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The Last Sad Rites

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The funeral services over the late Chief Justiee Waite were held in the house of representativas at noon on March 23. The associate iustices oí the supreme court wero the honornry pn'1-baarers. As early os II o'clook the galleries of the house were crowdca with spectators. Overovery doorway woro heavy draperies of black, anrl the foKs of fe American rtag over the spoaker's chair were tastefully caught up with the same emhlems of mouruin'?. The space in front of the clerk's desk was reserved for relativos and friends of the deeeased, the president nnd his rabinet. the justice of the supreme court and the funeral committeo of both houses of congress. i rayer was offered by the Rev. Dr Cuthbert. A few minutes before noon Mrs. Cleveland, aecompanie ' by Miss Ëayard, entered the executive prailory o' the house. A ow minutes before i the president and hla cabinet were inrounced. The irapressive burinl i-orvice of the episcopal ehurch was read bv Bishop l'nrot. The so'emnity of tho occasion was hightened wheu as Bisop Paret read the Apostles' creed the audionce rose an i 'oined in the solemn recitation of faith. At the conclusión of the services the caset was borne from the chamber and tho ceremonies in the house were closed. In the corridor, iinmediately outside the house a procesion was l'ormed of those who were to aceompany the remnins to the depot. At tho foot of the steps the hearse was drawn up aud lines, composed of the senate and houss funeral committees and the o niatinfg 'lorymen, were ormod, between whicii tho remains were slowly borne to the hearse. i ollowing the body were the iustices of the supreme court. the family, 'reiatives and intímate frionds of the decsased. Kntering the carriace in waitincr. the funeral party were driven immediately to the station to take the train for Toledo . The special train bearwg the remains of Chief .lustico Waito roached Toledo nbout K) o'cloclc on the morning of March 2'.. The casket con tam ing the body was at once taken to the residence of the Hon. 'üchard Waite. a brother of the deceasad, where it was deposited in order that Mrs. Waite and the other members of the family might obtain a private view. X'pon the casket lay tbebeautiful wreath from President and Mrs. Cleveland and two pairs of creasei palms, crossöd and fastoned together witlnvhitosatin ribbons. The room was Ulied with a large number of beautiful lloral tributes from many ocal friends of the deceased. A handsomo tribute was from the Chinese legation in Washington, and was one of tho most beautiful in the largo number. After tho casket was placed in the parlor, the pall-bearers cadots, ana all otners retired and the doors were closed and guarded by Messrs. lirook and Henry, two eryant of tb ) late chipf justice. The remains were privately viewe I by Mrs. Waite and other members of.the family, and at 13:31) wero removel to the guild rooms of Trinity church. The casket was carried by a select squad of the Toled i cadets, and they and the pall-bearors made up the simple procession to the guild rooms, where tlie body was to lie in state. The casket was placed on a catafalque drapet in black, in the center of a large hall, and shortly after one o'clock the lid was removed and the face of the dead exposed to view. For two tbours an enormous throng surged through the room to gaze upon the face of the distinguished dead, and the casket wasthen removed to the chancel of the church adioining. The doqrs of the church were then opened, the distinguished guests entered the church in a body and wero seated on either side of the muin isle as followg: The iudges of the supreme court of the Dnlted States, the supreme court marshals, the committee from the United States senate, the committee from the l'nited States house of representativos, the federal judges of the United States, Gov. Foraker and staff, the supreme court of Ohio, national and state ex-otlicers from a distánco, l;ieut,-'!ov. Lyons and the committee from tho state senate. the speakerof the house and the house committee, members of the ühio legislature, the bar of Lucas county and visitin? judges and lawyers, oflicers of tho city government, the board of trado and representativos of the press. The funeral services in the church consisted of the regular funeral services of the protestant episcopal rhurch and wero very impressiye. The music was rendered bv the well trained male choir. At the conclusión of the regular service the iev. Dr. H. 11. Walbridge, a forrner rector of Trinity church, and now of New Vork city, delivered a fitting and tender ad dress. After the services at the church the remains were placed in tho hear.-e and the procession formed and wended its way to Forest cemetery. The casket was depositad in the vault. There wore ao ceremonies thore, save a short prayer, and the closing portion of the protestant episcopal ritual. The procession then returned to tho city. The party which aocompanied the funeral train from Washington consisted of Justices Miiler. Harían, Ulatchford, Uray and Lamar of tlie United States supreine court; J. H. MoKinney, clerk; C. B. Bell, clerk: Marshal J. H. Wright and his deputy, W. H. Keordon; Senators. iSherman, Evarts, Alli on Gi'ay anti George, and Sergeant-at-Arms christy; Representiitives (irosvener, Montgomery, Stewart, ('obb, Romeis, Plumo. Kussell and Seney, and Deputy Sergeant-at-Arms Selger. Gov. l'oraker and stafl', all of tha state ollicia;s. members of the Ohio legislature and di.stinguished citi.ens i'rorn other states were present. Public Debt Statement, The reduction in the public debt during March amounted to ill,i-i'i..'.V.l, and since Juno 80, or tho first nine months of the current fiscal yoa-, $i;i,i 1. The net cash in tho treasury April 1 wat $104.5-8,980, or ll,600.000 more than on March 1. Tho gold balance inereased $9,000,000 during March nnd is now .",.,- is, 68; while the sil' ir tand balance shows a decrease of 13,000,000 since March 1, aud is now $ia,s86,7i'3. National bank depositories at present ho d f ,9 1,647 of government money, or about onequarter of a nillion !i-ss than a month ago. (ioveiiiment receipts during M.ucli aggregateil $2ü,ïS67 873 a falling off of about tour nuil a half millions compareil with receipts tor Uarob, 17.. Three millions of this decrease is duo to a falling o IV in customs receipts; one-quarter of a million to smaller internal receipt-, and about one million aml a half to decrease in receipts from mNcellaneous sources. Government receipts from all sources during the first nino months of she current fiscal y oar aggregated 1263,204, 7S0, or about ten millions more than during the corresponding nine months of tho preceding vear, while the expenditurea were $301',0 18, 1 ", or nearïy thirteen millions loss than for the corresponding period of the prev.ous year.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat