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Next Sunday is Easter. To-day is Good Friday. City election next Monday. Judge liarriman was in Detroit Tuesday. Fred Howlett and family Sundayed in (. helsea. James H. Webb, ol this city now has a pension. Democratie city convention to -nicht, March 30. C Starr's opera company all of next week at the grand. Stephen Jacobs, of this city has an increase of pension. Did you attend the caucus last night and do your duty? How many saloons in this city will take out the $500 hcense. Dr. Frank Fasquelle, of Mt. Pleasant, was in town Monday. Democratie city convention this evening in Fireman's hall. Miss Alida Lovejoy spent Snndny with het pareuts in Detroit. The Sorf; l'ainting Co .'s ad will appear in tliis paper next week. ímJi Dr. Smith is contemplating a trip to Iowa in the near future. iaJSt Sunday's storm was general and yery severe throughout the state. Cül We are indebted to Miss Kate Clarey for copies of Denver, Col., papers. Dr. V. B. smith has resigned the admimstratorship of ihe Fred Sorg estáte. F. A. Bandall of the Detroit steam naviga'ion company, was in the city Monday. The W. C. T. U. will furnish a dinner for the prohiba April 6, at Oropsey's huil. Miss Emily Smith has returned from Deiroit wuere she has been visiting frienda. (Jhas. Woodward, clerk of the Brunswick liouse, Detroit, paid the city a visit Monday. The " Bureau of Labor " eays " that one-half of the farms of Michigan are mortgaged.' A change of ad for tUe old reliable confectionery store, of Hangsterfer & Co., in to-day'g paper. Monday, April 2, occurs the animal eleotion of wardens and vestrymen of St. Andrew's church. Sunday is April lat. The schools begin Monday. Clara Louise Kellogg April !, ut tbe grand. Mrs. Wm. Caspary spent Sunday in Jackson. The Singer sewing machine rooms have changed bands. There will be baptism in the Episcopal ohurch this evening. , The Starr opera company play Monday evening "The Mascott." Workmen are repairiug the tile floor of the court house corridors. The jury for this term of court was discharged Saturday night. Geo. Fuller, olerk of the Kussell House, Detroit, was ia the city Wcdnesday. The Condón house corner of E. Ann and Thayer streets has been rented. Mrs. French anl daughter, Ouida, spent a few days 111 Detroit this week. Mrs. Al. M. Tuttle has an opening of spring milhnery to-morrow March 81. Frank Loomis, who has been home several weeks, left for Chicago this week. There will be a Baptist pioneer social at the Baptist chureh to morrow at three p. m. The annual report of the Ann Arbor industrial school is crowded out this week. There is an excellent portrait done in crayon, of O. M. MartiD, in J. T. Jacob's window. Mr. and Mrs. Pau), of Montreal, Out., were here to attend the funeral of Mr. S. P. Jowett. The high school junior ex last Fridar evening was one of the most successful ever given. Annual meeting of the ladies' library association, April 9th at 2 p. ui., at the library building. J. T. Jacobs & Co., will give the workingmen of this county a benefit. See ad in auother column. Capt. C. Morton and Lieut. II. Simins, Ypsilanti, of company H, fourth regiment, have resigued. The suit of J.W. Hamilton va Dr. Frothingham is 135 on the aupreme court elocket for the April term. Miss Dora Thompson, of Dexter, is spending her vacation with Airs. C. Q. Liddell of Miller Ave. Ihe sale of the Jacob Sweitzer estáte by the administator.Wm. Aprill, hns been postponed until April 5. As will be geen in another columu M;irlin Haller has increased his advertisemeut to one-hulf column. There are two young girls in this city who have not been aonent or tardy froru school in over nine years. The various cliurclies of the city will celébrate Easter Sunday with speial religious and musical services. Tuesday a marriage licenee was issued toEdward Hartford, of Detroit, aud Miss Lefronia Knapp ot tuis city. The demooracy can have it all their own way next Alonday if they nomínate the right kind of a city ticket. This week being holy week it has been religiously observed by the Episcopal aud Koman Cathohc ohurches. At the M. E. churoh Sunday there will be a love feast at 9 a. m ; baptism and holy communion at 10:30 a. m. Geo. S. C'orbit, tra veling correspondent of the Detroit Free Press, made The Democrat a pleasant cali yesterday. Court adjourned Monday until Thursday out of respect to Judge Kinne, whose father-m-law was buried Wednesday. Ambroso Kearney has had $300 oflered him for his 3-year old