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Ëst-ate of Henry J. Davidter. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw üss. Ata session of the Probate Court for the j couuty of Waxhteuaw. holden at the Probat fflce in the city of Ann Arboron Weduesday thd fouiteenth day of Maren, intheyear one thouHand -igln hundred and elghty-eight. Present, William D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of th estáte of Henry J Da id' er deeeased. On reading and fllinr the petition, duly veri fied, of Anna Katharine Pavidter prajing that a certaiu liibtrument now on fie in thiscouri, purportiiitr tu be the last til and testament of said clec'a.sed. may be admitted to probate, and that Hhe may ba ap(jolnted executrix thereof. Thereupon it is ordered that Moniiay, the 9th day of April next. at lOo'clock in the Hstened for the hearing of said petition and that tlie devisóos, 1 Kat' es, and hei ; Bat law of satil de ceased, and all other persons interester! in said estáte, are required to appear at a itession of said court, then to be holden at the probate office, tn the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. And it is further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petitiou, and the hearing thereof , by causing a copy of thir order to be published In The Ann Arhur Denv ocrat, a newapaper printd and circulated in said county, three succeuive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILÍAM D. HARRIMAN. IA true copy .1 Judge of Probate. William Ö. Dott. Probate Reáster Real Estáte for alo. OT TE OF MICHIGAN. County of Washtenaw, O 88. In the matter of the eslate of Jacob öchweitzer. deo-ased. Notice is hereby giren, that in pursuanceof an order eranted to the undersiKned administrator of the esiate of said deceabed, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the county of Washtenaw, on the seventh day of February, A. D 18t8, there will be sold at public vendu, to the highest bidder, al the late resldeuce of eaid deceased. in the townRhip of Lodi, in the counly i f Washtenaw in naid Stat, on Tuesday the twenty -seventh dav of March. A. D. 1888, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, subject to all encumhrancesby mortgage or otherwise exisiing at the time of the deatb of said deceased, the following deecribed real estáte, to-wit: Theeast one-third of the west half of tbecouthwest quarter of section thlrtyfour (34), in the towubhiu of Lodi, Washtenaw county. Michigan. WILLIAM APRILL, Dated, February 7th, 18. Administrator, Notice to Creditors . STATE OF MICHIQ VN, County of Wathtenaw . Notice is hexeby given, that by an order of the probate court for toa county of W ashtc naw, made on the öth day of March, A, D. I8S8, siz monthg f rom that date were allowed for creditors to preeent their claims against the estate of Mary iioward, late of said county, deceased. and that all creditors of said deceased are required to present their claims to said probate court, at the probatn ofBce in the city of Ann A rbur. for examlnation and allowance. on orbefore the 6th day of Sept., i.ext. and tbat such claims will be beard before said court on Tuesday. the Mh day of .Tune, and on Weduesday the Sth day of Sept., next. at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of said day. Liatsd Ann Arbor, Maroh 5,A. D. 1888. WILL1AM D. HARRIMAN, Judee of Probate. Estáte of Johanna O'Noil. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw O sa. At a session of the Probate Court for the county of Washtenaw.holden at the probate office in the city of Ann Arbor. on Wednesday, the 7th day of March in the year one thousand elglit huudred and eighty eight. Present, WUlmm D. llarriman, Judge f Probate, In the matter of the estáte of Johanna O'Xell d ceased. James Sage the admlriistrator of said estáte, comes into court and repro nts that he is now prepared to render til üual account aa sucli Adminlstrator. Thereupon, lt Is ordered, that Saturday, the Ii day of March instant, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, be ansigned for exaniining and allowing such ace uut ard that the heirs-at-'aw of said deceased. and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear ata sesslcn of said court, then to be holden at the probate offlee. in the city of Ann Arbor. and show cause If any there bt, why the said account -hould not be allowed: And it is further ordered, tbat said adminlstrator give notice to the persons interested insaia estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof , by causing a copy of thü order to be published in the Ann Arboh Dekochat, a newspaper printed and circulating in said county three succenive weeks prevknis to said day of hearing. WILLIAMD. HARRIMAN. Atruecopy. Judge of Probate Wii.liau O. Dott. Probate ReriRter Jstuto of Margaret Aloran. