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City Locáis. Dress Maklng. Dress-cutting done by Prof. Livingstone's systetn. A perfect flt puarauteed. Id. L. Norton, No. 14 N. 12th et. For Sale. - The residenoe of C. H. Manly, lul Soath Main etreet. Recomí block from the business portiou of the city. Inquire at cuunty treasurer's office or residence. To Rent. - Inquire of Wm. Burke. J. Schneider, j. still runs the Uuion hotel, where you caá get a first-clasu meal. Wagner sella Honey Bee Ooffee. Half rate ezcursions to Florida and the South, via the Popular Queen and Crescent route, and T. A. A. N. M. Kv. Excursions leave Cincinnati Marcli 13 & 27th April lOth and 24th. One Lowest unlimited a are for the Round trip fro n Oincinnati (New L-rleans, Shreveport, Vicksburg and Memplus expectedj Tickets good for 30 days and the privilege of stopping off en route south withm ten days from date of oale. Continuous passage returoiug. A. J. Paisley, Agent. House For Sale. Corner of Mouroe and South Thayer street. Inquire of Martin Seabolt, City Laundry. 600 and 1,000 mile ticketB are now on sale at the T., A A. & N. M. Ry ticket office, Ann Arbor, for 2 cents per mile. A. J. Paislkt, Agent. Take the T., A. A. & N. M. R'y to JackBonville. Florida, and visit the eub-tropïoal exposition now being held. Reduced rates from now until Mny. For further information apply to the company's ofüce, Ann Arbor. A J. PAlSLEY.Aiient. Buildings removed by Hiram Kitredge leave orders at my livery in the rear of the Duffy block. Hiram Kitredge. J. Schneider, jr. still runs the Union hotel, where you can get a tirst-clasa meal. Kegis trut ion lotice. Notice U hereby given thata session of the board of Kegistraiion, o' the ever 1 wards of the ciiv nf Aun Arbor, will be held in the res ective ward of saiü city, for the purpose of reeisteri g the electrs. on Wedne day, March 28t., lt-88, corrmencingat 9 o'cloclc h. m., and closi'g at 7 o'clO'-k, p. m„ of ihat day, at the folloniojf named places. lat ward Albert Porg's Palnt Shop. 21 " Wm. Hei z Paint Shop. 8d " Agricul'al hoorn Court House. 4th " E Kiie House. 5Lh " Huron Engine Hou e. 6th " Obo. H. Poku, Recorder. Ann Arbor, March. - , 1888. SEALED PROPOS ALS, For removing the buildings aud fences from the present fair grounds to the proponed new fair grounds will be roceived öy the Board o( Managers of the Washtenaw County Argncultural and Horticultnral Society THURSDAY, APRIL 6th, 1888. Also Proposals for building a track on said new grcuods. The Society reserves the right to reject any and all bids. For particular apply to A. V. ROBISON, F. B. BRAUN, Superintendent. President. THE Standard Bred Hambletonian TROTT1NG STALLION Pasoarel, Sired by Pasacas 5,500., by Almont, 88, by Alexander'8 Abdallah 15. by Ryodyks Hambietonijn 10 Dam: Maid of the hut, bv American Star 8", grand dam Miller mare by Hambeltonion 108.M. d. Grey Mol. y by Mssenger Duree (dimofGoshen Jlaid 2 'il M-4 to N'ngon)- will make tte season of lö for a limited number of mares at my 8table on N. Fourtli Btreet ne r Detroit st., Ann Arbor i ity Registered Mo. 1,716. TEKMS. Season S25.00; marea i,ot proving in foal can be rturned In 18S9. Fit any further Information cali, or addrese, EDOÁ R WARRE V, Proprietor, Emanuel Wagner, dealer in Grooeries and ProvisisüB, at No. 33 South Main utre 't, will take Canada silver at par in piiyment for goods. For Sale.