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Get Your Property Insured By C. H. MILLEN, VSURA-IVOE AGrETS'TRo. South ïlaln street, Ann Arbor. The oldest afceney In the city. Established aquarterofa ceutury ago. ReprosenUng the fuHowlnR flrstclass compftDfes, with over $-■(, 000,000 asgets. Home Inft Co., of N. Y.; Continental Ins. Co., of N. Yj Niágara Ins. Co., of N. Y.: Glrard Ins. Co., of Phila., Oriënt InR. Co., of Hartford; Ommercial Union of l.uiulon; Liverpool and London and Olobe. y Katen low. Losses liberally adiusted and promptly paid. C. H. BULLEN. HENRY MATTHEWS Keips a Flrst-clasa MEAT MARKET ! Dealer In all kindt of Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, One Door East of FranHIn House. Prico Roasonablo. Thanklng those who bare go ltberallr patrónled me lu the past, ln'.ao cordially olicittrad rom new patrona. HENRY MATTHEWS, Huron Street, - Ann Arbor, Mioh, Ai i Orii worRs 0. F. Allmendineer Manuiacturer and dealer la Pi, Orpis, AND MUSIOAI, INSTEUMKNTa Repalring and Tuning a Specialty. Anjrone calllng at the workx, foot of Washington street, can examine goods and prioes. I can convlnce you of the Great Bargains ! 1 am offering, D, F. ALLMEND1NQEB, ANK ABBOB Fred. Brown ! At Clarken's Oud Placb. Fl 11S ! Ijxq.-o-ox's and HOT LÜNGH EYERY DR EBERBACH & SON. BEUGSISTS AND PHAEMAOISTS, No. 12 South Main Street - DEALBBB IX- Xt usr, i e tl ie? i ii e, Chemicals, Dye Stuift, Artlit'i and Wax Flotrer Materials, Toilet Artielea, Trusuaa. Etc Pire Wiiies ai Lipors ! Special attention pald to the furntahlng of , ïhysfetans, Chemlsta, Schools, eto., with phllo■ophlcal and Chemical Apparatus. Bohemlan Chemical tllassware, Porcalsia Ware, Pur Seagents, eto. niylclans' Preacrlptlens Carsfully Frepared at all hoon. EBERBACH & 8ON. Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic RAILWAY. "The Soo-Mackinaw Short Line." ONLT DIRECT ROUTE TO UPPEK MICHIGAN and the Iron nnd Cojiper Reeions of Ijike Superior. Traversiug a t' rritory unequa led for HUNT1NG, F1SHING and CAMPING. Doublé Daily Train Service between St. Ignace ani Houghton without change of cars. WAQKKlt SLEEPINO COACHES attached to all Kight Trains. OBSERVATION PARLOR CARS on all Day Traína. The only all Rail Route to SAULT STE. MARIE. Tickets over thls route are on sale at all principal ticket offices. Full Information as to rates, etc.. copies of maps and foldors will befurnUhed upon application to E. W. ALLEN. Qen. Pass. & Tkt. t., Marquette Mich YJVICHICAN RjHÍéWl CEN3ML Timb Table, Nov. 20, 1Ö87. Standard Time. OOINU EASX. '- 4 srl A ÍÁ II í f__ $&_ ?ïï. a_ A. M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.H. Dhicago... Lv. 6.50 9.00 4.40 ... 8.15 9.10 Kalamazoo.... 1.50 9.60 12 88 2.27 Battlc Creek... iXt 7.31 1.25 3.18 Jackson.....Ar. 3.15 4.30 9.15 8.15 4.50 AnnArbor .88 5.8U 10.83 4.S5 6.08 Detroit Kr. 6.00 6.45 11.50 6.00 7.30 p. u p. H. Bt. Thomas Ar 11.05 9.50 8.80 FallsView 1.17 Üuffalo Ar S.35 2.40 8.05 UOINO WKBT. éi as s TATiom. ,S S _? S! ?Z cd a o. c a eau :a o. S P m o á ,Lm A.M. P.M. P.M. A. M. P.M. Buffalo L. 11.30 10 00 l.W) A. M. Niágara Falla 12.45 r. n. 2.15 Bt. Thomas... 4.25 110 6.50 Octroit Lv. 7.00 9.10 4.00 8.0(1 10.15 un Arbor._... 8.Jt 0 :;J 5.30 .12 1185 P. M. Jackoon... .JVr. 9.45 11.35 7.10 10 52 12.54 Battle Creck.. 11.20 1.1Í 8.52 a.m. S.23 12.12 Kalamasoo... 12.17 1.60 9.45 4.45 l.ïO 8.67 Chicngi.....Ar 5.40 6 iO 10.20 7.00 7 45 The New York Ezpicnn. a faut train leavea ChiMteoatS.lO Kal mazoo6.ö8; Battl Creek, 7.33; Jacksuii. 8.49. Ann Arlior. 9 45; arrivinKin Detroit at 10.4." p M The ( liii'iiiío Expresa, a fast train leavea Detroit nt 1.80 p in. Ann Arbr3.8; Buttle Creiik, 4,40 ; Kalamazoo, 6.15; Chicago, 9.80. Sund.iy icepted. tSalurday & Sunday eicepteo tDuily. O. W. RiTOGLis, H. W. HAYEB, e. P. t 2. A... UMeag, AgL Ann Arbor.


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