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, oounty of Waibtenaw O ss. At a Fession of the probate court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Offlee m the city of Aiin Arbor, on Wedncday, the 7tb day of March, in the year one thouuand eight hundred audeighty-elght. Present. William D. Harriman, Judge of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Margaret Moran deoeased. James Sage the adminlstrator de boni non of said estáte, comes into court and renresents that he is now prepared to render hls final account as such aduiliiistrator. Thereupon (t is ordered. thal Saturday. the 31t-t day uf March Inst nt. at ten o'clock in the forenoin, be aosiened for examinlng and allowlng such account and that the helrs a Islw of said deceased, and all other persons Interested in said estáte are required to appear at a sesslon of said court then to be holden at the probate offlee in the city of Ann A rbor, and show cause if any thert be, whytht said - couut should not be allowed: And it Is furtber ordered, that said adminlstrator give tice to the persons Interested in Raid estáte. ' of the pendenoj of said account, and the i Ing thereof, by causing a copv of this order to be publisbed in the Ann Arbor Demncrat. a newspaper printed and circulating in said county, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAX, Atruecopy.) Judjce of Probate. Wm. 0. Doty, Probate Register. , Aotice U Credltors. o TATE OF MICHIGAN, ountyuf Washtenaw, O gs. Notlce is herebyftiven. that by anorler of the Probate Court for the i 'ount of Wasbte naw, made on the "ih day of Maroh, A. l. 1S88. 8lx f rom that date allowed for ireditor to present thelr claims atrainst the i-state of Loulsa Urelim. late of ald county. de-eaKed, and that all creditors of 8 tid dfceawed are requlred to present thelr claimt to said Probate Court. at the Probate Office ín the city of Ann Aibor, for xamlnation and alkwance, on orbefore the 7th day of Sept., next, and that such claims wilt be heard before said Court, on Thursilay the 7th day of June, and on Friday the 7th day of September next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of said days Dated, Ann Arbor. March 'th, A. D. 18a WILUAM D. HARRIMAN, Judge of Probate. KttW FunÉre Store I pive theBIGGEST BARGAIN3 in tbe Couuty in tbe Furniture Line. Cali, See and be CnnviDced. No. 11 East Ann 8treet. ix doori Eatt of tb Poitoffioe. Estáte ot Sulliran, Minors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. Couoty of Washtenaw Un, At a session of the probate court for tbenounty of Washtenaw, hold;n at the Pro bate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tueday, the 13th day of Marcb, in the year one thousand eieht bundred and eighty elght. Present. WUliam 1. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Thomas J. Siillivan Edward P. Sulllvan, and George A. Sullivan, minors. On reading and flling the petition. duly yerified. of ambrope Kearney, prayinR that he may be llcensed tosell certaia reafestata hmongin's to said Minors. Thereupon ft i Ordered, That Tuesday, the lOtn day of April next, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the next of kin if taid minors, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear ata sexsion of said court then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in lid County. and show cause if any i hore be why the prayer of the petitloner shoulri not be granted: And it is further ordered, that. said petitloner Kive notice to the persons interested ín said estnte. of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof. bycauslng a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arhnr Democrat, a newspaper printed and clrculaUd in soid county thiee succesaive weekg previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (Atrue copy.) Judtreof Probate. Wm. (3. Dott. Probate Regis er. Real Estáte for Sale. