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Twelve inehes of snow has ruinod the Texas fruit erop. During IS7 400,845 emigrants were landed in New York. Earthquakes are of daily occurrencé in the state of Sonora, Mexico. At town meeting in Dover, N. II., Mrs. T'eiiooca Bennett was chosen moderator and Mrs. Jamos Hiizzelt superintendent of schools. ■ Ohio democrats will meet in state conven tion in Dayton May 15-16. President Cleveland has been elected a member of the Browing fishing club of Baltimore. Ohio democrats havo organized a state league. During a heavy thunder storm in Washington the other day the senate wing of the capítol was struck by lightning, but did no other damage than to frighten the occupants and destroy telegrapliic and telophone communication with the outside world. Memorial services for Emperor William were held in New York the othor night. Cari Schurz was the principal speaker. There are plans on ioot for uniting the unión labor party and the green backers in one national convention at Cincinnati, May 1". An eiïort will also be made to induce the grangers to come into the same political fold and unite in ono strongcombination on the same presidential ticket. The supremo court of the United States bas declared unconstitutional the law of Iowa which prohibits the carrying of liquor into the state by transportation companies. It is claimed by some that the effect will be practically to ronder nuga tory the prohilntion law of the state. Six thousand carpenters in Chicago threaten to stop work April lst to compe employers to make eight hours a days work. Since President Corbin's inexorable re ply to discarded Koading railroad strikers the engineers and flremen have abandon ed all hope of re-instatement and are mak ing strenuou1 effortá to secure employ ment in the west. A number of Keadinc, engineers have been engaged by the Bur lingtou coiupauy. McOnrigle, the famous Chicago boodier ha been seen in Duluth. House committees on territories has decided to report bilí for organization o territory of Alaska, Minority of senate committee on terrl tory reportod favorably on admission of Washington territory with present bound aries. House committee on public lands wil report bilis working partial forfeiture of raürond land grnnts, except in cases of total failure to bui'd the road. Keported that Dominion governmen will wipe out Cana lian Pacific monopoly in Manitoba. Georgia, Virginia and Tennessee were visitetl by a cyclone on the 22d inst. Several lives were lost and much valuable property doatroyed. Hereafter all postmasters receiving .üOri salary or higher will be required to backjtarap letters with the date and time of tiieir arrival. This order also extends to all distrihnting offices. The United States supremo court has decided that the Towa prohibitory law, in so far as it to prevent the fetching of aleoholic liquors into the state by pub üc carriers, is invalid. Justices Waite, Cray and Harían dissented. The Iowa courtg held that a railroad eompany could not deliver liquors to üny person within the state unlesstho assignee can show that he is r.uthoried to sell the stuff. An accident occurrod at ISarrie station on the I'ennsylvania railroad the other dav, whereby five persons were killed and several otlipr.-; injured. Disastrous (loods are reported both east and west. Duiing February 19,457 immigrants ar rived in this country, against 14,317 in. February, 1SS7. Germany furnished4,359; England and Wales, 3,055; Italy, 2.308; Russia, 1,717; Ireland, 1,407, and Sweden and Norway, 1,104. The relief fund for the sufferers at Mt. Vernon, 111., amounts to ?100,000. A branrh of the Red Cross society has been established at that place, under whose management the money will b judiciously expended. A severe snow storm swept over Minnesota, Dakota and Wisconsin, March 34. Traffic on all roads was abandoned for several days, the track being covered with snow to a depth of 10 and 15 feet. An investigation of afEairs in the Chicago postónico has beenordered by Postmaster General Dickmson. Margaret and Anna O'Rielly of Providenee, R. J., were driving across the railroad track, whentheir carriage was struck by the express train, oand both ladies instantly killed. New York republicans will hold state convention iu Búllalo May 16. Mrs. Thompson, wife of Col. R. W Thompson, president of the Panama canal corapany and ex-secretary oí the navy dieil in Terre Haute, Ind., a few days ago, ageJ 7r y e ars. Charles Latimer, for many years chief engineer, but lateiy consulting engineer uf the New York, Pennsylvania & Ohio railroad, and one of the leading spirits in the International institution for the preservation of woijjhts and measures, died at Cleveland, March 24. The public librry of Peoria, 111., was damaged by fire the other day to the amount of ?5,00a. Accoiding to OttoReichelt, former book keerer of the Arbeiter Zeitung, the Chica go unarchists are holding meetings every week, and are constantly growing strong or. Heichelt has been arrested, charged withstealing $5 0, but he says the real reason is that his enemie lieliovo that ho has been playing spy for the pólice. An investigation into the treatment of the convicta in the mines at Coal Hill, Ark., by Uov. Hughes and the penitentiary boanl shows that the men had been whipped until the blood ran uown thoir bare backs; that they wero worked without shoes, and that their quarters wero dirty and fllthy beyond descriptiou. Heretoiore the men were afraid to complain for fear of punihment. The governor ot Texas has revoked the sroclamation ofTering reward for the ar rest of train robbers, leaders of mob-, etc. The arrangements for the centennial celebration at Mnrietta, Oliio, April 7 aro all complete. Senator Hoar of Massachu" setts, will be the prinoipal orator of tho occasion. Mixteen Mormons were sentenced a few days ago to six mouths in the penitentiary aud to pay a fine of $.'i00, for living with moro than one wife, coutrary to the Edmunds law. John T. Hoffman, ex-goveruor of New York, cliod In W:esbaden, (Jermany, a few days ago. -Urn. Juditb Ellen Koster of Iowa, in an addrcss before New York prohibitionists, assuitü.l that 59 county jails in Iowa were empty. SIrs. Koster nrged high license as a step tOW&rd prohiliition. Kx-f.ien't. Gov. Wiiliam Dorshemier of New Yor!c. died at -'avaunah. Ga., the other day, while on his way to Florida. iiliama & Lander' dynamite factory, two mües west of liillsdale, N. Y., was completely demolished by an explosión which occurre'l at 8 o'clook the other morning. The force of the explosión was terific, and destroycd Mr. Landers' dweiling iind other buildings a mile away. Thiee persons at work in the factory wero killed. Thero were two distinct shocks of earthquake in Nashua. N. H., tho other day. Mrs. Littlochief, a Sioux. died at a boarding house in New York the other day. Littlechlef and his wife wero membera of HufTalo Bill's company. They returned to this country on account of tho illness of the woman. Three men were killed by a boiler explosión in a saw mili near Cookeville, Tenn., the other morning. The president and cashier of the state national bank at Raleigb, S. C, have absconded. Mr. and Mrs. John Sessums are under arrest in Houston, Texas, charged with poisoning their five children. Texas has lrought suit against several railroad companies to obtain large tracts of land illegally obtained. Cattle gro.vers in scssion at Denver, Col., adopted resolutions approving Senator Palniar'a pleuro-pneumonia bill. The widow of the exeeuted anarchist Farsons, islecturing about the country.


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