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Sound Reading For Young American Scholars

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"IIow would I have the American lilea instllled into the mlmls of our school children? Qlve the youngest clilldren histories of the United States. When they become older glve them Bancroft's hlstory of tbe formtion of the constltutton. Teil them of the gxowth of tlio colonies and why they revolted; of the war of Independence and of lts signifleance; of the war of 1812 and its bearlns on our liiatory; of the civil war, of the causes wblcíi led to lt and its results. Teil them all about the Declaratie of Independence and Amerlcau liberty. Teil them how tt differs from the llberty of dynastie or monarchlal couutries. Teil them of the beneflts of tbls llberty, of the daugera whlch threaten it and of the vital necessity of its preservation. "Children cannot liejtlu the studv of these thlngs too yomig. My lioy will be nlne years oíd next July. He lias read three times tlumigh a child's hlstory of the Uulted States aml the same mimber of times througli a child's history of Rome, Enelaud, France and (.rrmimv. Ha uiiilersUuuls the facts as well as I do, nnd I do not thlnk bira briehter thnn the average American bov. Put a chilil's hlstory of America iüto a bny's liaml as soon as he can read. You will lind that a child will be as nmch interested in such a book as in any book you can give hlm, falry tales not excepted. As soon as tbe chiid's mlnd beromes surticientlv deyeloped, put him in the flld of American Ideas, wblch I have suestested. Arouse bis niiiid. 8ee lo it that be has a teacher oospssed of a love for our couutrv and lts constitution. Do tliis and you will have In the nextgeneratlon a class of men aud women so well grounded In tbe bistory of our country and In the fundamental principies oí freiLOVernment that it will le Impossible for them to be ml6sed by fanatlcs or demagoijues. " -


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Ann Arbor Democrat