- 40 yards of bost Hemi Matting, almost new. Cali st Dr. Tyler's over the post office. Lost, - On Jan. 25, between Swift's mi] and Nortbfield, a pair of gold bowet speotaoleB. The finder will confer a grea favor by leaving them with E. L. Moore at the Agricultural Works. Oysters oooked in every style, at Tony Sohiappacasse & Co.'s, No. 5 N. Main street. A handsome piece of Glassware given away with everv qnarlfr of Baking Powder purchased of E. Wagner. A good farm to exohange for a house and lot in the oity. Inqmre at thi office Ladies' Hair Ooods at Mrs. Fitoh' Hair Emoorium, over Frank Burg'n Washington street. The T„ A. A. & N. M. R'y Co. sell 500 ruile tickets for ten dollars. A. J. Paisley, agent. First Ulass Hair Work done at .Mrs Fitch's. Mrs. Fitch hns Ladies' Crimpes, Friz ze?, Switches, etc., for sale, over Burg' grocery store, Washington strett. First-clais oandies and fruit at Schiap pacasse & Uo.'s at No. 5 N. Main st . Clairvotant f htsician. Dr. L. D. White is still in the Duffj block, opposite the postoffice, where iie haa an extensive business lie can be found in his office at all hours. Buy vour Beer at the Central Bottling Work, corner Detroit and Catherine-s's. JUoANiNd. - Mouey to loan on flrst-olass Beal Estáte Mortgageat Current ratee o Interest. Satisfactory arrangements made with capitalists desiring such iu vpstments. Every oonveyai ce and tran saction in abstraots of title.s carefully es amined as to legal efifect. Z. P. Kikq, Ann Arbor For Salb. Three hundred and fifty acres of land in the northern portion of Waehtenaw county, to be oíd for $13 per aorc, altogether or in separate paroles. For partioulars address P. O. box 1035, Ann Arbor Michi&ran. % Si I WpYs CURES DYSPEPSIA. Strengfhens tha System. Priceless to Nursing Mothers. The most wholesome Tabe Boverage. Manuf actured bv tho SPECIALTY DEPARTMENT of Phillip Best Brewing Co., Milwaukee, Wis. For Sale by all DrugeUts. I Toledo, Ann Arbor & Northern Michigan Kailwuy. Time tableeoinz into effeot Sunday Ocri Pth 1887. Traína run hv Standard Time. Going North. I Going láouth I STATIONS. 6 4 2 3 S Pass Ex. Mail Standard Time. Pass Ex. Mat p. m. p. m. a. m. L've.l Arr.l Jl m p. . p. rt Ü5 3 IS 5 15 TOLEDO. 9 00 lio 8 42 7 5í 4 05 8 02 Monroe Junct'n 8 10 12 SI 7 51 8 05 4 12 61U Duudeo 8(3 18 2 1 7 40 8 35 4 35 lii Milnn 7 45 12 04 7 20 B 05 4 53 7 00 PittsnVld 7 26 1 1 43 7 W 9 25 5 10 7Iï ANN ARUOR 7 15 113 50 9 50 6 3 7 83 Lelandi's 6 30 II 11 6 SO p. M. 6 45 7 4H Whitmore Lake A. M. 11 00 6 16 5 5-1 71 M Hamburg 10 f 5 10 3?8 8 80 Howell 10 20 5 3 7 20 0 80 Durand 9 80 4 8t 7 46 9 65 Corunna 9 08 4 15 7 65110 01 Owosso 9 00 4 08 9 111 16 Ithaca 7 4K 2 46 98 11 5 St. Louis 7 27 2 ih 9 41 1142 Alma 7 2U 2 2( ID 30 12 30 Mt. Pleasant 6 3 1 1 8d P. M. '. M. A. M. A. M All pas-enger trams run dab ec ni Sunda Trains run on the South Lyon oranch leave Ann Arhorat U:60 n. m.,Leland'B t 10:OH, Worden "s at 10:20, and arrive at South Lyon at 11:00 p. m leave South I. yon at :■' a. ni., orden's at 6:1(1 LHand's at 6:15 and arrive at Aun Arbor at 7:13 a. m. Connectlons at Toledo wlth rallroads divereln(r. At Manhattan Junction with WheelingS f.akcErle H K At Alexis Junction wlth M C. R K. L. 8. R'y, and F. & I'. M. R. K. At Monro. Junction with L. 8. & M. S. K'y. At Dundee, wlth L. 3. & M. S., and M. & O. R'y. At Milán with V.. St L & P K'y At Pittsfldd wlth I S. & M. 8. R'v., at Ann Arbor wlth Mlrhlgan Central R. R , and at South Lvou with Detroir I-ansing & Northern R. R.. and' U. T. R'y. At Hamburg with M. A. Linp División Grand Triink R'y. At Howell with Detroit, LansingA North ern K'y At Durand with Chlcag" & Grai d Trunk R'y and Detroit. Grand Haven & Mlllwaunee R'y. At Owosso Junction with Detroit. Grand Haven & Millwaukee R'y and Mi' h (?an '"entrnlR R AtSt. Louis with Detroit, Lan si F & Northern R. R. and Sasrlnaw Valley & t. L iui9 R'y. At Alma with Detrujt, Iansing L : orthern R'y. At Mt. Pleat-ant with Flint Pere Marquette R'y. H. W. ASHLEY. General Manager. A. J. PAISLEY, Aeer t Ann Arbor. W H BENNETT. Oe.i. Pass Aet FOR C HOICE Teas and Goffees GO XO MMb E. DUFFY'S, in t lic Dutlv Blocli, ïorner of Main and Ann Streets. M. P. VOGEL, Eight years with Henry Matthews, has opened a Meat Market Al No. IS Enst Hurou St., And will keep on hand Fresb, Salt, and Smoked Meats, Poultry, and Oame wben insenson. IWI. P VOGEL, Ank Arbob, Miob.


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