colt, sired by Capt. P. Irwm's 8tallion,VMembnno Gold Dust. The assessed valuation of all farms reported in Washtenaw couaty is $806,910, and the mongaged indubtedness 167,Ö20. Paul Sipley, of Lansing, a brother of chief Sipley of this city, w'ás married last week to Miss Mary ..Mitchell. of Reed City. We have received the íilth animal report of the bureau of labor and industrial statistics f rom A. 11. Heath, commissioiier of labor. The Mt. Pleasant Democrat has been sold to Brandon & McGrath of Charlotte. Mr. Brandon recently sold the Charlotte Leader to the Uryan Bros., of this city. Dr. Haskell who has been pastor of the Baptist churoh for 17 years will leave for Detroit very soon, and will engage in editorial work on the Christian Herald. Manager Sawyer has received large handsome engravings of Booth and Barrett and is to have them framed and hung in the auditorium of the opera house. Jno. Fogarty who was injured in a runaway accident some months ago is O. K. again, and he will now take orders for doing any kind of work in the masen line. The company that played " The Little Tycoon " early in the winter, will be here agatn before the season closes and play " In the Swim." Alice Harnson is with them now. Services in St. Andrew's ohurch nest Sunday, as follows: At 6 a. m., morning prayer and address ; 10: 30 a . m., holy commuuion and sermón. 4 p. m., children's service. The Unitarian, published in this city, is rapidly gainiug f riends and mcreasiiifc in circulation. It has good, liberal reading matter, and among it.s contributors are men and women of renown and celebrity. Next Fnday, April 6, the city will be full of prohibitionists as the county convention is held then in the rink. The celebrated Silver Lake Quarteite will furnish excellent musió. A big time is expected. Starr's opera company will play at the grand all of next week. Tuis company is composed of 28 artists, has bandsome costumes, fine scenery and will play the .likado, Pinafore, Olivette, La Mascotte and other familiar oomic operas. Swathel, Kyer & Peterson's flouring mili was robbed Monday morniug be tween tbe hours of 12 and 2 o'clook. The thieves entered the mili froui the rear, pried open the office door and succeeded in opening the safe in which they found about $10. .w'Next Monday evening, April 2, beforc the Unity club Mrs. Sunderlandwill continue lier interesting series of talks by telling of "Ruben's descent of the Cross." Prof. Thomas will read a paper on "Goethe" and Dr. Harold Wilson wil] talk of Germán universities. Monthly meeting of Washteuaw pomological society, April 7, at 2 p. m., iu the basement of the court house. Topics: Reports of committees; fruit exchange; new varieties of peaches; peach prospecte in Washtenaw. Questiou box. Exhibit of fruit, preserves and llowers. The state board of health urges tlie local boards in some of the oities of the state to make f rom house to house iuspections, in order to iind out what causes the contagioua diseases and Liow to better humanity in general. Although we have had no contagious diaeasef!, it will be well for our board of health to heed this admonition, and anotber thinp we would euggest is, that they do not confine themselves eutirely to the houeee, but principally inspect the out buildings. If oountry newspaper would publiil names of the subscribers who take, reai and enjoy, and are gratüied by, an yet neglect to pay for their home papen the reputation of most communities fo moral honesty would deprecíate twenty per cent. An editor' s labora are seldom estimated. A lawyer will give you flre minutes' advice on a topio and charg you $5 for it. An editor will give you advice on a hundred topics and chargi flve cents a copy for hi paper. An( very often flve cents given to au edito would save $5 given to a lawyer. In faot no other business mea are so uni Iversally swindled out of their labor am oapital a country newspaper publishers - Newoastle (Penn.) Courant. Demócrata do your duty Monday. Fred Sckmid, of Mack & Schmid, returned from New York last evening. Watoh ïhk Democbat next week and road what John Burg has lo say about bootH, shoes and carpeta. Mrs. Wm. Oaapary and siater, walked to Ypailanti öt. Patrick's day. It took tbem foar and one-half houra. They carne back on the cars. The oíd skinpiaster currency will probibly come into use again, as the house has passed a measure authorizing the issue of 10, 15 and 25 cent silver certiftcates. -Courier. April flth at the grand, Clara Louise Kellogp and her company will