prlce on any artit-le you may want, then write us for our prices on h:iuio and see wbat we can save you. ■ mm Sond 15c for Certifícate of Membei ■ A sïiip. and our l-o;ni 1 1 f ni universal ratalojrufl I Z. B fontninimr thminfinH of illustrations. the ■ largestand moit complete book of lts kind nublishp'i. ThH Indocement to f:ot a mnmberphip freO wlll only be extended fora thort time; Bend immediateljr, The I5r hitrely covers postase. We have no atrontí ntl bnstno1 is done direct. "Vm are cordial! . Invllfd to cali and e n whea la the -1t-. lfentton tbtt paper. c. "w. t i:. 3iïiiïirGXG, (Main Store) I1S, 114 and 116 Stnte Street. AWell Drills fi- FO" EVEBV PURPOSE I OA SOLD ON TRIAL. "f .' 3 f uil particnlare. Mnnufactured bj IgOULDS & AUSTIN, I 167 &. 169 LAKE 8T. ■■BSHBBOHIOAGO, ILLIN0I8. SLAND HOML r lOCK FARM r-'N Prrcheron ïlortes. i V Fiearh Coach Hornet. r .L V, Sa vijf e & Faruum, Imporf H ters and Hrecders of Perf fH BHu chcron and t-rench Coach SÏB WBRk Horscs.lslandTImebtvck f S?:;. ■HEL I'arm Grosse Isle, Wayn f SuCM BB Coui.ty Mich. We offei ." I M Tery largcstudoihorsci to '. 'j SI eLcl (rom, wc guarantett t T-r ■ .-"_ &yL-: H our stock, make prices reaMB ■ wÊÊ ;nalJle a"á scll on easjr .'-- 9v Vernis. Visitots ftlwayswel V m com. L rgo cat&logu4 V Sr Addret . Y y Savaíre A Farnnrn, teMi tlr dbtroitmicu. RftBY CABBIAGES t V'o make a speclalty of manufaojrilk. turintr llaby Carriagea to ell di BbMpS rect to prívate purtle. Yon tWBHI can therefore Jo better with us aJBK tban with a iealer. Wenend car1HI& riafres to al! potnu within500milea lHHf of CliicuETo IVee ofeharfe. Soud VJH HHL Xor catalogue freo. VËËËm CHAS.BAISER,Mfr., W1 62&64Clybournave., Chicago, EL DTbooMest medicine In the world lsprobably mm Dr. Isaac Thompson's U StKBRATED KVK WATfJI j Thlfi Krticle is a careluily preparad I'hysiclsn'ii preBcription. and huiwan i cmstaitti:Ríntftr]y acentury. CÁUTION. - Tlie only scenuine Thompnon'i EyO Water lifts íipon tlie white wrappoi offtoli bottlc aa enitravfd portrntl ol the inventor, Dr. Isaac Teiompsow, with tiac-s[mi'-j ni liis RtËrnature; also a note of hand Bisuol John L. Thnmpfion. Avold all otbera, The genuino Eye Water oaq be olitatno.l tttaa all JDraistt. OHN L.THOWPSO N. SONSACO., TRQY, N.Y. 7H Cord Of Beecli btve hn g-wfj br o mu ín I Beorí. Hundreda bve Ktwpd fir.16curdi dail. 'i'racíty" . VkEt CTCrr Farmer an.t We-fii Choppcr waata. Artt oriíw Trom Brviltiity peurp. 4-;rjr-v. IlInstratM fatalone FREM, íVíiJ'e rOUi:.'; 8AWTNO MACHINK CO.. 803 S. Canal 8trect, Chicase II' ■ H I prwcribe and follroBpaJ dorso li'ig i as the only Carea In "iH spccirlc fer the cerlain Cur JWI TO 6 D1T8. V of tliis discase. BB tamegtriciarfc ■ Amsterdam, U. Y 9 rdonij briba Wp have snld Bic O for IiiIImh m,mfMi flu many vean, and it ha. l!fM"UJfc Klven the best í utltv ■k Ctnctanati.BW7iP faction. Qk Obio. J% D. A. DYCHE A CO.. HÉfcaa- a Y OhlCafO, 111 TndaaBVrk $1.00. Soid by SruggltUL . I CURE FITSJ When I wy curo I do not mean merely to itop thera for a time and then havo them rotura .ijíiin. Imeina. radical cun. I Irivft nisd th disease oí' KIT8, EPU BPBY or FALLING su'KNESS alife-long Btudy. I wnrrant my remedj to onra the worst cjifp. Boanso othershAve fa-ilud no roiisfin for not now rtcemni a. Bondatonoa ír n treatiaeand a Kre Bottla of my ín ly. Give Kxpres and loBtOíHoe . 1 ■: ' Pearl St. New York. Mfftí TJSEÏ THE BEST. Ifl 1 ll Pt,iti.iicr.:krc-p-iiem. Standard qualltr, rfeiL ESTERBRODK. ■ l&UfHtht Steel and MI IdJ1'"'11"1"'1"1 I'ilU for irretn. U I P" k lar Diontlil.r ivrioils, are ufa, I ni 8 Iba %#i-irr..tual aml the only Reno"ajine. Bent aiiywhere 0D recélpt ef !. by AtrRK P. KXUUTT, Drua - i, Clncuga.IlL JJDERTwWÜSaS" H83BPSB8aHB9HHaBciJiuicauiwajiaM. BABY CARRIAGES SENT C. 0. D. SCU7S r.rt-, 331 m;". 11.1.. Om h m t ■ IxIh... vp. . ...á. ■ .iti.tu. aJl.ll.IMl! "IHll !!!■ ]J IJ-" TfiVti ' adíe1 mi i Genu" y I tt.nrtiiL'irs Dyct and Cieaned. Si'nd for Prlca Lrst i oods reoelved arji ie:iirno-l ty expresi and malL A i"tii"yT chwahz, lótiand isa lllínuls 8u, Chlcago. Hl. A tt FF Vi luftl 1-' dlcal secret lor marrled J H ■■ os ];h1'i s. s.inl une dollar aml rceelve "laf #411 k ii f '■mrtti' n hy n-turn muil. Medioftl S.eclaltii-. lOi W. 2181 St, room 14 N. Y. clty. niTFUTO K. S.fc A. P. I.ACET, P3'i I ER I A Pa'cnt Attorney, WaahlDjt ■ ■"■■ ■ r ton, D. C. Instructlons and ■ oplnlous ou patentablllty fkee. SO yra. expcrlence. HOM P SrUOY. Book-kocpInK.Penmaníhlo, ■■ V Iwl d Arlthinetlo, sin m hand, etc, ttaoro:ishly tauKlitbyiimil. l...w rutes. Circulara free. Hli ANT'S OOUÜEG i:, l;;l Main St.. BuCalo'. K. Y. AmAA A hostil AcfntsWanttit. svbestaell 2fcX.4BI Idb artlcle In tlit world. 1 Rara pie Fre. IjVbWW AdaressAT JJJiOXáOy, DetroU,MicK AP TO H A HAY. tinmplct morth U.3O 3 I FJtEK. l,in'Htln:lrtertlithors'sJtet. Writ4 WV Bñwtur Saftv Rm iiohitr Go.,hoUu, mch. rfil n 'worthlJOir . l'eUit'BEyeSalTelrorttv UULU : nw,i'iii ii BOlü al _j osota a box by dealen W. N. U. D.-6-II. When writlnij to Atlvertísora ploaxe saL you law the alvcrtisoment in this Fnper


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