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw. 0 88 In the matter cf ihu iBtate oí Ldward Dralce. deceased. S tire '8 hf-rebyKlven, that Ín pursuance i f an order grantí-d to tlie ui derelgned, administrator of the estáte of said de"ease d by the llon Judíoof Pi obate for the county 'f w ashtenaw, on the 'JMIi day of January, A. L., lsL8. there will be sold at public vi-udue, to the bigbeet bidder, at ihe late residence or Raid deceasëd in the tuwnship of Lodi, in the countj of Waslitenaw, in said state, on Tue-day the twentitth day of March, A. D. I8S8, at i the afternoon of th-t day (ubject to all encumbranC'S by nuwtgage r otherwise exltlng at ih time of the death of said dt'ceatd) the following desenbed real estáte, to wit: The east half of thennithwest quarterof section ti.irty twu, cxci-t the south ten acres and hIh' the par el of land beginning at the southeaBt corurr of the souihwe-t quart r of section twenty-mnein the townof Lodi, vV ashtenaw coun 'y. Mkhljtan. and runiiiiiKt euce northerly alonj; the east line ut ld quartt-r 8' ciion Mxty rod. thence westerly paralirl wlih t) e south line f 8aid quarter section mie bundi'ed and Rix rods andeieven f eet, i henee goutherly parallel with 1 e ea-tt line of said q aiter tection -ixt rods, thenie easter'y alng iaid quarier section one hundred and su aad eleven f eet to the place of bfgliinini;, contaiuing iu all one hundred and twenty ( 20) acres more orless, in 1 o Iiaforesai'i, I o the est half of the suuthwctt qunrterof section thirty two (-u) in t'ie townsbip of Lodi, Watihteuaw con i tv. Michigan. Dated, January ïtth, 18. COJ1STOCK F. HILU Administrator. Real Estáte lor Siilc. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Oounty of Washtenaw, O ss. In the matter of the estáte of George Mayer, deceaséd Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order pranted to the undersigned administrator of the estáte of said (eorg6 5layer, by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the coimty of Washtenaw, on the twenty-eigh h day of Janimrv. A. li. 18 8 there will be sold at public vendue, to the b ghet bidder, at the lat residence of said decea-ed. In the town-hip of Lodi, in the county of Washtenaw, In said state, on sday, the Í th day of Jlarch, A. D. 18t8 at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day i subject to all encuuibrances by mortgage or otherwlse existlng at th time of the death of said deceased) the followiug deecribed rt al estáte, to wit: The ea-t three fourths (:i-4) of the northwet quarterof the south west quarter of section iwenly-nin (29); also ttie north or.e-qiianer (1-4) of the soutbwestquarter of the soutnweet quarter of seciion twenty-nlue (9) ; biso the cortn flveeights (."-8) of the east half "f the south eat quarter of section twemy-nine (29) ; also the east half (1-8) i f ihe west half (1 ■■:) or the southeast quarter of section twenty-uiue (29), all iu the township of Lodi, Wasl.tenaw coui ty, Michigan. üated, January 28th. 18f. COMörOCK F HILL, Administratnr. Mortgage Sale DEFAULT having been made for more than sbtty days. tii the paymeut. of Interest and oi.e stallraêiit of principal due upon aceruüu mortgage dated November 1, i864. executed by Albert A. Sorc and catharine Sorg, bis wife, to Johnson W. Kuight, and recordedin the office of tbe r#-K l-ti-r of de Is of shtenaw, in the stat? uf Michitan, ín r sixt four of mortgage, on page 83, on the ihird (ly ol .November. Io4, and by leason of whleh def tuit raid inortgagee bas elected aml dec-lired tlie whole of tno p Incipttl sum secured by std inortjcaAe, as due and pajable immediate n . aid whereas tliere is claimed tobe due for principal and interest at thedute lienof tlif kuiii uf wo thousanU uin ty eihtuollar and eiabt cent ($.IW UN), (and no suit or proceedinKS in law or equity haying been institute ■ to recov. r tbe Mme,) wbereby the power of sale coutained in saiit montage baB