render, bosides a regular concert program.two acts, from celobrated operaa; one from La Kavorite, and one from Kigoletto. Several boys were poisoned Thursday, from eating what they guppoaed were artichokea, one lad, namert Krueger, dying in violent convulsiona. Othera alsowere very aick but ure now considered out of danger. Ed. M. Roberts, city editor of ihe Fort Madison Oemocrat, Iowa, has been apening a few daya in town, inspecting the plans and spocifications and tl.e manner of conatruction of the llobart guild building. He was the guest of Ex-Gov. Felch. The Mra. Helen Cole property, corner of Liberty and Maynard sts., one of the most deairable locations in the city, has een purchased by a Mr. Randall, a prominent lawyer of Toledo, O., who will n the near future erect an elegant and ommodious residence. A Cleveland club was organized last ifcht with 300 members. J . F. Schub, rea. ; C . H. Kichmoud, vice-prea, ;T. P. íearney, cor. sec.; S. Cramer, ree. sec. ; H. Belser, treaaurer. One vice-preadent from e very voting preciüct will bö lected at the next meeting. The republican convention was held ast evening and the following city tickt nominated: Mayor.Dr. Smith; recordr, Geo. II. Pond: supervisors: A. Garder. P.O'Hearn, N.D. Gates. Aldermen: i. F. Allmendinger, A. Herz, it. Spokes, . Lawrence, E. Ware and B. Barker. The residence of Mra. Dowdigan, S. Diision st. was robbed Wednesday evenng while the family was at supper. The urglar entered by a bedroom window nd stole a band bag contamina $55. A eward of S25 has been offered for the ecovery of the money or the detection f the thief. The democrats of Anri Arbor townlip have nominated the foUowing cket: Supervisor, Walter S. Bilbie; eik, Chas. T. Parshall; treasurer, Chas. Í1. Staebler; com. of bighways, Thos. O. urlingiiine; justice of the peace, Geo Varreu; scliool inspector, Chas. Brown; rain com. Andrew C. Mead; constables, Albert '.Vest, Jas. Steffe, Wm. Hayden, r. , Fank Hagen. The republicana of Ann Arbor town have norninatcd for supervisor Frederiok B. Brauñ; for clerk, John T. Fuller; for treasurer, John Keppler; for justice of the peace, C. M. Oagood; commissioner of highways, A. ö. DeForest; for school inspector, V alter J. Whillark; for drain commissioner, Jacob Baessler; for constables. Benj. Bradley, Jr., J. F. Stabler, Benj. Bluett, Frederick Hicks. Below will be found the musical program for Easter morning service at the First Baptist church: Organ voluntary, "Kyrie Elieson," Mozart; Chorua singing, Alleluia," Gilchrial; Solo, "The light from Heaven," with violin obligato, Gounod; Hayden's lst maas, arranged for orchestra; Quartet, "Christour Passover," Dudley Buck; Solo, "ïheEesurrection," with violin obligato, Harry RoweShelby; Chorus, ' Mighty Jehovah," Bellini. Yesterday being holy Thuraday there was masa at 9 o'clock at St. Thomas' church, after which the sacrament was on exposition until 8 o'clock in the evening. To-dav (Good Friday) there is mass at 8 o'clock a. m., vnd the stations or way of the cross at 3 p. m., at which all are requested to be there on time s the bell will not ring from 9:30 Ü'rid:iy morning until Saturday afternoon. On Saturday the altar will be decorateii for Easter day. Services on Sunday as usual. There will be special Easter service at the Unitarian church next Sunday morning. The church will be decorated with flowers, and there will be extra music, together with recitations and addresses, in commemoration of those in the cougregation and Sunday school who have died during the past year. Also a number of persons are to be received into the church. ín theeveningMrs. Sunderland will give the eleventh of her lectures on the Books of the Bible. Subject, " The Apochryphal Books." The prokibitioniU have nominated the ollowing city ticket: Mayor, Noah W. jheever; recorder, Alviu Wileey, bhervisor. lst. dist. Jas. H. Warner; 2d ist., Daniel Strickler; 3d dist., Samuel 3. Miller. Aldermen, lst ward, E. A. Jalkins; 2nd ward, Geo. M. Henin, d ward. Geo. W. Renwick; 4th vaM , as. O. Herbert; (vac'cy), John Boylan ; th ward, James B. Saunders; Cth waru; l. H. Holmes. Constables, lst ward; )aniel W. Amsden; 2d ward, Jas. ilurphy, sr; 3d ward, Will Matthews, th Wrtrd, Isaac Dunn; 5th ward, Thos, Godkin; 6th ward, J. P. Judson. The ity committee consists of John Schunacher, chairman, B. O. -Mc Allister, Isaac )unn, E. B. Lewis, A. H. Roys, Wm. Jopeland, Jas. C. Herbert, W. P. Moore, B. J. Conrad.


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Ann Arbor Democrat