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Wolverine Whisperings

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A Hillsdale county man, living neir Mosherville. crnelly beat his wife, and when she tried to flee from him he pursued and kicked her back home, and then made her get up at 3 a. m., and saw wood uu til daylight. A company is to be organized in Fhnt for the manufacture of the Winchill windmill. The oldest pensioner in the city of Adrián ön account of the war of the re bellion is MrB. Nancy Harrison, a widow of a volunteer of lf-61. She is now S2 years old, but makes the trip to tbe notary's office each quarter without the least trouble. Mr. Stoekbridge has reported favorably to the senate a bilí for the establishment of an Indian sehool in Michigan. It provides $.".0,000 for tho school in case the state appropriates land. Aa item of $10,000 to purchase a site was struck out. The secretary of the interior is to choose the location. Frank Kaylor of Bethel, Branch county, deposited a note for $115 at the First National bank in Cold water as collateral for 820. The note was a íoreery and Kaylor has been arrested. Mrs. Mary T. Lathrop declines the chairmansbip of the prohibition state central committee. Michigan folks who are in California this winter complain that they cannot get newspapers from home withany degree of certainty or regularity, unless letter postage has been paid thereon. Albert Maxwell has written a letter to Congressman Fisher that the discontinu anee of the signal station at Mackinac for want of appropriation to pay rent will be a great loss. particularly to vessel men. He says that in the matter of rent he is satisfled that the citizens of Mackinac wil' pay the rent of the office until such time as an appropriation is made to cover expenses. Mary B. Hollrop was walking on the O. B. & I., track near Uranville the other day when a train carne fchundering along and struck her, throwing her 50 feet against a rail fence. No bonesl were broken. and if there aro no internal injuries sha will recover. Coal bas been found in Charlotte. The new find is to be worked. Shubert Yonker, living about three miles northeast of Holland, had both eyes destroyed by the breechpin of liis gun blowing out while out hunting. E. C. Winchester, manager of C. C. Comstock's farm, just north of Grand Rapids, died recently from blood poisoning caused by a bite from a vieious hog. Arnold Burges of near Hillsdale, who was well known as a breeder of bird dogs and owner of famous Rob Roy kennels, also as writer for sporting papers in Europe and America, died March 10 of pneu. monia. He was aMasmi and .V] years old. The Mitchell changing house of the Winthrop mine in Ishpeming was destroysd by flre the other morning, and Micbael Carney was burned to deatb. Cha. Dush of Williams, in Kalamazoo nounty, while going homo the other afternoon on the wostbnund Kalamazoo & South Haven passenger train, was put olT at Brownell's for refuing to pay his fare. He wandered around for soma time and finally lay down on the track in a drunken stupor. An incoming train ran over him, ! ent him In two and scattered his fcntrails and pieres of flesh aud bono along the track for a distanoe of thirty rods. Levi Rogers, colored, of Jackson, was fouinl dead in his house the other day. I e was about 10J years old, and lived all alone. Secrptary Villas has signed the land i ommissioner's order eonsolidating tbe offices at Grayling. Several gas wells have been located near Eaton Rápida by Ohio gentlemen. John Smith, lietter known as "County Line" Sraith, died in Eatou Rapids the other day. He was one of the first settlers ín tbat section. "Bert" Bills, aged 13, had his scalp pait ly torn olT by a blow from a descending elevator in Tentwaterbedsteadcompanj's factory. The weather erop bulletin of the signal corps for Michigan, undor date of March 10, says: The f reezing at night and thawing during the day has hail an injurious effect on wheat and clover during the past week in the soutli half of the state. The defleiency of precipitation and excess in suushine is reported to be uufavorable for wheat. The ground of the south half of the state is bure of snow, and some iields are reported as having a coating oí ice. The ground in the north half of the state is yet covered with snow, añil no unfavor able effect has been noticed on wheat. The business men of Middleton have presented to the T. S. & M. R. E. 1,100x100 ft. of land adjoining the trac;, to be used for shipping purpo.-es. The secretary of the interior, in the matter of the claim of the Jackson fe Lan sing railroad company to certain lands in Michigan (about 1,20 I acre n tiie aggre gate), has denieJ tho motion filed by the company Por review of the decisión of the department rendered February 26, 18 adverse to the company. The secretary, in denying the motion, decides that the act of March 3, 1871, authorizing a partial change of location of the road, did not in any manner alter or enlarge the quality or terms of the grant previously made. He also holds that tbe reservation made by the president in 1855 for Indian purses operated to except the land in question from the railroad grant, and they are now open for entry under the settlement laws. A millioh white fish are hatched daily at the Michigan fish hatchery in Detroit. Thomas Northey was killed by a fall of earth in the Cleveland mine at Ishpeming the other morning. Coal has been discovered in two places in Calhoun county. Representativo Fisher has secured a favorable report on the Bay City public building bil, witii the appropriation placed at $3 JU, 000. Arthur Case, a prominent Mason and an old pioneer of Lenawee county, is deafl. W. H. Gilbert of Mantón, was 6hot and fatally wounded, while exploring in Northern Minnesota. H. Dalzell of Cadillac, recently received a letter, the mission of which is to hunt up all the merabers of the Dalzell family in America. The íetter has been traveling since üctober and bears addenda from over 40 persons. The mes enger has already been all over the United States and has only completed about half its work. The Michigan Central refuses to handle any more freighfc which would have to be transmitted over the C, B. &Q. Unes west of Chicago. Dr. J. T. fiaucher of Nashville has been held for trial in the circuit court on the charge of grave robbin?. Mrs. Lucretia Youngs of Bridgeportsues Isaac Bearinger, a wealthy lumberman, fur ilO.OOO damages which she claims to have sustained through being run over by his cutter in February. Mahonoy, the lumberman who killed his foreman in Sand's camp near Grayling, has been held for trial at the May term of court.' Medal V. Miller, a farmer living near Huron, Dakota, was arrested in Detroit recently, charged with swindling the Un ion bank of Huron out of t',700. It has been decided to make a display signal station at Macdnaw City and a ftill signal station at Sault Ste. Marie. Edward Preston, one of the men who "held up" Capt. Holt in Detroit some weeks ago, has been sentenced to 35 years in Jackson. The state republican league has issued a cali for township organization throughout the state, and headquarters, nntil further notice, have been fixed at the Michigan club, 92 Fort street west, Detroit. The county clubs have been requested to celébrate theFourth of July in a patriotie manner. Samuel F. Strong was arrested in Montague the other day on a requisition from the governor of Nebraska. He is oharged with fraudulently disposing of mortgajred chattels, and will be turned over to Ne braska officials, who will take him to thai state for trial. Hillsdale will oon have a postal deliv ery system with four carriers. H. H. ('ilbert went to bed in the American ITouse at Kalamazoo with Irving Wyman. When he awoke in the morning $180 am Wyman were gone.


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