brvome uperative Ñow, tli refore notice i hereby giveu tb - 1 the said mortgaise will be forecloned by a sale of the moi tgaged premise at public auetio to the hiphest bluder. at the east iront door of tbe court home. In the city 01 Aiin Arbr, (thai beingthe place for holding the circuit court for thecouutyt'f Waslitenaw) on cighth day of iay lSiSÖ, at eleven o'clock in theforenoon.which said mortKaged premi-es, Bituate in ibecityof Ann Arbor. coui.ty of Waslitenaw. and State of Michigan are d-scribed as follows : CommenciiiE o the east line ut tbealley elglit (8i feet east from the northwest corner of lot num ber eijiht (8) in bock two (2). south of range flve (5) e ist then e east alontr the north line of said lot(i) twentytwo (-) feet, thence souih parallel to the we t line of said lot eiiihty-lwo (&t feetthence went parallel to ihe north line of said lot twenty Iwo (i) feet to tue east 1 n of caid alley. thenc nonh along the est üne of said alley eihty two 83) feet to tbe plaoe of of beginniug. acconing to the recorded plat of tue village (now city) of Ann Ajbor Dated, Feb. 4, 1888. Mortgagee. Wanted- Bourders al No. 7 Waehingon street, east. Jno. A. Eobison, city scavenjjer, uses onlvtight barrels. No. 31 Wall utreet, Fifth Ward. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT havlng been marte for more than slxt.y days, in the payment of an instxllment of the priDcipal stim ilux upon a oertain luorigage. dated ,ovember flret, one thousand eight bundred and, ex--cutrd ty Aiben A. Sorg and Üatbarine i'org. hls wife, to Jolinson W Knight. and recorded in theofflw of the Kegister of ieeda for the countv of Washtenaw in the siate of Michigan, in liber 64 of mortgages, on page 884. on the i h'rd day of November, 1S#, and by ivason of whicn default said mortgagt-e has e ected and declared the wuole of the pi incipal sum eecured by said mortgage as due pa able immediateJy, and whereas there ii claimud lo be due for principal and interest at the date hereof tlie sum of two thousand forty-nne dollars and thtrty thrte cents ($-,041 83.iOoths), and no suit or proceedings in law or equity baving been in ' 8t tuted to recover the sume, whereby tbe power i of ale rontained there n became operative. Now ! therefore. notice is h-reby given tiiat the said mortgage will be forecloscd by a sale of the morvgaged premisea at public au t ion. to ihe highest bidder, at tbe east front door of ihe court house in the city of Ann Arbor, (that being the pla e for holding the circuit i ourt for Waehtenaw county I on the iMghth day of May. 18 8. at eleven o'c oc in the foreooon, which said mortgaged premises sltuated In the city of Ann ArJbor. cou"ty of Washtenaw ; and Btate of Michigan, ai e describedaüfollows- Commencingatapointontht north line of lot elght (8)iQ block two (:). soMi ( range flve (5) east, thirtv (30; feet ast tro n the northwest crner of sal i lot ( lebt), thence east in said llue twmty-two (i ) fec.t; thence south para lel to the we.-t line of said lot ïgMy-twoitöi feet, thence wet-t paral 1 1 to the north line of said lot tv, enty two (vi) feet, thence north parallel to the west line of sa'O lot elghty-two (8 feet, according to the reuorded plai of the villugr (now city) of Aan Arbor. JOHN8uN W. KNUiHT, liatfd, February 4, 1888. Mortgagee' Real Estáte lor Sale. QTATE OF MICHIOAN, County o{ Wanhtenaw, O M. ín tile matter of ihe ettate of Lewis írit decaí ed. Notice 1 herebv piven, thai ín pureuance of an ordt t Kruiitf d to i he underslgned, exe utor of the last will and testament of sa d deceaseu, by the Hon. Judge of Probate f r the county of Wahtenaw, on the ï.bt day of Frbnary, A. D., 188, Hiere wlll be solo at public vendue, tothphiphest bidder, at t e ea t fiout doorc'f tbe court house, ui ttm city of Ann Arbor. In the county of Washteuaw, in aaid state, on Tuesday the tentb day of Apr 1, AD. 1B-8. at tru o clock In the forenoon f (hal day subject to all encuuibrances by n,ort„'i'ge i'.r otherwi.