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P. M'KERNAN, ATTOKNE Y-A TL A W. Collectlons ". promptly atended to. Monej; to loan. Houses and lots or sale. OlBce in Court House. JOHN SCHNEIDER, No. 37 North Main Street, opposlte the ' postofflce, dealer in Fresh, Smoked and ' Balt Meats of all kinds. Lard in any quantity. THE GERMANIA HOTEL. ffORNER WASHINGTON AND SECOND J streets. Wm. L. Frank, proprletor. Sarap!e rooms for traveling men. Eveiy room ti a teil by steam. DR. JAMES C. WOOD. OFFICE corner Hurón and Main Rtreeta, Keaidence No. 6. South División streel. Offlce houra trom 3 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Teleubone No. 114. D. A. McLACHLAN, M. D., OFFICE IN MASONIC TEMPLK BLOCK, Ann Arbor. Ofllce hours from 2 to 4 and 7 to8p. m. Residence 48 Thoinpaun Street. Telephone No. 128. DEAN M. TYLER, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUOEON. Offlce and reidence over postoffice, flrst floor. MCHoI.S BROS. W. W. & A. 0. NICHOLS, D. D. 8. Dental office Masonlc Temple Block, over Savingt Bnk, Ann Arbor. JOSEPH CLINTON, fERCHANT TAILOR. 8hop oyer Wlnes A Worden'. All work guarantted or no -charge. JOHN F. LAWRENCÏ, ATTORNFYATLAW. 3l Office, nos. 3 and 4, Grand Opera House, 4dd Arbor, Mlch. UNION BOTTLING WORKS. In the Union Hote! Block, corner of Washington and Becond i-treeta, Ana Arbor. Beer by the Bottle Or bT the Case, delivered to nny part of the city. X have alfio l'ure Winee and Liquors. JOHN 6CHNEIUEE, Ja., Proprletor. MARY C. WHITING. A TTOKNEY AT LAW. Real Estáte, Loan, A Collection and Insurance offlce. Prívate ccnnultation of Jadíes sacredly regarded. Office 66 East Hurón strect, Ann Arbor, Michigan. C. W. VOGEL. lyiEW MA.RKET. C W. VOGEL, Proprletor. Lat of Chelssa, at Thomas Matthews' old stand on Ann street. Fresh and Balt meats kept on hand, FREDERICK PISTORIUS, ATTOENEY AT LAW. Official correspon dent of the Germán Consulate, Real Es tate, Collection, Insurance, Steamshlp and Loai Kenoy. Offlce No. 40 South Main struot. WILLIAM HERZ, fí0ü8■B, 8IGN, Ornamental and Fresco Palnter. Gilding, Calclmlnlne, Glazlng tnd Paper Hanirlng. All work done in the best stvle and warranted to give satlsractlon. Bliop, Na 4, West Washington strest, Ann Arbor, Mlch. MRS. WM. CASPARY. Restaurant, Confectionerr and Lunh Rooms. Blrst-cwSS meats at all hours. Oysters Ín every Btyle. Bread, Cakes, Ties and Cold Lum-hes constan tly on li&nd. AU kinds of ciu'urs and tobáceo. Restaurant cor., Ann and Fourth streets. Hitoy ni isï Tita. I will pay $12 per oord, CASH, for good Second Qrowth Hiokory Bntts, Buitable for Axe llandles, delivered at my shop soutli of depot, Ypsilanti. Good Seoond Growtli Ash, suitable for Whiflletrees, Neck-Yokes, eto., also wanted. C. W. Dickinson. New Restaurant i JOHNLONEY, Proprietor. Warm Meáis Sei ved. Cold Lunch. Pigs Feet, Pickled Tongue, Tripe, and Oysfers, etc Restaurant open from 6 a. m., until 12 o'clook midnight. No. 23 North Main St. EUCENE OESTERLIN. Insurance Agent, - AN U - u 2Yotai-y luUIic. Moneys Collected in anv pnrt of Europe. Drafts msuedand patd. Correspondent of Ule Imperial Germán Coñaulate, (Jim iniiati. Asent tor tlie American line of Meamera running bctween Philaielptiia, Hamhtirff, Liverpool, and all the principal seaports in Sorth Oei niHuy; of the liue b tween New Yorit and Koiterdara, and of tbs few York ar.a bromen Power of attorney leffally .nade oui, for any place iu Europe, f ja ínoncy col ected on claims. OFFICE: No. 8 a est Liberty Street, Ann Arbor, Mich.


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