-. existing at the time of the deutu ui ut id deceased, the foiluwiug ae. cnbed reai ettate, to-wit: Lot une, two, three, four, flve, six, seven and nineteei,and ea&t half ■ f lo eiglit,ann Iota eleven aiiu telve. anc ihenorth seventeeu feetof the i rth fliiy feet of the lut Ijl. g next iOuth of ot twelve, exceptiug al tliai purt of one, ivo, ■bree and eleven, conveyed lo T.. a. a ft n. M, i'y Co , by deed recoroed in the Register' office 'or ashie. aw county, in liber 78, paKe 55, all ia block three soutb, range oneeast. accnrdine to Uie plat of VV. t. Maurü's flrt adJitiuu W the villatte (nowcity)cf Anu A b r MilIjííuh. Alio ihe following piece of latid riluale i anu being in thecity oL A u Arbor, co'iuty and statearoresaid: beKii'ijiiiK at a poit.t forty (eet west from the bo tlieast cmerof lot tivr in block two south of Hurou Btreet, m range four ta: t in Ann Arb6r hfuresaid, runnli g thence west twenty and onemJf feel, tht-ii' e n rth to ihe north hue ot 6aid lut, theuce ea-t twenty and one-halt f eet, thei.Cö outu tuthe place ot' beginniug. Alsotbe certain )ieces or pareéis of land ituattd in the town-hip f .urn Arb r, county of Washtenaw staiï of lchiean,described usfoilowg, towt: Beinniug t the noittiwest corner of thesuiithwest quarter f section thiit-one, in towntwo scuih, range ix east, and rui.uii'R south aioDg the we.-t line of iid section eighteen chains and tliree link& to F bniitli's land, tht-nce east four chaina and tbirty four and one-half links, tienen north elirhteen chains and tbree links to lh quaittr Ji e, thence weaterly alot'g the quarter liue four cnain and ihirty four and one-hajf links to the place of beginning, contaiulng soven aud tithtythreeone-hundrcd'hii (7 gÜlUOib) acres Also all of the north huif of the west huif of the south west }uarter, aud all of tne west half of the northwest quarter of sectioa nineteen, town-hip two soutb, range six eas , in Michicn, lying outh of Dexter road in the tow nsbip of Ann Arbor, county of Washteuaw, and state of Micbig..n. M1CHAEL J. RITZ, Dated, February 21, 1DB8. t.xeoutor. Notiiv toCreditors. STATE OF Ml HIQAN, Coutity of Washtenaw M. Notice is hereby given, that by an order 01 je Probate Oouitfo rhecounty of Washtenaw made on tbe 12th day of March, A I'., 1&88. six months f rom thal date were allowed for crrditora to present their claims against the estate of Jno. Jacob (■ iher, late of said county, de ceased, and tbaC all ere mors of suid deceased, ate required to present iheir laims to 8Md Probate C'ourt, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, tot examinatiou and allowanee, on or before the Kth d y of 6ept. next, and tbat such claims will be heard before sitid Court on Tucsday ibe l'-ili day of June and on Wednesday the 12th day of sept. next at ten o'clock in the furruoon of eacli of said days. yatd, Ann An.ur, Merch ïSth. 1) 188. WILlIAMD. UAltKIMAN. J.ide of Probale. Beat Estáte for Sale. STATEOF MICHIOAN.Couiiij of Wa-htenaw. 88. In tbs matter o. tbe est ueuf John Qtiig. ley. tleceuseii. iïotiee Is bereby given, that in ptirsuance of an order gr ui ted lot ■ u der-Iitned, executor of tbe last will and testament of snkl deceuseil, by tbe Hon. Judge of Probate for the county of Waslitenaw. on tl'easth day of March. A. O. 87, tbere will besold at pub te vei.due, to the hlghest bidder, at the east front dor of the lOurt iousd in the citv of Aun a i bor. in the ei unty of W ashii-iiaw, ïu said at te, ui tiaturda. the 4Vi dav of uarch. A. u, 1K8, at ten o'clock in the formooa of Ihat day, aubject to all eucum ran es by mortgaeor otberwise existing at the time of the death of said diceased, tue foUowing described renl e-tate. to-wit: Tin west nalf of the southwest quarter of section ten U")t ai'd tbe eat half of the sontheast quarter ui sectlon nine (8). in tuwo one (1) suuth, ringepix l) eat, (Nortli,,eld.) Washtenaw counly. in Micbig u, exeept ten (lOj a res fiorn the wiuthweMt quarteruf Unds onsection len (IU)and ten (1 ') acre off the southeast quarter of land on seciion uine IJ), uo owned by Marcilla Ann u'Connor UIIARLEd H. K1CH IONl, Da ted. February 4. 1SS8. Executor. DK. U. K. AKNDF. OFFICE over the First National Bank. Hours: 10-3 a. m tol2m,; fc8 J to i:3U p. m. Can bu reached at res d-nce, West Hur n street (the - Prof N. chola' place' ) by telephone, iNo. 97, and will reply to calta in tlie eveuing.


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Ann Arbor Democrat